The Instant Diary by Dean Derkson ESL English Conversation Ebook

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The Instant Diary

Dean Derkson
This book belongs to: _________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

City: _______________________ Country: _____________________

State/Province: ________________ Zip Code: ____________________

Nationality: ___________________ Passport Number: _____________

Date of Birth: __________________Place of Birth: ________________

Sex: _______________________

Home Phone Number: _______________________________________

Work Phone Number: ________________________________________

Cell Phone Number: _________________________________________

E-mail Address: _____________________________________________

Next of Kin: _________________________________________________

University ID Number: _______________________________________

Drivers license Number: ______________________________________

DNA Samples:
Blood Saliva Hair


© Copyright 2006, Dean Derkson
All rights reserved. I am releasing this book to the wild. You
may print and copy it for personal and classroom use as long as you
do not sell it.
The reason I am doing this is I simply want to use this method
to advertise my other book Questions to Muse You. Its ISBN is
1587362864 and it is available from many of the online booksellers
worldwide. It is a collection of 1004 very interesting questions that
can be used with friends or conversational English classes. Using it
in class though you have to be careful. One of my friends was using
my book to teach some of his ESL students and then found himself
in the position of trying to explain what the question “ Has your
spouse ever caught you going it alone?” meant. Go check it out.
Anyway that’s enough advertising. I hope to put some more
material together to release again soon. If you want to contact me to
talk about my work or give suggestions please send it to my email
address below. Realize of course that I’ll probably be wading
through a bunch of letters from Africa from people who need my
assistance to move large sums of money.


How you can use this book:

First you may want to write a diary but you are lazy. In that
case just print out a copy, take your time filling in the blanks, and
then leave it lying around for someone to read so you can catch
them and get angry with them for reading your diary.

Another way would be to pull it out at a party where

everyone has stopped talking, or simply passed out cause of too
much beer, and then pick random lines for others to fill in so you
can find out more about them in a mechanical way.

Finally my original intention was to have a repository of

sentences I could throw at my students in conversation classes so
that they could practice question formation in a structured manner.

I hope you enjoy it.


To: My Wife, Gyung-mi

When you saw that diary sitting at your
friend’s house did you want to pick it up
and read it? You had to wait for you friend
to leave the room and then pick that cheap
lock. Inside were many things, some of
them very secret. The Instant Diary is
stuffed full with everything about you; all
you do is fill in the blanks. Sharing what
you enter here may make you closer to
others. Then again, depending on what you
write, it may not.



Food / Going out………………………….25
God / Religion……………………………..39
Growing up………………………………...43
I am………………………………………….63
Mass Communications……………………79

Politics / Government…………………...103
Rules / Customs / Culture……………...111
Shopping / Clothing……………………..115
Special Days………………………………121
Style Personality………………………….131

1. ________ is a skill I have had since I was born.

2. ________ was my first word.

3. What I remember about Kindergarten is ________.

4. I would ________ during recess at school.

5. ________ was the best recess game.

6. I was sent to the principal’s office for ________.

7. I would get into fights with other children over ________.

8. Children should only attend school for ________ hours a day.

9. My high school life was ________.

10. ________ was the greatest thing in high school while _______
was the worst.

11. Home school is ________ than public school.

12. In high school the most desirable person to be around was


13. We were not allowed to bring ________ to class.

14. It was always easy to get a spare from our ________ teacher.

15. My high school flame went on to ________.

16. The most difficult subject for me in school was ________.

17. I skipped ________ class the most.

18. Scholastic tests told me I was ________.

19. My usual excuse for being absent was ________.

20. I was most often late for class because ________.

21. I had a crush on my ________ teacher.

22. The main punishment used in my high school was ________.

23. I knew more about ________ than my teacher.

24. There were ________ students in my high school class.

25. I thought the school rule about ________ was stupid.

26. My ________ teacher always gave the worst homework.

27. Students who smoked had to do it ________.

28. We use to ________ to get a break from our teachers.

29. The funniest thing that happened at school was ________.

30. I really liked the field trip to ________.

31. My ________ teacher had mental breakdown from ________.

32. I liked my favorite teacher for their ________.

33. Once in an exam a classmate asked me for an answer so I


34. The best way to cheat on a test is ________.

35. I dreaded ________ class the most.

36. I would improve the school system by ________.

37. My friend ________was expelled from school for ________.

38. I lied to my teachers about ________.

39. My ________ teacher really knew how to control students.

40. Of my teachers I hated ________ the most.

41. After school I studied ________ hours a night.

42. I always got an A in ________ class.

43. For an A on my report card my parents would reward me

with ________.

44. Why do we have to study ________?

45. I regret failing ________.

46. I hated going to ________ class because ________.

47. ________ is characteristic of a good teacher.

48. The best textbook I ever had was________.

49. My favorite teacher encouraged me to ________.

50. I had to really cram for the ________ test.

51. ________ class was always fun.

52. My grades reflected my ________.

53. You can tell a good student by ________.

54. I usually wore ________ to school.

55. I ________ to relieve my anxiety before a big test.

56. I usually have ________ classes a week.

57. I tutored other students in ________.

58. I did not eat in the cafeteria when ________.

59. My school could really use a ________.

60. Of the people at school, I hope never to see ________


61. I paid ________ for my college.

62. My college is in the top ________.

63. I raised my tuition by ________.

64. My parents would have preferred it if I studied ________.

65. College is a good place to ________.

66. I was a member of the ________ club in college.

67. I should have persevered more in ________.

68. I hated dissecting ________.

69. I had to carry ________ books around with me at college.

70. I fell asleep in ________ and when I woke up everyone had left.

71. If my parents could not have afforded my college I would

have ________.

72. I want to ________ after I graduate.

73. I should have majored in ________ at College.

74. I want to have a doctorate in ________.

75. I would like to study ________ at ________University.

76. While going to school I did ________ for extra money.

77. My GPA is ________.

78. I would skip class to ________.

79. School hall gossip was always about ________.

80. ________ is the best way to learn a foreign language.

81. I have ________ words in my vocabulary.

82. Wisdom is gained from ________.

83. I understand ________ well.

84. If I don’t write ________ down I will not remember it.

85. The importance of ________ was obscured by my youth.

86. I’m as smart as ________.

87. My favorite quote is,” ________.”

88. The process of how ________ is turned into ________ is

interesting to me.

89. The most intense training I ever had was ________.

90. I just learned meaning to the word ________.

91. A little bird told me ________.

92. I learn best through ________.

93. I learned ________ on my own.

94. I need to get someone to help me ________.

95. My knowledge of ________ came at a premium price.

96. I use mathematics in my life for ________.

97. ________ was the hardest lesson to learn.

98. I need ________ to be simpler.

99. A genius is recognized by ________.

100. For raising children you need to know about________.

101. ________ came easily to me.

102. I always forget how to spell ________.

103. The word I know with the most syllables is ________.

104. I should study more about ________.

105. ________ is a magazine I would like to subscribe to.

106. I can say the names of ________ stars.

107. I learned I was a fool from ________.

108. For my efforts, I give myself the grade of ________.

1. Family is ________ important than friends.

2. My father always makes me ________.

3. My parents would never let me ________.

4. My great grandparents were named ________.

5. From my family I get along best with ________.

6. I wish my family wouldn’t ________.

7. I think my family should ________.

8. My mother always scolded me for ________.

9. I look like ________ while I take after ________.

10. In a family decision, power rests with ________.

11. I had a curfew until the age of ________.

12. My name means ________.

13. I have ________ cousins.

14. We have a family gathering once a ________.

15. My parents disciplined me by ________.

16. My parents look like the movie stars ________, and ________.

17. I wish I would have ________ as a child.

18. These days ________ is a good place to raise a family.

19. My mother-in-law is bent on ________.

20. My father’s chores are ________, ________, and ________.

21. My mother last cried about ________.

22. I was warned by my parents about ________.

23. My children will have until the age of ________ to move out.

24. One unique aspect of my family is ________.

25. My uncle ________ needs to get a move on in life.

26. My family and ________ are feuding.

27. The last dispute in my family was about ________.

28. I was angry with my brother because ________.

29. In my family ________ taught me most about driving.

30. My sister always wanted a ________ for Christmas but never

got it.

31. I always tell my spouse the ________ is just temporary.

32. Talking about ________ will touch off a fight in my house.

33. From time to time my mother ________.

34. When it came to ________ my parents were strict.

35. The last time I got a spanking was ________.

36. My father like to say ________.

37. My mother once slapped me for ________.

38. If I were cremated my surviving relatives should scatter my

ashes ________.

39. The best picture of me in the family album is ________.

40. I resent the time my parents ________.

41. I will prepare my children for ________.

42. Of my parents ________ was more important to my


43. I call my father ________.

44. My mother used to pay me ________ dollars to ________.

45. If my children ________ they will be removed from my will.

46. I want to know why my father ________.

47. ________ is a nursery rhyme I will teach my grandchildren.

48. My mom’s best trait is ________.

49. I misunderstood when my parents said ________.

50. My lineage can be traced back to ________

51. My mother was in labor for ________ hours when she had me.

52. I have never ________ in the presence of my parents.

53. I get along ________ with my mother in law.

54. I will write the words ________ on my father’s tomb.

55. ________ is the best way to flatter my mother.

56. I inherited ________ from my father.

57. I will endow my children with________.

58. Being the eldest son these days means ________.

59. My most distinguished relative is ________.

60. ________ would make me kick my son out of the house.

61. My father is ________ years older than my mother.

62. A child needs ________.

63. I’d rather be naked in front of guests than have my parents tell
the story about the time I ________.

64. I get out of doing the chores by ________.

65. I hindered my father from________.

66. I look forward to ________ with my grandson.

67. ________ was a bad influence on me.

68. I will forbid my children to ________.

69. ________ wears the pants in my house.

70. If I were to describe my father in one word I would say


71. For the sake of our children we should ________.

72. My dad brings home the bacon by ________.

73. My grandparents spoiled me by ________.

74. The black sheep in my family earned their title by ________.

75. My parents took ________ nude pictures of me when I was a


76. I once put a ________ in my brother’s bed to scare him.

77. If my parents had died when I was young ________ would

have taken care of me.

78. I had to pay my parents ________ a month in rent.

79. My mother can’t ________.

80. Of my relatives I have kissed ________.

81. I learned how to ________ from my father.

82. I learned ________ from my mother.

83. I picked up the habit of ________ from my parents.

84. My family likes to play ________ together.

85. A favorite childhood game of my grandfather was ________.

86. I disagreed with my parents about ________.

87. ________ is my closest relative.

88. My estate will go to ________ after I die.

89. My parents always treated ________ extra special.

90. I am embarrassed when my parents ________.

91. My parents will buy me ________ for a wedding present.

92. My friend ________ is almost a member of my family.

93. I wish I were adopted by ________.

94. My nephew needs ________.

95. My descendants will remember me as ________.

96. ________ is grounds for a divorce.

97. My uncle is at deaths door because________.

98. My sister always talks about ________ at length.

99. I always ask my mother to get me ________ at the grocery.

100. I am the ________est in my family.

101. I always pestered my father with questions about ________.

102. I am ________ than my father.

103. I threaten my kids with ________.

104. My brother is a ________ freak.

105. I really liked my father’s stories about ________.

106. The last time my family was together was ________.

107. I wish I were related to ________.

108. My father says I am ________.

109. If I were widowed I would remarry in ________ months.

1. I trifle over ________.

2. I enjoy reading about ________.

3. I become unsettled when I hear about________.

4. I feel ________ is unimportant.

5. ________ would trigger an emotional breakdown in my life.

6. ________ is the most horrible thing I have put in my mouth.

7. ________ gives me a sense of satisfaction.

8. I tremble at the sound of ________.

9. I can barely tolerate ________.

10. I’ve had it up to here with ________.

11. I ________ the sound of thunder.

12. I am most thankful for ________.

13. ________ is my greatest fear.

14. I feel tense when ________.

15. I like the thrill of ________.

16. ________ is a thoughtful thing to do.

17. I was most surprised when________.

18. ________ is a substitute for love.

19. I am most stubborn in the area of ________.

20. I ________ to relieve stress.

21. Squeezing ________ in my hands till it squirts through my

fingers is really neat.

22. When I see a spider crawling on me I ________.

23. Sorry ________, I shouldn’t have done what I did.

24. ________ is soothing when I feel troubled.

25. ________ makes me shudder.

26. ________ is a shameful thing I’ve done.

27. ________ is the most wonderful scent I know.

28. My biggest scare has been ________.

29. Most people think ________ is romantic but I don’t.

30. I must resist the urge to ________.

31. I was relieved when the rumors of ________ turned out to be


32. I will rejoice when ________.

33. You need to be emotionally ready for ________.

34. The best put down I have heard is,“ ________.”

35. I purr when ________.

36. ________ is a perpetual fear I have.

37. ________ turns me on while ________ makes me feel unsexy.

38. I need to control my emotions when I ________.

39. The first time I ________ I was very nervous.

40. A monster with ________ would scare me.

41. The last time I felt anxious was ________.

42. ________ gives me an itchy feeling.

