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Tech III

Term III (2009-2011)

Course Handout
L: 5 T: 0 P: 0

Course Code : EN 3003

Title of the course : Indian Heritage

1. Scope & Objective of the Course:

The objective of this book is to give a panoptic view of the genesis and evolution of the diversity of
India to its students and to acquaint the students with the various facets of their motherland. This
course will enhance their general knowledge about their country.

2. Text Book: Spectacular India

3. Reference Books: NA

4. Other Readings: NA

5. Expected outcome of the Course:

The general knowledge of the students about their country will improve and they would
emerge as better aware citizens. This also will widen their intellect of varied fields.

6. Course Plan for Theory Classes:

Session Content Duration Deviation

1 Orientation and Introduction to the 1


2 The Odyssey of India 1

3 The Constitution 1

4 National Symbols 1

5 The States and Union Territories 1

6 Quiz I 1

7 India’s Wars, Indian Awards 1

8 Defence Forces, Simla Agreement 1

9 Education In India, Languages of India 1

10 Crafts Of India 1

11 Quiz II 1

12 Indian Traditional Attire, Dances of India 1

13 Monuments of India 1
Religions in India, The Scriptures,
14 Temples of India 1
Hill Stations, Hot Water Springs,
15 Beaches 1

16 Quiz III 1

Glimpse Of India’s Wildlife, Museums 1

Customs and Cultures, Festivals of India,
18 Indian cuisine 1
Indian Philosophy, Indian Literature,
19 Indian Cinema 1

20 Yoga and Ayurveda, Sports and Games 1

21 Quiz IV 1

22 Quiz Semi Final 1

23 Quiz Semi Final 1

24 Quiz Final 1
25 Paper Presentation 1

26 Paper Presentation 1

27 Paper Presentation 1

28 Paper Presentation 1

Total 28 Hrs

7. Practical Assignments: 11 Hrs

* Note:
 Paper Presentation on various topics.
8. Quiz:
There will be two quizzes based on the topics covered in that week.

9. Assignment Seminar: NA

10. Policy on Makeup: Students will be granted to appear in makeup exam on extremely genuine

grounds only. Prior application should be made for seeking the makeup examination.

11. Evaluation Scheme:

Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Remarks


Assignment Home 10% Creative Writing


Quiz 10 min 10% Open Book

Mid Trimester 50 min 20 % Closed Book


Practical Classes 10%

Attendance 10%

Comprehensive 2 hours 40 % Closed Book


12. Notices: All notices will be displayed on MyChalkPad.

Course Coordinator

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