1st Edition PreIntermediate Workbook

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I 1 __ -







John " Liz Soars

Oxford University Press


Question forms

I Making questions 5 2 Do/does/did 5

3 Question words 5 4 Word order 5

5 Which question word? 6 6 What + noun 6

How + adjective or adverb

7 Replying with u question (,

Present Continuous

8 Identifying the uses 7 9 Shull answers 7

10 Spelling of the present participle 7 II Is it true for you? 7


12 Jobs 7


U Correcting mistakes 8 14 Writing letters (I) 9

Informal letters


Present Simple

I Making negatives 10 2 Making questions 10 3 Short answers 10

4 Third person singular 10 5 Kate's room 11

6 Always, never 11

Present Simple or Continuous?

7 Choosing the correct form 11

8 Choosing the correct auxiliary 11 9 What does she do? 12

What is she doing?

Have/have got

10 Is or has? 12

II Making statements and negatives 12 12 Short answers 13


13 Things in the house 13 Writing

14 Correcting mistakes 13 IS Linking words ( I ) 13

Describing a person 14


Past Simple

I Choosing the right verb 15 2 Making negatives 15

3 Making questions 15

4 Short answers 16

5 Past tense forms J 6

6 Past time expressions 16

Past Continuous

7 r orming the Past Continuous /6 8 Replacing the Past Continuous 17 9 While, during, and for 17

I Past Simpl .. or Continuous?

10 Choosing the correct form 18

, Vocabulary

II Have + noun+ activity 18


12 Writing a story (I) 19 13 Correcting mistakes 19



Countable lind uncountable nouns A or some? 22

2 Chocolate or a chocolate? 22


Expressions of quantity 3 Some or any? 22

4 How much or how many? 23 5 Much, many, or a lot of! 23 6 A few or a little? 23


7 A/an or the? 24 8 No articles 24

9 A, the, or nothing? 24


10 Spelling of plural nouns 24 II Clothes 25


12 Correcting mistakes 25 13 Filling in forms 25


Verb patterns

Infinitive or -ingl 27

2 Completing sentences 27 3 Asking questions 28

Would like (to do) or like (doing)?

4 Matching lines of a dialogue 2?i 5 Choosing the correct form 28

6 Producing the correct form 29

Will and going to

7 Offers and decisions 29

8 What's going to happen? 29 9 Choosing the correct form 29


10 Word groups 30


II Correcting mistakes 30 12 Writing postcards 31


What ... like?

What is/are ... like? 32

2 What was/were ... like? 32

Comparatives and superlatives Forming comparatives and superlatives 32

4 Howald am I? 33 5 Opposites 33

6 As or than? 33

7 As ... as/not as ... as 33

8 Making sentences about you 34


9 Pairs 34


10 Correcting mistakes 34 II Relative clauses (I) 34

Describing a place 35



Present Perfect

1 Choosing the right verb 38 2 Making positive and negative sentences 38

Making questions 39 4 Short answers 39

5 Past participles 39

6 For or since? 39

Tense revision

7 Choosing the correct form 39 8 Producing the correct form 40 9 Asking questions 40


10 Words that go together 40



II Correcting mistakes 40 12 Relative clauses (2) 41

Writing a biography 41


Have to

Forming have to 42 2 Making negatives 42 3 Making questions 42 4 Short answers 43

5 Making positive and negative sentences 43


6 Giving advice 43

7 Asking for advice 44

Have to or should?

8 Producing the correct form 44 Vocabulary

9 Words associated with the seasons 44


10 Correcting mistakes 44 II Writing letters (2) 45

Formal letters



Predictions 46

2 Making negatives 46 3 Making questions 46

4 Choosing the correct form 47

First Conditional and time clauses 5 Gap-filling 47

6 First Conditional 47 7 Making questions 48 8 If or when? 48

9 Combining sentences 48


10 Odd man out 48


II Correcting mistakes 49 12 Linking words (2) 49

Advantages and disadvantages




Used to

1 Matching 52

2 Things used to be different 52 3 Short answers 52

4 Iju:stl or Iju:zdl? 53


5 Subject questions 53

6 Subject and object questions 53 7 Questions with a preposition at the

end 54

8 Question tags 54


9 Rhymes 54


10 Correcting mistakes 54

II Making notes to write a composition 55


The passive

1 Forming the passive 56

2 Making questions 56

3 Making negatives 57

4 Short answers 57

5 Notices 57

6 Newspaper articles 57


7 Words with more than one meaning 58


8 Writing a review of a book or film 59

9 Correcting mistakes 59


Verb patterns

Infinitive or -ing? 60

2 Choosing the correct form 60 3 Rewriting sentences 60

4 Asking questions 61


5 Infinitives after adjectives 61 6 Infinitives of purpose 61


7 Right or wrong? 62


8 Forming nouns 62

9 -ed or -ing adjectives? 62


10 Correcting mistakes 63 II Adverbs 63

Writing a story (2)



Second Conditional

I Dreams and reality ( I ) 66 2 Dreams and reality (2) 66 J Making questions 67

4 Short answers 67

5 Combining sentences 67


6 Might = will perhaps 68

7 Choosing the correct form 68 8 Worries 68


9 Going to bed 68


10 Correcting mistakes 69 II Writing letters (3) 69

Formal and informal letters


Present Perfect Simple

1 What's new? 70

2 Been or gone? 70

3 Yet and already 71,

4 Asking questions and giving short answers 71

Present Perfect Continuous

5 Matching 71

Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?

6 Choosing the correct form 72


7 Multi-word verbs 72


8 Correcting mistakes 72

9 Writing letters (4) 73 Expressions in different kinds of letters


Past Perfect

Matching 74

2 What happened first? 71

3 Producing the correct form 74 4 Combining sentences 74

Reported speech

5 Reporting statements 75

6 Reporting questions with question words 75

7 Reportingyeslno questions 75 ~ Reported to direct speech 76


9 Words that are often confused 76


10 Correcting mistakes 77 II Writing a story (3) 77




I Question forms

Making questions

To make a question when the verb form has an auxiliary verb, you put the auxiliary verb before the person.

Make yes/no questions for the following statements. Example She's French.

a. It's raining.

Is she French?


b. They're at school.

c. They're learning English.

d. You're tired.


e. You were at home last night.



f. I'm right.

g. He's got blond hair.

h. You can speak Danish.




2 Do/does/did

To make a question in the Present Simple, you must add do or does. To make a question in the Past Simple, you must add did.

Make yes/no questions for the following statements. Example

You like music.

a. She comes from France.

b. They live in a flat.

\ ,

C. You take sugar in tea.

d. I speak English well.

e. You watched a film last night.

Do you like music?


-- 7





f. It started at 8.00.

g. You want to go home.

h. He works hard.

3 Question words

Match a question word in A and an answer in B.




What? Who? Where? When? Why? How? Whose?


Because I wanted to. By bus.


I A pair of jeans.


At home.

4 Word order

Put the words in the right order to ask a question, and write in one of the answers from B in exercise 3.

a. buy you the did at what shops

b. IS who teacher the

c. parents moment where your the at are


d. her you see when did


e. Italy go you why to did


f. you how to come school do


g. that is car whose


5 Which question word?

Put a question word into each gap. Example

What's your name?

Kate Dad

V Dad
6 Good morning, Dad.

Good morning, my love. (a) are you


Fine, thanks.

I didn't hear you come home last night.

(b) time did you get in?

About 11.00.

(c) did you go?

Just round to Beth's house.

There's a letter for you on the table.

Oh! (d) is it from?

I don't know. Open it and see. Oh!

(e) 's the matter?

Nothing. It's from Luis in Spain. That's interesting.

He says he's coming to England soon.

(f)--- ?

Because he's going to learn English.

(g) ?

Here in London.

(h) school is he going to?

He doesn't know yet.

(i) is he coming?

Next week.

You must invite him round. U) don't you

write back and invite him to Sunday lunch?

OK, I will. Thanks, Dad.

6 What + noun

How + adjective or adverb

Match a word in A with a word in B and a line in c. Then answer the question about yourself!

shoes do you take?
did you get up this
colour morning?
far of music do you like?
tall do you read?
How sort is it from school to yo
much house?
often is your hair?
What size do you go swimming?
long does a hamburger cos
newspaper your town?
time are you?
does your English les
last? ur



7 Replying with a question

Reply to the following sentences with a suitable quest I. Example

'We had a wonderful holiday.' 'Where did you go?'

a. 'I'm reading a good book at the moment. '

b. 'I bought a new car last week. '

c. 'Nick and I had a great night out on Saturday.'

d. 'Ann's going to China next week.'

e. 'David earns more than two hundred thousand poi II year!'

f. 'They have so many children!'

... '

I Present Continuous

8 Identifying the uses

Tilt: Present Continuous expresses three ideas:

I an activity happening now It's raining.

2 an activity happening around now, hut perhaps not at the moment of speaking

I'm reading a good book at the moment. 3 a planned future arrangement

I'm meeting Jane after work today.

Which use is expressed in the following sentences? Put 1, 2, or 3 in each box.

a. D It's eight o'clock, Meg. Are you getting ready for school?

b. ~ What time are Pat and Peter coming for dinner tonight?

c. D I'm working hard these days.


'Where's Jim?'

D 'He's taking the dog out for a walk. '

e. D Why are you laughing?

f. D 'What are you doing after school?' 'I don't know. Why?'

g. D I'm learning French at night school.

9 Short answers

Write in the short answers. Example

'Are you working hard?' 'Yes, I am. '

a. 'Are you enjoying the lesson?'

b. 'Is the teacher smoking?'

c. 'Are people walking in the street?'

d. 'Are they wearing raincoats?'

e. 'Are you feeling OK?'

f. 'Is your friend helping you?'

10 Spelling ofthe present participle
Write in the -ing form of the following verbs.
read reading
swim swimming
come coming
think shine get

wait smoke stop ___

rain have run ___
wear take begin 11 Is it true for you?

Write what is true for you now, around now, or in the near future.


II study I'm studying.

IIwatch TV I'm not watching TV.

a. II sit in class

b. It/rain

c. The sun/shine

d. IIwear jeans

e. II go out tonight

f. We/have a holiday soon

g. My parents/work

I Vocabulary

12 Jobs

In English, you can make the name of the person who does a job by adding one of the following suffixes.

-er -r -ian -ist

Add one of the suffixes to the following words. You will have to change some of the words a little.

music art _

science____ politics electric __ garden __

farm _

manage photograph

2 Look at the pictures. Write a sentence about each person. Say what he/she is doing now. Use the verb under the picture. Look up any words you don't know in your dictionary.

The artist is painting a portrait.

do _



~ i'

take _

play _

make _


drive _

mend _

b. My town is quite at the weekend.

c. My sister is six yeanolder than me.

d. I went in Italy on holiday.

e. SJ:.1e gave a present me.

f. Are you enjoing the party?

g. He has black hairs.

h. At the weekend I'm usually go swimming. 1. I want ~_ apple.

j. I watched TV, than I went to bed.

13 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. I like London because is interesting.


14 Writing letters (1) Informal letters

Look at the organization of the following informal letter.

We begin all letters with Dear •..

Your address and the date, but not your name.

38 Clifton Gardens London NW6

27 September 1991


Dear Maria

I'm very pleased that we're going to be penfriends . I'll tell you a little about myself, and you can do the same when you write to me.

I live in an area of London called Maida Vale. It's quite near the centre, but there are parks nearby where I take my dog, Mickey, for a walk. I live with my parents and my younger brot.her, Pau.l , My father works for the post office and my mother has a part-time job as a nurse.

I go to the local corprehens i ve school, where I have d lot of friends. I like most subjects, but not all of them! In the evenings I sometimes visit friends or stay at horne and listen to music. and at the weekends I like going swirrming or horse-riding.

At the moment I'm 'NOrking very hard because I have exams soon, so I'm spending a lot of time in the library!

I'm looking forward to hearing fran you! Write soon!


Where you live

Who you live with What your family does

- What you do What you like Your hobbies and interests


~ What you're doing at the _j moment

] Ending


fraNL} (fuJ-

1 Write a similar letter to a penfriend in England.

Your penfriend can be male or female.

Write information about you, where you live, what you do, your family ...

Your signature

You can end a letter to

a friend with Best wishes, or Regards, or Love,

if you know them well.




I .


j "

Present Simple

Making negatives

Make the following sentences negative. Then give the right information.


The sun rises in the west.

The sun doesn't rise in the west. It rises in the east.

a. Stefan Edberg plays football.

i ,:1 ii'I'





b. The Queen lives, at 33, Station Road, London.

c. Kangaroos come from Canada.

d. The sun shines at night.

e. In England people drive on the right.

f. Your teacher arrives late.

d. 'My children go to __ .. school'

'Which _

e. 'My brother works in_~

'Where ~

f. 'My sister drives a _

'What sort _

3 Short answers

Answer the questions about you. Use short answers, Example

'Do you smoke?'

'Yes, I do. 'INa, I don't. '

a. 'Do you like science fiction?'

b. 'Do you dream a lot?'

c. 'Do you listen to the radio?'

d. 'Do your parents read a lot?'

e. 'Does your teacher give you a lot of homework?'

f. 'Does it rain a lot in your country?'

4 Third person singular
Write in the third person singular of the following vel
help helps
watch watches
want wash study go
read kiss ___ carry do
eat catch fly
think crash cry 5 Kate's room

Look at the picture of Kate's room. Write ten sentences about her.


She listens to music.

She doesn't tidy her room.


6 Always, never

Put the words in the right order. Be careful with the adverbs of frequency (always, never, sometimes, etc.).

a. cinema you to often go the do?

b. meat never eat I because don't it
c. listen evening the to parents radio the
my always in d. holiday how do have often a you?

e. sometimes restaurant we Japanese go a to

f. for late never am school

I Present Simple or Continuous?

7 Choosing the correct form

In the following sentences, one verb form is right and one is wrong. Underline the correct one and cross out the wrong one.


I)<J/am going to work now. Goodbye!

a. I read/am reading a book about astrology.

b. I read/am reading lots of books every year.

c. We go/are going to a party on Saturday.

d. Nurses look/are looking after people in hospital.

e. Annie comes/is coming from Ireland.

f. She comes/is coming for dinner this evening.

g. I speak/am speaking four languages.

h. Do you want/Are you wanting to go out tonight?

8 Choosing the correct auxiliary

Put one of the following auxiliaries into each gap.






A Hello. 778954.

B Hello. Is that Rita?

A Yes. Who (a) calling?

B This is Gary, from New York. (b) you

remember me?

A Of course I do. What (c) you doing in


B I (d) having a holiday.

A Are you on your own?

B No. I'm here with my wife. I'm married now.

A Oh! What (e) yourwife do?

D She's a dentist. A How interesting!

B Anyway. How are you?

A I'm fine. I (f) still studying. Listen. Where

are you?


B Well, we (g) staying in a hotel very near to

you. It's called The Mayfair. (h) you know


A Yes, of course. It's a lovely hotel- very expensive!

(i) your wife like it?

B Yes, she does. Rita, what (j) you doing

tonight? Are you free? We'd like you to have dinner with us, here in the hotel.

A That's lovely! What time? B About 8.00?

A That's fine. See you at 8 o'clock. Bye, Gary. B Bye, Rita.

9 What does she do?

What is she doing?

Look at the picture.

Answer the questions. Examples What does Wendy do? Is she working in the hospital now? What's she doing?

a. What does Frank do? _

She's a nurse. No, she isn't.

She's having dinner.

b. Is he working in a restaurant now?
c. What's he doing?
d. What does Tony do?
e. Is he driving a taxi now?
f. What's he doing?
g. What does Lisa do?
h. Is she working in the kitchen now?
1. What's she doing? 12

Have/have got

10 Is or has?

's is the contracted form of both is and has.

In the following sentences, say if's = is or has.


Bill's American. 's = is

a. He's a policeman. _

b. He's 26. _

c. He'sgotacar. _

d. Jan's married. _

e. She's got a husband and two children. _

f She's got a new coat. _

g. It's blue. _

h. She's wearing it now.

1. Her daughter's hungry. _

J. Her son's hot. ---

11 Making statements and negatives

Look again at the picture of Kate's bedroom on page 1 I Complete the following sentences in two ways, once \\ : has/doesn't have and once with's got/hasn't got.


She has a record player. She's got a record player.

a. She _ a tennis racket.
She a tennis racket.

b. She a lot of hooks.
She a lot of books.
c. She an untidy room.
She an untidy room.

d. She a CD player.
She aCD player.

e. She a computer.
She a computer.

f. She a Walkman.
She a Walkrnan. Write some sentences about your bedroom. I've got a bed, but I haven't got a basin.

I have a radio, but I don't have a TV.

12 Short answers

Answer the following questions about Kate and about you.

Use short answers.


'Does Kate have a messy bedroom?' 'Yes, she does.'

'Has she got posters on her walls?' 'Yes, she has ..

a. 'Has she got a lot of clothes?'

b. 'Does she have a camera?'

c. 'Has she got a typewriter?'

d. 'Does she have a heater in her room?'

e. 'Have you got a bike?'

f. 'Do you have a lot of money?'

g. 'Have you got a cassette player?'

------- ----- .-_. _--

h. 'Do you have a good English accent'?'

\ Vocabulary

13 Things in the house

Use your dictionary to find out the English word for the things in the picture.

Write in the word, and practise the pronunciation.

a. ___

b. _

c. _

il. __

e. __



h. _

1. _


! Writing

14 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. Does he got a new car?

b. She's housewife.

c. She speaks ~ Spanish very well.

d. I've got some new reds shoes.

e. I'm in London for to study English.

f. I'm starting first job next week.

g. He never wear a hat.

h. I have one brother younger.

I. He's liking black coffee.

J. I'm taking my umbrella because is raining.

15 Linking words (1)

Use and, so, or but to join the following sentences.

a. She can speak French she can't write it.

b. He wants to learn Spanish he's going to Spain.

c. I'm learning Italian I like it.

d. We haven't got a dishwasher we haven't g'

a microwave oven.

e. I haven't got a car I've got a motorbike.

f. She's working late next Friday she can't come to the party.

2 But is used to contrast ideas. However and although can also contrast ideas, but they are used differently. Compare the following sentences. What differences can you see?

I learnt French easily, hut I didn't like my teacher. I learnt French easily. However, I didn't like my teacher.

Although I didn't like my teacher, I learnt French easily.

3 Join each of the following pairs of sentences in three different ways with but, however, and although.

a. We enjoyed the holiday. It rained a lot

b. He's moving to London next month. He doesn't like big cities.

c. She isn't English. She speaks English perfectly.

4 So is used to express the result of the statement before. Because expresses the reason or cause of something.

It started to rain, so we stopped playing tennis.

Cause ------~ Result

We stopped playing tennis because it started to rain.

Result ~----- Cause

Rewrite the following pairs of sentences in two ways. Use the linking words in brackets.


She went horne. She was tired. (so, because) She was tired so she went home.

She went home because she was tired.

a. We didn't enjoy our holiday. The weather was bad. (so, because)


b. We wanted to get good seats. We arrived at the cinema early. (so, because)

c. He worked hard. He passed all his exams. (so. because)

d. He worked hard. He didn't pass his exams. (ho« although)

e. James is very rich. She's getting married to him. I because)

f She's getting married to James. She doesn't love (however, although)

5 Describing a person

Fill each gap with the correct linking word from exercises 1-4.

-- My sister and I

Mysisterand I like each other very much (a) _

we are very different. She's six years older than me

(b) she works in a bank. I'm still at school.

(c) I don't haveajob. My sister likes herjob

(d) sheearnsalotofmoney, (e) _

she can go out and enjoy herself. She's very kind

(f) often invites me to go with her.

(g) I'm studying very hard at the rnornerr

(h) I want to pass my exams. I usually sa, no when she asks me, (i) last night I wa~

tired of work (j) I went with her tu a dance

We had a great time!

Write a similar short paragraph about yourself and someone in your family.


I Past Simple

I Choosing the right verb

Use one of the verbs in the box to fill each gap. Put the verb in the Past Simple.


hurt celebrate

find spend lose

laugh take leave

can't (past = couldn't)

need save

, .

Three days lost, alone, and injured on a mountain

Gary Smith yesterday celebrated his 18th birthday, but he's lucky to be alive. In March this year, he was climbing Ben Nevis, Britain's highest mountain, when he

(a) his way and (b) three

days in sub-zero temperatures.

'My friends (c) at me for having so much

survival equipment, but it (d) my life.'

On the first night, the weather was so bad that it tore his new mountain tent to pieces, so he moved into a Youth Hostel for the night. He (e) the hostel at 10.00 the next morning, but he was soon in trouble. 'I

(I) off a rock and (g) my

knees. I (h) move.'

Mountain rescue teams went out to look for Gary, and

(i) him at 1.00 in the morning. A

helicopter (j) him to hospital, where he

(k) several operations.

'Next time I'll go with my friends, not on my own! 'he joked.

2 Making negatives

Make the following sentences negative. Then give the right information.


Shakespeare wrote songs.

Shakespeare didn't write songs. He wrote plays.

a. Christopher Columbus discovered India.

b. Beethoven came from Paris.


c. Leonardo da Vinci lived in Brazil.

d. The Americans landed on the moon in the nineteenth century.

e. The USA won the last football World Cup.

f. Last night 1 had grass for dinner.

3 Making questions

Write questions to ask about the missing information. Example

'I went to the States in 19

'When did you go to the States?'

a. 'I went to for my last holiday.'

'Where ---

b. 'We stayed in _

'Where _

c. 'We stayed there for weeks.'