43. I once humiliated ________ by ________.

44. No matter what happens ________ will always make me feel


45. ________ makes me feel chilled to the bone.

46. I absolutely hate it when ________.

47. I like to complain about________

48. In my personality ________ and ________ clash.

49. ________ cheers me up when I feel sad.

50. If you talk about ________ I will blush.

51. I am jealous of the ability ________ has.

52. The last time I lost my temper I ________.

53. I have a phobia about ________.

54. I am annoyed with ________.

55. I am feeling ________ today.

56. ________ would make me feel better about myself.

57. When it comes to ________ I am a machine.

58. It is best not to fully express your feelings about ________.

59. I compensate for my insecurity by ________.

60. I feel ________ when I see a lot of blood.

61. I was surprised when ________ and ________ called off their

62. The lump on my ________ scares me.

63. I am sorry I broke my promise to ________.

64. After ________ I ran away with my tail between my legs.

65. I laugh at my friends when they ________.

66. I don’t like being frisked whenever I ________.

67. In a long boring meeting I play with my ________.

68. I am proud that my country ________.

69. ________ gives me stress.

70. Stress has affected me physically by ________.

71. I show my love by ________.

72. ________ makes me feel queasy.

Food / Eating out
1. I eat out ________ a week.

2. ________ is my staple food.

3. Lunch usually costs me ________.

4. ________ is the best ethnic food to eat.

5. ________ is my favorite greasy food.

6. My friend ________ worked in a ________ restaurant.

7. I will send my food back if ________.

8. I really stuff myself when I eat ________.

9. I would like to see a ________ restaurant open in this area.

10. In a restaurant the smoking section should be located


11. ________ is the best food I can make.

12. I will not touch ________.

13. I drink ________ cups of coffee a day.

14. I have gotten into a lot of trouble for eating ________.

15. ________ is my junk food of choice.

16. I ate the ________ even though it was still moving.

17. To make me a vegetarian you’d have to ________.

18. On a diet I will eat ________.

19. I threw up when I found a ________ in my food.

20. At the dinner table ________ is always the last one finished.

21. I like to eat ________ when I am sad.

22. The cost of ________ is appalling.

23. I think health food is ________.

24. I like to eat ________ raw.

25. I once sabotaged a friend’s meal by ________.

26. My worst lunch box story is ________.

27. If I eat ________ I will swell up and die.

28. ________ is a healthy food. It helps me ________.

29. When I smell ________ I feel nauseous.

30. Eating ________will help increase your passion.

31. I drink ________ glasses of water everyday.

32. I brought ________ on my last picnic.

33. The unhealthiest food I regularly eat is ________.

34. The best topic to discuss at dinner is ________.

35. The best toast I have heard was ________.

36. ________ smells bad but I like the taste.

37. I am always thirsty for more ________.

38. The solution to world hunger is ________.

39. I like my steak ________.

40. Friends dared me to eat ________.

41. ________ soup makes me ________.

42. The best restaurant in the world is ________.

43. Pumpkin reminds me of________.

44. I want ________ pudding in my lunchbox.

45. The protein in my diet comes from ________.

46. ________ is the best food made with potatoes.

47. You may not believe me but pepper tastes good with________.

48. We used to get ________ straight from the farm.

49. The cost of ________ does not stop me from eating it.

50. I love mustard on ________.

51. The best snack to munch on while watching a movie is


52. ________ is moist and delicious.

53. You should make me ________ for my birthday meal.

54. The most expensive food I ever ate was ________.

55. One food I cannot do without is ________

56. The best flavor of potato chips is ________

57. I prefer ________ doughnuts.

58. The best dish my mother makes is ________.

59. My favorite dessert is ________.

60. Gum was responsible for ________.

61. My birthday cake is ________.

62. You can tempt a man to eat ________ even when he’s thinking
about sex.

63. In my coffee you should put ________ spoons of sugar.

64. Some ________ would be good right about now.

65. ________ was the last time soda came out my nose.

66. ________ should stay sober cause they are a mean drunk.

67. I tell fruit is ripe by ________.

68. I know the recipe to ________ off by heart.

69. I get gas when I eat ________.

70. ________ is the nectar of the gods.

71. I wish ________ were on the menu at my local restaurant.

72. My secret ingredient for cooking is ________.

73. The perfect burger has ________ in it.

74. I was eating ________ when I found a hair.

75. Being hungry is a good way to ________.

76. I drank my first beer when I was ________.

77. ________ was the fruit in the garden of Eden.

78. ________ is my choice for a late night snack.

79. My mother always made me ________ for breakfast.

80. The last time I got really drunk was ________.

81. ________ is my power meal.

82. I didn’t like it at first but over the years I have acquired a taste
for ________.

83. ________ is the oldest food I have eaten.

84. I must have ________ in my fridge at all times.

85. I had to go to the hospital for eating ________.

86. I shop for my groceries at ________.

87. I once swallowed a ________ coin.

88. I want to know how to cook ________.

89. I will never set foot in that ________ restaurant ever again.

90. When I diet I eat only ________.

91. I first cooked for myself when I was ________ years old.

92. ________ is the strongest alcohol you can buy here.

93. I consume ________ liters of alcohol each week.

94. My friend ________ wont admit they have a problem with


95. ________ is the best drink for a hot day.

96. I spend ________ % of my budget on alcohol.

97. My best experience with alcohol was when________.

98. Apples affected the lives of Adam, William Tell and Isaac
Newton. _________ has affected my life the most.

99. ________ is the strangest animal I have eaten.

100. For breakfast this morning I ate ________.

101. ________ is a fun drinking game to play.

102. It annoys me when people eat ________ in the theater.

103. When I’m depressed I like to eat________.

104. My favorite seafood is ________.

105. I will never eat _______ again.

106. I think that it is wrong for people to eat ________.

107. Mother always tried to feed me ________ but I didn’t liked it.

108. I would take candy from a baby by ________.

1. My friend ________ looks like the actor ________

2. I have been friends with ________ since I can’t remember.

3. Even though we live far apart I am still in touch with ________.

4. I make friends by ________.

5. The Internet is a ________ way to meet friends.

6. A good friendship needs ________ to survive.

7. My friend ________ is much older than I am.

8. I like to ________ with my friends.

9. I stopped being friends with ________ because ________.

10. ________ is a good place to find a boyfriend/girlfriend.

11. I like people who ________.

12. I have betrayed my friend by ________.

13. The truth about ________ was shocking to me.

14. I go to ________ for advice.

15. The most vocal of my friends is ________.

16. I enjoyed living with my friend ________.

17. I wish I had a veto for whenever my friends want to ________.

18. The theme for my best friends life is ________.

19. I was nicknamed ________ when I was younger.

20. I often tempt my friends by ________.

21. My friend ________ is a little slow.

22. ________ is a secret signal for my friends. It means ________.

23. I was set up by ________ to ________.

24. My friend ________ is remarkably clever.

25. Once when I ________ my friends reacted different from how I

thought they would.

26. My friend ________ is too proud.

27. I have never told my best friend ________.

28. My friend ________ went overseas and never came back.

29. ________ was the last friend I mourned.

30. Of my friends ________ knows how to mock others best.

31. My friend ________ always needs pampering and reassurance.

32. I want to know what ________ is up to now.

33. Two of my friends who look alike are ________ and ________.

34. My best friend and I would always discuss ________ at length.

35. I once lent ________ to a friend and never got it back.

36. I can’t stop my best friend from ________.

37. In high school my friends and I secretly ________.

38. My best friend should ________ as soon as possible.

39. To my close friends I am known as ________.

40. ________ is my friend with the best work ethics.

41. I would ________ if my best friend turned out to be gay.

42. If you called me for help at 3:00 AM I would tell you ________.

43. My friend ________’s house is like a zoo.

44. I met my current friends through ________.

45. ________ is the most important quality for a friend to have.

46. My friends and I can be found ________ together.

47. I argue with my friends about________.

48. The biggest favor I have gotten from a friend is ________.

49. I show my friends I love them by ________.

50. I put my friend ________ in the hospital for ________.

51. My best friends worst problem is ________.

52. My friend ________ was adopted.

53. I am jealous of ________’s house. It is ________.

54. I have ________ really good friends of the opposite sex.

55. I walked to school with ________. We would always cut
through ________’s yard.

56. I need to pressure my friends to get them to ________.

57. ________ is the most fun my friends and I have had together.

58. Friendship is all about ________.

59. It is not a problem to lend ________ dollars to a friend.

60. I have tricked my friends into ________.

61. My parents think my friends are ________.

62. I like to play ________ with my friends.

63. Whenever I go somewhere ________ always tries to tag along.

64. ________ is the most glamorous of my friends because


65. When meeting someone cold I introduce myself by ________.

66. My friends had to twist my arm to get me to ________.

67. Hey, how about ________ with me this evening?

68. My best friend is guilty of ________.

69. ________ is my strangest friend.

70. I could call ________ to pull some strings for me.

71. My friend ________ is living a fairy tale life.

72. ________ was the last time I got the bumps on my birthday.

1. A new home appliance I want is ________.

2. I have to work harder at ________ than my grandfather did.

3. I’d like to ________ but I’ll settle for ________ for the time

4. I’m on the verge of ________.

5. ________ will be my undoing.

6. I wish all the ________ on Earth would vanish.

7. I wish my ________ would turn into ________.

8. The total amount of money spent for my funeral will be


9. The ________ will be the next animal to go extinct.

10. I want ________ to get my ________ after I die.

11. I will vote for ________ if they run for president.

12. It is inevitable that ________.

13. My plans for next summer are to ________.

14. I suggest we as people should________.

15. Men and women will be truly equal when ________.

16. Someday I will ________.

17. Schools will stop teaching children about ________.

18. I set aside all the ________ I find and save it for later.

19. By the time I’m 60 I want to have ________.

20. Early in my life I wanted to be a ________ but ________


21. I really want to try eating ________.

22. My retirement will be full of ________.

23. In the rest of my life I hope to accomplish ________.

24. I predict that ________ will happen in the future.

25. I am waiting for the day when ________.

26. I will have ________ in my pockets when I die.

27. My plan for the next five years is ________.

28. ________ would be the worst way to perish.

29. I am not looking forward to ________.

30. I wish ________ took less time than it does now.

31. In a generation ________ will be forgotten.

32. I use ________ to see the future.

33. My hope for the future is ________.

34. I think ________ is a great expression to use when I am an old


35. Dreams have told me ________ about my future.

36. I will be satisfied in my life when________.

37. I hope my first child will become a ________.

38. Perhaps I should start ________ this year.

39. My middle age crisis will consist of ________.

40. I’m glad I haven’t ________ yet.

41. If I haven’t ________ by ________ then I will have to lower my


42. ________ will stop terrorism.

43. Medical science still hasn’t overcome ________.

44. Gay marriage will be commonplace in the year ________.

45. In ________ years I will have enough money to retire.

46. People are forgetting how to make ________.

47. I would like to write a book about ________.

48. I want to live to see ________.

49. I will start to exercise more when ________.

50. In the next five years I see ________ getting easier.

51. ________ would ruin my day.

52. My job will be taken over by machines in the year ________.

53. I had a premonition ________ would happen and it did.

54. I hope I am ________ when the world ends.

55. I am counting the days till ________.

56. ________ will bring bad luck.

57. My imagination has come to life in ________.

58. When I am old I will live with ________.

59. ________ is a talent I want to develop.

60. I slow the aging process by ________.

61. I want to ________ next month.

62. I want to have my ________ frozen so I can use it later.

63. My desire for the future is ________.

64. I have been predestined to ________.

65. Shouldn’t we have ________ by now?

66. I will own my own home by the year ________.

67. My children will be lucky because ________.

68. It is shocking to see how ________ has changed.

69. I suspect I will have to cut back on ________ soon.

70. ________ is something the human race needs to learn.

71. I don’t care about ________. I’ll be long dead by then.

72. In ten years I will weigh ________.

God / Religion
1. I want to ask God why ________.

2. I ________ to give meaning in my life.

3. ________ gives me the strength to carry on.

4. I once saw ________. It was a miracle.

5. ________ is my proof God exists.

6. I don’t believe there is a god because ________.

7. The difference between a prayer and an incantation is


8. I pray to ________.

9. My god looks like ________.

10. My god has helped me ________.

11. My belief in God influences me to ________.

12. I blame God for ________.

13. I could never forgive someone for ________.

14. Gods plan for my life is ________.

15. I read ________ to help strengthen my spirit.

16. I remember ________ in a previous life.

17. The most touching song I listen to is ________.

18. ________ is the best Bible story.

19. I have been praying for ________lately.

20. I worship God by_________.

21. When something bad happens in my life, I think ________.

22. I am ________ in the universe.

23. ________ is a spiritually cleansing experience.

24. I would sell my soul for________.

25. ________ is a scripture everyone should memorize.

26. I should have listened to the proverb ________ for advice in

my life.

27. ________ has been my lifelong prayer.

28. I would hike ________ miles to meet God face to face.

29. I am a disciple of ________.

30. You need ________ to convince me there is a God.

31. I swear by the name of ________.

32. I have climbed to the top of ________ mountains.

33. ________ is the foundation of paradise.

