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CIE Assignment 2 (35)

This assignment assumes that you have been tasked to produce educational software in the form of
a website, a tutorial, a web quest, a PowerPoint presentation, a Movie, or similar. Such a task
should have been given in EMD.

This assignment is concerned with the PLANNING of such an educational website or software, using
the ADDIE model.

Use the following headings for your assignment:

1. Topic:
2. Teaching approach (Behaviourist/cognitivist/constructivist) that will espouse your
educational software development .
3. Give an overview of an actual Analysis Phase (provide data, even if you make it up)
4. Design (actually do the design, include story boards, etc)
5. Development (Describe how is this going to be done?)
6. Implement and Evaluate (how is this going to be done?)

Therefore, even though (for this assignment) you do not have to construct for example an actual
website, you must do the complete planning of such a website.

Marking rubric


Exceeds Fully meets Meets most Meets Does not Poor effort Does not
criteria (7) all criteria criteria (5) minimum meet (2) meet criteria
(6) criteria (4) minimum (0)
criteria (3)

Criteria Mark
1. The student identified the teaching approach (pedagogy), described
it fully and clearly described how the theories will apply to the design.
2. The analysis phase identifies all the aspects that need to be
considered, and describes fully, using actual or made up data to illustrate the
steps that are taken in this phase.
3. The design phase identifies all that is necessary (e.g. pedagogy,
assessment strategies, options, story boards, screen design and layout,
navigation, etc) and applies it to the web site that is to be designed.
4. The actions during the development, implementation and evaluation
phase are identified and fully described and applied.
5. The planned website is interesting and innovative. The presentation
of the plan is neat, and technically free from errors.

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