'Howlong_'_~ __

d. 'We had weather.' 6 Past time expressions
'Did good weather?' Fill in the gaps with one of the words from the box.
Careful! Sometimes no word is necessary.
e. 'We travelled round by
I arrived home at six o'clock last night.
'How ?' I saw Jane yesterday.

f. 'We had food.' last for when
ago 10 at on
'Did good food?'
a. I was born in Africa 1970. 4 Short answers


Answer the following questions about Gary (in exercise 1)

and about you.

Use short answers.


'Did Gary get lost?' 'Yes, he did. '

a. • Did he have a lot of equipment?'

b. 'Did he go with friends?'

c. 'Did he hurt his hand?'

d. 'Did you do your homework last night?'

e. 'Did you do any sport yesterday?'

f. 'Did it rain yesterday?'

5 Past tense forms

Write in the Past tense of the following verbs.

work worked

saved stopped came

16 arrive _



travel _



smile _

There is a list of irregular verbs on page 141 of the

Student's Book.

b. My parents moved back to England I \\.


c. We lived in Bristol three years.

d. I went to college three years .~ __

c. I found a flat on my own last year.

f. I usually go home the weekend.

g. I didn't go home weekend because some

friends came to stay.

h. They arrived three o'clock the


1. Saturday evening we went out to a cone,

j. we got home we listened to some music.

k. We got up late _ Sunday morning.


___ the afternoon we went for a walk.

m. I bought a car a few weeks _

n. I had an accident last night.

o. It happened 7.00 the evening.

p. I took my car to the garage this morning.

q. It will be ready two weeks.

I Past Continuous

7 Forming the Past Continuous

Look at the picture at the top of page 17.

Yesterday you went to a party. This is what you saw you arrived.

Make sentences in the Past Continuous.


When I arrived at the party ...

Jenny/talk/to Mick Jenny was talking to M),

When I arrived at the party ...

a. Annie and Pete/dance

b. Sarah and Bill/sit/on the sofa

c. Katie/choose/a record

d. Max/drink/champagne

e. Beth and Dave/ eat/ crisps

f. Justin/show/Lucinda a photograph


g. Harry/smoke/a cigar

h. James/tell/a joke

8 Replacing the Past Continuous

On the right, there are four short stories from a newspaper. Two of the following phrases go with each story.

Which article do they go in?

Where exactly do they go?

a. 'I was working in the garden at the time,' she


b. ... because they were wearing masks

c. 'I know I was driving fast,' he explained to the court.

d. 'I was trying to mend my wife's hair-drier,' he said.

e. '" when he was travelling at 120 miles an hour

f .... who was coming home from school at the time

g. '" while he was mending a plug

h. The earth round the bottom of the tree was moving.

Motorist Driving at 1201111'''

Motorist Jeremy Page had to pay a fine of £330 at Durham Magistrates' Court yesterday for speeding. Police stopped him on the motorway. The speed limit on motorways is 70 miles an hour. 'This was because I was late for work'. The judge said that this was no excuse.



Yesterday afternoon a 35-

year-old housewife nan-owly escaped death when a tree blew over and fell onto her house, completely destroying it. 'It was quite windy. I heard a strange noise coming from our tree. Suddenly the wind blew a little stronger, and I watched it crash onto

I the roof: The Bowles family I are staying with friends


I while their house is rebuilt.

A man received a severe electric shock at his home in Solihull, Birmingham. Mr Ian Taylor, 42, spent the night at the Birmingham Royal Hospital and then went home. 'Suddenly

there was a flash and an explosion. I don't know how it happened.'

IPost Office



Yesterday afternoon thieves stole £500 from a post office in Preston, Lancashire. Police do not have a good description of the two men, but they know that they escaped in a red Ford Cortina. This information came from an ll-year--old boy, Charlie Carrack.

9 While, during, and/or

While is a conjunction, and is f~by a clause (subject + verb). If you say 'X happened while Y happened' , it means X and Y happened at the same time. I met Peter while I was studying at university.

During is a preposition, and it is followed by a noun. It has a similar meaning to while.

I worked on afarm during the holidays.

The noun after during expresses an activity that takes time.

during the film/lesson/ afternoonlfootball match

While and during answer the question When? For answers the question How long?

It is followed by a time expression.

llived there jar three years/six months.

We're having a holiday for two weeks/a couple of days

Put while, during, or for into each gap.

a. I fell and hurt myself I was playing


b. It started to rain the match.

c. We played tennis __ -'- __ two hours.

d. I worked in Italy three years.


_____ the summer I stayed on a farm in


f. 1 learned italian 1 was there.

g. We went on holiday to Florida three



_____ the day it was very hot, but it was cool

at night.

1. We went to Disneyland we were there.

j. We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table _____ three hours.

k. the meal we exchanged news.

l. I was talking to Barbara, I learned that Tony was in hospital.

I Past Simple or Continuous?

10 Choosing the correct form

Choose the correct verb form in the following sentences.

a. I met/was meeting a friend while I did/was doing the shopping.

U. I paid/was paying fur Illy things when I heard/was hearing someone call my name.

c. I turned/was turning round and saw/was seeing Paula.

d. She wore/was wearing a bright red coat.

e. We decided/were deciding to have a cup of coffee.

f. While we had/were having a drink, a waiter dropped/was dropping a pile of plates.

g. We all got/were getting a terrible shock.

h. While the waiter picked/was picking up the broken plates, he cut/was cutting his finger.

I. We left/were leaving the cafe and said/were saying goodbye.

j. ljinished/wasjinishing my shopping and went/was going home.


I Vocabulary

II Have + noun = activity

Have is often used with a noun to express a form uf ac James Bond had a shower and went to bed.

Where did you have lunch?

Have a good weekend!

Put a form of have and a noun from the box into each g

drink row

word day

look swim bath break fa

game time supper

'Would you like to have a drink ?'

'Yes, please. I'm very thirsty.'

(Notice that, with meals, we do not use a: I had breakfast/lunch. )

a. 'Did you watch TV last night?'

'No, I and went stra:

to bed.'

b. 'Did you a good


'Yes. I won 6-0, 6-2.'

___ of

c. 'Bye, Mum. I'm going out now!'

'Goodbye, darling. a mce


d. 'Did you this


'Nu. I got up too late. I just had a cup of coffee.'

e. I'm going to a and '"

my hair. I feel dirty.

f. I have a swimming pool at horne, so if you want to

_____ a , just come round.

g. 'Did you a good at :

office, dear?'.

'No. I didn't. The boss was very angry with me.'

h. Peter and I always argue. We don't agree about

anything. Yesterday we a

_____ about politics.

1. I've got my holiday photographs. Do you want to

_---''-- __ a ~_?

J. John! Could I a wit i

you for a minute? There's something I want to. you about.


12 Writing a story (1)

Look at the story in the six pictures below.

Think of a title for the story.

2 Which pictures do the following lines belong to?


a. The tramp had a good idea. Immediately ...

b. ~ One hot, sunny day in July ...

c. Just then he heard a shout.

d. Suddenly, on the other side of the hedge ...

e. [] Soon ...

f. ~ The farmer was very angry.

Here is the story without the lines above. Mark in the story where the lines go.

A tramp was walking along a country road. He was chewing a piece of grass because he felt hungry. He saw a pond with a large white duck swimming roWld and round on it.

He jumped over the hedge and ran towards the duck. He was sitting by the pond with a large pile of white feathers beside him.

The farmer was coming across the field, waving his anus. Hurriedly the tramp put the duck back into the water.

He pointed to the pond and shouted, 'What's the matter with my duck?'

'Ah!' said the tramp quietly, , it wanted to go for a swim, and I'm looking after its clothes!'

4 On a separate piece of paper, rewrite the story as if you are the farmer. Add information if you want. Begin like this:

One hot, sunny day in July, I was walking on my farm ...

13 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. I studied for three years management.

b. During I was on holiday, I went swimming every da:-

c. I broke my leg when I felt down in the street.

d. What did you last night?

e. With 19 years old he went to Switzerland.

f. I lost my all money.

g. I saw Jim last evening.

h. I knew my husband in 1985. 1. We got married two year ago.

J. In 1989 I leaved university and started work.



I 1...._-

I \


Units 1-3 -----------------_j

There is a Stop and Check section after every three units of the Workbook.

You need to

- know what you have studied

- revise what you have studied

- know what you must practise more.

Buy a grammar book with exercises and a key. Ask your teacher to recommend one.

At the end of these revision exercises, decide what you need to practise more, and do those exercises in the grammar book.

What grammar and vocabulary did you study in Units 1-37


Make questions about the rrussmg information. Example

She earns a year.

How much does she earn a year?

a. Peter has children. (Two? Three?)

h. I'm reading at the moment.

c. They went to on holiday last year.

d. She works in the shop. (Shoe shop? Book


e. I got up early this morning because _

f. The supermarket closes at _

g. I go swimming . (Once a week? Once a


h. I borrowed car. (Tom's? Ann's?)

I Tenses

Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.

8. Emma (spend) every school holiday in Scotland.


~ --------

- -"'--"'_"'- -- --_ . ...:...-

b. Why are you under the table? you _

(look) for something?

c. In my country we (not have) lessons on


d. My wife (not like) football, but I (It


e. I (buy) a new pair of shoes yesterday. __

you (like) them?

f. Ian Fleming (work) as a stockbroker when

Second World War (start).

g. Margaretha Simons (come) from Norway. I

now she (live) in Britain. She (meet her husband, Noel, while she (learn) English Cambridge.

I Have/have got

1 Make sentences about the two people in the pictures. S; what they have/have got and what they don't have/haven't got.


He's got a cat.

He doesn't have a house.



2 Ask and answer questions about the two people.

Examples Does he have a car? Has he got a car?

Yes, he does. Yes, he has.

I Past tense forms

What is the past tense of the following verbs? (Some are irregular, and some are regular.)

hear can break phone put

catch live begin hit try

leave fall make feel build

Can you remember irregular past tenses?

There's a list on page 141 of the Student's Book.


Put the necessary preposition into each gap. Sometimes no preposition is necessary.

a. I listened the news the radio.

b. I'll see you 9.00 the morning.

c. I live a flat Paris.

d. I'm looking my neighbour's cat while she's on


e. I waited twenty minutes a bus yesterday.

r. What are you doing this evening?

g. She arrived England two years ago.

h. I'm going home.

i. I spoke Mary a few days ago.

j. My sister's coming to stay 19 December.

I Can you remember the correct preposition?

There's a list on page 142 of the Student's Book.


Try the crossword!

Nearly all of the words are in Units 1-3.


1 A woman on her wedding day (5)

2 'Be __ crossing the road. It's dangerous.' (7) 4 Opposite of early (4)

6 Opposite of lend (6)

10 Another word for writer (6)

11 You go to a doctor if you are worried about your __ . (6) 14 'Sh! Can you _' _ a noise?' (4)

16 Group of people who playa sport together (4) 17 This is what you do if you're hungry. (3)

19 Opposite of expensive (5)

21 Opposite of happy (3)

23 ' __ your homework!' (2) 24 A short journey (4)

25 __ a picture with a pencil. (4) 27 'Not often (6)

28 Have, possess (3)

31 You need one to shoot. (3)

32 Very strong, for example, a machine or engine (8)

35 First, second, __ (5)

36 Twelve o'clock at night (8)


1 Look after children when the parents go out (7) 3 The past tense is led. (4)

4 Paper in the street (6)

5 You need these to 14 across. (4) 7 Largest mammal in the world (5) 8 Kind of boat (5)

9 A __ teacher tells you what to do! (6) .

12 If you don't like the food in a restaurant, you make a __ . (9) 13 Intelligent (6)

15 The Past Simple is spelt the same as the infinitive, but the

pronunciation is different! (4) 18 This is what we breathe. (3) 20 Kind of fruit (4)

22 'How do you __ .' 'How doyou __ .' (2) 25 Kind of animal (3)

26 Stupid persorrt-l)

29 'Takecare!' 'Don't __ ! I'll be OK!' (5)

30 Holland is a __ country - it has no mountains. (4) 33 Past tense of ride (4)

34 You have finished __ 3 of Headway Pre-Intermediate! (4)

What do you need to revise? How are you going to do it?


I COl,J_n~a~le and uncount~ble nouns

A or some?

Put a/an before the following countable nouns, and some before the uncountable nouns.

a chair
some sugar
a. stamp i. job
b. book J. work
c. petrol k. _______ apple
d. tree l. fruit
e. air m. tomato
f. money n. tomato soup
g. pound o. problem
h. music p. information 2 Chocolate or a chocolate?

Sometimes a noun can be both countable and uncountable. It depends how you see it! Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with II I noun or just the noun.



I don't like chocolate .

Would you like a chocolate ?

~ a. I need some _

b. Can you buy _

c. I drink a lot of _

d. Let's have _



~, ,







t!. Have __

f. Have some _

g. It's made of _

h. Would you like _

1. Have _

J. Have some ----

I Expressions of quantity

3 Some or any?

Put some or any into each gap.

a. I haven't got paper.
b. I'll buy paper when I go to the shops.
c. Is there petrol in the car?
d. Yes. I put in yesterday.
e. I bought ____ fruit, but they didn't have
f. Do you have change? I need SOp.
g. I saw change on the table a minute ag,
h. I need help with my homework. Are }'
1. I don't have free time today. Sorry.
J. Did you have problems with this eXL .. 4 How much? or How many?

Write questions with How much? or How many? Examples

We've got some eggs. How many have we got? We need some flour. How much do we need?

a. She has a lot of children


b. Can you buy some butter?

________ ~----------------------- want?

c. I went all over Europe last summer.

__ visit?

d. I bought a new house last week.

-------------------------------------- ?

1:. The house has a lot ofbcdrooms.


f. Some people are coming for a meal on Sunday.


g. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays.


h. She earns a fortune! .


5 Much, many, or a lot of!

Look at the picture on the right. Complete the sentences using much, many, or a lot of.


There are a lot of apples.

He hasn't got much washing powder.

a. There -'-- oil.

b. The sho~ has~------_;:-------bottles of water.

c. There frozen food.

d. There sweets.

e. The shopkeeper has got ~ cheese.

f. I can see newspapers.

g. But I can't sec bread.

h. There ~ __ yoghurt.

i. He hasn't got birthday cards to

choose from.

j. But there grapes!

k. Why there

_______________ magazines?

I. But there rice!

6 A few or alittle"

Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.

a. Does your tooth It takes them ab
hurt? an hour a nigh
b. Were there many I'm trying to los
people at the weight,
c. Is there any food You can borrow
left over? them if you w
d. Have you got The children ate
any whisky? most of it.
e. Do you have any But I prefer read
books on French A few.
literature? Do you wanl SUI
f. Would you like ice in it?
some cream? A little. But most of the
g. Are there many come from
Spanish people France.
in your class?
h. Do you watch I'll go to the den
much TV? tomorrow.
1. Do you get many But no one that
letters? know.
J. Do your children
get a lot of But most of the I
homework? I are bills. out t.








7 A/an or the?

Put a/an or the into each gap.

a. I bought hat and pair of shoes at

___ shops. Unfortunately shoes are

___ wrong size. I'll take them back tomorrow.

b. 'Where are children?'

'They're in garden.'

c. My sister's teacher in school near

Leicester. She has three children, two girls and

___ boy. girls are in her class at school,

but boy isn't old enough for school yet.

d. Jane and Bill are very nice couple. She has

___ clothes shop, and he works in office

in centre of town.

e. 'Where are my shoes?'

'On floor in kitchen.'

f. 'How much are the driving lessons?'

'Fifteen pounds hour.'

g. When you come to bed, can you put cat out

and turn off lights?

h. I went to restaurant last night.

i. What's name of restaurant we went

to last night?

8 No articles

We do not use the when we talk about things in general. Examples

I like Coke.

Meat is expensive.

Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.

The sentences are all general statements about the world. Notice that there are no articles.

Cows comes oil and petrol.
Leaves like from grapes.
Wood fall off grass.
Cats IS in trees.
Wine go full of vitamins.
Birds live to school until they're 16.
Children eat trees in autumn.
Cars floats eating fish.
Fruit need on water. 24

9 A, the, or nothing?
Put a, the, or nothing into each gap.
a. I come to school by bus.
b. Thismoming bus was late.
c. My favourite subject is history, but I
, very good at maths.
d. Ankara is capital of Turkey.
e. I work for company that makes
f. My friend lives in same street as me
g. I was at home all day yesterday.
h. We had lovely holiday in Spain. \\
back there next year.
i. Heathrow is busiest airpoi
j. Leave early if you want to miss _
k. We arrived in Paris on __ ~
1. Last night we had dinner in .
m.lwentto bed late. n. What time does your plane arrive? I'll come t ___ airport to meet you.


10 Spelling of plural nouns

To make regular nouns plural, add -so

car cars

book books

If the noun ends in -s, -sh, -ch, or -x, add -es.

bus buses

dish dishes

match matches

box boxes

If the noun ends in a vowel + 0, add -so

radio radios

zoo zoos

A few nouns that end in -0 add -es,

tomato potato hero

tomatoes potatoes heroes

Others don't!

photo photos

piano pianos

If the noun ends in a consonant + y, the -y changes to ·ies.

baby babies


holiday holidays

because holiday ends in a + y. A is a vowel, not a consonant.

Write in the plural form of the following nouns.

a. boy 1. church
b. lady ) J. address
c. day k. story
d potato 1. sandwich
e. party m. key
f. watch n. video
g. glass o. way
h. city The following nouns are irregular! Write in their plural form.

p. child ~ , s. tooth

q. person t. sheep

r. woman u. fish

11 Clothes

I Writing

12 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sen~ces there is one mistake

Find it and correct it. •

a. They came to here two days ago.

b. I went to pub last night with some friends.

c. Is there salt enough?

d. I had diner with some friends last night.

e. We'd like some informations about this car.

f. Do you want to 100k..t6 my photos?

g. There are a lot things I need to buy.

h. There aren't any sugar.

I. She loves all kinds of musics.

J. He must to go home early.

13 Filling in forms

The following are typical expressions found in I Match an expression on the left with a question 011 right.

First name

Are you married or single?


What do you do in your free time?

Date of Birth

What's your phone number?

Place of Birth

What's your first name?

Permanent Address

What do you do?

Marital Status

Where were you born?


When were you born?

Qua lifications

What's your family name?


What degrees, diplomas, certificates, etc. do you have?

Tel. no.

Where do you live?

2 Do the following.

a. Write your name in block capitals.

c. Delete where not applicable. (~r/~rs/~iss/~s)

b. Write your signature.

d. Write your postcode.

3 Fill in the following forms.



Registration form


First name(s)

Nationality _

Passport number _

Date and place of Issue _


, Date of arrival _

Date of departure

Signature _

i77uJ Oak Tree Sclwol rfEnglish [!]I


Family name _

First name Date of birth _


Nationality Language(s)

Address in your country ----------------------'--------

Occupation ---------

Reason for learning English: Business/pleasure/exams/other *(If other, please specify) _

How many hours a day do you want to study?---------

How long are you going to stay at the school? _

What date do you want to start?----------.. Ddete where not appli£able

L__ ~~_~ _


I Verb patterns

Infinitive or -ing?

Put the verb in brackets in the right form, infinitive or -ing. Sometimes both are possible.


I enjoy walking (walk) in the rain.

Would you like to have (have) something to eat?

a. I want _~ __ ~ (see) a film un TV this evening.

b. I hope (hear) from you soon. Best

wishes, Peter.

c. When did you finish (paint) the kitchen?

d. I began (learn) English when I was


e. Some people like (have) breakfast in

bed, but I don't.

f. Don't forget

g. We've decided (get) married in the


h. When she saw how I was dressed, she started

___ (post) my letter!

---- (laugh).

I. What do you want (do) tonight?

j. I'd like (go) to the theatre.

k. I love (listen) to live music.

1. I can't see you on Saturday. I promised _

(take) my children to the circus.

m. She continued (talk) during the whole


2 Completing sentences

Make one sentence about people's ambitions from the following prompts.


Sheila/teacher/work/with children.

Sheila is going/wants/hopes/would like to be a teacher because she likes/loves/enjoys working with children.



a. Jane/vet/work/with animals

b. Malcolm/fanner/be/outside in the fresh air

c. Suzy/stockbroker/want/eam/a lot of money


, ,

d. Gill/do voluntary service/help/children in the Third World

e. Justin/do master's degree/enjoy/bela student

f Janine/accountant/work/with numbers

g. My father/retire next year/want/have more free time

h. David/be/captain ofthe football team/love/be the' leader

I. My parents/buy/a cottage by the sea/sail

J. My family/have a holiday in Rome/walk/round old cities

3 Asking questions

Ask B's questions and complete A's replies in the following dialogues.


A I hope to go to university. B What/want/study?

What do you want to study?

A I wanr TO study maths.

a. A

Carol phoned while you were out. What/want/talk about?




________ ~ a problem she's having.

b. A B

I left my job yesterday. Why/decide/do that?



__________ because it was boring.

c. A

My wife didn't know that we were going to the theatre last night.

forgetltell her?




I told her last week that we were going out, but I

____________ say exactly when.

d. A

I'm going to bed early because I have a plane to catch tomorrow.


What time/want/leave the house?



___________ as early as possible.

e. A That book you lent me was great!
B When/finish/read/it?
A last night.

f. A I don't want to go out tonight.
B What/would like/do?
A stay at home and have an early night.

28 I Would like (to do) or like (doing)?

4 Matching lines of a dialogue Match a line in A with a line in B.



Would you like to watch TV?

Would you like something

to eat?

Do YOll like parties? r Do you like chips?

Do you like watching TV? Would you like to come to

a party on Saturday?

Yes, especially films and cartoons.

That's lovely! What time? No. There's nothing good on tonight.

I'm afraid I don't. I think they're noisy, and there are usually too many people.