34. I want ________ to be my puppet.

35. I wish ________ was not random.

36. ________ is only momentary while ________ is forever.

37. I am hoping for a miracle in my life in the area of ________.

38. My friend ________ is a fanatic because ________.

39. I last cried mercy when _________.

40. I want to be a member of ________.

41. My life is governed by ________.

42. I have lived a life of ________.

43. ________ is as true as the gospel.

44. ________ keeps me honest.

45. For the good of everyone ________.

46. I live in harmony with nature ________ percent of the time.

47. I forgave ________ for ________.

48. Aliens would tell me that ________ is the one true religion.

49. The entrance to paradise is guarded by ________.

50. The animals that appear to me in my dreams are ________.

51. I help out my local church/temple by ________.

52. My last act of faith was ________.

53. According to prophesy I ________.

54. I will probably reincarnate as a ________.

55. ________ is a modern day prophet.

56. ________ is the strangest religious ritual I have seen.

57. People who believe ________ are crazy.

58. ________ is a religious icon I use.

59. I like churches that are ________.

60. I need God in my life for ________.

61. My faith conflicts with ________.

62. I am devoted to ________.

63. The Theory of Evolution is ________.

64. ________ is an idol I have at home.

65. I confessed ________ to the priest.

66. I promised God I would ________.

67. Atheists need ________ to survive.

68. I was raised in the ________ faith.

69. The world needs religion for ________.

70. ________ is a good thing churches do in my community.

71. ________ is a weird religion and I don’t know what they do

when they meet.

72. God divides the good people from the bad by ________.

Growing up
1. My earliest memory is ________.

2. In my culture ________ marks the passage into manhood.

3. ________ was the last time I got a wedgie.

4. My mother would ________ to get me to clean my room.

5. My upbringing helped me ________.

6. ________ was the best trick I ever pulled.

7. The lowest temperature I ever saw on a thermometer was


8. The last time pop squirted out my nose was ________.

9. I used to visit ________ only because they had a pool.

10. As a child I liked staying overnight at ________’s house.

11. My parents lied to me about ________.

12. In the ________ grade I was an outsider.

13. ________ was my greatest missed opportunity.

14. ________ is an omen I have received for my life.

15. I liked to make believe ________.

16. I was nicknamed ________ in high school.

17. I stopped chewing my nails when I was ________.

18. I ________ behind my parent’s backs.

19. My parents often had to pull ________ out of my mouth.

20. I was full of mischief when it came to ________.

21. ________ is an interesting thing about the place I grew up.

22. My good intentions to ________ helped pave the road to hell.

23. My most frightening experience with an insect was ________.

24. I always exaggerate the story about the time I ________.

25. ________ was a defining event in my life.

26. ________ is the essence of what I inherited from my ancestors.

27. I first fired a gun when I was ________.

28. When I was seventeen I ________.

29. I do not regret ________ in the ________ at ________ because


30. As a child I played soldier with ________.

31. My ancestors ________ so I never had to fight that battle.

32. ________ was my ugly duckling phase.

33. My favorite attraction in the playground was the ________.

34. I was a pallbearer at ________ ‘s funeral.

35. ________ was a favorite song of mine when I was a teenager.

36. My childhood dream of ________ came true.

37. I am innocent of ________ but everyone thinks I’m guilty.

38. The details of my first kiss are ________.

39. My greatest dilemma was ________.

40. I denied doing ________ but in fact it was me.

41. My last life changing decision was ________.

42. My favorite toy when I was young was ________.

43. I saw my first corpse when I was ________ old.

44. I got hand me down clothes from ________.

45. If I did not get what I wanted I would ________.

46. The first money I really earned was through ________.

47. I had to share a room with ________ when I was young.

48. As a child I feared ________ most.

49. I wet my bed because________.

50. My mother was always angry with me for ________.

51. ________ thought I was cute.

52. My biggest bike accident was _________.

53. My parents were totally wrong about ________.

54. I liked to play ________ with other children.

55. The first place my parents would come looking for me was

56. I had a curfew at ________.

57. Learning how to ride a bike was ________.

58. My parent’s favorite child was ________.

59. I would get ________dollars a week for my allowance.

60. I thought my father wrong for punishing me when ________.

61. I rebelled through ________.

62. My most painful toy was ________.

63. I got ________stuck in my hair and it had to be cut out.

64. ________ was my favorite teddy.

65. My toys usually lasted ________ days.

66. ________ was a great toy but now it’s illegal.

67. My parents took away my ________ because I hurt my brother

with it.

68. The furthest back I can remember is ________.

69. My best baby picture is ________.

70. I weighed ________ when I was born.

71. My worst baby sitter was ________.

72. The renaissance occurred in my life at the age of ________.

73. At the time I didn’t know ________ was wrong.

74. As a teenager I idolized ________.

75. What I remember from my art classes in school is ________.

76. When my parents caught me going to the arcade they would


77. The stupidest thing I did at the playground was ________.

78. I was circumcised when I was ________.

79. I was a ________baby.

80. I fell ________ when I was young.

81. My parents always worried I would ________.

82. I first saw a pornographic magazine when I was ________.

83. As a child ________was my most memorable birthday.

84. For our high school graduation party we ________.

85. I thought school was ________ when I was younger.

86. ________ taught me how to shoot a gun.

87. I would make ________ myself to play with.

88. ________ was the best toy I ever had.

89. I didn’t start getting a pot until the age of ________.

90. I last played tag when I was ________ years old.

91. My worst sunburn happened ________.

92. I want to have ________ children.

93. I learned about the birds and the bees from ________.

94. When ________ it was a bitter pill to accept.

94. I was born with a ________ in my ________.

95. ________ is a skeleton in my closet.

96. I almost drowned by ________.

97. My worst date consisted of ________.

98. ________ was my age of consent.

99. I’m sorry. I’ve never ________ before. It won’t happen again.

100. I have a vivid memory of ________.

101. I first saw marijuana when I was the age of ________.

102. I was lying when I said ________.

103. I once went without bathing for ________ days.

104. ________ is the highest I have jumped from.

105. I have a scar on my ________ from ________.

106. I once was sick at home for ________ days.

107. I learned how to ________ through trial and error.

108. I was separated from my parents when we went to ________.

1. My best scar is on my ________.

2. I would hate to die of ________.

3. I keep fit through ________.

4. A membership at ________ would be great.

5. I ________ when I get needles.

6. ________ is my latest injury.

7. I was last sick ________.

8. I worry about my parents catching ________.

9. ________, ________, and ________ are my symptoms when I

catch a cold.

10. Because of my drinking I have destroyed ________% of my


11. I get headaches from ________ and I get rid of them with

12. My last checkup at the doctor’s was ________.

13. ________ was the last dental work I had done.

14. I should stop ________ for my health.

15. I sleep ________ hours a night.

16. I was told I snore like ________.

17. Acupuncture is good for ________.

18. I could be diagnosed as ________ and sent to an asylum.

19. I last burned myself by ________.

20. When I last donated blood ________.

21. I had to get stitches on my ________.

22. ________ helps control my stress.

23. The hospital bill for my first child came to ________.

24. For health reasons the sale of ________ should be banned.

25. ________ is the best way to stop smoking.

26. My blood type is ________.

27. I miss ________ days of work a year because of sickness.

28. If I die in an accident it is OK if they take my ________ for


29. I don’t want to ________ when I’m old.

30. I feel weak after ________.

31. The last time I threw up I had eaten ________.

32. Every ________ minutes I empty my bladder.

33. I need to take more vitamin ________.

34. ________ is the source of my strength.

35. During my period I usually________.

36. Faith has healed my ________.

37. I once visited a quack trying to cure my ________.

38. I wish I could get a prescription for ________.

39. Being pregnant is a good way to ________.

40. I don’t believe ________ is sick as often as they say they are.

41. It is possible for me to have ________ kids before I die.

42. I once had a scary lump on my________.

43. ________ is the worst feature on my face.

44. The most blood I have seen in one place was at ________.

45. I like to buy my ________ at a drugstore.

46. I would rather shoot myself than die from ________.

47. My waist size is up to ________.

48. Don’t touch my ________. It ________ is tender.

49. I once hit my ________ and the swelling took a long time to go

50. The key to survival in the wilderness is ________.

51. I repeatedly suffer from ________.

52. I’m sensitive to ________.

53. I would sacrifice my health for ________.

54. The doctor had to remove my ________.

55. ________ is a good cold remedy.

56. I would like to reduce my weight by ________.

57. I have a rash on my ________.

58. I was saved from ________ by pills.

59. ________ is the most painful thing that has happened to me.

60. I handle pain by ________.

61. I get massages from ________.

62. Don’t ________ or you’ll die young.

63. I once fell off a ladder and ________.

64. I have given the flu to ________ people.

65. I have spent ________ days in the hospital for ________.

66. A mental handicap is ________ than a physical one.

67. I’m ________ pounds too heavy because of ________.

68. ________ was the last time I fainted.

69. My body is in ________ condition.

70. In compensation for my nipple in a botched surgery I would

want ________.

71. Smoking helps me ________

72. I find it amazing that doctors can ________ now.

73. I am no longer able to ________.

74. I could do ________ pushups now if you ask me to.

75. I am immunized against ________.

76. I would like to be a ________ doctor.

77. ________ is the nearest hospital to my home.

78. A disease I fear that’s going around is ________.

79. In my house we keep the first aid kit in the ________.

80. ________ is the story of how I was born.

81. My health insurance costs ________.

82. I visit a Chinese doctor for ________.

83. I always hide the ________ on my ________.

84. ________ has an artificial leg.

85. I get a flu shot every ________.

86. I am scared of doctors because ________.

87. Being married to a doctor would be nice because ________.

88. The worst mistake I heard a doctor made was ________.

89. Doctors around here get paid ________.

90. I would pay a plastic surgeon to change my ________.

91. If I had just cut my hand I would ________.

92. An abortion is necessary when ________.

93. My belly button lint is always the color of ________.

94. The most common reason for death around here is ________.

95. If I were hurt I would run to ________ for help.

96. I will most likely die of ________.

97. I could improve my personal hygiene by ________.

98. I have been sick on the street ________ times.

99. I hurt my ________ in a car accident.

100. I had to take ________ to the emergency ward for ________.

101. I’m scared of having a dentist ________ in my mouth.

102. I get my colds by ________.

103. ________ is the worst risk my health faces.

104. At ________ I need to take my beauty sleep.

105. I once got a ________ stuck up my nose.

106. I have a birthmark on my ________.

107. ________ is great when it goes down but terrible when it

comes out.

1. ________ is the most dangerous sport in the world.

2. I have ________ gigs of music on my computer.

3. I think ________ is a good dancer.

4. ________ is why I like music.

5. I can play the ________.

6. ________ was the best music video I ever saw.

7. I like the band ________ because ________.

8. If I didn’t spend anything on entertainment I would save

________ a year.

9. I wish I could play the ________ like ________.

10. I want ________ on my paintball ream.

11. I once skunked ________ at the game of ________.

12. I always see men playing sports on TV. I would like to see
women playing ________.

13. I don’t think ________ should be an Olympic sport.

14. ________ is a waste of time.

15. I usually ________ on the weekend.

16. I am an expert in ________.

17. ________ is really very nice.

18. I wish my spouse didn’t collect ________.

19. I would bet $100 on myself in a ________ contest.

20. Necessity has made me learn how to ________.

21. If I were so rich I did not have to work my hobby would be


22. As a child I loved to ________.

23. Golf is ________.

24. I am addicted to the video game ________.

25. I’d like a nude sculpture of ________.

26. The best scene in any movie I’ve seen is ________.

27. The last joke that split my side was ________.

28. I’d rather be a ________ than a ________.

29. I’d rather ________ than ________.

30. ________ requires a steady hand.

31. ________ is the best thing I have made out of paper.

32. I would play the part of ________ well in a Shakespeare play.

33. The best outdoor sport is ________.

34. I would like to know how to play ________.

35. ________ was my most painful sporting experience.

36. I would like ________ to be my hobby but I am too lazy.

37. ________ was the best hide and seek game I ever played.

38. If I were in a talent show I’d get the gong in ________ seconds.

39. ________ was the closest I got to flying without wings.

40. ________ demonstrates my flexibility in life.

41. I eventually will learn everything about ________.

42. I get motion sickness from ________.

43. My lack of ________ ability kept me from ________.

44. I once heard ________ people died by ________ at an

amusement park.

45. I could never watch a full episode of ________.

46. As a hobby my friends were all into ________.

47. ________ is the scariest park ride I have gone on.

48. ________ is the best park food.

49. I once hurt myself in the playground by ________.

50. It takes me ________ minutes to recover after riding a merry

go round.
51. My worst sports injury was ________.

52. The worst sports injury I have seen was ________.

53. The last team I tried out for was ________.

54. I don’t understand why people like to ________.

55. I can hold my breath underwater for ________ minutes.

56. ________ is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

57. The most dangerous sport in the world is ________.

58. ________ is the most boring sport.

