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Candle Napkin Fold napkin up.

1. Fold the
5. Fold the
napkin in
top layer of
half, folding
the top of the
the bottom
napkin an
corner up to
inch down. 
the top

2. Fold the
bottom of the
napkin an Lilly in a Wine Glass
inch up.  Napkin Fold
1. Fold
corner of
up to the
corner to
form a
3. Flip the napkin over horizontally,
from left to right so that the fold that
you created in the previous step is 2. Fold the
underneath.  bottom left
and bottom
right corners
4. Roll the
up to the top
napkin up
tightly from
left to right.
At the end
tuck the flap
in at the
bottom and
stand the
3. Flip the 2. Starting
napkin over from the left
horizontally, end of the
from left to napkin, pleat
right.  the napkin
style with one
inch folds
(fold napkin
over and then fold it under and
repeat) until there is a third of the
napkin length remaining. 

3. Flip
4. Fold the napkin in half horizontally, over
from left to right. 

5. Stuff the
napkin into a
wine glass
while vertically. 
pinching the
bottom. Pull
the left and 4. Fold the
front right napkin in half
ends of the again, folding
napkins down the top of the
while leaving the middle part of the napkin down
napkin standing up.  to the
Fan Napkin Fold
1. Fold the
napkin in
half, folding
the top of the
napkin down
to the
5. Bring the 2. Fold the
bottom right bottom left
corner up so corner
that the diagonally up
bottom right to meets the
edge lines up center of the
with the top and fold
pleated edge.  the top right
diagonally down to meet the center of
6. Tuck the the bottom. 
piece of
napkin 3. Flip the
underneath.  napkin over
and rotate the
napkin so that
the side that
was on the
left at the end
of the
previous step
is on the top. 

Front View Top View

7. Open up the napkin and stand it up.  4. Fold the

top layer of
the napkin up
so that the
bottom edge
lines up with
the top edge. 
Cardinal's Hat Napkin Fold
1. Fold the
napkin in
half, folding
the top of the
napkin down
to the
5. Fold the the first layer of napkin. 
top layer of
the napkin the
rest of the 10. Open the
way up.  napkin up by
sticking your
hand in the
bottom and
stand it up. 

6. Fold the left side of the napkin about

two-thirds of the way over toward the

7. Fold the
top flap

8. Flip the napkin over vertically. 

9. Tuck the
flap on the
right side into
the middle

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