No. T think they're very bad for you.

No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

5 Choosing the correct form

~n ~'s questions in the following dialogues, one verb form IS nght and one is wrong. Put a tick (.I) next to the right one and a cross ()C) next to the wrong one.


A Would you like a drink? .I

Do you like a drink? )C

B Yes, please. I'll have an orange juice.

a. A Do you like your teacher?

Would you like your teacher?

B Yes, she's very nice.

b. A Do you like going for walks?

Would you like to go for a walk?

BYes, I often go walking in Scotland.

c. A Would you like to go for a swim?

Do you like swimming?

B What a good idea! It's so hot today!

d. A What do you like doing at the weekend?

What would you like to do this weekend?

B I like to put my feet up and relax. Sometimes I play tennis.

e. A What would you like to do this evening?

What do you like to do in the evening?

B Why don't we pop round and see Barbara and Malcolm?

6 Producing the correct form

Complete the following sentences using a form of would like (to do) or like (doing). Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, too.

a. 'What sort of books you __ ~_ (read)?'

'I biographies and thrillers.'

b.' _ _ yuu (be) a teacher when

you grow up?'

'No. They don't earn very much and they work very hard.'

c. 'It's Sophie's birthday soon.'

'Is it? What she for a present?'

'Well, I know she (cook). Why don't

you buy her a new cook book?'

d. My daughter has a lot of pens and pencils. She ___ (draw).

e. My six-year-old daughter is a very fast runner. She

says that one day she (run) in the

Olympic Games.

I Will and going to

7 Offers and decisions

Look at the pictures. What are the people saying? Make sentences with will.


8 What's going to happen?

Look at the pictures. What's going to happen? Make sentences with is/ are going to + verb.

It's !'i"' tI mill •







9 Choosing the correct form

Underline the correct verb form in the following sentences.

a. 'Why are you working so hard these days?' 'Because I'll buy/I'm going to buy a car, so I'm saving as much as I can.'

b. 'What will you buy/are you going to buy Jill for her birthday?'


'She hasn't got a CD player. '

'Oh. I'll buy/I'm going to buy her a record, then.'

c. 'Dad, can you sew on a button for me?'

'I can't sew. Ask Mum. She'll dol She's going to do it for you.'

d. Shall I tell her I love her? Where 's a coin? If it's heads, I'll tell/I'm going to tell her, and if it's tails I won't/I'm not going to.

e. 'Why have you got so many eggs?'

'Because I'll make/I'm going to make pancakes for tea. '

f. 'What will you do/areyou going to do today?'

'It's John's birthday.so I'll make/I'm going to make him a cake.'

g. 'I have an appointment with the bank manager this morning.'

'Why will you see/are you going to see him?' 'Because my husband and I will start/are going to start our own business, and we need some money.'

h. 'I haven't got enough money to get home.'

'I 'II lend/I'm going to lend you some, if you like. How much do YOll want?'

'Two pounds is enough. /,11 givell' m going to give it back tomorrow.'



10 Word groups

In the interviews on page 37 of the Student's Book, the second student talked about how he put words in groups in his vocabulary notebook.

Put the words below in the right column, according to their groups.

Put (v) if it is a verb, (n) if it is a noun, and (adj) if it is an adjective. Sometimes a word is both a noun and a verb.

o~~ .flood IlJSe
° C\: Ct
o~\,~ creall)
chilly goal
kick asPitia
SUnshine uferee ° "ttOU
~ \,~e~Cf\
FaiUfu\ li-e~
win score (a) fit ( perSOn)

Health The weather Football
optician (n)
: Choose one or two of the following subjects. Think of some words to put in the group, and put them in your vocabulary book.


tennis: racket, ball, court

football sailing squash
music musical instruments
cars planes trains
clothes fashions colours
LCinema theatre painting I Writing

11 Correcting mistakes

In cadi ufthe following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. I'd like that I go to Australia.

b. We took care with their cat for a week.

c. She wants go home early.

d. Don't worry. I'll by some bread at the supermarket.

e. 'Does he enjoy living in the city?' 'Yes, he enjoys.'

f. Would you like coming to my birthday party?

g. They're hop~ to marry next year.

h. We got this postcard from Anna, sent it from Paris. 1. .Japanese people eats a lot offish.

J. They not want to stay in an expensive hotel.

12 Writing postcards

Read the following postcard.

What is the only adjective used by Bill and Sue?


Dear Laura,

We're hanng a nice time here in Scotland, but the weather isn't very nice. We're staying in a nice hotel near a nice town called Abeifel4Y. fVe lUJ1Je 7lu;e ouu» I!! llie mauntams and forests from our bedroom. r ester~ we went to see Bf4ir Castle. It was reallY nice. T odoy we are hoping to go

for a nice walk by the lake (called a 'loch' here1. Did you have a nice time in Italy? We'll ringy()U next we.ek


Bill and Sue ~XOl"

! ~;~ .. ~: j

'Tt'lzite Gates' 8 Shire Lane Chesswood

Hens. WD3 7QZ

2 Bill and Sue use nice eight times.

Fill the gaps in the sentences below with a better adjective from the box. You can use each adjective once only.

Careful! Sometimes more than one word is possible, but not always!

lovely spectacular small old

comfortable good terrible long

a. We're having a time here in Scotland.

b. Dut the weather is _

c. We're staying in a hotel near a

_____ town.

d. We have views of the mountains.

e. The castle was really _

f. We're hoping to go for a walk by the


g. Did you have a time in Italy?

3 Where were you on your last holiday? Imagine you are still there. Write a postcard to an English friend.

Use Hill and Sue's postcard to help you, but use the adjective nice once only!

Write about

- the place

- the weather

- the accommodation

- something you did yesterday

- something you are going to do today.




\ I Comparatives and superlatives


What ... like?

What is/are ••• like?

Your friend is living in Australia for one year. You write and ask lots of questions about the country.

Example the weather

What's the weather like?

a. the countryside


b. the people


c. the towns


d. Sydney


e. the kangaroos

f. the beaches



g. the TV programmes


2 What was/were ... like?

Robert had a terrible holiday.

Complete the questions about it in the following dialogues.


A What was the hotel like ?

B Awful. My room was tiny, and the service was bad.

a. A What _


B It was terrible. The plane was delayed six hours!
b. A What like?
B Awful! It rained every day!
c. A What like? B They were crowded ann dirty. There was no sand on them, just stones!

d. A What like?

B Disgusting! Chips with everything and it was often not cooked enough.



3 Forming comparatives and superlatives

Notice how the Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary shows if a consonant is doubled in the comparative and superlative.

big /btg/ ad}. I (bigger, biggest) I 1 large:

Manchester is a big City. 2 important: I have some big news.'

Look in your dictionary. Does it give the same information?

Form the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives.

happy happier
fit happiest

4 How old am I?

Read the following and answer the questions below.

I have two sisters, Abigail and Jill, and two brothers, Graham and Robert. Abigail is twenty. Jill is six years younger than Abigail but she is two years older than Robert. Robert is four years younger than me and he is eight years younger than Graham.

a. How old am I?

b. Who is the youngest in the family?

C. How old is Robert?

d. Is Jill older than me?

e. Am I the oldest in the family?

f. Who are the twins?

5 Opposites

Complete the following sentences using an opposite adjective in its comparative or superlative form.


Robert's the oldest in the family. No he's not. He's the youngest.

a. Bob is more polite than his brother.

No, he's not. He's _

b. I'm the tallest in this class!

No, you're not. You're _

c. My homework was' worse than yours.

No, it wasn't. It was ---- _

d. The weather today is colder than yesterday.

No, it's not. It's --~--r---------

e. She bought the cheapest watch in the shop.

No, she didn't. She bought __ ~----' _

f. Jack's meaner than Alan.

No, he's not. He's ~ _

g. Janet arrived later than John.

No, she didn't. She arrived _

h. This is the easiest exercise in this book.

No, it isn't. It's _"4..' _

6 As or than?

Put as or than into each gap.

a. Are you as tall your brother?

b. She's not as clever her sister.

c. Was Joan's party better Maria's?

d. I'm studying the same subject Emma.

e. Liz works much harder John.

f. I haven't got as many cousins you.

7 As ... as/not as ... as

Rewrite the following sentences with as ••. as or not as ... as.


Bob's taller than Jack. Jack's not as tall as Bob.

Bob got more presents than Jack.

Jack didn't get as many presents as Bob.

a. Jill's more intelligent than Bill.

Bill's not _

b. The sun's much hotter than the moon.

The moon isn't. _

c. Are you and your husband the same age?

Are you your husband?

d. You can read more quickly than I can.

Ican't_~ ~

e. Harry won more money than Bill.

Bill didn't win __ ___j_/_:_.__:._';c.:.;,_:. -: :_j- __ _.__ _ _.__~

f. 'Is Switzerland bigger than Luxembourg?' 'Yes, it is.'

'Is Luxetnbourg ?' 'No, it isn't.'

g. Eva's work is better than mine.

My work isn't _

h. Dogs are friendlier than cats.

Cats aren't _


8 Making sentences about you

Write nine sentences about you and your family. (Three comparatives, three superlatives, and three with as ... as.)


I'm more hard-working than my sister. My grandfather is the oldest.

I'", 1I0t as patient as my mother.

{ .

. ,

I Vocabulary

9 Pairs

Put the nouns in the following box into pairs.

Say which is bigger and which is smaller in each pair. Use your dictionary to help you.

Example cathedral - church

A cathedral is bigger than a church.

mountain watch armchair eathedtal
suitcase hill /
ehureh cottage
motorway lorry pond boot
kitten jacket sofa nver cup
village bush briefcase cat mug
castle coat tree lake clock
town shoe path van stream 34


10 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. In the centre of the town it is a castle.

b. It's more beautiful thal\1 expected.

c. 'What do you like to eat, sir?'

'I'll have a steak, please.'

d. My dictionary isn't as useful than yours.

e. I don't have as much tapes as you.

f. Where you went for your last holiday?

g. There was only a few people at the meeting.

h. The Queen's the most rich woman in the world.

i. Was very hot when we went to Rome.

J. First we finished our homework than we went to the


11 Relative clauses (1) Wholthatlwhichlwhere

Who, that, which, and where are relative pronouns. They are used to link ideas. Look at the following pairs of sentences and study how they are used.

I met the man. He works in the bank.

I met the man who works in who = person/people the bank.

I bought the coat. It was in the shop window.

I bought the coat

which/that was in the which/that = thing/things

shop window.

The hotel was very comfortable. We stayed in


The hotel where we stayed was very comfortable.

where (in which) = place

Link the following sentences with the correct relative pronoun.

a. There's the boy. He broke the window.

b. That's the palace. The Sultan lives in it.

c. There are the policemen. They caught the thief.

d. He gave her a watch. It stopped after two days.

e. The Red Lion is the pub. We met in it for a drink.

f. Here are the letters. They arrived this morning.

g. That's the house. I was born in it.

2 Write a similar description of your home town.

First write some facts about it: - Where is it?

- Is it big or small?

- What buildings and industries does it have?

Next write some personal opinions: - Do you like it? Why?

Write not more than 200 words.

--My home town

I was born in Newcastle, a city in the north-east of England. Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tvne.It is Quite big. with a population of about 200,000 people. There is a cathedral and

a university. There are five bridges overthe RiverTyne, (a) link Newcastle to the next town, Gateshead, (b) there is one of the biggest shopping centres in the world, the Metro Centre.

A few years ago. the main industries were shipbuilding and coalmining, but now the chemical and soap industries are more important. .

I moved from Newcastle ten years ago but I often return. I miss the people, (c) are

sowarm and friendly, and I missthewild, beautiful countryside nearthecity, (d) ,. there

are so many hills and streams.

People (e) are born near the River Tyne have a special name. They are called

'Geordies'. I am very pleased to be a 'Geordie'!

h. Where is the lady? She ordered the fish.

i. Do you know the children? They live in that house.

J. The clothes come from Marks & Spencer. They are good quality.

2 Describing a place

Read the following description of a town. Put who, which, or where into the gaps.

Do these revision exercises to find out how much progress

you have made in Units 4-6. .

.\: .:-:(: ,::-:J . decide which language areas you need to practise more.

What grammar and vocabulary did you study in Units 4-6?

Expressions of quantity

1 Put some or any into each gap.

a. I'd like' tea, but I don't want biscuits.

b. Is there sugar? I can't see _

c. I bought sugar yesterday.

d. I didn't buy coffee, because I thought we had

e. We need bread. I'll get it later.

: There is one mistake in each of the following sentences.

Find it and correct it.

a. How many money have you got?

b. I only have a little potatoes.

c. I don't have many time, so I can't help you. Sorry.

d. The Sultan of Brunei owns a lot hotels.

e. Are there much language schools in Madrid? r. Close your eyes. I've got anything for you. g. John lives anywhere near Bournemouth.

b. Anybody told me you're getting married. Is it true?


Put a, an, tbe, or nothing into each gap.

a. China has biggest population in world.

b. Yangtze River flows into East China


c. Do you like Chinese food?

d. We had some for lunch few days ago.

e. I wanted to go to Italian restaurant.


r. I come to school by bus, but I get lift

home with friend.

g. 'Is there chemist near here?'

'Yes. There's one next to post office.'

Verb patterns

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form, the infinitive or the -ing form.

John Frantz is American. He has a wonderful lifestyle and

he wants (a) (share) it with an English girl. He

enjoys (b) (go) on exotic holidays, but he

wouldn't like (c) (live) outside the United States.

He hopes (d) (find) an English wife through the

English Rose dating agency. He'd like (e) (meet)

someone who is independent and who likes (f) _


Do you know when to use the infinitive and the -ing form? There's a list on page 143 of the Student's Book.

! Going to and will

Put a form of going to or will into each gap.

a. 'Why have you got so much food?'

'Because 1 (cook) a meal for ten people.'

b. 'Someone told me you've got a place at university.'

'That's right. 1 (study) maths at St Andrews, in


c. 'My car isn't working.'

'Ask Joe to look at it. He (help) you. '

d. 'I passed my driving test!'

'That's great! 1 (buy) some champagne to


e. 'Why have you got your old clothes on?'

'Because 1 (cut) the grass.'

I Descriptions

1 Match a line in A with a line in B.

What's the weather like? Horse riding.
What's Ann like? They're a bit strict.
What was the film like? OK, but boring near the
What does she like doing? end.
What are her parents like? It changes a lot.
She's very nice. 2 What are the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives?

fast interesting
funny good
expensive . bad
rich easy
hot important Vocabulary

Try the crossword!

Nearly all of the words are in Units 4-6.



1 Place where you keep things in a kitchen (8)

5 Shopkeeper who sells newspapers. cigarettes. sweets (9) 9 Opposite of dirty (5)

10 Children like __ -crearn. (3) II To not tell the truth (3)

12 Ben and Sam cooked Shepherd's __ for their girlfriends. (3) 15 If you have a problem, __ for help. (3)

16 A kind of'boar that carries people across a river or sea (5) 18 Another word for untidy (5)

19 'I think boys are better than girls.' 'I don't __ with you.' (5) 21 'Shall we play tennis?' 'It depends __ the weather.' (2)

23 Something you put on if you're cold (6)

24 A 23 across is often made of this. (4)

27 A number (4)

28 A fruit and a colour (5)

31 Hard fruit of many trees - you can often eat it. (3) 33 Wet weather (4)

35 Time when people eat (4) 38 Past tense of sit (3)

39 Plant like an onion used in cooking (6)

41 If you give someone a job, you __ them. (6) 43 I live __ number 7 Hammond Street. (2)

44 The different food you need when you are cooking something (11)


I Large vegetable with green leaves and a white middle (II) 2 What you do to a 28 across before you eat it (4)

3 One time (4)

4 Instructions to cook something (6)

5 Opposite of Jar (4) ,

6 What a businessman usually wears (4) 7 Opposite of dry hair (6)

8 Someone aged between 13 and 19 (8) 13 The motor in a car (6)

14 You need eyes to __ .(3) 15 He isn't as tall __ me. (2) 17 Japanese money (3)

18 Opposite of generous (4) 20 Opposite of closed (4)

22 I don't have any money = I have __ money. (2) 25 How you feel if you have no friends (6)

26 Dried grapes (7)

29 A door outside. perhaps to a garden or a field (4) 30 1 __ tennis yesterday. (6)

32 'What's the time?' 'Twenty __ three.' (2) 34 Another word for annoyed (5)

36 I started this crossword twenty minutes __ . (3) 37 A __ of bread or meat (5)

40 'Can you swim?' 'No, I __ ' (4) 42 Pork comes from this animal. (3)

Have you got a book where you record vocabulary? Do you add to it, and revise it regularly?

What do you need to revise? How are you going to do it?


Present Perfect

Choosing the right verb

Use one of the verbs in the box to fill each gap. Put the verb in the Present Perfect. Use each verb once, except be (five times) and have (twice).

travel see


be (x 5)

• t 1\

have (x 2) do


meet live

My grandfather is 96 years old. When he was born, Queen Victoria was still on the throne. Since then, there (a) four different kings and a Queen 'on the throne of the United Kingdom. He (b) the Queen on several occasions. In 1959 he was a soldier in New Zealand when she came to visit, and in ~972 0. he went to a garden party at Buckingham Palace. He

(c) a lot especially in the Far East. He (d) _

the Taj Mahal in India and the Pyramids in Egypt. He (e) _

big game in Africa, and (f) a camel across the Sahara Desert. He says that the most beautiful place he (g) to is Kathmandu in Nepal. He (h) married twice. His first wife

2 Making positive and negative sentences Make sentences about the following people. Example

Alice is a journalist.

meet/a lot of famous people

She has met a lot of famous people. not bel on television

She hasn't been on television.

a. Robert Swan is an explorer. be/North Pole

see/polar bears

never/get lost



died when she was 32. He met his second wife while he was travelling round France by bike He and his wife, Eleanor, (i) married for 50 years, and they (j) in the same cottage in the country since they got married. He says that he (k) never ____ ill in his life. He (I) a cold sometimes, of course, but nothing serious. The secret of good health, according to my grandfather, is exercise. He goes swimming every day. He (m) .__ since he was a boy. He also has a glass of whisky every night! He (n) certainly an interesting life. I hope he lives to be a hundred!

b. Bill and Sophie are unemployed. not have/ajob for six months

not have/ a holiday since Christmas

not be/the cinema for a year

C. Sandra-is 1I tennis player. play/since she was six

not win/a senior competition

never play/at Wimbledon

3 Making questions

Ask the following people questions about their experiences.


a racing driver - have accident? Have you ever had an accident?

a. an explorer - get lost?

b. an actress - forget your words?

c. a mountaineer - climb Mount Everest?

d. a window cleaner - fall off your ladder?

e. a singer - have a number one record?


f. an electrician - have an electric shock?


4 Short answers

Answer the following questions about 'My grandfather' in exercise 1 and about you.

Use short answers.


'Has your grandfather been married for a long time?' . Yes, he has. '

a. 'Has he ever met the Queen?'

b. 'Has he oftenbeen ill?'



c. 'Have he and his wife lived in their house for a long time?'

d. 'Has he had an interesting life?'

e. 'Have you ever been to Mexico?'

f. 'Have you ever tried Chinese food?'

g. 'Has your teacher ever been angry with you?'

h. 'Have you ever forgotten to do your homework?'

5 Past participles
Write in the past participle of the following verbs.
walk walked
come come
write find
win visit
sell stop
try study
? read die
play do
6 For or since?
? Put for or since into each gap.
a. I haven't seen Keith a while.
? b. He's been in China January. c. He works for a company called KMP. He has worked

for them several years.

d. He and his wife have lived next to me their

son, Tom, was born.

e. I have known them many years.

f. We have been friends we were at university


g. His wife, Carrie, is a designer. She has had her own

studio six months.

h. I'm looking after Tom today. He's been at my house ______ 8.00 this morning.

I Tense revision

7 Choosing the correct form

In the following pairs of sentences, one verb form is right and one is wrong. Put a tick (./) next to the right one, and a cross (X) next to the wrong one.


I saw Peter yesterday. (./) I have seen Peter yesterday. (X)

a. What did you do last night?

What have you done last night?

b. I went to many countries in my life.

I have been to many countries in my life.

c. He went to Greece two years ago.

He has been to Greece two years ago.

d. I study English for three years.

I have studied English for three years.

e. I have known Mary for three weeks.

I have known Mary since three weeks.

f. Where have you bought your shoes?

Where did you buy your shoes? .


8 Producing the correct form

Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect, Past Simple, or Present Simple.

Dennis Heal (a) (be) a politician. He

(b) (go) to Oxford University in 1950,

and in 1957 he (c) (become) a Member of

Parliamentforthe Labour Party. He (d) (be) an

MP since then. He (e) (be) Defence Minister

from 1964-70. He (f) (write) three books,

including his autobiography The Time of my Life, and a spy story called The Time to Run. He is married to the artist,

EdnaHeal,andtheyhavetwochildren.They(g) _

(live) in Oxford for 15 years, then (h) (move)

to London in 1970. They now (i) (live) in a house in Cadogan Square in central London.

9 Asking questions

Write in the questions to ask about Dennis Heal. Example

What does he do? He's a politician.

a. 'When ?'

'In 1950.'

b. 'When -,.- ?'

'In 1957.'

c. 'How long 1'

'Since 1957.'

d. 'When T

'From 1964-70.'

e. 'How many ---'- ?'


f. ' he ever a spy story?'