59. I was taught to play 52-card pickup by ________.

60. The most money I lost on a single hand of poker was ________.

61. When I lose I ________.

62. I would like to play strip poker with ________, ________, and

63. I study in order to improve my ability at ________.

64. I was caught cheating at ________.

65. While traveling I like to play the game ________.

66. A great party game is ________.

67. The sport of ________ should be banned.

68. I gamble when I play ________.

69. I will ________ the next person I hear talking on a cell phone
during a movie.

70. I prefer to wear a ________ bathing suit when I go swimming.

71. My parents didn’t approve of my ________ hobby.

1. My house is decorated in the ________style.

2. My house is worth ________.

3. At home I spend most of my time in the ________.

4. I always thought I’d settle in ________.

5. My dream home would be ________.

6. ________ is a chore I have to do at home.

7. ________ would be a better place to live than I am now.

8. Don’t bring any ________ into my home.

9. The worst visitor to my house was ________.

10. The house stuck in my dreams is from when I was ________.

11. ________ is a poison I have at home.

12. I need a dungeon under my home for ________.

13. A pet ________ would be great.

14. If I caught my pet making a mess in my living room I would


15. If I caught a thief in my house I’d ________.

16. The thermostat should be set at ________ in the summer and

________ in the winter.

17. ________ is on my kitchen table.

18. ________ is a strange thing I have in my house.

19. ________ is the best thing I ever found in the sofa.

20. ________ has been an unwanted resident in my house.

21. My T.V. remote should be attached to ________ so I don’t lose


22. If I had a pistol, I would keep it ________.

23. A repairman wanted to charge me ________ to fix my


24. I always keep an emergency stockpile of ________ at home.

25. There are ________ bibles in my house.

26. My favorite kitchen appliance is ________.

27. ________ is a dangerous area in my town.

28. The towels in my bathroom are changed ________.

29. Holed up in my house I would last for ________ days.

30. The best part of living in the country is ________.

31. ________ is the best gift for a house warming.

32. ________ heats their house with wood.

33. I would keep ________ next to my throne.

34. I hate it when ________ knocks on my door.

35. ________ is a solemn subject in my house.

36. ________ is an essential part of my nest.

37. When you visit my house stay out of the ________.

38. In my house I control the ________.

39. ________ was the worst place I lived.

40. ________ is the monster that lives in my basement.

41. My least hated chore is ________.

42. I found a ________ in my house so I killed it.

43. My utilities cost ________each month.

44. ________ usually does the dishes in my house.

45. ________ is a modern convenience I wish my home had.

46. As a child we moved every ________ years.

47. Friends come over to my house ________ a month.

48. I like my present house for its ________.

49. I would like to improve my house by ________.

50. ________, ________, and ________ are the most important

features of a home.

51. I want to live in a ________style house.

52. You can recognize a suburban princess by the ________.

53. ________ usually cleans the toilet in my house

54. The chores in my house were divided according to ________.

55. Our baby sitter gets paid ________.

56. There is a picture of me hanging in the ________.

57. My neighbors are terrorists because ________.

58. I prefer my house to be colored ________.

59. In my house the chore of taxi driver is reserved for ________.

60. The dust bunnies under my bed get to be the size of ________.

61. If my house were haunted I would ________.

62. ________ is a famous landmark near my house.

63. The cost of land in my area is ________.

64. At home my TV is ________ and we use it ________.

65. All the junk gets put in the ________.

66. I clean the clutter out of my house ________ a year.

67. My area of town is known for ________.

68. My house is conveniently close to ________.

69. My neighbors usually yell about ________

70. I had to share a bedroom with ________ when I was younger.

71. When I get home ________ is there to greet me.

72. I can break into my house by ________.

I am
1. I have ________ too many times.

2. I vowed I would never ________.

3. ________ is my greatest weakness.

4. I can ________ very well.

5. I think about ________ when I wake in the middle of the night.

6. I don’t mind waiting for ________.

7. ________ is the most vulgar phrase I know.

8. The last time I cried was for ________.

9. My weapon of choice is ________.

10. I am not worthy to ________.

11. I am most unskilled in the area of ________.

12. I ________, ________, and ________ in a typical day.

13. I often fantasize about ________.

14. You’d have to twist my arm to get me to ________.

15. ________ puts a twinkle in my eye.

16. I would call my tribe the ________.

17. It takes a little while to get used to ________.

18. I have been caught doing ________.

19. I am ________ in the food chain.

20. I am most ticklish on my ________.

21. I look similar to ________.

22. I am the ________ wolf in the pack.

23. I am prejudiced against ________.

24. I am a pioneer in the area of ________.

25. I am inclined to pierce my ________.

26. I am curious about ________.

27. I am partial to ________.

28. I am usually in a ________ mood.

29. I am always on the look out for ________.

30. I am caught in the ________ catch-22.

31. I ________ therefore I am.

32. I am in the top/bottom of the ________ inning of my life.

33. I am guilty of hypocrisy for ________.

34. I am most grateful for ________ in my life.

35. When it comes to ________ I am hopeless.

36. You will never catch me dead doing ________.

37. I am good at choosing ________.

38. The rumor that I ________ is based purely on circumstantial

39. Everyday I am exposed to ________.

40. I have lifted ________.

41. I can ________ with my tongue.

42. I can do ________ in just a second.

43. I will ________ at the drop of a hat.

44. I can patiently wait for ________, while waiting for ________
drives me crazy.

45. I can put a spoon down my throat till________.

46. I will ________ while waiting for someone.

47. Now I’m ready for ________.

48. I am basically good/bad.

49. I have an extra ________ and you can have it if you want it.

50. I can’t get enough of ________.

51. If I was holding the Olympic torch I could run ________


52. My perception of my self is twisted by ________.

53. My Persian flaw is ________.

54. I like to fuss over ________.

55. I give ________ and I take ________.

56. I ________ with all my heart.

57. What I admire most about my favorite hero/heroine is


58. ________ will haunt me to my grave.

59. My ________ is habitual.

60. ________ is a hardship I simply must endure.

61. My identity is rooted in ________.

62. I have vivid dreams about ________.

63. I was born to be ________.

64. I’m insured for ________.

65. You should introduce me as ________.

66. I often find myself giving in to the temptation of ________.

67. Out on the ocean alone I could float for ________.

68. I ________ at first sight.

69. ________ is my most feminine trait while ________ is my most


70. I’m a fan of ________.

71. You should classify me as a ________.

72. I have changed my character through ________.

73. I always carry ________, ________, and ________ on me.

74. I was born in ________.

75. I am a card-carrying member of the ________.

76. I’m double jointed in my ________.

77. In front of a crowd I feel ________.

78. A strange thing I can do is ________.

79. My driver’s license will be taken away from me when I reach

the age of ________.

80. I often get the urge to ________.

81. In a dangerous situation I would ________.

82. My eyesight is ________.

83. I’m as strong as ________.

84. When it comes to ________ I’m in a minority.

85. Don’t touch the ________. It’s mine.

86. My strength lies in my ________.

87. At midnight I am ________.

88. I could run a marathon in ________ hours.

89. I like to go to ________.

90. My ________ will be my downfall.

91. I like to watch ________ at the zoo.

92. I see a rat once a ________.

93. In my lifetime I have eaten about ________ chickens.

Of those I have seen ________ die.

94. When I am around ________ I lose my super power.

95. I floss my teeth ________.

96. The drug I use the most is ________.

97. I was last arrested for ________.

98. I weigh ________.

99. I last passed out from ________.

100. In the bathroom I wipe my bum ________ times.

101. I get ________ hours of sleep each night.

102. I wear ________ to bed.

103. I am a ________ sleeper.

104. The best thing I can draw is ________.

105. The biggest picture I have of myself is ________.

106. In a museum I will look at a nude painting for ________


107. I like to ride the ________ at the amusement park.

108. I start feeling dizzy when I look down from ________ meters.

109. I would like to be able to ________ like an animal.

110. I still have my ________ from when I was a baby.

111. My life is controlled by ________.

112. To save my life I would sacrifice________.

113. I am a ________ thinker.

114. ________ is the main feature of my nightmares.

115. I sleep in the ________ position.

116. When I am asleep it takes ________ to wake me.

117. I could be an Olympian in the ________ event.

118. I know how to hunt for ________.

119. ________ is the best thing I can make with my own hands.

120. I can recognize the smell of ________ manure.

121. My luck comes from ________.

122. I like to cheat at ________.

123. I tell people that in my hometown ________ and they believe


124. I wake up drooling ________ a month.

125. ________ is absolutely necessary for having a party.

126. Don’t tell anyone I like to ________.

Draw a picture in each square and incorporate the symbol.

See the appendix for the interpretation

1. I will retire when I’m ________.

2. I ________ in a typical day at work.

3. The first job I ever had was ________.

4. ________ would be an exciting job.

5. People over the age of 65 should not ________.

6. Women as bosses are ________.

7. My mother works at ________.

8. The latest office gossip is ________.

9. I have worked on a farm doing ________.

10. I like my job because ________.

11. I plan on keeping my present job for ________.

12. I work ________ hours a week.

13. I get ________ for a Christmas bonus.

14. Most of the problems in my office can be blamed on ________.

15. The last time I was mad at my boss was because ________.

16. If I lost my job I would look ________ to find another one.

17. I would lie in an interview if I were asked ________.

18. In five years I want to be doing ________.

19. After I retire, I will ________.

20. At my job ________ is the most likely person to flip out and
kill someone.

21. My high school tests told me I should become a ________.

22. My friend ________ has the coolest job.

23. I quit my last job because ________.

24. My working style is ________.

25. My job is best suited for people that are ________.

26. A job doing ________ would be great for my body.

27. In my office ________ is guilty of sexual harassment.

28. ________ is a wall blocking my advancement in life.

29. Welfare is for ________.

30. The most vital part of success is ________.

31. ________ was the most tyrannical boss I ever had.

32. If my job were chosen by my parents I’d be a ________.

33. The toil in my live will be squandered by ________.

34. If my boss would ________ I would resign.

35. I often get a blister on my ________.

36. Once I made the remark, “________”and it almost cost me my


37. I am in competition with ________ for my next promotion.

38. I could be a professor of ________.

39. My boss is so prehistoric that he ________.

40. A porter is worth a ________ tip.

41. Any successful business operation needs ________.

42. The best occupation for the next decade is ________.

43. Learning how to ________ would help me at my job.

44. All that work I did for ________ was for nothing.

45. My worst business loss was ________.

46. The best job to have in the world is ________.

47. I’d like to fill in for a week at ________’s job.

48. My job is as durable as ________.

49. The job of ________ is similar to slavery.

50. ________ is the best reward I got for working hard.

51. The best thing I put on my resume is ________.

52. An idea I had that later someone else developed was ________.

53. ________ is the best way to grease the wheels at work.

54. If I were a crook I’d steal ________.

55. Don’t ask me to ________. It is not my job.

56. The best company to work for would be ________.

57. My commute to work lasts ________ minutes.

58. I climb the ladder by ________.

59. I’d like to run a ________ business.

60. For a $1000 bribe I’d ________ for you.

61. My boss is known for ________.

62. My boss annoys me when he ________ while I annoy my boss

by ________.

63. My coworker was fired for ________.

64. ________ is the stupidest thing I have done at work.

65. In my office ________ works the least.

66. ________ was the last addition to the bosses black list.

67. ________ will probably screw up my retirement plans.

68. At the end of the month I have ________ dollars to spare.

69. My worst part time job ever was ________.

70. ________ led me to get the job I have now.

71. I was once unemployed for ________months.

72. ________ is the best dressed person in my office.

73. I left my last job because ________.

74. I was once fired for ________

75. My network of contacts has helped me ________.

76. I always have to play phone tag with ________.

77. My determination has gotten me ________.

78. I have achieved success despite my ________ handicap.

79. ________ would be a good business to start in my area.

80. I “borrowed” ________ from my workplace.

81. My boss was stupid to ________.

82. ________ is a useless task I always have to do.

83. My job would be much better if I could ________.

84. I would be good at running a ________ business.

85. My plans for payday are ________.

86. I climb the corporate ladder by ________.

87. ________% of my office got their job because they knew the
right person ________% because they were related to the boss.

88. I must wear ________ when I am at work.

89. My coworker ________ is just along for the ride.

90. I like it when ________ is at my beck and call.

91. It’s been ________ days since an accident at work.

92. Pressure makes me ________.

93. It is ________ from my office to a pub.

94. For my current job I was hired because ________.

95. ________ is the best reason I work here.

96. ________ is the reason I want a new job.

97. I bit off more ________ than I could chew.

98. ________ is my most marketable ability.

99. My workmate ________ is annoying because ________.

100. I would like to change my career to ________.

101. ________ is a good way to kiss up to my boss.

102. Don’t let the boss catch you ________ at work.

103. My boss will hire you in an instant if you are ________.

104. ________ is the hardest part of my job.

105. In my office work is divided up according to ________.

106. Seniority is worth ________ at my company.

107. If I had ________ dollars I would quit working.

108. ________ is something illegal we have done at work.