'Yes, he has. It's called The Time to Run. '

g. 'What_ r
'She's an artist.'
h. 'How many r
1. 'How long r
'For fifteen years.'
j. 'When ?'
'In 1970.'
k. 'Where ?"
'In a house in Cadogan Square in central London.'
1. 'How long r
'Since 1970.'
40 I Vocabulary

lOW ords that go together

Draw lines to show which nouns and verbs go together.



a bag wear

a suitcase


(a ball kik


your hand

carry a suit




try on tear Ite;}1 jeans Ice-crearn

pour your nose blow with rain a drink



a hammer use

time money


atune WIpe whistle

your face

the blackboard

I Writing

11 Correcting mistakes

In each of the follow illg sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. My inan and I have been married for ten years.

b. I stayed with my aunt what lives in Paris.

c. She was born in Barcelona, a city from Spain.

d. Tom has studied for three years tourism.

e. I finished university with twenty-three years.

f. We've had this car since five years. -

g. Where have you been on holiday last year?

h. I am never boring when I learn English.

i. How long do you know your teacher?

j. They not have lived here for a long time.

12 Relative clauses (2) Who/that/which as the object

In the examples in Unit 6, Exercise I I, page 34, who, that, and which are the subject of the sentence.


... the man who works in the bank

the man works in the bank


... the coat which was in the window.

the coat was in the window.

Who, which, and that can also be the object.

Look at the following sentences and study how they are used.

OBJECT He's the man who Anna loves.

Anna loves the man


I bought the coat which Anna wanted.

We often leave out the relative pronoun when it is the object.

= Anna wanted the coat.

He '.I' the man Anna loves.

I bought the coat Anna wanted.

Put who, which, or that into the gaps.

Ifit is possible to leave it out, put brackets around it.


He's the man who loves Anna. He '.I' the man (who) Anna loves.

a. The film star gave a party ~ __ cost £ 1 0,000.

b. The man you met at the party was a

famous film star.

c. What's the name of the lady was

wearing the gold dress?

d. You're reading the book I wanted to


C. There's someone at the door wants to

speak to George.

f. I don't like food is very spicy.

g. That's the dictionary Bill gave me for
my birthday.
h. Those are the cars only take unleaded
I. Do you like the people Sarah invited to
her party? 2 Writing a biography

Read the following text which is a short biography of the film star, Elizabeth Taylor.

-Elizabeth Taylor-

E lizabeth Taylorwasbom in England in 1932. She was a very beautiful child, with black hair and violet- blue eyes. In 1939, she and her family moved to America, where film makers soon noticed her beauty. She became a child star at the age of nine, and appeared in the films Lassie and National Velvet. Elizabeth Taylor is one of the few child stars who have continued to be successful as adults. She has made many films in her adult career, including Cat on a Hot Tin Ronf in 1958 and Cleopatra in 1962. Her private life has not been as successful as her career in films. She has been manied eight times. Her first marriage, which was when she was eighteen, ended after one year; her third husband, Mike Todd, was killed in an air crash; her fifth and sixth marriages were to the same man, Richard Burton, probably the man who she loved the most. She has often been ill with back problems and has had many operations. In 1981, after her second divorce from Burton, she became very depressed and turned to food, alcohol, and drugs for comfort. For the first time in her life her beauty left her and she put on a lot of weight. However, in 1983,shewenttostayatthe Betty Ford Clinic, where she worked hard to give up her addictions. Today she is a grandmother and she has her film-star looks again.

2 Divide it into five paragraphs according to the following headings:

- introduction and early career

- adult career

- private life

- health problems

- life now

3 Underline all the relative pronouns.

Put brackets round who or which if they can be omitted.

4 Write a similar biography of somebody famous who you think is interesting. It can be a film star, a musician, a politician, a writer, etc.


I Have to

Forming have to

Complete the following sentences in a suitable way. Include have to, has to, or had to.


I have to wear glasses because my eyes aren 't very good.

a. I've got some pills from the doctor. I

~ them three times a day.

b. Thanks for a lovely evening! We ________ now or we'll miss our bus.

c. Remember! When you drive in England you ________ on the left!

d. Mary's in a panic. She at the

airport at 2.30, but it's 2.00 and she isn't ready yet.

e. 'Can I go and see the dentist when I want?'

'Well, usually you __ -'- an

appointment, unless it's an emergency.'

f. At the weekend Jack wears jeans and aT-shirt. During

the week he a suit and a tie.

g. 'Why are you late?'

'Sorry. I to the bank, and there

was a queue. '

2 Making negatives

Complete the following sentences in a suitable way. Include don't have to, doesn't have to, or didn't have to.


I like weekends because I don't have to get up early.

a. 'How much are the tickets for the concert?'

'They're free. You

_____ -'- for them.'



b. Lady Vanessa has a maid. She _

any housework.

c. The holiday was marvellous. We _----,'..:..' _

anything! We just sat by the pool all day!

d. I've just bought my first car. It's great! Now I _________ people for a lift all the time!

e. When I go on holiday I take nylon shirts because you ________ them. You just hang them up to dry and they're ready to wear.

f. Paul's won a million pounds! He ,

another day's work in his life!

g. 'Did you go to church when you were young?'

'Yes. I , but I wanted to.'

3 Making questions

Put the words in the right order to form a question. Example

time you up what have get do to? What time do you have to get up?

a. job wear have in uniform you your to do a?


b. books have many you buy so why did to?


c. States visa get to to go you do have a the to?


d. John does pills take often his hew have to?

e. plant carefully you after look do have to this very?

4 Short answers

Answer the following questions using short answers. Example

'Did you have to work hard?' 'Yes, 1 did. '

a. 'Does your teacher have to correct your homework?'

b. 'Do you have to cook at home?'

c. 'Does your father have to travel a lot in his job?'

d. 'Did you have to take any exams last year?'

e. 'Do you have to look up a lot of words in your dictionary?'

5 Making positive and negative sentences Look at the chart below.

Make ten true sentences about you and your family, and add a comment.


My grandfather doesn't have to go to work. He's retired. I have to make the bed In the morning. I don 'I mind.

We don't have to do the washing-up. We've got a dishwasher.

do the washing-up.
I .babysit,
We make the bed in the
My parents have to morning.
My mother has to do the shopping.
My father do the cooking.
My sister don't have to do the ironing.
My brother doesn't have to go to work.
My grandmother work in the garden.
My grandfather get up early in the
- morning.
-~ --- a.









I Should

6 Giving advice

Give advice to the following people T Ise T think ... should or I don't think ..• should.


Peter's got a very bad cold. I think he should go to bed.

I don't think he should go to work.

a. 'One of my teeth is loose.'

b. 'I've lost my cheque book and credit cards. '

c. 'Keith wants to drive home, but he hasn't got his glasses.'

d. 'Ann's phone bill was enormous! Three hundred pounds!'

e. 'My shoes have got a hole in them. I only bought them


last week!'

f. 'Jenny and Tony are only sixteen, but they say they want to get married. '

g. 'My children spend all their pocketmoney on sweets.'

h. 'Kate's crying because I knocked her over. We were playing a game. '


7 Asking for advice

Ask for advice in the following situations. Use Do you think ... should ... ?


George has asked me to marry him. Do you think I should say yes?

a. Teresa has invited me to a party at her parents' house.

<\ ?

b. Hazel 'still hasn't given me back the money she owes me.

---------------------------------------- ?

c. My boss said today that I can have a pay rise if! learn


---------------------------------------- ?

d. Lulu isn't speaking to me today because yesterday I said she was stupid.


e. Jeremy doesn't know whether to go to university or travel round the world.

What ?

f. This stereo's beautiful, but it's so expensive'

---------------------------------------- ?

Have to or should?

8 Producing the correct form

Put a form of have to or should into each gap. Sometimes the verb forms are negative.

a. Your hair's too long. I think you get it cut.

b. You smell, and you've got a cough. You _


c. I'm going to bed. I be up early tomorrow.

d. I'd like to meet your boyfriend. You invite

him round.


_____ tell my parents where I am, then they don't


f. You come with me if you don't want to. I'll

go on my own.

g. If you need some help with your homework, you _____ go to the library.

h. If you've got a ticket, you queue. You can go

straight in.

I. You tell lies.Tt's naughty,

J. Geoff works too much. I think he take it easy.


I Vocabulary

9 Words associated with the seasons

The words in the box are all associated with winter. Use your dictionary to check the meaning, then fill in the circles.

going for walk on bright & S

In . , osty onungs

traCks ...


2 Make a similar diagram for another season (spring, summer, or autumn) and add words of your choice.


10 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. Y ou shou~d go in spring when is warm.

b. She went in Brazil with her parents.

c. Joan don't have to go. She can stay here.

d. I'm sorry I'm late. I had to make the shopping.

e. You don't have to smoke in this part of the restaurant.

f. We often go to the house of my aunt for our holidays.

g. Does he has to leave before the end of the play?

h. 1 like the city in winter when it is quite, and there are not many tourists.

i. Tom had to do his homework again because he did so many mistakes.

j. Do you think should I take the exam again?

II Writing letters (2) Formal letters

I Match a greeting with a suitable ending.

Dear Sir or Madam

Yours Bob

Darling Rosie

Yours faithfully Robert J. Fleming

Dear Ms McDonald

Dear Helen

Yours sincerely Robert Fleming

Love Bub

Dear Philip

Which are formal? Which are informal?

2 Below is an outline of a formal letter.

Look at it carefully. Is it the same as in your country'?

The name and address of who

iti t

Your address (not your name)

you are wn mg 0
The greeting The date


Ii I

I Introduction I
Main parts i
I Concluding comment
I_,. I
/ "
/ -, The endmg

Your signature

3 The following are the contents of a letter. Divide it correctly and fill the boxes in the letter above.

R ua Luis de Deus 18, 3(0) Coimbra, Portugal. 29th March 1991. The Principal, The Oxford English College, 234 Hilton Rd., EastbourneBN43UA.DearSirorMadam, I saw your advertisement for English classes in this month's Engksh Today magazine and I am interested in coming to your school this summer. I have studied English for three years but I have never been to England and I feel that this is now necessary, especially to improve my pronunciation. Please could you send me more information about your courses, and an application fonn. I would also like some information about arrnrnmodation T look forward to hearing from YOIl ::IS soon ::IS possible. Yours faithfully, Ana Maria Fernandes.

4 Write a similar letter about yourself to:

The Principal

The World English School 47, Harrogate Rd YorkYK38BT




All astrologer is making predictions about next year.

Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.


because of a political scandal.

the Mona Lisa from the


more grandchildren.

the football championship. a General Election in the

autumn. very wet.

a cure for cancer. on Mars.



Thtlsummer There Liverpool Astronauts Scientists The Prime


'I' The Queen Thieves


will steal will be will be will find will win will have . will land . will resign


d. gr D

e. \\

f. E'

2 Making negatives

Make the following sentences negative. Change the endiq

;X:::I::e meaning the same, 1',.4

He'll lose. He won 'I win.

She'll be late. She won 'I be on lime,

Cho' In til and. cro:-;

a. I'll fail my exams.


b. She'll tell the truth.

c. !'lllook after yuur wallet.

d. We'll eat out.

e. We'll tum the music down.


f. I'll go to bed early tonight.

g. We'll leave the party before 10.00.

h. I'll accept the invitation.


Making questions

Make questions with Do you think, , , ?, then answer the questions about you.


What time/get home tonight?

What time do you think you '1/ get home tonight? About 8,00.

r d.


a, have a bath tonight?

Do _

b. How long/your homework take? I



c. Whet time/fa to bed?

d. go abroad next year?


e. Where/go?

Brazil/win the football match'!

Do -'- .. __ ?


4 Choosing the correct form

In the following pairs of sentences, one verb form is right and one is wrong. Put a tick (.f) next to the right one and a cross (iC) next to the wrong one.

a. 'There's someone at the door.'

[', 'OK. I open it.'

D 'OK. I'll open it.'

b. 'What a beautiful ring!'

D 'I buy it for you.'

o 'I'll buy it for you,'

'What newspaper do you buy'!' 'I buy The Times,'

'I'll buy The Times.'


'What would you like to eat?' 'I have lamb.'

'I'll have lamb.'

'What time do you eat in the evening?'

'We have supper at about 8.00.'

'We'll have supper at about ROO'

'The phone's ringing!' I 'OK. I answer it.'

I'll answer it.'

I First Conditional and time clauses


Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. If there is no verb, use if, when. or as soon as.


I'll phone (phone) as soon as I arrive (arrive) at the hotel.



British explorer Robin Drake says that the first international polar

expedition (a) (start) next March. It (b) _

(try) to reach the North Pole on a 65-day, 480-mile journey.

(c) Drake (d) (succeed),he

(e) (be) the first man to walk to both the North and

South Poles. Drake (f) (go) on the Icewalk Expedition

with navigator Alan Winterson. (g) they

(h) (arrive) in Thule in northern Greenland, walkers

from the Soviet Union, the USA, Japan, Australia, Canada, and Italy

(i) _. (join) them. (j) they(k) _

(get) to their base camp, Eureka, inside the Arctic Circle, they

(I) (have to) build huts to protect them from

temperatures as low as minus 70 degrees Fahrenheit

'We (rn) (do) a lot Of experiments to see how much

pollution there is in the area,' said Robin. 'The results (n) t----- (help) us to understand the effects of pollution on the planet, including holes in the ozone layer and the greenhouse

ettect.' (0) the weather (p) (be) good

enough, they (q) (make) a film of the expedition.

Robin said, '(r) we (s) (get) back home,

we (t) (show) it to people all over the world:

6 First Conditional

Environmentalists are worried about the greenhouse effect. Make sentences, using If, , " ... will ...


If the earth gets warmer, the sea will get warmer. If the sea gets warmer, .

[f ... the earth gets warmer


the sea gets warmer

the ice at the North and South Poles melt ...

the sea level rises


there are floods in many parts of the world


many people lose their homes and land



Making questions

Your friend is going on holiday. Ask questions about it. Example


What will you do if you miss the plane?

a. What/do/plane/late?


b. Where/stay/hotels/full?

c. Who/talk to/not make any friends?

d. What/do/not like the food?


e. Where/go/beaches/crowded?

f. What/do/get sunburnt?

IfoT when?

Put if or when into each gap.

a. "_. you can't do your homework, ask for help.

b. I'll pay you back I next see you.

c. I'll come to bed this programme ends.

d. anyone phones me, tell them I'm out.

e. Come on' . __ we hurry, we'll catch the bus! f. I play tennis with Justin, he always wins.

g. The shops are full of things to buy . Christmas


h. 'I've lost my bag." know.'

I find it, I'll let you

9 Combining sentences

Combine the following pairs of sentences using the words in brackets.


She'll pay me back. She'll get some money. (as soon as) She '/I pn.v mp back (1$ soon as she gets some money.

a. I'll wait here. You'll get back. (until)

b. Give me a ring. You'll hear some news. (when)

c. The TV programme will end. I'll do my homework. (after)


d. I'll go to work. I'll have a bath. (before)

e. She'll be in Paris. She'll visit friends. (while)


f. The lesson will end. I'll go home. (as soon as)

g. I won't leave the house. The postman will call. (until)


h. Can you feed the cats? I'll be away. (while)

i. I'll tell you about the holiday. I'll get back. (when)


j. I'll study English. I'll speak it perfectly. (until)





I Vocabulary

12 I

10 Odd man out

The following words have something in common, but there is one that is different. Say what they have in common, and why one is different.





They are all containers, but a suitcase isforelothes. You can buy food in the others, for example, a packet of Corn Flakes, a tin of soup, a box of chocolates.

Sometimes there is more than one answer!

a. dictionary magazine telephone directory recipe ~

b. guitar trumpet piano violin

c. bicycle cnr lorry van

d. tomato grapefruit strawberry cherry c. elephant donkey horse zebra

f. bee wasp spider fly

g. caravan flat cottage castle

h. rmlk beer lemonade petrol

i. hammer screwdriver spanner spade

j. chess basketball squash tabletennis

I Writing

II Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. We arrived at Tokyo at 3 o'clock in the morning.

h. As soon as Sylvia and Ronald will arrive, the meeting can start.

c. How long have you been interested of the environment?

d. You should doing more exercise. It's good for you.

e. When I'll go back to my country, I'll write to you.

She yesterday travelled by plane to New York.

g. Ifit is too expensive, I want buy it.

h. I'll give it to Jack when he come.

We'll must buy a new car soon.

j. When you want to go to the cinema tonight, I'll go with you.

12 Linking words (2)

Advantages and disadvantages

I Read these notes about travelling by train.

I Advantages

- fast

- comfortable

- not stressful

rD. can:

- relax (read and look out of the window)


- eat


- expensive

- sometimes crowded

- sometimes delayed

- not door to door

You m1L~L'

- travel at certain times

- use other transport to get to the station

2 Now read the following text and put the linking words on the right in the correct place in each paragraph. The linking words are in the right order. Sometimes you will need to change the punctuation. What is the purpose of each paragraph?

First of all, Also,

for example,

The advantages and disadvantages of travelling l!J


1 Travelling by train has many advantages. There are no stressful traffic jams, and trains are fast and comfortable. You can use the time in different ways. You can just sit and read, orwatch the world go by. You can work, or you can have a meal or a snack in the buffet car.

2 Travelling by train also has-II some disadvantages. It is expensive and the trains are sometimes crowded and delayed.

You have to travel at certain times

and trains cannot take you from doorto door. You need a bus or a

taxi to take you to the railway station.

3 I prefer travelling by train to travelling by car I feel more relaxed when I reach my destination.


For one thing, \Vhat is more,

for example,

~ Despite the disadvantages,

because ...

Make notes about the advantages and disadvantages of one ofthe following topics. Then write a text similar to the one above, giving your own opinions. Do not use more than 150 words.

a. Travelling by car.

b. Living in a flat (rather than a house).

c. Single sex schools (rather than mixed schools with both boys and girls).


Units 7-9

Do these revision exercises to find out how much progress you have made in Units 7-9.

At the end. decide which language areas you need to practise more.

What grammar and vocabulary did you study in Units 7-97

[ Past Simple and past participle . __ I

What is the Past Simple and the past participle of the following verbs'! Some are regular and some are irregular.

make drink see travel act

try eat break know spend

win have read write speak

r- .--- ... _.- .

There is a list of irregular verbs on page 141 of the Student's Book.

1 Present Perfect or Past Simple?

Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. Present Perfect or Past Simple.

a. Barbara Lively (write) a lot of books.

She (write) her first fifteen years ago.

_____ you ever (try) Indian



c. I never (be) to Russia.

When YOIl (go) there?

d. I (live) in London for eight years, and I

don't want to move.

e. He . (live) in Oxford for two years. and

then in 1989 he (move) to L"andon.

f. We (meet) Tim and Maureen three

years ago. How long you _

(know) them?


2 Put ever, never. for, or since into each gap.

a. He's worked there many years, _

1976, I believe.

b. I have loved anyone as much as I love you.

c. We've known Paul two years. Have you

___ met him?

d. I've known him we went to school together,

but I've met his parents.

3 Make questions with the verb in brackets. Then answer the questions about you.

a. How long you (live) in your town?

b. you ever (drink) champagne?

c. How many foreign countries you _


d. Where you (go) on holiday last


e. What you (do) there?

f. How long you (know) your best


Have to and should

The following sentences are all about visiting America. Put have to, don't have to, or should into each gap.

When you go to America

a. you get a visa.

b. you apply for a visa at least one month

before you go.

c. you book a hotel room before you go.

because there are usually a lot ofvacancies.

d. you get a work penn it if you want to work


e. you visit San Francisco, because many

people thmk It IS the most beautiful city in Amenca.

f. you change your money before you go,

because there are a lot of 24·hour banks.

g. you hire a car, because it's the easiest way

to travel, and petrol is cheap.

h. you have special injections before you go.

I First C()~ditional and time clauses

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form with will or the Present Simple.

a. If you (eat) another cake, you

____ (be) sick.

b. You (fail) your exam if you

____ (not study) hard.

c. What

(do) if you


____ (fail)?

d. Our children and grandchildren (suffer)

if we (not look after) our planet.

e. I (do) my homework as soon as this

programme (finish).

r. When she (read) my letter, she

_____ (understand) my problem.

g. Where he (stay) when he

_____ (go) to New York?

h. They (give) her the message as soon as

she (arrive).

2 Match a line in A with a line in B.

If I pass my driving test, will you pay for the meal?
You'll learn English more we find somewhere to
easily if live.
Will you give her these you study a little every
flowers when day.
Ifthey don't give him the job, you don't water them.
I'll marry you as soon as we'll send them to you.
Yuur plants won't grow I'll buy a car.
well if I don't know what he'll
As soon as we get the tickets, do.
If I buy the champagne, you see her? Vocabulary


TIY the crossword!

Nearly all ofthe words are in Units 7-9.