109. I hate it when I get asked to ________.

110. I can get through ________ % of my day in automatic mode.

1. I want people to ________ at my funeral.

2. People will say ________ about me after I die.

3. I would help my friend commit suicide if ________

4. I would die to save ________.

5. The investigation into my death will show that ________.

6. My tombstone will say ________ on it.

7. If I die ________ will cry the most.

8. If I die you should notify ________ first.

9. I will most likely reincarnate as a ________.

10. ________ is the position my body will be found in.

11. You should play the song ________ at my funeral.

12. I often wondered why __________ had to die.

13. I would eat human flesh if ________.

14. You’ll have to remove the ________ from my clenched fist

after I die.

15. A friend of a friend of mine lost his eye by________.

16. ________ is so old I wonder why they have lived so long.

17. I almost drowned when ________.

18. Of my friends ________ is closest to death’s door.

19. I almost choked on ________.

20. I once shocked my self with electricity by ________.

21. If I were boiled alive I would render ________ liters of oil.

22. I would like to exchange my spare kidney for ________.

23. I injured my friend by ________.

24. The most horrible way to die would be ________.

25. ________ is the bloodiest scene I’ve ever seen.

26. I would like to have warned ________ about their coming


27. ________ was the worst death scene in a movie.

28. I bled a lot when I ________.

29. The most common cause of death around here is ________.

30. The most embarrassing way to die would be ________.

31. I often see white lines drawn in the street at ________.

32. I would fake my own death by ________.

33. I sometimes talk to my dead ________.

34. My older relatives have died from ________.

35. Assuming a normal life span I will die in the year ________.

Mass Communication
1. I predict tomorrow’s news will show ________.

2. I get my news from ________.

3. If I missed watching the news for a week I’d ________.

4. My news is ________%propaganda.

5. ________% of what’s in the news directly affects my life.

6. I listen to ________ on the radio.

7. They should report more ________ on the news.

8. The headline for my life would be ________.

9. I dislike ________ movies.

10. I would see a movie I hate only too ________.

11. The scariest horror movie I’ve seen is ________.

12. I collect ________ books.

13. I can’t believe there is a specialty T.V. station for ________.

14. I first started watching TV when I was ________.

15. TV has taught me ________.

16. If we didn’t have TV our society would ________.

17. They shouldn’t cut all the ________ out of the movies.

18. The best TV show is ________.

19. My parents hated it when I watched ________.

20. I split my side laughing when I saw the movie ________.

21. I would like to play the ________ in a movie.

22. An advertisement with ________ will catch my eye.

23. ________ is the best cartoon.

24. My TV time would be better spent ________.

25. I’d like to see a movie about ________ versus ________.

26. Television makes up ________% of my free time.

27. I am sick and tired of always seeing ________ on the news.

28. If I owned a big sign downtown I’d post ________ on it.

29. ________ is not a good thing to do in public.

30. The government use T.V. to help them ________.

31. If the whole world were listening to me I would proclaim


32. If I controlled the press we would see ________ in the news


33. I would pose for ________ magazine nude.

34. I would like to wear a placard saying ________ and walk the
streets of New York.

35. I would like to write a novel about ________.

36. I like documentaries that tell me ________.

37. I want a book that has ________ in it.

38. Adds for ________ embarrass me.

39. I can’t stand watching ________ and my ________ watches it

all the time.

40. I would like to make a commercial for ________.

41. ________ is my favorite commercial.

42. If I were an advertising executive I’d hire ________ to sell my


43. I prefer ________ cola.

44. I am most shocked when I see ________ in the news.

45. I read the ________ section of the newspaper.

46. I have been in the news for ________.

47. When my Internet goes down I call ________.

48. I subscribe to ________ magazine.

49. ________ is a commercial jingle stuck in my head.

50. The strangest cosmetics add I have seen is ________.

51. Movies like ________ get me all weepy eyed.

52. It takes me ________ minutes to choose a video to watch.

53. ________ has been all over the news lately.

54. I prefer to watch the channel ________ news.

55. I get ________ delivered to my house.

56. I have put adds in the newspaper for ________.

57. The last thing I illegally copied was ________.

58. If you walked in on me suddenly, you’d find me watching

________ on TV.

59. I learned how to ________ from the movies.

60. I have seen people die on TV ________ times.

61. I would wait in line overnight to get tickets to see ________.

62. I have a poster for _______ on my wall at home.

63. I would like to make a TV series about ________.

64. I always check the ________ in the newspaper.

65. ________ is my favorite comic strip.

66. In can’t watch ________.

67. The media always blows ________ out of proportion.

68. I am waiting for the sequel to ________.

69. ________ is my favorite anchorman.

70. The radio in my car is tuned to ________.

71. I’m really excited about seeing ________.

1. If ________calls I’m always available.

2. My attempt at ________ failed.

3. People always assume I’m ________.

4. I wish the book ________ were never written.

5. The last time I was drunk in public was ________.

6. If I see someone driving a BMW I think ________.

7. I get my traveling directions from ________.

8. I give ________ to the beggars in my area.

9. ________ was an embarrassing thing that has happened to me

in my car.

10. I have acted in ________.

11. I am currently most interested in ________.

12. Country people drive ________ while city people are more

13. I would like to be a ________ farmer.

14. I found a ________ washed up on the beach.

15. If I had to be a fish I’d be a ________.

16. I should never have promised ________ to ________.

17. I had a blast at ________.

18. It is plain to see that ________ is a conspiracy.

19. In my community you should be aware of ________.

20. No one can ________ as well as I can.

21. I believe in the power of ________.

22. If a woman wants to be beautiful she needs to ________.

23. For me ________ is a struggle.

24. A hot relaxing bath can cure my ________.

25. I’m scared of ________ bacteria.

26. When I ________ I feel awkward.

27. My ________ squeaks.

28. They should send all the ________ into outer space.

29. Go soak your ________ in ________.

30. I once smashed ________ deliberately.

31. I’m as useful as ________.

32. Repeating what is said is a sign of ________.

33. I reap bountiful harvests of ________ in my life.

34. My quiver still has ________ arrows in it.

35. My ________ should be purged.

36. My latest pet project is to ________.

37. ________ is a profound idea.

38. It is possible that ________.

39. I ________ to get rid of pillow head.

40. I once used a pen to ________.

41. Neither ________ nor ________ will stop me from my task.

42. I would give ________ for ten extra years of life.

43. Something I have that I can’t get rid of is my ________.

44. I would trade my kingdom for ________.

45. In the journey of life I am ________ to my destination.

46. It is ironic that ________

47. I’ll be glad when ________ is over.

48. ________ is the funniest prank I have heard of.

49. I like to frighten people by ________.

50. You can’t put ________ and ________ together in a room.

51. I feel like ________ ing right now.

52. Carelessness has cost me ________.

53. I have brought ________ into the world.

54. You know you are scrapping bottom when ________.

55. If I ever catch the thief who stole my ________ I’ll ________.

56. ________ is a great toy to get a baby while ________ is a
terrible one.

57. ________ pacifies me.

58. It’s about time ________.

59. I spend ________ on life insurance each month.

60. The latest gossip I have heard is ________.

61. ________ is my favorite tool.

62. I would write ________ on a message in a bottle.

63. ________ is the most useful thing you learn in the army.

64. I should have done more research before I went and ________.

65. The most important question I want answered is ________.

66. ________ is my favorite weekday.

67. I must ________ before I go to bed every night.

68. I often mutter ________ under my breath.

69. I use my imagination to help me ________.

70. I never notice when________.

71. I often excuse myself because I ________.

72. I always say please for ________.

73. ________ is something I often wonder.

1. ________ is a waste of money.

2. Besides money, my wallet is full of ________.

3. I usually carry ________ in cash.

4. In a day I spend ________ dollars.

5. I save ________ percent of my income.

6. The current interest rate at the bank is ________.

7. I have ________ different credit cards and ________ separate

bank accounts.

8. The bank will lend me ________ to buy a house.

9. The stock market is a ________ place to invest.

10. How my wife spends ________ a month is beyond me.

11. The black market is a good place to get ________.

12. Money can’t buy love but it can buy ________.

13. The most I ever owed was ________ and it took me ________
to pay back.

14. I buy lottery tickets once a ________.

15. I ________ with the money I find on the street.

16. Money is so important to me I ________.

17. My spending habits change when ________.

18. I think ________ is a scam.

19. I am shocked by how much ________ costs these days.

20. My time is worth ________.

21. The best thing I got for free was ________.

22. ________ is a great way to earn some extra cash.

23. The idea to ________ was stolen from me.

24. I put my wealth in ________.

25. The value of money is in ________.

26. Two ways to get rich quick are ________, and ________.

27. A trillion dollars would be just enough to ________.

28. If I needed money I would ask ________.

29. Too much of my wage is spent on ________ while not enough

is spent on ________.

30. I can tell my money is real by ________.

31. My pin number is known by ________ people.

32. The portion of my money that goes to charity is ________.

33. The best answer to ________ is to throw money at the problem.

34. I have ________ dollars left over at the end of the month.

35. Money’s value is in its ________.

36. I could live comfortably on ________ dollars a year.

37. You should be charged ________ for sending an e-mail.

38. My wallet went missing at ________.

39. If I had invested in ________ when I was ________ I would be

rich now.

40. ________ is free but it should be paid for.

41. I sold ________ for a fraction of what I paid for it.

42. My finances are controlled by ________.

43. The police last fined me for ________.

44. My last statement from the credit card company said I owed

45. I would sponsor ________ if it were an Olympic sport.

46. I’d sell my skeleton for ________ dollars.

47. ________ is the main cash crop in my area.

48. My smile has gotten me ________.

49. I would rather live in poverty than ________.

50. If I’d of kept my ________ it would be worth a fortune now.

51. My desire for more money has compelled me to ________.

52. My biggest monthly expense is ________.

53. The rich kid I knew while growing up was ________.

54. I once found ________ dollars.

55. At a charity auction I would fetch ________.

56. I have smuggled ________ through the border.

57. I spend ________ on food each month.

58. To save more money I have to cut back on________.

59. My wedding cost ________.

60. My best piece of jewelry I have is ________.

61. The most cash I have held in my hands is ________.

62. As a child my allowance was ________ each week.

63. I could sell my kisses to ________ for ________.

64. I sometimes spend a lot of money on ________ even though I

don’t need it.

65. I have stolen ________ dollars from ________.

66. The craziest scheme to make money I have heard of is


67. I save ________ a month for my kid’s education.

68. If all money became worthless tomorrow I would use

________ for barter.

69. My budget for a month is ________.

70. I fight with my spouse over money when they ________.

1. A complement from ________ is a precious thing.

2. I interrupt strangers to tell them ________.

3. I wish I had a warrant to arrest ________.

4. ________ is the best way to ward off barflies.

5. My connection to the grapevine is ________.

6. The villain of my life’s story is ________.

7. ________ was a victim of their success.

8. The most identical twins I ever met were ________.

9. The messiest family I know is ________.

10. ________ is an ungrateful jerk.

11. I can’t depend on ________ they always fail.

12. ________ is behind the times.

13. I’d like to trap ________ in a sting operation.

14. ________ is so tough they would survive being trampled by

100 elephants.

15. ________ will administer my estate after I die.

16. The local police ________ use torture.

17. ________ is too good for ________.

18. I have to tiptoe when ________ is around.

19. ________ is too thin. They must be anorexic.

20. Teenagers should learn to ________.

21. ________ is a tease.

22. I want to switch places with ________.

23. The bully in my elementary school was ________.

24. I most strongly hate ________.

25. The strongest person I know is ________.

26. If ________ was burned at the stake I would dance around the

27. Someone once told me, “________.”

28. Somebody should ________.

29. I would like to lock up ________ in solitary for the rest of their

30. Society is messed up most in the area of ________.

31. ________ is a famous person who resembles me.

32. ________ is a savage and will never settle down.

33. Satan does not compare to ________.

34. ________ ‘s bark is worse than their bite.

35. I believe the people of ________ are repressed.

36. ________ is reckless.

37. I rarely ________ but most people seem to do it all the time.

38. ________ should be declared a modern prophet.

39. I never forget to praise ________ for the good job they do.

40. ________ is possessed by a devil and it needs to be cast out.

41. I’d like to meet the Pope and say________.

42. I have to remember to be polite to ________.

43. If I were accused, I would point my finger at ________ for

making me do it.

44. The best sports player from my country is ________.

45. I have pity on ________.

46. I hate it when pedestrians ________.

47. I would like ________ to be my opponent for a wrestling


48. The last person I’d want on my work crew is ________.

49. ________ is right next door to a perfect heathen.

50. I need ________ to help me negotiate.

51. ________ lives in the present and does not plan for the future.

52. My hatred for ________ is mutual.

53. ________’s name is mud.

54. ________ misled me.

55. ________ is a menace to themselves and society.

56. ________ has made me lose my marbles.

57. I want to look ________ in the face and say ________.

58. I look up to ________ for their ________.

59. I look down on ________ for ________.

60. I don’t care if I am on ________’s shit list.

61. ________ has nice lips.

62. It would be nice to get an invitation to go to ________’s party.

63. One person I want to be invisible to is ________.

64. ________ ‘s heart is like a glacier.