1 You have to show this when you board a plane. (8,4) 6 You can do this with both time and money. It is also a homophone. (5)

. 9 A recorder is useful in a classroom and for listening to music

at home. (4)

10 Empty tins, bits of paper, etc. All the things we thruw away into

our bin in the kitchen, we call . (7)

11 'Come _ stairs immediately. It's time for bed!' (2)

13 This is all around us, and all the people of the world should look after it. (11)

15 This is made of glass, and jam or marmalade is often in it. (3)

16 David, the teenage tycoon, is a expert. He writes special

programs for them. (8)

17 This is the homophone of see. (3)

18 You should always your best in an exam. (2)

19 Violins, guitars, pianos, trumpets, etc. are all instruments.


21 'Please tidy your room. You always make a in it!' (4)

23 Sarah is married Peter. (2)

25 The M25 is the most crowded in Britain. (8)

28 My daughter wanted to eat a hamburger and a hot . (3)

30 This is what policemen, soldiers, and English schoolchildren

wear. (7)

32 'Please can you take __ of my cat when we're away?' (4) 34 A person who is this never eats meat. (10)

35 A word that means the same as apart in a film or play. (4)


1 The place where you eat on a train. (6,3) .

2 What people do in films and plays when they have a 35 across. (~) 3 Where you wait in an airport before you get into the plane. (9,6)

4 Another word for a job or profession. People often say' I want a

__ in teaching, medicine, modelling', etc. (6)

5 This is a machine but it can work like a person. It can make a car. and I hope one will do the housework for me in the next century' (5)

6 Another word for cowboy films (8)

7 This little word shows that a second idea results from a first idea,

e.g: 1 like children, I decided to be a teacher. (2)

8 This is an adverb which ends in -ly and means the same as

particularly, e.g: I like all fruit, strawberries. (10)

12 ' upon a time' is how many English stories begin. (5)

14 The capital of Russia (6)

15 The cars couldn't move. There was another traffic on the

M25. (3)

17 This is the homophone of sun. (3)

20 'Look at all these books and clothes on the floor! Your room is

always !' (6)

22 This is the text of a play or film. Actors and actresses learn the words for their parts from it. (6)

23 It means also. It is a homophone of two. (3)

24 They have a wonderful view of the city because they live on the


26 The pop group had one hit __ last year. (6) 27 You can travel by land, sea, or __ . (3)

28 Paul Newman's son died ofa overdose. (4)

29 Past of give (4)

31 The opposite of generous (4)

33 An adverb which does not end in -ly. It is used to emphasize and

show surprise, e.g: The thieves stole everything, the carpet.


What do you need to revise? How are you going to do it?



Used to

... t :


Match a line in A with a line in B. Complete the line in B with a subject and used to.

I was very fit when I was young. It used to follow me everywhere.
The teachers at my school wcrc horrible. _.,,_ go everywhere by bus.
- - : .... ,
My sister's room was so messy. freeze on winter mornings.
I had a dog when I was a kid. fly Concorde.
My family had some lovely holidays. never tidy it at all. -
When I was young, we didn't have a car. -r " do a lot of exercise.
And we didn't have central heating. hit the pupils.
My unele was a pilot for British Airways. go camping all over Europe.
2 Things used to be different

Make sentences with used to WhICh show how things were different.


This town's so ugly. It used to be so pretty.

There are so many tourists.

There didn't use to be any tourists.

a. The houses are very expensive.

f. It's noisy at night.

g. Andy's changed! He's so miserable!

h. And he's really mean.

r~' .

i. He's badly-dressed.


b. The streets are dirty.

., ...

3 Short answers

Make short answers with never used to, and say what used to happen.


Jeremy drinks beer and whisky. (lemonade) He never used to. He used to drink lemonade.

c. There is so much litter on the streets.

d. T?e_ car parks are always full.

a. Henry drives like a maniac. (carefully)

e. There is a lot of traffic on the roads.



b. Tessa spends a fortune on clothes! (very careful with her money)

c. The children fight a lot these days. (get on well)

d. I think Kate tells lies. (tell the truth)

e. Margaret gets up at 11.00. (the first one up in the morning)

f. The tape recorder keeps stopping. (work perfectly)

~------------------ .. "'.

4 /ju:st/ or /ju:zd/?

Remember that used in used to is pronounced /ju:st/. The verb to use is pronounced /ju:z/, and in the past, /ju:zd/.

In the following sentences, say if used is pronounced (1 ) /ju:st/ or (2) Iju:zcl/, Write 1 or 2 in each box.

a. D I used to smoke, but I gave up. ~.

b. D We used to go tu Bournemouth every April.

c. D He used a dictionary to understand the story.

d. D I used a ladder to mend the light.

e. D I used to enjoy gardening, but I don't any more.

f. 'How did you mend the washing machine?'

D 'I used my common sense.'


5 Subject questions

Make subject questions to ask about the missing information.


The ZX Computer has a big memory. The MP-l 00 has a big memory. What do you ask the shop assistant?

Which computer has a bigger memory, the ZX or the MP-IOO?

a. You and a friend are watching a good film on TV when the phone rings, and you miss the end. What do you

ask your friend when you come back into the room?

What _

- 1

b. You hear a crash. You go into the living room and find your two children near a smashed vase. What do you ask them?

Who ~~ ?

c. You want to know how many people in your class come to school by car. What do you ask the class?

Who ?


d. All your friends are talking about something that happened at a party last night. You don't know anything about it. What do you ask?

~at ?

e. You are with a lot of children when you get to an icecream shop. They can have either an ice-cream or a lolly. What do you ask them?

~o ?

f. A BMW goes fast. So does a Jaguar. Ask a question . 1:\.1, ~ V}

Which ?

g. You are working aryour desk at home, and go away for a minute. When you come back, your pen is missing. What do you ask your family?


~O ~L·~~~~P~·. ~ ?

h. You are a teacher. Some of your class can watch a film, and some can work on the computer. What do you ask your class?

~ f. ",1;0:-(,,1 ~ /.-h.

~o and who " ?

6 Subject and object questions

Read the newspaper article, then ask the questions.

Schoolboy hero

Andrew Nelson, an ISyear-old schoolboy from Staffordshire, yesterday saved four people from a helicopter crash in which two people died.

He was playing football at school when his friend Tony saw the helicopter crash in a nearby field. Immediately Andrew ran a mile to get to the scene of the accident. Andrew, whose father is a flying instructor, knew the helicopter was in danger of exploding, but he ran inside and pulled out four adults, one after the other. Meanwhile, the head teacher of his school phoned for an ambulance and the fire brigade.

'They are lucky to be alive: said the Chief Fire Officer.


-------------------------?' .t .


b. ,_~_---'----'- .. _,_f_;-___':.:_t__':..=-j_,_· _c' ,c__c_" ?' \ ,4




'His friend, Tony.'

d. ' ?'

'In a nearby field. '




f ' ~ ?'

'He's a flying instructor.'


'The head teacher of the school.'

h .• ?'

'He said that they were lucky to be alive.'


Questions with a preposition at the end

Write in the questions. There is sometimes more than one possible answer.

I'm waiting.
Who are you waitingfor?
a. Sh! I'm listening.
b. Jane's talking.
Who ... ;\Q 1 '
c. Sh! I'm thinking.
d. They're looking everywhere.
What "
e. She's going on holiday.
f. I'm going out.
g. I had a dream last night.
h. I had an argument with Bert yesterday.
1. Jerry's in love.
j. Sophie's getting married.
8 Question tags
Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C. ?
, ?
? A B C
It's chilly today, No. Huw do you do?
You don't like this
food, haven't you? Yes. They live next
You know the is it? door to me.
Browns, have you'! Yes. A Renault.
Yes. There was a
This exercise isn't do you? frost last night.
hard, isn't it?
You 've got a car, don't you? Well, I find it a bit
You haven't met too salty.
Henry, No. It's quite easy. Vocabulary

9 Rhymes

In the following groups of three words, two words rhyme and one doesn't. Circle the one which is different.

boot (§) suit
a. wear hair ear
b. lord word bored
c. home come some
d. sung wrong '~_. i·! - ~ ::'
young .. : ; ~;' (:~: ,,;~,~ (;
e. flower lower flour
f. war law far
g. bull fool wool
h. niece pies piece
1. food good wood
J . crowd loud road
_..,r--- Writing

10 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. Where now I live there is a large garden.

b. She use to work in a factory that makes shoes.

C. It isn't true that is always raining in Manchester.

d. Who did tell you about George's girlfriend? c. I looking forward to hearing from you soon.

f. There are more men than womens in the Government.

g. Weare twenty students in our class.

h. They often used go to the theatre when they lived in London.

i. Which photos would you like to look?

J. I finished to do my homework quickly last night.

11 Making notes to write a composition

It is often a good idea to make notes before you write. There are different ways to do this.

Look at the following picture of hippies. Do you know anything about them?

Quickly make notes about anything you can think of.

2 Below are some notes made by a student before writing a composition about hippies,

This way of making notes is called a mind map.

Read the notes and check any new words in your dictionary.

Compare ideas.

Did you think of some of the same things? Do you like this way of making notes?

<_ ~_

..•... ,.


3 Now read the composition.

The paragraphs are not in the right order. Which paragraph is the introduction? Which paragraph is a good conclusion? Put them in the right order.

'.,. ...

·1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __



~ ~

a. This lifestyle really shocked their parents. However, it was not only their lifestyle that shocked, their appearance did too. Both boys and girls had very long hair, often with flowers in it. They used to wear flared trousers or long skirts and sometimes went barefoot

h. Today most hippies are hippies no longer. They live middle-class lives and worry about their children and paying the bills!

_- -.-.-'-"'~""-".' --.- ... .,.-.--~

c. So what did they do? They 'dropped out'. They left their comfortable middle-class homes and formed communes. These were often in the countryside, and there they used tu grow vegetables and keep farm animals. They went to open-air pop concerts, where some of them danced naked and took drugs. They went on protest marches against war, particularly the war in Vietnam,

d. They were against many things: materialism in society, the boring routine uf nine-to-fi ve jobs, ordinary family life, and war. Their slogan was 'Make love, not war'.

e. Hippies were young people, mainly from the middle classes, who rebelled against society in the sixties and . early seventies.

4 Compare the composition with the notes in the mind map_

Where does the information in the notes appear in the text?

S Choose a well-known group of people (political or social), past or present, from your country.

Make notes about them. Use a mind map if you want to.

Use the notes to help you to write a short composition of about 150 words.




The passive

Forming the passive

Use one of the verbs in the box to fill each gap. All the verbs are in the passive, either in the Present Simple, Past Simple, or Present Perfect.

admire play demonstrate

keep buy

make (x 2) look

sell know


makes record £902,000 at Christie's

A Stradivarius violin (a) was sold yesterday at Christie's for £9O'.l,(XX), the highest price ever paid for a Strad. The violin, owned by the Mendelssohn family,

(b) in 1720, and, because of its colour, it

(c) as the 'Red Strad'. It (d) by

'a professional musician.'

In its years in the Mendelssohn family, it (e) _

very little, except by amateurs, but its beautiful tones (f) by a Japanese violinist before the auction yesterday.

'It is in very good condition because it (g) in

a special case,' said Y oshito Ito. 'It (h) after very well.'

The violin reached such a high price because of its date of 172fJ (the height of Stradivari's Golden Age), when his

finest instruments (i) . Stradstj) _

all over the world for their purity and deep, clear sound.



2 Making questions
Ask questions about the information in italics.
The Strad was made in 1720.
When was the Strad made?
a. 'It has been kept in a special case.'
~ .I.
'Where ?'
b. 'Stradivari's best instruments were made in 1720.'
'When ?'

c. 'The Houses of Parliament were built in the nineteenth
'When ?'

d. 'Twenty people were hurt in the train crash. '
'How many r

e. 'Champagne is produced in France. '
'Where ?'
f. 'This jumper has been washed twice, and it has
'How many times ?'

g. 'She was fined three hundred pounds for speeding.'
'How much ?'

h. 'School teachers are paid about £15.000 a year. '
'How much j r

i. 'Our post is delivered twice a day. ' ~:c·
'How often ?'
j. 'Three teenagers were given an award/or bravery
yesterday. '
.. 'Why ?' 3 Making negatives

Make the following sentences negative. Then give the right information.


Paper is made from plastic.

Paper isn't made from plastic. It's made from wood.

a. President Kennedy was killed in New York.

b. Coffee is grown in Scotland.

c. Sunflowers was painted by Renoir.

d. Walkman cassette players were developed by the Russians .

. ,

e. The Berlin Wall was knocked down in 1982.

f. The 1988 Olympic Games were held in Paris.

g. Rolls-Royce cars are made in Japan.

h. Coca-Cola has been produced for over two hundred years.

4 Short answers

Answer the following questions about the Stradivarius violin in exercise 1, and about you. Use short answers.

a. 'Was the violin sold for u million pounds?'

b. 'Is it known as the Red Strad because of its colour?'

c. 'Has it been damaged?'

d. 'Were the finest Strads made in the eighteenth century?'

e. 'Is your school equipped with a language laboratory?'

f. 'Has your house been decorated recently?'

5 Notices

Look at the notices. They can all be seen in English shops. For each one, write two sentences, one in the passive and one in the active.


German and French spoken

German and French are spoken in that shop. They speak German and French in that shop.

8. Put-til ..... I.t ... t .lntH

h. Jewellery bought and sold

c·1 Credit cards accepted I

d. ! ;;tfternoon tea saved' I
I .
I 6 Newspaper articles

In the four newspaper articles there are twelve examples of passive verb forms, but they are in the wrong place. Find them and put them in the right place.


Mo:arf Makes Record

A Mozart manuscript which was arrested for 40 years was knocked out at an auction yesterday. The signed piano works were dR/ayed by an Austrian library for a record £880,000.




A 40-year-old businessman from Birmingham was sold last night at Heathrow airport. A substance believed to be cocaine was stopped in his suitcase. He was crowned by customs officials before being taken to Acton Police Station.

The London-Edinburgh express was lost yesterday morning as it was passing through York station. Four people uere bought to hospital, but no one was

L.. __;I seriously hurt. Trains were

Fellows Loses Fight taken for the rest of the day.

I Former champion Larry Fellows lost his fight in Dallas last I night when he was derailed in the eighth round by Joe Wheeler. After the fight Joe wa.~ found heavyweight champion of the world. The fight was questioned in the second round when the crowd started to throw objects at the referee, who the crowd thought was being unfair to the former champion.



7 Words with more than one meaning

The words in the dictionary extracts all appeared in Unit 11, and they all have more than one meaning.


wave' /welv/ n. 1 rough top of the water when the sea is not calm; rolling movement of the sea when it crashes on the beach: A big wave swept the man off the boat. 2 movement from side to side, up and down, etc: He gave a wave of the hand to say goodbye. 3 gentle curve or bend:

Her hair has waves. 4 movement like a wave that carries heat, light, sound, etc: radio


wave2 v 1 move gently to and fro: The flag is waving in the wind. 2 move something from one side to the other:

Ada waved her hand as the train left. 3 make a sign to someone: The policeman waved the driver to stop.

I saw Ann this morning. I didn't speak to her, Ijust waved.

This is an example of entry 2, definition 2.

0" the lust duys of our holiday, we couldn't go swimming because the waves were too big.

This is an example of entry 1, definition 1.

The grass was waving in the wind.

This is an example of entry 2, definition 1.

Notice that this dictionary has a separate entry for nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.

Look at the dictionary extracts and the sentences. Which entry (and which definition) is the word an example of?

fit' adj. (fitter, fittest) 1 good enough: That dirty dress is not fit to wear. 2 healthy; well: Exercise keeps us fit.

frt2 n. 1 sudden illness. 2 doing something suddenly:

He was in fits of laughter. 3 way clothes look and feel on someone: Myoid shoes are a tightfit.

f.r v. (pres. part. fitting, past part. & past tense fitted /,fItId/) 1 be the right size and shape: Do your new shoes fit well? 2 put something into its place: Mr. Unwin fiued u nl!w luck un the door. fit in, (a) find time to do something: Can you fit in a visit to me? (b) find space for something: Can you fit in another person? Is there room in the car? fit in with, do what someone wants at the right time: I'll fit in with your plans.


a. 1 managed to fit all my clothes into one suitcase.

b. These jeans don'tfit me.

They're the wrong size.

c. He runs five miles every day. He's veryfit.

present' /'preznt/ adj. 1 being here; being there: Is all the class present? 2 being or happening now: my present job. at the present rime, now. present n. the time now. at present, now. for the present, for now; until later: I've got enough money for the present, but I must go to the bank tomorrow.

presenr n. gift; something that you give to someone: a birthday present.

g. When there is «fair in my town, 1 like to win prizes and go on the rides.

h. 1 have fair skin, so 1 can't lie in the sun for very long.

i. 'I gave my son a bike for Christmas, and my daughter a book. '

'That's not very fair. Did she mind?'

course' /k:>:s/ n. 1 moving forwards: during the course of the day. 2 line in which something moves: We followed the course of the river. change course, start to go in a different way: The aeroplane had to change course because of the storm. in due course, later; at the right time: I wrote to my sister and her reply came in due course. of course, certainly: Of course I'll help you.

course2 n. ground for sport: a golf-course; a race-course. course3 n. planned programme of study: Nigel is ,doinf{ a law course at university,

course' n. part of a meal: The first course was soup.

1. 'Don't move! Keep still or I'll shoot you!'

111. 'What do you do these days?'

'I still have the same job at the bank. '

n. Mary Casey's last book was enormous. Her latest one is still longer.

d. 'I've got a present for you.'

'Oh, thank you! Is it something nice?'

e. The present government is ruining the country.

f. The whole family was present at the wedding.

j .. ~

fair' /ftla(r)/ ad}. 1 honest; treating people in the right way: afair boss. 2 quite good but not very good: Your work is good, but Derek's is only fair, 3 dry and sunny: fair weather. 4 with a pale or light colour:fair hair.

fairZ n. 1 special market: We saw new kinds of farm machines at the agricultural fair, 2 festival in the open air, where you can buy things, play games, hear music, etc.

j. I'm doing a pottery cours. at night school.

k. The meal was good value - four courses for £15.

still' /sul/ adj. not moving or making any sound: The air is so still that the smoke is rising straight up from the fire, stillness n.

still2 adv. without moving or making any sound; quietly:

Please sit still while I cut your hair,

still3 adv. 1 up to now; even now: 1 can't go because I'm still busy, 2 up to then and at that time: When I left the fire was still burning. 3 even; more: Grace is tall, but Catherine is still taller,

I Writing

8 Writing a review of a book or a film

Read the following review of the novel Frankenstein. Put the four sentences beside the review in the correct place.


rran~nstein was written by MmySfieIIey, tfie wife of the poet P. t]3.S~ in 1818.

(1) _

tIfie story is toft{ tlirougli the fetters of a man a:zUd Walton, an 'Et1£ICisIi ezyforer. 1# are toft{ of fJ,uWr :r rankgnstein; a studen: from yeneva, who discooets the secret of Ufo·

(2) Peopfe an tenifidofit because it is so liuge and ugfy. %.e poor mott.5ter lias no Jrinufs and fufs randy and depressed, so it asf(J ~ra.nf(enstein to ~itawife·

(3) 'Ihen the monster attacf(J and IQ[£s not onf:y :rranf(enstein s brotfrtr, rot also Iiis fri.eru£ and Iiis 6rid£ 'E£iza6etli. ~ranf(enstein is

fiearthroK_en and is tktennind to kj[[ the monster. (4) _

rrattkenstein is a fascinating story because of the character of the monster, wliicli is 60tft sai and friglitening at the same time.

a So he collects bones and bodies from graveyards, and cons1lUcts a creature which is more monster than man.

b However he dies while chasing the monster, which then kills itself.

c This he refuses to do.

d It is a horror story which is thought tu be the original science fiction novel.

2 The following headings are useful when you write a


- title and author

- type ofbook/film

- characters

- events in the story '",

- your opinion of the book or film

Find the information for these headings in the review of Frankenstein.

3 Which tense is used to write the review? Is it Past Simple or Present Simple?

4 Make some notes under the headings above about a book or film that you have read or seen recently. Then write the review. Do not write more than 200 words.

9 Correcting mistakes
In each of the following sentences there is one mistake.
Find it and correct it. t .
a. I can't find my pen. Have you got her?
b. How long they have been married?
c. The man which came with Jane is her husband.
d. He ran until the end of the road.
e. That picture didn't be painted by Monet.
f. Hans comes from German. ,
g. Volvos are make in Sweden.
h. He wasn't choosen for the job.
i. When were they come to Japan?
j. Faust wasn't written from Shakespeare. 59

Verb patterns

Inflnltive or -ing?

Put the verb in brackets in the right form, infinitive (with or without to), or -ing.

Sometimes two forms are possible. "


I enjoy walking (walk) in the rain.

Would you like 10 have (have) something to eat?

It started to rain/raining (rain) while we were out.

a. My family is trying
go on holiday.
b. I'd like
c. I enjoy
d. But my children hate
e. They prefer
all day.
£. They refuse
hot. -----'- (decide) where to

(go) somewhere different for a

(visit) places I've never been to

(sightsee) _____ (play) in a swimming pool

_____ (go) out on trips if it' s luu

g. Last year we managed (find) a holiday

that suited everyone.

h. We decided _~_~_ (rent) a house with a

swimming pool.

i. A lady from a travel agency helped us _

(choose) a nice house.

j. When we arrived, the people next door invited us _____ (have) a drink with them.

k. We began (talk) about next year's

holiday two months ago.

1. Everyone hopes (enjoy) themselves on

holiday, but it isn't always easy.

m. My wife and I are starting (think) we

should stay at home.


2 Choosing the correct form

Put a tick (I') next to the correct form of the verb.

a. He agreed

. \ ,.-

start D

starting D the job as soon as possible. to start D



b. I finished to read D the book and went to bed. reading D

" !-~ , -

doing D

to do D well in do D exams.

c. My teachers always expected me

topay D _

d. Let me paying D for the meal. You paid last time. pay D

being D

to be D more careful when I brush my teeth.

be D

e. The dentist told me

3 Rewriting sentences

Rewrite the sentences, using the verb in brackets. Example

'Stay at my house for a few days,' Andy said to Jim. (invite)

Andy invited Jim to stay at his house for a few days.

a. 'Please tidy your room,' she said to her children. (want)

J ~ : t .. ,;.,


She ~~_~ ~ __



b. 'I won't lend you any money,' she said to me. (refuse)

She ----------------------

c. 'I think you should look for a better job,' I said to Jerry. (advise)

I '

d. 'Get out of bed! ' she said to her children. (tell)

She __

e. 'Could you post a letter for me?' he said to his daughter. (ask)

He ___

f. 'You can go home early,' the teacher said to the class. (let)

The teacher __

g. 'You must practise for two hours every day!' my piano

teacher says to me. (make) /

My piano teacher _

h. It was difficult, but I saved £ 1 000 in six months. (manage)

4 Asking questions

Ask a question with the verb in brackets and the verb do. Look at the reply to see which tense to use.