65. I used to follow ________ to see what they were up to.

66. I owe ________ a favor for ________.

67. My neighbors ________ are domestically violent.

68. Of all the people I’ve met ________ looks most like the devil.

69. Locking ________ in a room with a tiger would be interesting.

70. I ________ rely on my teammates.

71. I like it when ________ comes for a visit.

72. I think ________ should ________ instead of me.

73. I can leave my children in the care of ________.

74. ________ has too much sauce in his life.

75. I always mistake ________ for someone else.

76. I’d like to rap ________ on the knuckles for ________.

77. I can’t help but quarrel with ________.

78. ________ deserves a punch in the teeth.

79. If I had to I could oblige ________ to help me.

80. Once ________ was on their knees before me begging.

81. ________ is always hogging the ball.

82. I have a grudge with________.

83. I need to gag________ so they will stop talking.

84. ________ was always better than me.

85. ________ and I should bury the hatchet.

86. ________ has a sexy voice.

87. ________ needs a smack upside the head.

88. If it were not for ________ I would not have________.

89. I am indebted to ________ for ________.

90. I am dependant on ________ for ________.

91. ________ is as crooked as a dogs hind leg.

92. I helped mold ________’s life by ________.

93. I rely on ________ for counsel in my life.

94. ________ should be sent to the realm of ________.

95. ________ brought my neighborhood down a notch.

96. I like to provoke ________.

97. I am tired of making excuses for ________.

98. ________ lives like an animal.

99. ________ should go and jump off a bridge.

100. ________ watches over me when I drive the porcelain bus.

101. I am envious of ________’s ease in life.

102. ________ is a big baby and cries whenever they don’t get what
they want.

103. ________ is color blind.

104. In an argument ________ has trouble backing down.

105. I am not allowed to ________ by ________.

106. I watch ________ out of the corner of my eye.

107. I like people who ________.

108. I bet against ________ and won.

109. ________ wears too much makeup.

1. On my way home yesterday I ________.

2. I used to ________ but now I don’t.

3. The most unusual thing I’ve done is ________.

4. I have only ________ twice.

5. ________ is the most violent thing I’ve done.

6. ________ has been my greatest victory in life.

7. In the game of life I have lost my turn ________ times.

8. I deserve a trophy for ________.

9. I am ashamed about the time I ________.

10. ________ was the best thing I found on the street.

11. All my life I have had to put up with ________.

12. My autobiography would read like a ________novel.

13. I last took a train to ________.

14. The most rustic town I ever visited was ________.

15. My waist size last changed ________.

16. Throughout history man has ________.

17. ________ is a tragic story.

18. I don’t believe in tradition because ________.

19. The most shocking thing I overheard was ________.

20. Aliens have used me for ________.

21. It is a mystery to me how I ________.

22. My experience with ________ has left me bitter.

23. The fastest I’ve gone is ________ mph.

24. The best message I ever received was ________.

25. My most memorable Christmas was ________.

26. The farthest back I remember is ________.

27. ________ was my worst bicycle accident.

28. I have cried ________ gallons of tears in my life.

29. I have seen ________ sunrises on New Years Day.

30. I have climbed to the summit of ________ mountains.

31. I lost my ________ in a taxi.

32. It’s been ________ years since I learned how to be responsible.

33. My greatest narrow escape was ________.

34. I have never been inside a ________.

35. I flushed ________ down the toilet and it got stuck.

36. Back in the day ________.

37. I last cried because________.

38. This decade’s greatest achievement has been ________.

39. The climax of my life has been ________.

40. The biggest fire I ever saw was ________.

41. ________ really rung my bell.

42. It took me forever to get rid of ________.

43. ________ was my best retort.

44. I have planned to ________ many times but each time my

plans fell through.

45. I improved my self by standing on ________’s shoulders.

46. My reputation was tarnished by ________.

47. The smell of ________ reminds me of ________.

48. The worst rumor I ever heard about me was ________.

49. The best secret I ever kept was ________.

50. I didn’t realize ________ until it was too late.

51. I’m sorry I cast my ________ before pigs.

52. I try to forget that I ever ________.

53. The other day was the first time I ________.

54. Once upon a time ________.

55. I would like my ________ restored.

56. ________ was my most recent failure.

57. My wedding took place in ________.

58. The last time I had a pitch black night was ________.

59. I have killed ________ mice.

60. I should never have meddled in ________.

61. I was a latch key kid for ________.

62. I have lapsed back into________.

63. When I saw ________ my jaw dropped.

64. ________ was a strange experience I had that involved glue.

65. I thought I saw a ________ but it turned out not to be real.

66. The biggest animal I have touched was a ________.

67. I have killed ________ with a lawnmower.

68. After sleepwalking I woke up ________.

69. I have seen a real dead body ________ times.

70. I lied to protect ________.

71. ________ corrupted me as a child.

72. I doodled ________ in my books in high school.

73. I have said ________ while sleeping.

74. A great dream I was having about ________ was interrupted
by my alarm.

75. I have caught ________ chickens with my bare hands.

76. I was stranded in the country by ________.

77. ________ was the time between my first kiss and my first
French kiss.

78. ________ is the scariest game I have played.

79. The most interesting sport I have tried is ________.

80. I have wrecked ________ cars.

81. I was taught to drive by ________.

82. I have killed ________.

83. I still have a scar from when I ________.

84. I tried to bribe ________ with ________.

85. The most awesome thing I have seen with my own two eyes is

86. I have drawn straws for ________.

87. The last team I tried to join was ________.

88. I have caught, killed, and eaten a ________.

89. I did not like spending the night at ________.

90. Last night I dreamt about ________.

91. ________ walked in on me when I was in my birthday suit.

92. I spoiled the party by ________.

93. I was caught trying to ________.

94. Because I didn’t want to tell the truth about ________ I was
dared to ________.

95. I almost died when ________.

96. I broke my ________ by ________.

97. I really lucked out when ________.

98. I ________ the last wallet I found.

99. ________ brought me to the brink of ruin.

100. I abandoned my ________ and never saw it again.

101. My pet ________ was put to sleep by the vet.

102. A friend of mine died by ________.

103. I once burned my self by ________.

104. I once got a gushing wound from ________.

105. I once bought ________ for a mere ________ dollars.

106. I paid an arm and a leg to get ________.

107. I was glad I ________ before it was too late.

108. I wish I had ________ last year so I didn’t have to this year.

1. I would win a debate if It was about ________.

2. My country should suspend relations with ________.

3. Victory is achieved through________.

4. The government should not restrict the sale of ________.

5. ________ in the current government should be replaced.

6. All people should be forced to register their ________.

7. The current government regime should ________ before we

vote them out of office.

8. The government should recruit me to ________.

9. ________ is an effective way to protest government actions.

10. ________ is my birthright.

11. The world revolves around ________.

12. I think ________ should be necessary to become a citizen.

13. ________ is my favorite politician.

14. The nearest military base is ________.

15. I would make a good candidate for ________.

16. ________ is the basis for power in the modern world.

17. If I were president I would base foreign policy on ________.

18. The matter with the world is ________.

19. The politician ________ should be sent out to pasture.

20. You can avoid the draft by ________.

21. ________ was a stupid thing I had to do in the army.

22. Citizens who serve in the army should receive ________ as a


23. Corruption comes from ________.

24. I think the public transport in my city is ________.

25. My opinion of our current leadership is ________.

26. I’d like to be a native of ________.

27. The government should spend my tax dollar in ________.

28. ________ is a place where criminals get together.

29. My political orientation is ________.

30. The military should make up ________ % of the population.

31. A ________ is a powerful persuasive tool.

32. The government should help the lower class by ________.

33. ________ is the biggest threat to my way of life.

34. The government is responsible for ________.

35. The flag of my personal country would have ________ on it.

1. I have kissed ________ toads looking for someone perfect.

2. ________ has a sexy voice.

3. ________ is my biggest turn on.

4. How did ________ get together?

5. I call ________ Sir.

6. My most impressionable role model was ________.

7. ________ has earned my respect.

8. I require ________ of my mate.

9. I rely on ________ for the latest gossip.

10. My current relationship started by ________.

11. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m no relation to

12. When I speak with ________ we need a referee.

13. ________ is not a reasonable person. I avoid dealing with them.

14. My mate is always prowling for ________.

15. The most important quality a partner of mine should have is


16. Being fluent in ________ would help my sex life.

17. Not only is ________ crazy but they are also ________.

18. It is best to remain neutral when ________ and ________ fight.

19. My minimum requirements for a mate are ________.

20. My relationship with my mate was kindled by ________.

21. I find ________ men/women attractive.

22. My father did not like me seeing ________.

23. Every husband should ________and every wife should


24. I would use a mail order bride service if ________.

25. I moved through the bases with my boy/girlfriend in

________ days.

26. A romantic date starts by ________ has ________ in it and ends


27. ________ is essential to love.

28. ________ represents my knight in shining armor.

29. Divorce is necessary when ________

30. I am a bridge between ________ and ________.

31. I am attracted to people with ________.

32. To someone I’ve never met I introduce myself as ________.

33. ________ turns you off?

34. Most men prefer girls with long hair because ________.

35. I find ________ eyes alluring.

36. Alcohol helps me relate to the opposite sex by ________.

37. To really impress a date, I would take them ________.

38. I like it when my date wears the color ________.

39. I attract ________ people.

40. I could make myself more attractive by ________.

41. The best way to kiss is ________.

42. I like the way your ________ sway.

43. I would like my date to dress ________.

44. Chestnut trees smell like ________ in the summer.

45. People with full lips ________.

46. I can tell a couple is a good match by ________.

47. ________ is a good age to get married.

48. I could marry someone ________ years older than me.

49. What I remember about my first date is ________.

50. A date I had that bombed was ________.

51. My favorite pickup line is ________.

52. I would like to take out the movie star________.

53. At the age of ________ I will allow my children to start dating.

54. My friend ________ set me up on a blind date.

55. ________ base is the furthest I got on a first date.

56. It takes me ________ dates before I relax and be myself.

57. I know I’m in love by the ________.

58. The easiest way to break up is ________.

59. Around here a good place to go on a date is ________.

60. I once walked out on a date when ________.

61. My dates need to have a ________ personality.

62. I once dated someone from ________.

63. I had a one-night stand with ________.

64. I like to double date with ________.

65. I buy my date flowers once a ________.

66. I never want to meet with ________ again.

67. I woo my lover by ________.

68. If I caught my girl/boyfriend with someone else I’d ________.

69. I would ________ if me/my girlfriend became pregnant.

70. I want to be reunited with ________.

71. You should ________ before marriage.

72. The opposite sex is pacified by ________.

73. A mistress should receive ________ when her lover dies.

74. Marriage is for ________.

75. Love’s most important ingredient is ________.

76. ________ is what should be written in any good love letter.

77. ________ is the most attractive person I know.

78. ________ opens to me like a flower.

79. I am attracted to people who ________.

80. ________ is the most attractive person I know.

81. I make myself more attractive by ________.

82. I regret not ________ with my first love.

83. ________ frustrates me about the opposite sex.

84. I have been stood up ________ times.

85. I trick my spouse by ________.

86. I will get more dates if I have ________ surgery.

87. ________ is a good place for a romantic walk.

88. I’d like to tell my spouse ________ but I can’t.

89. I gave up ________ for love.

90. When it comes to dating ________ has always been a babe in

the woods.

91. If I were getting married tomorrow I would choose ________
for my best man.
92. ________ is the worst game women like to play.

93. I was really excited when I met ________.

94. I was madly in love with ________ but they didn’t care for me.

95. I didn’t know ________ was a gay bar before I walked in there.

96. I rent ________ erotic movies a year.

97. In a divorce ________ should decide custody of the children.

98. Given a choice between a woman and beer most men will
choose ________.

99. ________ is a great practical joke to play on women.

100. Most women prefer ________ to men.

101. Most men like younger women because ________.

102. Most women like older men because ________.

103. I flirt with the opposite sex by ________.

104. I use ________ to initiate a romantic moment.

105. I always compliment ________ on ________.

106. I call my lover ________.

107. Women should ________ while men should.

108. The biggest drawback to getting married is ________.

Rules / Culture
1. ________ is the foundation of culture.

2. This culture is interesting because ________.

3. Other people stereotype me by ________.

4. People from other countries surprise me by ________.

5. I need to change my culture by ________.

6. I am friends with ________ people who are of a different


7. I consider ________ to be rude but most people don’t seem to


8. I advise you to ________ while you are here.

9. I admire the ________ for their acceptance of others.

10. Religion plays a ________ role in my cultural traditions.

11. In my house it is customary to ________.

12. ________ is the best photograph I have.

13. The biggest taboo in my life is ________.

14. I could never ________ with my father.

15. ________ is a common cultural misunderstanding around here.

16. The most important rule to keep in life is ________.

17. The judge turned down my request for ________.

18. The worst insult in my culture is ________.

19. All people should ________ in order to make our society a

better place.

20. If I saw an accident I would ________.

21. ________ is a stabilizing factor in my life.

22. ________ is a pseudonym for ________.

23. I wish I would have been allowed to ________

24. ________ should be a fundamental human right.

25. The three most important things gentleman do are ________,

________, and ________.

26. I always extend help to ________.

27. The most important historical figure is ________.

28. ________ is too many people for a party.

29. You should always keep ________ away from ________.

30. A person is mature when ________.

31. ________ is an excuse I have used too much.

32. Each one of us should________.

33. You should never disturb a ________.

34. I am involved in my community by________.

35. The latest catchphrase going around is ________.

36. I have boycotted ________.

37. A common country expression I have heard around here is


38. The government controls us through ________.

39. My police file says ________.

40. Criminals who ________ should get lighter sentences.

41. I wish ________ was a national tradition.

42. I think everyone should ________.

43. For ________ I got a spanking from my parents.

44. My success is determined by ________.

45. I will not accept your apology if ________.

46. The government should execute people by ________.

47. ________ is the defining aspect of the modern age.

48. Nowadays ________ is more important than ________.

49. For a toast at my best friends wedding I would say ________.

50. I would feel out of place if I wore ________ to work.

51. ________ is a strange custom from another country.

52. I wish it were easier to talk about ________.

53. My great grandfather would think we have become ________.

54. If you are ________ minutes late you are not coming.

55. You are not allowed to ________ in public.

56. Don’t ever leave home without your ________.

57. Don’t talk about ________ while I am eating.

58. My mother told me never to ________.

59. When I was young I would ask my ________ for permission to

do something.

60. The idea of ________ is a big influence in my culture.

61. Never leave food out uncovered for more than ________ hours.

62. I cheat when I play ________.

63. ________ is an appropriate gift for a wedding.

64. I can’t ________ because of my religion.

65. ________ is a well known rule that everyone breaks.

66. Whoever ________ controls the TV remote.

67. ________ is a change in my culture I have noticed recently.

68. As a child I always waited for ________.

69. My mother would not let me ________ without supervision.

70. I spilled the beans about ________ even though I crossed my


71. In dating ________ is an unwritten rule.

Shopping / Clothing
1. If someone's underwear were showing, I would tell them

2. I shop for bargains at ________.

3. I buy lottery tickets whenever ________.

4. I always check ________ before I make a decision to buy


5. ________ is the best place to find second hand goods.

6. I spend ________ on Christmas presents.

7. I’m saving money to buy a ________.

8. I keep up with fashion trends by ________.

9. Hats are ________.

10. A pair of jeans will last me ________.

11. I have ________ pairs of shoes.

12. I have ________ in my closet but I have only worn it once.

13. I don’t like shopping for ________.

14. Piercing my ________ is OK but piercing my ________ is not.

15. The latest fashion trend I have seen is ________. It will last till

16. My shoe size is ________ and this is related to sex because


17. I can never find ________.

18. Women who wear mini skirts are ________.

19. I would like a tattoo of ________ on my ________.

20. My grandmother should stop wearing ________.

21. Women who don’t have earrings are obviously ________.

22. Men who have earrings are obviously ________.

23. Women who wear too much makeup turn my ________.

24. For a man, wearing ________ is provocative.

25. With her own hands my mother made me ________ to wear.

26. My underwear has ________ on it.

27. My most durable possession is ________.

28. I own ________ ounces of gold.

29. ________ is the best color for lipstick.

30. I wore ________ to the prom.

31. I bought ________ just because it was on sale.

32. ________ is the best brand of clothing.

33. I won’t touch ________ without gloves.

34. ________ is out of fashion but I don’t care.

35. At a nude beach I would take off ________.

36. I can never find ________ at the supermarket.

37. I would like to own a ________ store.

38. The last thing I stole was ________.

39. ________ was the biggest size I ever wore.

40. ________ is the most sensible thing I own.

41. The most important things to put in a purse are ________.

42. A product I would like to become available is ________.

43. My most precious belonging is my ________.

44. Someone should invent a portable ________.

45. ________ is the best perfume I have used.

46. I like to wear pink ________.

47. My favorite pattern on my clothes is ________.

48. I am a patron of ________ more than any other business.

49. My ideal pajamas would have pictures of ________ on them.

50. I like to go garage sailing for ________.

51. A mustache would make me look ________.

52. I don’t like shopping for ________ because of the salesmen.

53. Once I peed my pants when ________.

54. My favorite gem is ________.

55. A ________ fur coat would be very nice.

56. The best gift I ever gave was ________.

57. I once got a counterfeit________.

58. I’ll throw out clothing if it is ________.

59. The most revealing clothes I have worn in public were


60. Someone wearing ________ wants to be seduced.

61. ________ clothes make me feel sexy.

62. I use makeup to ________.

63. My perfume of choice is ________.

64. When I go shopping I usually spend ________.

65. The most I have paid for a pair of pants is ________.

66. When I walk into ________ they recognize me.

67. I have bought ________ online.

68. I have shoplifted ________.

69. I like to go shopping with my________.

70. My favorite outfit growing up was ________.

71. People ask me where I buy my ________.

72. For a formal occasion I will wear ________.

73. When the weather is ________ I stop caring about fashion.

74. To attend a wedding tomorrow I would wear________.

75. If I were left naked in the woods I would look for ________ to
put on.

76. My favorite tie is ________.

77. My ________ is the oldest clothing I own.

78. I own ________ pairs of pants that don’t fit me anymore.

79. I am caught flying low once a ________.

80. My clothing says I am ________.

81. The best clothing accessory is ________.

82. When I go shopping I feel ________.

83. For me a decent outfit costs ________.

84. Women’s clothing costs more because ________.

85. ________ is the best material to have next to my skin.

86. I have that dream that I’m naked in public whenever________.

87. The most embarrassing rip I have had was ________.

88. I own ________ pairs of socks and ________ % of them have


89. For a lazy day at home I wear ________.

90. ________ is a good color for me to wear.

91. I spend ________ a month on beauty products.

92. I use ________ toothpaste.

93. Some animal products I use are ________, ________, and


94. When my sister borrows my clothing I ________.

95. I have made my own ________ to wear.

96. When my clothing gets damaged I ________.

97. ________ makes me feel itchy.

98. ________ is something I own that is unique.

99. It is ________ kilometers from my house to downtown.

100. The most embarrassing thing to buy is ________.

101. I would like a 10% lifetime discount at the ________ store.

102. I get picky when I buy ________.

103. If I get a ________ as a present I’ll return it.

104. I bought a ________. Later I found out a friend had bought one
as well.

105. The store ________ must make a lot of money.

106. I bought a ________ just because the clerk was cute.

107. My spouse needs help when they shop for ________.

Special Days / Weather
1. A good prank to pull on Halloween is ________.

2. ________ is the best holiday.

3. I hate it when the weather is ________.

4. I stopped enjoying snow when I was ________.

5. Last Christmas sucked because ________.

6. It would be terrible to be ________ during the holidays.

7. I celebrate ________ by ________.

8. My family will ________ during the holidays.

9. The best Christmas party is always at ________.

10. I had to work during the ________ holiday at ________.

11. Around here people always kill themselves during ________.

12. Weddings are a good place to ________.

13. My best Valentine’s day was ________.

14. A strange day I celebrate is ________.

15. People would ________ on my personal holiday.

16. ________ is the best holiday food.

17. I would like to be in ________ to celebrate ________.

18. I go on a diet after the ________ holiday.

19. I will bring ________ to a wedding shower.

20. I am most likely to be arrested during the ________ holiday.

21. I want Santa to bring me a ________ next year.

22. If I had the day off tomorrow I would ________.

23. ________ is great on a summer day.

24. On cold rainy days I like to ________.

25. The storm wrecked my ________.

26. ________ is the best season because ________.

27. On Saturday mornings I have to ________.

28. I shovel ________ tons of snow in a year.

29. Santa should have a reindeer named ________.

30. Bad weather has helped me by ________.

31. I bring ________ to the beach with me in the summer.

32. The last time I saw a rainbow was ________.

33. November is when I usually ________.

34. I want a new holiday for ________.

35. Friday is a day to ________.

36. When I was young my chocolate Easter bunny would last

________ days.

37. Last New years was celebrated by ________.

38. I fall asleep ________ minutes after Thanksgiving dinner.

39. For Christmas I only buy presents for ________.

40. The worst Christmas present I ever got was ________. It was
from ________.

41. ________ is a sad time of year for me.

42. As a child my summer routine was ________.

43. My Christmas tree is ________ years old.

44. I make mothers day special by ________.

45. It was a sad day when ________ got married.

46. I wait in fear for ________.

47. The bonfires at ________ were romantic

48. My kids can stay up till ________on New Years Eve.

49. If we didn’t wear green on St. Patrick’s Day then ________.

50. A good gift for my father on Fathers Day is ________.

51. I need ________ for fun on Gate night.

52. The holiday I look forward to the most is ________.

53. In the summer to stay cool I ________.

54. I once saw hail as big as ________.

55. The season most compatible with my personality is ________.

56. The worst winter I remember was ________.

57. The power went out during ________ and we had a great time.

58. The most popular toy this season is the ________.

59. ________ weather frightens me.

60. The coldest water I have swum in was ________.

61. In summer I like eating ________ fresh out of the garden.

62. I find it hard to sleep when the weather is ________.

63. ________ was the best time at the beach I remember.

64. The hardest day of work I ever had was ________.

65. I first met my lover on a ________ day.

66. When I was young ________ was special but now I wish it

67. I was ________ when I heard that ________ had died.

68. ________ was the happiest day in my life so far.

69. One bright sunny day I felt sad because ________.

70. I wait in anticipation for the day when ________.

71. I spice up my regular day by ________.

72. I bought ________ on my first big payday.

1. I would ________ if I had only a day to live.

2. I want to switch places with ________ for a week.

3. I’d like the power to ________ for one day.

4. With telepathic power I would listen to what ________ is


5. If I were given great wisdom, I would use it to ________.

6. I would like to talk to the Queen of England about ________.

7. I believe that ghosts ________.

8. ________ is the scariest true story I know.

9. I am haunted by ________.

10. To cleanse my house I turn to ________.

11. You should never ________ or it will bring bad luck to your

12. Psychics know about my life through ________.

13. ________ is the most reliable way to see into the future.

14. Tomorrow my horoscope will say ________.

15. My dreams tell me I’m going to ________.

16. I can’t understand or explain how ________.

17. I practice my ESP by ________.

18. The aliens used me for ________ in their spaceship.

19. My guardian angel warns be by ________.

20. ________ happened. What a coincidence!

21. I asked the 8 Ball about ________ and it was right.

22. I summon a dead spirit through ________.

23. My most vivid dream was about ________.

24. The best urban myth I ever heard was ________.

25. I think ________ is unlucky.

26. If I woke up a child tomorrow I would change my life by


27. Once upon a time there were ________.

28. You should always leave ________ undisturbed.

29. The extraterrestrials are looking for ________.

30. Thinking about ________ makes it happen.

31. If the enemy surrounded me, I would ________.

32. I am superstitious about ________.

33. If money were worthless, ________ would determine success

in life.

34. ________ was my most surreal psychic experience.

35. I would plead for ________.

36. If you wanted to lure me into a trap you would need ________.

37. If I were Death, I’d use a ________ instead of a scythe.

38. I saw a flying saucer when I was ________.

39. If you aren’t quick enough then ________.

40. The pyramids are proof that ________.

41. If I were a Viking I would have the freedom to ________.

42. I was bewitched by ________ into ________.

43. As a peasant I would not have to worry about ________.

44. I’d like the myth about ________ to be true.

45. I ________ during a full moon.

46. I would want a fortuneteller to tell me ________ about my


47. The best magic trick I know is ________.

48. I wish my ________ would come to life.

49. My worst nightmare was ________.

50. In my last dream involving water ________.

51. If I could make one thing from my dreams real, it would be


52. I wish I were invulnerable to ________.

53. If I were a witch the animal I would turn into would be

54. I would like a potion for ________.

55. As a ghost I would ________.

56. If I were the opposite gender I would have achieved ________

by now.

57. At a wishing fountain I throw money in and ask for ________.

58. If a flasher came up to me on the street I would ________.

59. As a feudal lord I would require ________ of my subjects.

60. I can slay the dragon by ________.

61. If I had run away with the circus I would be a ________.

62. I had a book about ________ and I never should have let it go.

63. ________ is a psychic game I have played.

64. My horoscope is wrong because ________.

65. I would use ________ to catch a ghost.

66. I visit my dead relatives once a ________.

67. ________ is right next door to a witch.

68. A spiritualist once told me to ________.

69. The solitude of a deserted island would ________.

70. If I met an alien I’d ________.

71. If you ever ________ then you are a knob.

72. If a bear were chasing me in the woods I would get away by


73. My Chinese horoscope animal is ________.

74. A month in the woods alone would make me ________.

75. If doctors could use any animals for human transplants, I

wouldn’t mind having a ________ heart.

76. If it looked like a war was going to happen I would ________.

77. If I saw a tornado forming I would ________.

78. If I knew nuclear war would start tomorrow Then ________.

79. Ghosts are usually looking for ________.

80. The last fortuneteller I visited told me ________.

81. My ________ has spiritual significance.

82. ________ is a popular ghost story in my hometown.

83. ________ was a supernatural experience I have had.