'What are you trying to do?' (try)

'I'm lookingfor my contact lens. Can you see it?'

a. 'I'll help you. What to do?'


'Could you do the washing-up while I do the cooking? Thanks.'

b. 'What to do?' (tell)

'She (the doctor) told me to go to bed for a few days.'

c. 'My mother was so helpful while she was staying with us.'

'What to do? (help)

'She looked after the children while I was at work.'

d. 'What to do tonight?' (would


'What about going out for a meal?'

e. 'My teachers at school were horrible.'

'What ; do?' (make)

'If there was one mistake in the homework, we had to do it again.'

f. 'What to do after university?'


'I'd like to get ajob in publishing.'

I Infinitives

5 Infinitives after adjectives Complete the following sentences.


hard/find a good job

It's hard to find a good job. I/surprised/see you here

I'm surprised tv see you here.

a. This book/easy/read


b. lovely/see you last night

~ I

c. easy/make mistakes when you're learning a language

\ , . , L

d. important/keep vocabulary records

e. I/pleased/see you've stopped smoking

,.,._ _._,

~ I ,-,

f. impossible/keep the house tidy with five children

g. unusual/have long, hot summers in England

6 Infinitives of purpose

Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.

I went for a walk the house smell
I'm going to the nice.
library to make a new car.
I went to town to buy some friends.
I phoned the to get how to get to my
theatre to change house.
I want to borrow to visit my books.
some money to explain some fresh air.
I bought some to find out some shopping.
I'm going to Paris to do what time the play.
I wrote to John 61


7 Right or wrong?

In the following sentences there are some mistakes with the apostrophe. Find them and correct them. Careful! There Isn't a mistake in every sentence.

a. I borrowed my teachers book because I left mine at Marias' house.

b. 'Where's the Director?' 'In the teacher's room.'

c. Peter say's its time to go.

d. He's got three dogs' . tth".-

e. The Film Club had it's first meeting last week.

f. My neighbours' dog makes a terrible noise. They leave it in the garden all day. It's always burying its bones in my garden.

g. 'How much is the salmon?' 'Six poundsi' a kilo.'

'Thais expensive!'

'Ah! But it's flavour is wondeiful!'

h. 'Whot'se are those books?' 'They/re your's, areru they?'

i. I went to John and Annts for the weekend. Thefre a very nice couple.

j. The Government earn make up its mind what to do about the countrys economy.

I Vocabulary

8 Forming nouns

The following words all appeared in the three previous units of the Student's Book. Write in the noun.

Noun Noun
peaceful peace vote . -.-
~I .~ •
courageous Lc..: ....... ( :.\~.._- operate
encourage ::';;', (\..4;-~A' notice l'
/ ); -'
t ,
honest argue
believe decide ~. '.,'
organize " hot - i
, r
share important
bleed ' .. \ advertise a

9 -ed or -ing adjectives?

Complete the sentences with one of the words in the box. Careful! They are not all used.

s~~~ ~\,\~ illt
sllrp . annoyed
\)OteO bo1jlJ.g ~o~1\f, a. The TV programme was so I turned

it off.

b. Children can't get to sleep on Christmas Eve. They're

too _

c. 'Hi, Mum!'

'Carol! Thank goodness you rang! Where have you

been? We've been so about you!'

d. 'Hello, darling. I've got a present for you.'

'Forme?' , '.. ~. '.

. 'r' ,':.~' ..

'Don't look so ')'. I often buy you


'But it isn't my birthday!'

e. The art exhibition was very .. I loved

it, but I had to leave after three hours. My feet were killing me! I find going round art galleries and

museums very _

f. Some people don't go out at night because they're ----'..c,------ that someone will rob them.

g. Our financial situation is' very . We

spend more and more, but we're earning less and less.

h. 'You're yawning. Are you listening to what I'm saying?'

'I am! I'm really , . I want to know

what happened. It's just that I feel very

_.:__~ . I went to bed very late last night. '

1. 'I'm going on a three-month huliday to the Far East.'

'How ! Lucky you!'

j. 'Was your father when you told him

your exam results'!'

'He was furious.'

I Writing

10 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. We decided leave as soon as possible.

b. I'm sorry to be late.

c. If you tell me your adress, I'll write to you.

d. I went to the bank for to change some money.

e. Janes" garden is bigger than ours.

f. My sister writes histories for children.

g. He ate very quickly his breakfast.

h. John and I we went to France last year.

1. I went out with a friend ef-me last night.

J. Have you seen the Ann's new car?

. "

II Adverbs

Writing a story (2)

Put the adverb in brackets in a suitable position in the following sentences. Sometimes more than one position is possible. Make sure the punctuation is correct.


A tiger j urnped out of a tree. (suddenly) Suddenly, a tiger jumped out of a tree. .

a. Thank you for the invitation. I can't come. (unfor tunately)

b. I got out of bed and went to make a cup of tea. (downstairs)

c. She checked in her luggage. She went to have a cup

of coffee. (then) .

d. I was sitting at home when something very strange happened. (last Thursday evening)

e. Keith's lying in bed because he doesn't feel well. (upstairs)

f. They have a son called Simon, and we have a son called Simon. (too)

g. There's a programme on TV tonight that I'm ~ interested in. (very)

h. [worked all last week. (hard)

'. .. :

2 Look at the four pictures. Can you understand the story? Why is it funny?

Complete the sentences about each picture to write the story.


Picture 1

Last Monday morning, Mrs Brown was in her bedroom getting ready to go to work, when suddenly she

(a) , so she (b) because

(c) . L.

Picture 2

Then she had a good idea. She jumped (d) .r

cat, Tiger.

and (e) downstairs (f) -',er

Picture 3

At first she (g) _---'- anywhere, but finally she

(h) the kitchen table. Quickly, she

(i) ---;(-'- and (j) back upstairs.

Picture 4

Mrs Brown hurried into the bedroom and

(k) Tiger (I) _~ the floor. Then

she (m) again. Unfortunately, Tiger

(n) too, so he (0) . What a



Second Conditional

Dreams and reality (1)

Jimmy is in prison. Read about his life in prison, then complete the sentences that express his dreams.


He's in prison. He ... - gets up at 5.00

- wears a prison uniform

- has cold toast for breakfast

- works in a factory

- exercises in a yard

- watches TV every evening

- goes to bed at 9.00.


lfhe weren't in prison, ... he'd get up at 7.30.


a. he a suit.
b. he coffee and croissants.
c. he in an office.
d. he squash.

e. he to night clubs.

f. he at midnight.
,-.:;'):" 2 Dreams and reality (2)

Look at the pictures of Laura's reality and dream, and complete the sentences. There are examples of the Present Simple and the Second Conditional.


Laura lives (live) in a big city.

lfshe lived (live) in the country, she would have (have) a dog.

Laura (a) (share) a flat with three other

girls, but if it (b) (be) possible, she ..

(c) (live) on her own. Ifshe

(d) (live) in the country, she

(e) (buy) a little cottage, and she

(f) (grow) her own flowers and vegetables.

In town, she (g) , (travel) by Underground

and (h) (go) shopping in big department

stores, but she (i) (not like) this at all. Ifshe

~_. ' l

0) --- (be) in the country, she

(k) (ride) her bike, and she

(I) (buy) things in the little village shop.

She (m) (love) walking, and often

(n) (go) for a walk in town, but the streets

are noisy. In the country, she (0) (walk)

across the fields with her dog.

3 Making questions

} ;,

Ask questions about Jimmy in exercise 1.

Example "U.",.

'If Jimmy weren't in prison, . . . i' what time would he get up?'

'At 7.30. '

a. '?'
'A suit.'
. ..;.. '/ ..'1
b. , '1.': ,; ?'
' .. _- ,"_ ~
'Coffee and croissants. '
c. ?'
'In an office.'
d. , ?'
'To night clubs.'
,. ~
e. ?'
'At midnight. '
.: .ir , ------

- ---

4 Short answers

Answer the questions about Laura. Use short answers. Example

If Laura lived in the country, would she live on her own? Yes, she would.

a. 'Would she live in a flat?'.

b. 'Would she have a dog?'

c. 'Would she go shopping in department stores?'

d. 'Would she ride her bike?' ,

e. 'Would she grow vegetables?'

5 Combining sentences

Rewrite the following sentences using a Second Conditional.


I'm not rich. I don't live in a big house. If I were rich, I'd live in a big house.

a. He works in the evening. He has no time to play with his children.

b. She buys a lot of clothes. She has no money.

c. I haven't got a car. I can't give you a lift.

d. I go to bed late. In the morning I'm tired .

. I r .

e. She hasn't got a watch, She's always late.

,) ,; ,


Laura (a) (share) a flat with three other

girls, but if it (b) (be) possible, she ..

(c) (live) on her own. Ifshe

(d) (live) in the country, she

(e) (buy) a little cottage, and she

(f) (grow) her own flowers and vegetables.

In town, she (g) , (travel) by Underground

and (h) (go) shopping in big department

stores, but she (i) (not like) this at all. Ifshe

~_. ' l

0) --- (be) in the country, she

(k) (ride) her bike, and she

(I) (buy) things in the little village shop.

She (m) (love) walking, and often

(n) (go) for a walk in town, but the streets

are noisy. In the country, she (0) (walk)

across the fields with her dog.

3 Making questions

} ;,

Ask questions about Jimmy in exercise 1.

Example "U.",.

'If Jimmy weren't in prison, . . . i' what time would he get up?'

'At 7.30. '

a. '?'
'A suit.'
. ..;.. '/ ..'1
b. , '1.': ,; ?'
' .. _- ,"_ ~
'Coffee and croissants. '
c. ?'
'In an office.'
d. , ?'
'To night clubs.'
,. ~
e. ?'
'At midnight. '
.: .ir , ------

- ---

4 Short answers

Answer the questions about Laura. Use short answers. Example

If Laura lived in the country, would she live on her own? Yes, she would.

a. 'Would she live in a flat?'.

b. 'Would she have a dog?'

c. 'Would she go shopping in department stores?'

d. 'Would she ride her bike?' ,

e. 'Would she grow vegetables?'

5 Combining sentences

Rewrite the following sentences using a Second Conditional.


I'm not rich. I don't live in a big house. If I were rich, I'd live in a big house.

a. He works in the evening. He has no time to play with his children.

b. She buys a lot of clothes. She has no money.

c. I haven't got a car. I can't give you a lift.

d. I go to bed late. In the morning I'm tired .

. I r .

e. She hasn't got a watch, She's always late.

,) ,; ,


[ Writing

10 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. If you would know Peter, you would like him.

h. This is an expensive bike, so look it after carefully.

c. I promise I give it to you tomorrow.

d. I live by my parents.

e. Last week had 1 an exam.

f. Where is the accomodation office?

g. We discussed about the problem.

h. I bought the book in a library in the High Street.

I. I'll answer the phone - it ean be for me.

j. I am born in 1974.

! .

II Writing letters (.3)

Formal and informal letters

Here are two letters. One is written to friends, the other to a hotel. The lines of each letter are mixed

(but the two letters are not mixed). Put the lines in the right order.


Dear Alice and Jim

a. Would you mind having a look jor me?

b. The omoersaium was excell.en.t and the food delicious!

c. I think I I4l a pair qf brown corduroy trousers in the

wardrobe if'my room.

d. I had a worukrfol time.

e. Pease can you let me know if you find them?

f. Thank you for having me to stay lost weekend.

g. It was love~ to see you all. See you again soon!

h. CouIJJ. you do something for me?

i. Thanks a lot.

wve Jack


2 The purpose of the two letters is the same, but the lines are different because one is formal and the other is informal.

Compare some of the lines. Examples

Could you do something forme?

Thanks a lot.

' .....

I would like to ask you a favour.

I would be most grateful.

3 Choose one of the letters, and write the reply to it.

Explain that you looked very carefully for the,~, trousers, but couldn't find them.

The following notes will help you.

Alice and Jim's letter Dear Jack

Thanks for you letter. We enjoyed ... , too.

I'm sorry to say that I looked everywhere ... , but I couldn't ... ,

Have you looked ... ? Perhaps you ... ? Sorry I can't help any more.

See you soon!

The hotel's letter Dear Mr Higgins

Thank you for your letter of 13 January. Weare delighted that ...

Weare sorry to inform you that ... unable to find ... We searched ...

We look forward ...

January 13th

Dear Reception

~ Could you possibly check if this is so?

k. The service was superb and the food delicious!

1. I have mislaid a pair of brown corduroy trousers, which I suspect I left in the wardrobe of my room.

01. We had a most pleasant few days.

n. I look forward to hearing from you.

o. Many thanks for the weekend break that my wife and I enjoyed at your hotel


p. We hope to visit your hotel again soon.

q. I would like to ask you a favour.

r. I would be most grateful.


Yours sincerely

Jack Higgins




Present Perfect Simple

What's new?

Use one of the verbs in the box to fill each gap. Put the verb in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. Use each verb once.

meet hear be
go (x 2) .. "" ;,_: .-.~~,~ find leave
try have agree
win fall see
;: "
get have to I

2 Been or gone?

Put been or gone into each gap.

a. I've to most countries in Europe, but I've

never to Russia. .

b. 'Where's Annie?'

'She's to work.'

c. (Sign outside a shop) , to lunch. Back soon.'

d. Sorry I'm late. I've stuck in a traffic jam for

an hour!

e. You look very brown! Have you on holiday?

f. 'Can I speak to Mr Thompson, please?'

., '

Dear Mary

How are you? I (aJ haven't heard fr()Jrl you for a u;_hikJ so I t/wught I'd drop you a line and give yuu some of our news. The most important thing to tell you is that we (b)

____ a new house to buy! We (c) _

to see it last week, and we think it's woruJerfol. U'e (d) ____ on a price last night, and with a bit of luck, we might be in it in a couple of months' time. We (e) ____ n't _ , to sell our house yet, but I don't think it will be dijficult. I'm going to the estate agent's this cfiemoon.

Did you know that Joanna, our eldest daughter, (f) ____ in the Far East for the past six months? She

was in Melhoumefor a while, but now she (g) _

Australia and (h) to Indonesia. She's going to spend a few weeks there and then she's coming home. She's having a reafly good time. Jason (i) in love with


'I'm afraid he's just out of the office.'


a lovelY girl called Rosene! He 6) her at a partY

last week, and he thinks she's the most beautiful girl he (k)

____ ever . I don't know hou: long the

ramana will last - we'll see! r

A1aggie has some good news, too! She (l) first

prize in a ballet exam. The exam was last week. She (m) ____ go to the Royal Ballet School in London for the whole dqy, and this morning we (n) a letter sqying that she had won, so we're all delighted.

The last bit of news is that Pickles (the dog) (0) _

puppies! Three of them. They're gorgeous, but we don't know what to do with them!

I hfl/Je ]OU 're all well. Write soon.

Looe James

3 Yet and already

It's Christmas! Look at the list of what Roger and Helen have to do, and complete the sentences. Use yet and already.


Roger has already bought Helen's present. But he hasn't bought a bike for Tom yet.

• 7liingS to do __


fJJuy :Jfden 5 pre.5ent

fJJuy a ~ [or'Iom fJJuy a tfLJ(f far '1-farrip_t

Orrfer tlU turtey

" ,~


,'itJ ""


'M~ tlU cliristmas ~ 'M~ mince pies

fJJuy 1Wgers present

Send a present to .9lnn in .9lustraiia


Decottue tlU house

Sell" out Christmas cards (jet a Cfiristmas tree

Do tfie sfiopping

a. Roger a doll for Harriet

b. But he the turkey.

c. Helen the Christmas cake.

d. But she the mince pies

e. They the house

.-_-' -: .' ,

f. Dut they sent out their

Christmas cards.

4 Asking questions and giving short answers

Ask questions using yet about Roger and Helen, and answer them with short answers.

, . - ~ .,


'Has Roger bought Helen's present yet? ' "j~'

'Yes, he has.'

a. 'Has Roger __ a bike for Tom __ ?'

b. ' the turkey __ ?'

c. 'Has Helen Roger's present


d. ' a present to Ann in Australia

e. 'Have they a Christmas tree


Present Perfect Continuous

5 Matching

Match a line in A with a line in B.

Ann's been sunbathing.
She's been shopping. -
She's been working in the She's furious.
garden. She's got paint in her hair.
She's been reading for She's crying.
She's been watching a sad Her back hurts.
film. She hasn't got any money
She's been waiting for left.
She's a bit burnt.
hours. She's soaking wet.
She's been doing the The house smells of onions
housework. and garlic.
She's been decorating the Her eyes hurt.
bathroom. Everything's spotless.
She's been cooking.
She's been bathing the
children. 71

Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?

6 Choosing the correct form

In the following pairs of sentences, one verb form is right and one is wrong. Put a tick (./) next to the right one and a cross ()C) next to the wrong one.


I'm hot because I've run! )C I'm hot because I've been running! ./

a. I've cut my finger!

I've been cutting my finger!

b. Have you heard Paul Simon's latest record?

Have you been hearing Paul Simon's latest record?

c. She's tired because she's shopped all day.

She's tired because she's been shopping all day.

d. Sorry. I've broken one of your glasses.

Sorry. I've been breaking one of your glasses.

e. How long have you had this book?

How long have you been having this book?

f. They live here for three years.

They've been living here for three years.

. ~;;"


7 Multi-word verbs

This exercise r~yi~~s some of the multi-word verbs you have met in Headway Pre-Intermediate.

Fill each gap, either with one of the verbs in A or one of the particles in B. Put the verb in the correct form.

fill look (x 3) out up (x 4)
give tum back down (x 2)
put fall , on round
try away after a. You look tired. Sit and have a cup of tea.

b. I'm looking for yesterday's newspaper. Did you throw

it ?

c. on your warm coat. It's cold today.

d. Could I on these shoes, please? Size nine.

e. Tum the music! It's too loud!

f. Don't forget to off the lights when you come

to bed.

g. I live in Bristol now, but I grew in Leicester.


h. Come !Hurry ! You'll be late for
school. r)
i. Have you heard? Tony's going with an Italian
girl called Sophia.
J. Could you in this form, please, and sign it at
the bottom?
k. I'm forward to meeting her very much.

'-I- 1. Pick your litter! Don't drop it on the street! m. Don't worry about the baby. I'll look her

while you're out.

n. What a pretty dress! Tum ! Let me look at it

from the back.

o. out! The glass is going to fall! Oh! Too late!

p. John! Wake ! Can you hear a noise

downstairs? ","~" .'

q. I'm for the car keys. Have you seen them


r. I'm going to take these shoes to the shop. The

heel has broken already.

s. She off her horse and hurt her wrist.

t. I used to smoke, but I up last year.


8 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. How long you have been learning English?

. b. She's living in Paris since 1987.

c. 1 broke the leg while I was skiing.

d. The cheque to John I gave on Saturday.

e. She thinks it's a good idea, but I'm not agree.

f. I was very frighten when I saw the film.

g. We had lovely weekend by the sea.

h. You'll like Kate a lot. She's very sympathetic.

i. Look at all those stares in the sky!

l She asked to borrow my book, and I gave to her.

9 Writing letters (4)

Expressions in different kinds of letters

In A there are seven kinds of letters. In B, there are expressions which can be found in these letters. Match the expressions with the letters. An expression might go with more than one letter.

a. Thank yuu fur inviting me
to ...
b. Please find enclosed a
cheque for ...
Informal letters c. George and I are having a
, party on Saturday, and
we'd love you to come.
I Giving news d. I look forward to hearing
from you soon.
e. Just a quick note to say
2 Inviting , thank you ...
f. Sorry I haven't written for
so long, but I've been
3 Accepting an terribly busy.
invitation RSVP
h. I'd love to come. See you
4 Thank-you letter after then!
a weekend visit l. Could I please have a
.. ~ . receipt?
Formal letters j. Give my regards to ...
k. Let us know if you can
make it.
S Thanks and requests I. It was lovely to see you
again after so long ...
Ill. Internatiunal Shippers
6 Inviting request the pleasure of
your company at a buffet
supper to be held on ...
7 Paying a bill n. You very kindly sent me a
brochure of holiday
cottages. Unfortunately
you forgot to include a
price list. 1 would be most
grateful if you could send
me une. 2 Choose one of the following outlines for a letter and write it out in full. Use the expressions in exercise 1 if appropriate.

Giving news

Write to a relative (uncle, aunt, grandparent). Give news of a recent holiday you have had. Say where you went, who with, and what you did. Give some news about what you are doing at school, and how your parents are. Finish by saying 'I hope to see you .. .'


Write to a friend who lives in another part of the country. Invite him/her to come to stay at your house for a weekend. Suggest some dates. Say what you'd like to do during the weekend. Suggest huw the friend could travel, and offer to meet him/her at the railway station or airport. Finish by saying 'I do hope you can come.'

Accepting an invitation

Reply to the invitation above. Your friend has invited you to come to stay for a weekend in two weeks' time. Accept the invitation, and say thank you. Give some information about how you'll travel, and when you expect to arrive. Finish by saying 'Thanks again for the invitation! See you on ... '

Thank-you letter

The parents of a friend of yours lent you their house in the country for a week. Write to them to thank them. Say how kind they were, and describe what you did during the week's holiday.

Thanks and requests

You recently stayed at the George Hotel, Oxford. You left a coat in the wardrobe in your room. You wrote to the hotel, asking them to send the coat to you, and also asking for a brochure for the hotel. The hotel sent the coat but not the brochure. Write to the hotel again, thanking them for sending the coat and asking for a brochure.