84. I believe the devil could help me by ________.

85. My twin lives in ________.

86. I need an exorcist to ________.

87. In my house ________ has grown legs and moves on its own.

88. Out of the corner of my eye I see ________ sometimes.

89. I am over superstitious about ________.

90. ________ is the best time to see something supernatural.

91. I would like to change my horoscope sign to ________.

92. Some people drink urine. I would if ________.

93. After death I will ________.

94. ________ is my vision of what hell looks like.

95. You will have to show me ________ before I believe in them.

96. ________ is a weird place I love to go.

97. I was most humiliated when ________.

98. I am amazed that ________ did not die when ________.

99. Evil exists in the form of ________.

100. I had a bad feeling in my gut before ________ happened.

101. ________ is a magic spell I know.

102. It is unlucky to let a ________ into your house.

103. I would hide from ________.

104. If I am losing at a game I improve my luck by ________.

105. I thought I was psychic when ________.

106. I believe psychic information when ________.

107. I had a ________ dream and it told me ________.

Style / Personality
1. My story begins ________.

2. The best place to volunteer my time is ________.

3. ________ fills the void in my life.

4. I think ________ is really fashionable.

5. My purest virtue is ________.

6. ________ is the most romantic form of music.

7. I’m very opinionated about my views on ________.

8. I am unwilling to ________.

9. I get a haircut once a ________.

10. A good place to show off is ________.

11. I have trouble drawing ________ while I draw ________ great.

12. I have done ________ for the sake of art.

13. A picture of ________ would be nice hanging in my living


14. The weirdest art on public display in my city is ________.

15. The story of ________ inspires me.

16. ________ is the most artsy person I know.

17. I express myself through ________.

18. The color ________ does not go well with me.

19. The genre of my life is ________.

20. I think red is a good color for ________.

21. I add relish to my life by ________.

22. ________ is a lame joke.

23. You should refrain from ________ around me.

24. I have a strong resolve when it comes to ________.

25. If I were trapped in a corner I would resort to ________.

26. The best response to an insult is ________.

27. I will not share my ________.

28. I look in a mirror ________ times a day.

29. No, I don’t want a ________, go away.

30. I took the open road to ________.

31. I want to ________ at the roof of the world.

32. All this talk about ________ is rubbish.

33. I wish my signature started with the letter ________.

34. I keep ________ up my sleeve.

35. I have a slight ________ problem.

36. So long as I have ________ I’ll be OK.

37. ________ is superior to ________.

38. ________ lacks the substance I thought it would have.

39. My struggle with ________ is almost over.

40. Three ________ is too many but a thousand ________ is too


41. I got over my last break up by ________.

42. We should ________ and ________ at the same time.

43. When I am ________ time seems to last forever.

44. I strive to appear ________.

45. I would like a recording of ________.

46. ________ has a nice rear.

47. The ratio of good thoughts to bad thoughts in my head is

________ : ________.

48. I’ve had quite enough of ________.

49. I need my quiet time for ________.

50. I hate queuing for ________.

51. Quantity is ________ than quality.

52. I will put off ________ till tomorrow.

53. The purpose of my life is ________.

54. I like purple colored ________.

55. I am extremely proud of ________.

56. If I could ________ better I’d be more popular.

57. ________ is a simple pleasure in my life.

58. My cup is half ________.

59. ________ is just across the line from sensual to perverse.

60. The best way to persuade me is to ________.

61. The most important part of my personality is my ________.

62. ________ is too personal to talk about.

63. You’d better have my permission before you ________.

64. ________ is now a permanent part of my lifestyle.

65. ________ is my most peculiar trait.

66. The five best elements for a party are ________.

67. I would like to see a ________.

68. If I were king my palace would be ________.

69. I think everyone should own ________.

70. I often overlook the need to ________.

71. ________ is out of the question with me.

72. A ________ tree would be nice to have in my back yard.

73. I like to ________ by myself.

74. Being at the ocean makes me ponder ________.

75. I thought ________ was obvious to everyone.

76. If you make any jokes about my ________ I’ll kill you.

77. I prefer natural ________ to artificial ones.

78. ________ would be a good narrator for the story of my life.

79. I’m most self-conscious about my ________.

80. I’d like to see ________ in the local museum.

81. When it comes to ________ I will reject logic.

82. I’m glad I’m mortal because ________.

83. I have more charm than ________.

84. I think a life of ________ would be monotonous.

85. I ________ when I lose at a game.

86. ________ will make my mood change.

87. I like it when the opposite sex dresses ________.

88. You can’t mix ________ and ________.

89. I look in a mirror ________ times a day.

90. I don’t mind ________.

91. I would trade my sanity for ________.

92. ________ is not a rational thing to do.

93. You should not try to improve ________.

94. If I were an artist my medium would be ________.

95. I think ________ is a modern masterpiece.

96. It is ________ to make me change my mind.

97. A majority of people think ________ but I don’t agree.

98. The best lyrics I have heard in a song are ________.

99. The most magnificent ________ I ever saw was ________.

100. The lowest thing I have done to someone else is ________.

101. I like looking after ________.

102. My favorite junk mail is ________.

103. I feel inspired to ________ but the work is too great.

104. ________ helps me idle away my time.

105. The flaw in human nature is ________.

106. The greatest gift human nature has to offer is ________.

107. ________ is the foundation of beauty.

108. My most distinctive feature is ________.

109. Dangle a ________ in front of me and I will follow you.

110. People say sometimes I act like a ________

111. Being in a cage with ________ would scare me most.

112. The three most wonderful things in my world are ________,
________, and ________.

113. My most used swear is ________.

114. When I hear ________ I cringe.

115. I complain the most about________.

116. I feel guilty when I ________.

117. I earn the respect of my piers by ________.

118. I am sensitive to ________.

119. In my spare time my mind wanders to ________.

120. At a costume party I would dress up as ________.

121. ________, ________, and ________ look great in yellow.

122. To me beauty is ________.

123. Lying about ________ is OK.

124. ________ is my favorite party game.

125. I have difficulty when choosing ________.

126. Face is ________ important than truth.

127. Women use ________ more than men because ________.

128. Long hair on a woman shows that she is ________.

129. My alter ego’s wants to ________.

130. The symbol ________ represents my life best.

131. I use ________ to help me make decisions in my life.

132. My clothes often smell of ________.

133. I always check in my pockets before ________.

134. I have had a lifelong interest in ________.

135. I have an ________ accent.

136. I can jump ________ high.

137. I am ________ for my age.

138. I can ________ in only a minute.

139. If I get a zit I ________.

140. I’d give a quarter of my belongings away in exchange for


141. If there was slavery and I was a slave I would sell for ________.

142. The cheapest way to get my loyalty is ________.

143. I spend ________ on makeup each year.

144. I have my finger in the ________ pie.

145. I have a monopoly on ________.

146. ________ doesn’t make sense to me.

147. My top three colors of choice are ________, ________, and


1. I wish ________ were transparent.

2. I wish the ________ was never invented.

3. If I just murdered someone I would ________ at the crime


4. I use my computer most for ________.

5. My best score at minesweeper is ________.

6. I physically hit my computer when it ________.

7. The wires from my ________ always get tangled in knots.

8. Lately all my friends have been buying ________.

9. ________ is a tech junkie.

10. I find ________ references when I search for my name on the


11. My computer is has had ________ birthdays.

12. ________ is the best computer game.

13. I am afraid we know too much about ________.

14. My first computer was a ________.

15. A ________ was my first computer.

16. I think ________ is almost magic.

17. I have ________ separate e-mail accounts for ________.

18. My favorite website is ________.

19. I really liked the website ________ but they were closed down.

20. My parents started using a computer when ________.

21. I use the phone ________ minutes a day for ________.

22. Tools ________ me.

23. My ________ is obsolete.

24. I keep all my computer passwords in ________.

25. I use my computer for work ________ % of the time.

26. As a mad scientist I would ________.

27. Now that I have a ________ I will never give it up.

28. I always need to have the latest ________.

29. My computer has had ________ viruses.

30. Technology has made ________ easier for me.

31. I would use X-ray glasses for ________.

32. The worst lemon one of my friends bought was ________.

33. I always think about ________ when I go for a drive.

34. ________ is my vehicle of choice.

35. The car that matches my personality best is a ________.

36. My scariest experience on a highway was ________.

37. Any car I own must ________.

38. I first drove a car when I was ________.

39. I have been in ________ accidents.

40. My car insurance costs ________.

41. I have killed ________ with my car.

42. ________ is a good place near here to go parking.

43. My technology fails me ________ times a month.

44. Someone should discover how to ________.

45. I am scared of cars that ________.

46. I learned to type through ________.

47. When I want something fixed I ask ________.

48. Scientists should not be allowed to develop ________.

49. Advances in ________ will influence my life the most.

50. ________ was the last computer software I stole.

51. I ________ live without a cell phone.

52. In school the study of science was ________ to me.

53. In the case of a worldwide outbreak of a strange flu I would


54. I would make a great ________ scientist.

55. My science fair project was a ________.

56. If I got a flat tire I would be driving again in ________.

57. ________ is the most complicated thing I have taken apart and
put back together.

58. I want a robot to ________ for me.

59. My friend ________ is scared of elevators.

60. ________ was the biggest boat I have been on.

61. I took apart my ________ cause I wanted to know how it


62. Modern life is easy so I try to exercise by ________.

63. If I were a spy I would drive a ________.

64. I broke my ________ and I feel handicapped without it.

65. I can hardly believe ________.

66. I liked using ________ until I found out how it worked.

67. ________ is the worst thing the internet has brought us.

68. I wish someone could show me how to use the ________.

69. I find the option of saving my child’s placenta for future

medical use ________.

70. If I was attached to a machine to keep me alive I would `


71. Between science and religion, ________ wins.

Vacations / Special Places
1. I forgot to ________ so I missed the plane.

2. I find people from ________ interesting.

3. I need a ________ vacation in ________.

4. I would like to see how life was like in the year ________.

5. I have spent ________ vacations holed up at home.

6. I would like to become a citizen of ________ if I could.

7. ________ has shocked me about another culture.

8. I ________ during my school break.

9. For my last real vacation I went to ________.

10. After a long vacation I feel ________.

11. I get ________ vacation days a year.

12. On a trip I will take ________ kilos of luggage with me.

13. I really like vacations that are ________.

14. Women/Men from ________ are not attractive while those

from ________ are amazing.

15. Stranded on a deserted island I would ________.

16. When I go away on vacation I like to stay ________.

17. For my friends I bring back ________ from a vacation.

18. I like to do some ________ when I go on vacation.

19. I get by with the local language by ________.

20. A typical vacation for me costs ________.

21. I spent my best vacations ________.

22. They should build a tunnel from ________ to ________.

23. I’d like to ________ in a tropical country.

24. Traveling to ________ sounds like a lot of hard work.

25. I ________ pick up hitchhikers.

26. A nice trail to go for a walk is ________.

27. I ________ tourists.

28. A lifelong ticket to ________ would be great.

29. The airline with the best stewardesses is ________.

30. I want to go to a secluded resort with ________.

31. I like to ________ on the seashore.

32. ________ is the most picturesque spot I know.

33. The orient is a good place to find ________.

34. If I could choose another nationality as well as my own I’d

choose ________.

35. I have driven for ________ hours in a car.

36. A good place to go for a honeymoon is ________.

37. While on a gondola ride in Venice I would think about


38. I want to ________ in France.

39. Downtown is a place to ________.

40. ________ is a great place to go for a weekend.

41. If Santa were real, my stocking would have ________ in it this


42. I would like a cabin far away from civilization to ________.

43. I go downtown ________ times a month.

44. Besides beaches, shopping, and sightseeing a vacation needs


45. ________ is the best thing to do downtown.

46. I have always wanted to visit the city of ________.

47. The worst area of my town is ________.

48. The most popular bar in my area is ________

49. ________ is a great place to have a party.

50. ________ was my worst experience camping.

51. I live ________ miles from the ocean.

52. The best beaches in the world are in ________.

53. Stranded on a deserted Island the first thing I would do is

54. When I travel I like to play ________.

55. In the local park you are not allowed to ________

56. ________ is a strange place I’d like to visit.

57. ________ is a great place to go swimming.

58. The stewardesses on ________ airlines are the best.

59. I lost my ________ at the beach.

60. I want to ________ next summer.

61. On the first day of summer holidays I would ________.

62. Travel abroad is a good way to ________.

63. I adjust to jet lag by ________.

64. I fear customs will stop me for ________.

65. I prepare for a long airplane ride by ________.

66. If you have a baby, Always bring ________ with you onto an

67. ________ is a place of religious significance I really want to see.

68. I didn’t know beforehand that bringing ________ to ________

was a bad thing.

69. ________ was a frightening experience I had while traveling.



The pictures you have drawn represent you and your life.

Self Relationship

God Birthday
Family Wants

Fear Dream

Self Your self image

Relationship Your relationship to others

God Your view of God

Birthday Present What you want others to give you

Family How you view your family

Wants What you currently desire

Fear How you view the monsters in your life

Dream What you hope to be

This was adapted from the Wartegg test.


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