Paying a bill and requesting

A bookshop has sent you some books by post, and the bill. Write to the bookshop enclosing a cheque, and asking for a receipt. Also, a friend has recommended a cookery book called The Italian Kitchen but could not remember the author. Ask if the bookshop has this book and can send it to you.


Past Perfect


Make sentences from the chart.

I couldn't crashed his car.
answer the
questions passed my
I was hungry driving test
My mother was got stuck in a
worried had traffic jam.
I was late because I flown in a plane
hadn't before.
I was pleased slept badly.
I was nervous
during the revised for the
flight exam.
My father was been in touch for
furious a long time.
I I was tired i eaten all day.
I 2 What happened first?

Read the following sentences. Put numbers in the brackets after each action to show the order in which they happened.


I went to bed (3) after I'd had a bath (1) and brushed my teeth (2).

a; When I arrived at John's house ( ), he had made a cake ( ) and done the washing-up ( ).

b. When I arrived at John's house ( ), he made us a cup of tea ( ).

c. My stomach-ache disappeared ( ) after I'd taken some medicine ( ).


d. When we got to the theatre ( ), the play had started ( ) and all the seats had been taken ( ).

e. James had supper ( ), then went to sit in his living room ( ). He felt miserable ( ). It had been an awful day ( ).

f. James sat in his armchair ( ) and thought about the day ( ). He had got up late ( ), and then in the evening, his girl friend had left him ( ). He decided it was time for bed ( ).

3 Producing the correct form

In each of the following sentences, there are two verbs in brackets. Put one in the Past Simple and one in the Past Perfect.


He died (die) after he had been (be) ill for a long time.


- __ (thank) her for everything she (do J

b. When I got to the office, I (realize) that I

___ (forget) to lock the front door.

c. When they (finish) their work, they _

(go) home.

d. I (call) you at 8.00, but you just

___ (go) out.

e. I took my family to Paris last year. I (be) the

as a student, so I (know) my way around.

f. When I (listen) to the news, I (go)


4 Combining sentences

Join the following pairs of sentences, using the conjunction in brackets. Change one verb form into the Past Perfect.


I had a bath. I went to bed. (after) After I'd had a bath, I went to bed.

a. I read the letter. I threw it away. (when)

b. He passed his driving test. He bought a car. (as soon as)

c. I took the book back to the library. 1 finished reading it. (when)

d. 1 didn't go to bed. 1 did my homework. (until)

e. 1 spent all my money. I went home. (when)

f. I read the book. I saw the film. (before)

g. Her children left home. She started writing. (after)

Reported Speech

5 Reported statements

Sally went to see a landlady called Mrs Mawby about a flat. Now she is telling her friend, Paul, about it.

Report the sentences.


'The rent is £50 a week:

The landlady said the relit was £50 a week.

a. 'It's a quiet flat, and the neighbours are nice.'

Mrs Mawby said ..;.._ _

b. 'The rent includes gas and electricity.'

She told me that -.... _

c. 'I need £100 deposit.'

Thenshe~id _

d. 'I decorated the living room recently.'

She told me that _

e. 'Other people have been to see the flat.'

She~id __ ~--------------

f. 'You'll have to makeup yourmiod soon.'

She told me _

g. 'The previous occupants looked after it very well.'

Shesaid~t ___

h. 'I've replaced all the carpets. '

She told me that -'-- _

i. 'You can move in immediately.'

She told me _

j. 'I'll give you a ring soon,' said Sally.

I told Mrs Mawby that _

6 Reporting questions with question words

Mrs Mawby and Sally both asked a lot of questions. Sally also told Paul about them.

Report the questions.


'Where do you live?' Mrs Mawby asked. She asked me where I lived. '

a. 'How many bedrooms are there?' Sally asked.

I asked her _

1;>.' 'When do you want to move in?' Mrs Mawby asked.

She askedme _

c. 'What sort of heating is there?' Sally asked.

I askedher _

d. 'How often do you want the rent?' Sally asked.

I asked her -.... _

e. 'How flr is it to the shops?' Sally asked.

I asked her _

f. 'What do you think of the flat?' MrsMawby asked.

She asked me --,-

7 Reportingyes/llo questions

Report the following questions. You need to use if. Example

, Are you a student?'

She asked me if I was a student.

a. 'Do you smoke?'

She asked me _

b. 'Is there a phone?'

I asked ber ___

c. 'Do you have a car?'

Sheaskedme _

d. 'Can I move the furniture around?'

I asked ber ___

e. 'Is there a fridge in the kitchen?'

I asked her _

f. 'Does the fiat have central heating?'

I~edher __


8 Reported to direct speech

Read the report of an interview with Gary Wilmot, an actor. Then write the actual words of the interview.


I asked Gary what sort of music he liked,and he told me that he had always liked jazz. In fact, he said he played in a jazz band called Sax Appeal When I asked him where the' band played, he told me they mainly played in small clubs, I asked him if he had ever played a Shakespearian role, and

he told me that he had He'd played Othello in Stratford in 1989, and he'd enjoyed it very much. Finally, I asked him if he ever wanted to direct a play, and he told me that he hoped toone day, but he didn't know when it could happen because he was so busy acting.

Interviewer What sort of music do you like, Gary?

Gary I have always liked .....,..--,-_----

In fact called Sax


Interviewer Where ?

Gary We
Interviewer a Shakespearian role?

Gary Yes. Othello in Stratford in
1989, very much.

Interviewer direct a play?

Gary one day, but ! Vocabulary

9 Words that are often confused

The pairs of words in this exercise are easy to confuse. Underline the correct one. If you don't understand the answer, look the word up in your dictionary.


cook! cooker

My mother's a good cook/cooker. We bought a new cook/ cooker today.


a. She said/told ott her news.

b. She said/told that she was going out.


c. I went home because Ifeltlfell ill.

d. She felt/fell offher horse.



e. Could you lend/borrow me your pen?

f. Could I lend/borrow your pen?


(Journey is usually a noun. Travel is usually a verb.)

g. How long is your journey/travel to work?

h. You need a passport to journey/travel abroad.


i. What did you buy/pay at the shops?

j. We paid/bought the bill and left.


k. Hear/Listen! What's that noise?

I. I can't hear/listen anything.


m. Shakespeare wrote his last/latest play in 1613.

n. Princess Diana is always dressed in the last/latest fashions.

quiet! quite

o. London is quite/quiet expensive.

p. Helen's a very quite/quiet person, isn't she?


q. Who 's/Whose is this coat? It isn't mine.

r. Who 's/Whose coming out for a drink?


s. I'm English. I come from Brighton. In Paris I'm a

foreigner/stranger. .

t. I'm from Brighton, in the south of England. In Manchester, in the north of England, I'm a stranger/foreigner.


u. Football is a game/play.

v. Hamlet is a game/play.


Someone has stolen/robbed my car.

Thieves stole/robbed the National Bank yesterday.

I Writing

10 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. She said me that she was going home.

b. The teacher told we had done our homework very badly.

c. He asked me where was I going.

d. The teacher asked me, if I was listening to the lesson.

e. We all are going to the cinema - do you want to come?


f. All is ready for the party - we just need the guests!

g. We'll meet us outside the cinema at 8.00.

h. We had lunch, and after we went for a walk.

i. She has much money!

J. Japanese people is very hard-working.

11 Writing a story (3)

. Look at the beginning and ending of Marsha's story and Felix's story. Choose one of them and write the part that's missing. Use some of the ideas in the middle to help if you want.

-------B E GI N N I N G·S-------

Marsha's story

The night she found out that Felix had left her. Marsha put on her coat and went for a long walk. She had a lot of thinking to do. and she didn't want to be disturbed.

After an hour, she suddenly found herself in a part of town that looked familiar. She hadn't been there for a long time, but then she

. realized how she knew the area. She ...

had lived there as a student knew a Jot of people

no real boyfriends. but.had liked a boy called Paul

because ...

She wondered what had happened to him ... Suddenly a door opened ...

Marsha wasn't looking for another intense relationship ... She decided to ...

Six months later, one Saturday night, she was at a party given by some old friends. Suddenly, across the room, she caught sight Cif ...

He asked her .

She told him .

They met a few days later in a ...

Marsha was a stronger person now than she had been just

six months ago .

.. , independent .

. . . enjoyed being able to do what she wanted ...

But she found herself becoming more and more attracted to ...

Felix's story

Felix left Marsha because he had met another woman. He had wanted to make Marsha happy, but Felix was the sort of man who is never happy with what he has got

Felix had met Alessandra as he was leaving a London train station. She had just arrived from Italy, and was lost Felix asked her ...

began to see more of each other ... had a lot in common ...

both liked ...

After Felix had got his divorce from Marsha ... Alessandra wanted to go back to Italy because ...

At first, Felix was happy. He was a writer, and could write

just as well in Italy as ...

Sometimes, he had to fly back to london to meet ... Alessandra stayed in Italy because ...

His visits started to last longer and longer ...

One Saturday night, he was at a party given by some old friends. Suddenly, across the room, he caught sight

of.. "

She asked him ...

He told her ...

They met a few days later in a ...

Felix was beginning to realize that he had always loved .

But it was difficult to persuade X that he was sincere .

END I N G S--------

Marsha was very grateful to Felix. in fact. She had learned that she didn't need to rely totally on other people to be happy. She bad realized that she shouldn't let a relationship dominate her life. She looked into X's eyes, and this time saw trust, love, and ~ty. Her happiness would last forever.

Felix thought that he was a very lucky man. He had nearly lost the person who meant more to him than anybody and anything else in the wocId.

He looked down into X's eyes, kissed her gently on the lips, and promised that this time it was forever.


, ,

This Workbook Key may be photocopied for classroom use. It may not be adapted, printed, or sold without the permission of Oxford University Press.


Exercise t

a. Is it raining?

b. Are they at school?

c. Are they learning English?

d. Are you tired?

e. Were you at home last night? f Am I right?

g. Has he got blond hair?

h. Can you speak Danish?

Exercise 2

a. Does she come from France?

b. Do they live in a flat?

c. Do you take sugar in tea?'

d. Do 1 speak English well'!

e. Did you watch a film last night?

f. Did it start at 8.00?

g. Do you want to go home?

h. Does he work hard?


What? - A pair of jeans. Who? - Peter.

Where? - At home. When? - Yesterday.

Why? - Because I wanted to. How? - By bus.

Whose? - Mine.

ExercIse 4

a. What did you buy at the shops?

A pair of jeans.

b. Who is the teacher?


e. Where are your parents at the moment?

At home.

d. When did you see her?


,,, t


e. Why did you go to Italy?

Because I wanted to.

f. How do you come to school?

By bus.

g. Whose is that car?/Whose car is that?


Exercise 5
a. How e. What h. Which
b. What f. Why 1. When
c. Where g. Where J. Why
d. Who Exercise 6

What colour is your hair? Or How long is your hair?

How far is it from school to your house? How tall are you?

What sort of music do you like?

How mueh does a hamburger cost in your town?

How often do you go swimming? What size shoes do you take?

How long does your English lesson last? What newspaper do you read?

What time did you get up this morning?

Exercise 7 Sample answers

a. What's it about?

b. What sort of car is it?

c. Where did you go?

d. Is she going on holiday? c. Whot docs he do?

f. How many children have they got?

Exercise 8

a. I c. 2 e. I

b. 3 d. f. 3

g. 2

Exercise 9 Sample answers

a. Yes, I am.

b. No, he/she isn't.

c. Yes, they are.

d. No, they aren't.

e. Yes, I am.

f. No, he/she isn't.

Exercise 10 thinking waiting raining wearing

shining smoking having taking

getting stopping running beginning

Exercise 11 .~

Sample answers

a. I'm not sitting in class.

b. It's raining.

c. The sun is shining.

d. I'm not wearing jeans.

e. I'm going out tonight.

f. We aren't having a holiday soon.

g. My parents are working.

Exercise 12 I musician scientist electrician

artist politician gardener

farmer manager photograph

2 The musician is playing the pianu.

The farmer is driving a tractor.

The scientist is doing an experiment. The politician is making a speech. The electrician is mending a plug. The photographer is taking a picture The gardener is planting some flowers The manager is making a phone call.

Exercise 13
a. because it is interesting
b. quiet
c. years
d. went to Italy
e. gave me a present
f. enjoying
g. hair
h. I usually go
i. an apple
j. then I went UNIT2

Exercise 1

a. Stefan Edberg doesn't play football. He plays tennis.

b. The Oueen doesn't live at 33, Station Road, London. She lives in Buckingham Palace.

c. Kangaroos don't come from Canada; They come from Australia.

d. The sun doesn't shine at night. It shines in the daytime.

e .. In England people don't drive on the right.

They drive on the left.

f. My teacher doesn't arrive late. He/She arrives early.

Exercise 2

a. Where do you usually go at the weekend?

b. What time does the bank open?

c. Where does your mother come from?

d. Which school do your children go to?

e. Where does your brother work?

f. What sort of car does your sister drive?

Exercise3 Sample answers

a. Yes, I do.

b. No. I don't.

c. No, I don't.
d. Yes, they do.
e. Yes, he/she does.
f. Yes, it does. Exercise4
wants washes
reads kisses
eats catches
thinks crashes studies carries flies cries

goes does

ExerciseS Sample answers

She listens to music. She plays tennis.

She likes John Moore. She reads a lot.

She doesn't tidy her room. She watches TV in her room. She draws and paints pictures. She uses a computer.

She rides a horse.

She does ballet.

She takes photographs.

Exercise 6

a. Do you often go to the cinema?

b. I never eat meat, because I don't like it.

c. My parents always listen to the radio in the


d. How often do you have a holiday?

e. We sometimes go to a Japanese restaurant.

f. I am never late for school.



Exercise 10
a. IS d. is g. IS 1. IS c.
lJ. IS 1:. has h. is j. is
c. has f. has
Exercise II Exercise 7 Correct verbs

a. I am reading

b. Iread

c. We are going

d. Nurses look after

e. Annie comes

f. She is coming

g. Ispeak

h. Do you want

Exercise 8
a. IS d. am g. are j. are
b. Do e. does h. Do
c. are f. am i. Does Exercise 9
a. He's a waiter.
b. Yes, he is. ,,"1'-
c. He's serving food.
d. He's a taxi-driver.
e. No. he isn't.
f. He's reading a newspaper.
g. She's a chef.
h. Yes, she is.
i. She's cooking. a. She has a tenms racket.
She's got a tennis racket.
b. She has a lot of books.
She's got a lot of books. ";~.:;; .-
c. She has an untidy room.
She's got an untidy room.
d. She doesn't have a CD player.
She hasn't got a en player
e. She has a computer.
She's got a computer.
f. She doesn't have a Walkrnan.
She hasn't got a Walkman. Exercise 12

a. Yes, she has.

b. Yes, she does.

c. No, she hasn't.

d. No, she doesn't.

Sample answers

e. Yes, I have.

f. No, I don't.

g. Yes, I have.

h. No, I don't.

Exercise 13
a. a rug
b. a wardrobe
c. an armchair
d. a sofa
e. a bookcase f. a chest of drawers

g. curtains

h. a cupboard 1. a fireplace

J. French windows

Exercise 14
a. Does he have/Has he got
b. She's a housewife.
c. speaks Spanish
d. red
e. in London to study
f. starting my first joh
g. wears
h. one younger brother
I. He likes ~
j. because it ill raining Exercise 15 I a. but b. so

c. and

d. and

e. but

f. so

3 a. We enjoyed the holiday, but it rained a lot.

We enjoyed the holiday. However, it rained a lot.

Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed the holiday.

b. He's moving to London next month, but

he doesn't like big cities. .

He's moving to London next month. However, he doesn"t like hig "it;e5

Although he doesn't like big cities, he's moving to London next month.

She isn't English, but she speaks English perfectly.

She isn't English. However, she speaks English perfectly.

Although she isn't English, she speaks English perfectly.

4 a. The weather was bad, so we didn't enjoy our holiday.

We didn't enjoy our holiday because the weather was bad.

b. We wanted to get good seats, so we arrived at the cinema early.

We arrived at the cinema early because we wanted to get good seats.

c. He worked hard, so he passed all his exams.

He passed all his exams because he worked hard.

d. He worked hard. However, he didn't pass his exams.

Although he worked hard, he didn 't pass his exams.

e. James is very rich, so she's getting married to him.

She's getting married to James because he's very rich.

f. She's getting married to James.

However, she doesn't love him.

She's getting married to James although she doesn't love him.

5 a. although e. so h. because
b. and f. and 1. but
c. so g. but j. so
d. and
• .t. UNIT3 .,:.\
Exercise 1
a. lost e. left i. found
b. spent f. fell j. took
c. laughed g. hurt k. needed
d. saved h. couldn't Exercise 2

a. Christopher Columbus didn't discover India. He discovered America.

b. Beethoven didn't come from Paris. He came from Germany.

c. Leonardo da Vinci didn't live in Brazil. He lived in Italy.

d. The Americans didn't land on the moon in the nineteenth century. They landed on the moon in the twentieth century.

e. The USA didn't win the last football World Cup. (West Germany) did.

f. I didn't have grass for dinner! I had (chicken).

Exercise 3

a. Where did you go for your last holidays? U. Where did you Stay?

c. How long did you stay there for?

d. Did you have good weather?

e. How did you travel round? f Did you have good food?

Exercise 4

:1. Yes, he did.

b. No, he didn't.

c. No, he didn't.

Sample answers

d. Yes, I did.

e. Yes, I did.

f. No, it didn't.

Exercise 5
wanted arrived planned
helped used . travelled
washed liked robbed
walked smiled
Exercise 6
a. in g. IllSt m. ago
b. when h. at in n. (nothing)
c. for i. On o. at in
d. ago j. When p. (nothing)
e. (nothing) k. un q. tn
f. at I. In Exercise 7

a. Annie and Pete were dancing.

b. Sarah and Bill were sitting on the sofa.

c. Katie was choosing a record.

d. Max was drinking champagne.

e. Beth and Dave were eating crisps .

f. Justin was showing Lucinda a photograph.

g. Harry was smoking a cigar.

h. James was telling ajoke.

Exercise 8


· .. shock while he was mending a plug at his home ...

... went lnnue. 'I was trying to mend my wife's hair-drier,' he said. 'Suddenly .. .'


· .. destroying It. 'I was working in the garden at the time,' she explained. 'It was quite windy

' ... from our tree. The earth round the bottom of the tree was moving. Suddenly .. .'


· .. description of the two men, because they were wearing masks, but they know ...

· .. Charlie Carrack, who was coming home from school at the time.


· .. stopped him on the motorway when he was travelling at 120 miles an hour. The speed ... ... 70 miles an hour. 'I know I was driving fast,' he explained to the court. 'This was ... '

Exercise 9
a. while e. During I. while
b. during f. while j. for
c. for g. for k. During
d. for h. During I. While Exercise 10
Correct verb forms
a. met was dotng
b. was paying heard
c. tumed saw
d. was wearing
e. decided
f. were having
g. got
h. was picking cut
I. left said
j. finished went Exercise 11

a. I had supper

b. Did you have a good game of tennis?

c. Have a nice time!

U. Did you have breakfast

e. I'm going to have a bath

f. if you want to have a swim

g. Did you have a good day

h. we had a row

I. Do you want to have a look? j. Could I have a word with you


Exercise 12

2 a. 3 b. 1 c. 5 d. 2 e. 4 f. 6

3 One hot, sunny day in July, a tramp was walking along a country road. He was chewing a piece of grass because he felt hllngry Suddenly, on the other side of the hedge, he saw a pond with a large, white duck swimming round and round on it. The

. tramp had a good idea. Immediately he jumped over the hedge and ran towards the duck. Soon he was sitting by the pond with a large pile of white feathers beside him. Just then he heard a shout. The farmer was coming across the field, waving his arms. Hurriedly the tramp put the duck back into the water.

The farmer was very angry. He pointed to the pond and shouted, 'What's the matter with my duck?'

'Ah!' said the tramp quietly. 'It wanted to go for a swim, and I'm looking after its clothes!'

Exercise 13

a. I studied management for three years.

b. While I was on holiday Or During my


c. I fell down

d. What did yO\1 do last night?

e. When he was 19 (years old) he went

f. I lost all my money.

g. last night Or yesterday evening

h. I met my husband

i. years

j. I left university



a. How many children has Peter got/does Peter have?

b. What are you reading?

c. Where did they go (to) on holiday last


d. Which shop does she work in?

e. Why did you get up early this morning?

f. When/What time does the supermarket


g. How often do you go swimming?

h. Whose car did you borrow?


a. spends

b. Are you looking

c. don't have

d. doesn't like love

e. bought Do you like

f. was working started

g. comes lives met

was learning


Have/have got

Sample answers •

He has/He's got a hat/a catla kettle/a pair of boots/a walking stick.

He hasn't got/doesn't have a carla house/any money.

He has/He's got a big house, a car, a swimming pool, a dog, a cigar.

2 Has he got a cat? Yes, he has.

Does he have a house? No, he doesn't. Does he have a walking stick? Yes, he does.

Has he got any money? No, he hasn't.

Past tense forms

heard could

caught lived

left fell


a. to on

b. at In

c. in in/near

d. after

e. for


broke phoned put
began hit tried
made fclt built
f. (nothing)
g. in
h. (nothing)
i. to
j. on/until UNIT4

Exercise 1

a. a stamp

b. a book

c. some petrol
d. a tree
e. some air
f. some money
g. a pound
h. some music
Exercise 2
a. paper
b. a newspaper
c. coffee
d. a coffee
e. a potato
84 i. ajob
j. some work
k. an apple
I. some fruit
m. a tomato
n. some tomato soup
o. a problem
p. some information
f. potato
g. glass
h. a glass
1. a eake
j. cake '
, Exercise 3
a. any f. any
b. some g. some
c. any h. some
d. some i. any
e. some any j. any Exercise 4

a. How many children has she got?

b. How much butter do you want?

c. How many countries did you visit?

d. How much was it?

e. How many bedrooms has it got?

f. How many people are coming?

g. Huw many plays did he write')

h. How much does she earn?

Exercise S

a. There is a lot of oil.

b. The shop has a lot of bottles of water.

c. There isn't much frozen food.

d. There aren't many sweets.

e. The shopkeeper has got a lot of cheese.

f. I can see a lot of newspapers.

g. But I can't see much bread. h .. There isn't much yoghurt.

I. He hasn't got many birthday cards to

choose from.

j. But there are a lot of grapes!

k. Why aren't there many magazines? I. But there is a lot of rice!

Exercise 6

A. A little. I'll go to the dentist tOIlIUIlUW.

b. A few. But no one that you know.

c. A little. The children ate most of it.

d. A little. Do you want some ice in it?

e. A few. You can borrow them if you want.

f. A little. I'm trying to lose weight.

g. A few. But most of them come from


h. A little. But I prefer reading.

r. A few. But most of them are bills.

j. A little. It takes them about an hour a night.

Exercise 7

a. a

b. the

a the




c. a a a The the
d. a a an the
e. the the
f. an
g. the lht!
h. a
I. the the Exercise 8 Cows eat grass.

Leaves fall off trees in autumn. Wood floats on water.

Cats like eating fish.

Wine comes from grapes. Birds live in trees.

Children go to school until they're 16.

Cars need oil and petrol. Fruit is full of vitamins.

Exercise 9
a. (nothing) (nothing)
b. the
c. (nothing) (nothing)
d. the e. a (nothing)

f. the

g. (nothing)

h. a (nothing)

I. (nothing) the

j. the

k. (nothing) the

I. (nothing) a

m. (nothing)

n. the
Exercise 10
a. hoys ChUTChf'S
b. ladies j. addresses
c. days k. stories
d. potatoes I. sandwiches
c. parties m. keys
f. watches n. videos
g. glasses o. ways
h. cities
p. children s. teeth
q. people t. sheep
r. women u. fish Exercise 11
a. socks f. a tie k. a skirt
b. boots g. A ratncoat I. a scarf
c. sandals h. pyjamas m. shorts
d. a belt I. a blouse n. a suit
e. a jacket J. a shirt o. tights
Exercise 12
a. came here f. look at my photos
b. went to a pub g. a lot of things
c. Is there enough h. There isn't any
salt? I. music
d. dinner J. must go
e. information Exercise 13

1 First name - What's your first name?

Surname - What's your family name? Date' of Birth - When were you born? Place of Birth - Where were you born? Permanent Address - Where do you hve? Marital Status - Are you married or single'. Occupation - What do you do? Qualifications - What degrees, diplomas.

certificates, etc. do you have?

Hobbies/Interests - What do you do in your free time?

Tel. no. - What's your phone number?


Exercise 1
a. to see
b. to hear
c. painting
d. learning/to learn
e. having/to have
f. to post
g. to get h. to laugh/laughing

i. todo

j. to go

k, listening/to listen I. totake "

m. talking/to talk

Exercise 2 Sample answers

a. lane is going to be a vet because she likes working with animals.

b. Malcolm wants to be a farmer because he enjoys being outside in the fresh air.

c. Suzy hopes to be a stockbroker because she wants to earn a lot of money.

d. Gill would like to do voluntary service because she wants to help children in the Thinl World.

e. Justin is going to do a master's degree because he enjoys being a student.

f. Janine wants to be an accountant because she hkes working with numbers.

g. My father hopes to retire next year because he wants to have more free time.

h. David wants to be captain of the football team because he loves being the leader.

1. My parents are going to buy a cottage by the sea because they enjoy sailing.

). My family is going to have a holiday in Rome because we like walking round old cities.

F.'1prd,~ 3

a. What did she want to talk about?

She wanted to talk about a problem she's having.

b. Why did you decide to do that?

I decided to leave the job because it was boring.

c. Did you forget to tell her?

I forgot to say exactly when.

d. What time do you want to leave the house?

I want to leave as early as possible.

e. When did you finish reading it? 1 finished (reading) it last night.

f. What would you like to do?

I'd like to stay at home.

Exercise 4

Would you like to watch TV? - No. There's nothing good on tonight.

Would you like something to .. lit? - No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

Do you like parties? - I'm afraid I don't. I think they're noisy, and there are usually too many people.

Do you like chips? - No. I think they're very bad for you.

Do you like watching TV? - Yes, especially films and cartoons.

Would you like to come to a party on Saturday? - That's lovely! What time?

Exercise S Correct questions

a. Do you like your teacher? ._':- .. _

b. Do you like going for walks?

c. Would you like to go for a swim?

d What do you like doing at the weekend? e. What would you like to do this evening?

Exercise 6

a. What sort of books do you like reading?

I like biographies and thrillers.

b. Would you like to be a teacher when you grow up?

c. What would she like for a present?

Well, I know she likes cooking.

d. She likes drawing.

e. . .. she would like to run in the Olympic Games.

Exercise 7

a. I'll do the washing-up.

b. I'll pay for the coffee.

c. I'll have a lamb chop, please.

d. I'll answer it.

Exercise 8

a. He's going to fall down the hole.

b. The books are going to fall on her head.

c. She's going to buy the book/learn


d. They are going to plant a rose.

e. He's going. to build a bookcase/ bookshelves.

f. It's going to jump onlo Ihl" wall.

Exercise 9

Correct verb forms

a. I'm going tu buy

b. What are you going to buy

I'll buy her a record

c. She'll do it

d. I'll tell 1 won't

e. I'm going to make

f. What are you going to do I'm going to make

g. Why are you going to see

my husband and I are going to start

h. I'lliend I'll give

Exercise 10 Health

The weather Football

optician (n) insect cream (n) aspirin (n) prescription (n) painful (ad)

fit (ad})

cough (n and v)

flood (II and v) kick (II and v)

mist (n) draw (n and v)

sunshine (n) goal (n)

snow (n and v) win (n and v)

foggy (aclj) referee

chilly (ad}) (n and v)

freeze (v) score (n and v)

Exercise 11

a. I'd like to go

b. took care of their cat

c. wants to go

d. buy

e. Yes, he does.

f. like to come

g. hoping

h. from Anna. She sent it from Paris.

i. eat

j. They don't want

Exercise 12
2 a. lovely
b. terrible
c. comfortable small
d. spectacular
e. old
f. lung
g. good UNIT6

Exercise 1

a. What's the countryside like?

b. What are the people like?

c. What are the towns like?

d. What is Sydney like?

e. What are the kangaroos like?

f. What are the beaches like?

g. What are the TV programmes like?

Exercise 2

a. What was the flight like?

b. What was the weather like?

c. What were the beaches like?

d. What was the food like?

Exercise 3
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
new newer newest
lovely lovelier loveliest
hot hotter hottest
good better best
handsome more handsome most handsome
mean meaner meanest
generous more generous most generous
thin thinner thinnest
busy busier busiest
patient more patient most patient
young YOWlgCl youngest
bad worse worst
comfortable more most
comfortable comfortable
rude ruder rudest
fit fitter fittest
Exercise 4
a. 16 d. No, she isn't.
b. Robert. e. No, I'm not.
c. 12 f. Graham and Abigail.
85 Exercise 5
a. ruder e. the most expensive
b. the smallest f. more generous
c. better g. earlier
d. warmer h. the most difficult Exercise 6
a. as d. as ---- ... ..,:.~- .... -~.--
b. as e. than
c. than f. as Exercise 7

a. Bill's not as intelligent as Jill.

b. The moon isn't as hot as the sun.

c. Are you as old as your husband?

d. I can't read as quickly as you.

e. Bill didn't win as much money as Harry.

f. Is Luxembourg as big as Switzerland?

g. My work isn't as good as Eva's.

h. Cats aren't as friendly as dogs.

Exercise 9

A hill is smaller than a mountain. Or A mountain is bigger than a hill.

A clock is bigger than a watch.

All auuchan is smaller than a sofa, A suitcase is bigger than a briefcase. A cottage is smaller than a castle.

A motorway is bigger than a path.

A lorry is bigger than a van.

A pond is smaller than a lake.

A boot is bigger than a shoe.

A kitten is smaller than a cat.

A jacket is smaller than a coat.

A river is bigger than a stream.

A cup is smaller than a mug.

A village is smaller than a town. A bush is smaller than a tree.

Exercise 10

a. there is a casne

b. than

c. What would you like to eat?

d. as useful as yours

e. as many tapes as you

f. Where did you go

g. There were

h. the richest woman I. It was very hot

j. then we went

Exercise 11 "

a. the boy who broke

b. the palace where the Sultan lives

c. the policemen who caught

d. a watch which/that stopped

e. the pub where we met

f. the letters that/which arrived

g. the house where I was born

h. the lady who ordered I. the children who live

j. The clothes that come from Marks &

Spencer are good quality.


2 faster fastest
funnier funniest Sample answers
more expensive most expensive e. No, I haven't.
richer richest f. Yes, I have.
hotter hottest g. No, he/she hasn't.
more interesting most interesting h. Yes, I have.
better best
worse worst Exercise 5
easier easiest written found
more important most important won visited 2 a. which/that

b. where

c. who

d. where

e. who


Expressions of quantity
I a. some any
b. any any
c. some
d any some
e. some
2 a. How much money
b. a few potatoes
c. much time
d. a lot of hotels
e. many language schools
f. I've got something
g. John lives somewhere
h. Somebody told me
Articles a, the the e. an b.
b. The the f. (nothing) a a
c. (nothing) g. a the
d. (nothing) a
Verb patterns c.
a. to share d. to find
b. going e. to meet
c. to live f. travelling Going to and will

a. I'm going to cook

b. I'm going to study

c. He'll help


I What's the weather like? - It changes a lot.

What's Ann like? - She's very nice. What was the film like? - OK, but boring near the end.

What does she like doing? - Horse riding. What arc her parents like? - They're a bit strict.

d. I'll buy

e. I'm going to cut


Exercise 1
a. have been h. has been
b. has met I. have been
c. has travelled J. have lived
d. has seen k. has never been
e. has hunted 1. has had
f. has ridden m. has done
g. has been n. has certainly had Exercise 2

a. He has been to the North Pole.

He has seen polar bears.

He has never got lost.

They haven't had ajob for six months. They haven't had a holiday since Christmas.

They haven't been to the cinema for a year She has played since she was six.

She hasn't won a senior competition.

She has never played at Wimbledon.

Exercise 3

a. Have you ever got lost?

b. Have you ever forgotten your words?

c. Have you ever climbed Mount Everest?

d. Have you ever fallen off your ladder"

e. Have you ever had a number one record" f Have you ever had an electric shock?

Exercise 4

a. Yes, he has.

b. No, he hasn't.

c. Yes, they have.

d. Yes, he has.

sold stopped
tried studied
read died
played done
Exercise 6
a. .for d. since g. for
b, since e. for h. since
c. for f. since Exercise 7
Correct sentences
a. did you do d. have studied
b. have been e. for three weeks
c. went f. did you buy Exercise 8
a. IS d. has been g. lived
b. went e. was h. moved
c. became f. has written 1. live Exercise 9

a. When did he go to Oxford University?

b. When did he become a Member of


c. How long has he been an MP?

d. When was he Defence Minister?

e. How many books has he written?

f. Has he ever written a spy story?

g. What does his wife do?

h. How many children do they have/have they


1. How long did they live in Oxford?

j. When did they move to London?

k. Where do they live?

I. How long have they lived in London?

Exercise 10

a. try on - jeans tear - jeans

lick - ice-cream

b. wipe - the blackboard, your face whistle - a tune

c. carry - a suitcase. a bag wear-a suit

d. pour - a drink, with rain blow - your nose

elISe - II hammer

waste - time, money

Exercise 11

a. My husband and I

b. my aunt who lives

c. a city in Spain

d. studied tourism for three years

e. university when I was twenty-three

f. for five years

g. did you go •

h. bored

1. have you known

j. They haven't lived

. ....

~~~"tl .. :' -c.
Exercise 12 c---
I a. that/which f. that, which
b. (who) g. (that/which)
c. who h. that/which
d. (that/which) i. (who) e. who

2 2 Paragraph I ends Velvet.

Paragraph 2 ends in 1962.

Paragraph 3 ends the most.

Paragraph 4 ends addictions.

3 where film makers child stars who

first marriage, which

the man (who) she loved the most

Clinic, where


Exercise 1

a. have to take

b. have to go

c. have to drive

d. has to be

e. have to make

f. has to wear

g. had to go

Exercise 2

a. don't have to pay

b. doesn't have to do

c. didn't have to do

d. don't have to ask

e. don't have to iron

f. doesn't have to do

g. didn't have to go

Exercise 3

a. Do you have to wear a uniform in your job?

b. Why did you have to buy so many books?

c. Do you have to get a visa to go to the States?

d. How often does John have to take his pills?

e. Do you have to look after this plant very carefully?

Exercise 4 Sample answers

a. Yes, he/she does.

b. No, I don't.

c. No, he doesn't.

d. Yes, I did. 1;. YI;S, I do.

Exercise S Sample answers

I have to get up early in the morning. School starts at 8.00.

I don't have to do the cooking. My mother does it.

We have to do the washing-up. My sister and I do it.

My parents have to go to work. They work five days a week.

My mother has to do the ironing. She hates it. My father doesn't have to work in the garden.

We haven't got one.

My sister has to babysit when my parents go out.

My brother has to make his bed in the morning. He moans about it.

My grandmother has to do the shopping doesn't mind.

My grandfather doesn't have to get up 'C the morning. He's retired.

Exercise 6 Sample answers

a. I think you should go to the dentist.

b. I think you should phone the police" your bank.

c. I don't think he should drive.

d. I think she should write to people ill' phoning them.

e, I think you should take them back t, \ ,


f. I think they should wait.

g. I think you should tell them to buy I'll

h. I think you should be more careful

Exercise 7 Sample answers

a. Do you think I should go?

h. Do you think T should ask her for it' C. Do you think I should accept?

d. Do you think I should apologize?

e. What do you think he should do?

f. Do you' hi.ik I should buy it?

Exercise 8
a. should f. don't have to
b. shouldn't g. should
c. have to h. don't have to
d. should 1. shouldn't
e. have to J. should Exercise 9

Clothes - jumper, anorak, boots, track-a.: gloves

Food - Christmas turkey, thick soup. sr, baked potatoes

Weather- ice, mist, frost, fog, snow. gr, skies

Things I like doing - going tobogganing going for walks on bright, frosty rnon opening Christmas presents. sitting ." I of an open fire

Exercise 10

a. when it is warm

b. went to Brazil

c. doesn't have to

d. to do the shopping

e. You can't smoke

f. to my aunt's house

g. Does he have to leave

h. it is quiet

1. he made so many mistakes j. think I should

Exercise 11

I Dear Sir or Madam - Yours faithfully Robert J Fleming (formal)

Dear Ms McDonald - Yours sincerely

Robert Fleming (formal)

Dear Helen - Love, Bob (informal)

Dear Philip - Yours, Bob (informal) Darling Rosie - Lots of love, Bobby XXX (informal)


Rua Luis de Deus 18, 3000 Coimbra, Portugal.

The Principal,

The Oxford English College, 234 Hilton Rd.,

Eastbourne BN4 3UA

29 March 1991.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I saw your advertisement for English classes in this month's English Today magazine and I am interested in coming to your school this summer.

I have studied English for three years but I have neverbeen to England ami I feel that this is now necessary, especially to improve my pronunciation. Please could you send me more information about your courses, and an application form. I would also like some information about accommodation.

[ look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Ana Maria F emandes


Exercise 1

The summer will be very wet.

There will be a General Election in the


Liverpool will win the football championship. Astronauts will land on Mars.

Scientists will find a cure for cancer.

The Prime Minister will resign because of a political scandal.

The Queen will have more grandchildren. Thieves will steal the Mona T .isa from the Louvre.

Exercise 2

a. I won't pass them.

b. She won't lie.

c. I won't lose it.

d. We won't eat at home.

e. We won'! rum it up.

f. I won't go to bed late.

g. We won't stay late.

h. I won't refuse it.


Exercise 3 Sample answers

a. Do you think you'll have a bath tonight?


b. How long do you think your homework will take?

About two hours.

c. What time do you think you'll go to bed?

About 11.00.

d. Do you think you'll go abroad next year?

I hope suo

e. Where do you think you'll go?

I don't know. Maybe to Japan.

f. Do you think Brazil will win the football match?

Exercise 4 Correct forms

a. I'll open it.

b. I'll buy it for you.

c. I buy The Times.

d. I'll have lamb.

e. We have supper at about 8.00.

f. OK. I'll answer it.

Exercise 5
a. will start k. get
b. will try 1. will have to
c. If m. will do
d. succeeds n. will help
e. will be o. If
f. will go p. is
g. When q. will make
h. arrive r. When
i. will join s. get
j. As soon as t. will show Exercise 6

If the sea gets warmer, the ice at the North and South Poles Will melt.

Ifthe ice melts, the sea level will rise.

If the sea level rises, there will be floods in many parts of the world.

If there are floods, many people will lose their homes and land.

Exercise 7

a. What will you do if the plane is late?

b. Where will you stay if the hotels are full?

c. Who will you talk to if you don't make any friends?

d. What will you do if you don't like the food?

e. Where will you go if the beaches are crowded?

f. What will you do if you get sunburnt?

Exercise 8
a. If d. If g. when
b. when e. If h. If
c. when f. When Exercise 9

a. I'll wait here until you get back.

b. Give me a ring when you hear some news.

c. After the TV programme ends, I'll do my


d. Before I go to work, I'll have a bath.

e. While she's in Paris, she'll visit friends.

f. As soon as the lesson ends, I'll go home.

g. I won't leave the house until the postman calls.

h. Can you feed the cats while I'm away?

I. I'll tell you about the holiday when I get back.

j. I'll study English until I speak it perfectly

Exercise 10 Sample answers

a. They are all books, but you read a magazine for pleasure. The others are reference books.

b. They are all musical instruments, but you blow a trumpet. The others have strings

c. They are all forms of transport, but a bicycle doesn't have an engine (or has on h two wheels).

d. They are all fruit, but a grapefruit is ycllo« The others are red.

e. They are all animals with four legs, but all elephant is the only one with a trunk.

f. A spider is the only one that can't fly.

g. They are places to live, but a caravan is mobile.

h. They are all liquids, but petro! is the onlv one you can't drink.

1. They are all tools, but a spade is the only one you use in the garden.

j. They are all games, but you play chess Oll , board. You play the others with a ball.

Exercise 11

a. arrived in Tokyo

b. Sylvia and Ronald arrive

c. interested in

d. should do

e. When I go back

f. Yesterday she travelled by plane to New


g. I won't buy

h. he comes

1. We must/we'll have to j. If you want

Exercise 12

2 Travelling by train has many advantages First of all, there are no stressful traffic jams, and trains are fast and comfortable Also, you can use the time in different ways, for example, you can just sit and read, or watch the world go by. You can work, UI yuu call have a meal UI a suai.k II the buffet car.

However, travelling by train also has some disadvantages. For one thing it is expensi \'

and the trains are sometimes crowded and delayed. What is more, you have to travel at certain times and trains cannot take you from door to door. You need a bus or a taxi, for example, to take you to the railway station.

Despite the disadvantages, I prefer travelling by train to travelling by car, because I feel more relaxed when I reach my destination.

Purpose of each paragraph l - advantages of trains

2 - disadvantages of trains 3 - personal opinion


Past Simple and past participle

made/made travelled/travelled

tried/tried knew/known

won/won drankJ drunk ate/eaten had/had saw/seen brokelbroken read/read

wrote/written acted/acted spent/spent spoke/spoken

Present Perfect Simple
I a. has written wrote
b. Have you ever tried
c. I have never been When did you go
d. I have lived
e. lived moved
f. met have you known
2 a. for since
b. never
c. for ever
. d. SInce never
3 Sample answers
a. How long have you lived
For ten years.
b. Have you ever drunk
Yes, I have. c. have you visited Five.

d. did you go To Italy. e.' did you do

We went sightseeing.

f. have you known For years and years.

Have to and should
a. have to e. should
b. should f. don't have to
c. don't have 10 g. should
d. have to h. don't have to .\

First Conditional and time clauses
I a. eat will be
b. will fail don't study . ,_
c. will you do fail
d. will suffer don't look after
e. will do finishes
f. reads will understand .:
g. will he stay goes
h. will give arrives 2 Ifl pass my driving test, I'll buy a car.

You'll learn English more easily if you study a little every day.

Will you give her these flowers when you see her'!

If they don't give him the job, I don't know what he'll do.

I'll marry you as soon as we find somewhere to live.

Your plants won't grow well if you don't water them.

As soon as we get the tickets, we'll send them to you.

If I buy the champagne, will you pay for the meal?



Exercise 1

I was very fit when I was young. I used to do a lot of exercise.

The teachers at my school were horrible. They used to hit the pupils.

My sister's room was so messy. She never used to tidy it at all.

I had a dog when I was a kid. It used to follow me everywhere.

My family had some lovely holidays. We used to go camping all over Europe.

When I was young, we didn't have a car. We used to go everywhere by bus.

And we didn't have central heating. We used to freeze on winter mornings.

My uncle was a pilot for British Airways. lIe used to fly Concorde.


Exercise 2 Sample answers

a. The houses used to be cheap.

b. They used to be clean.

c. There didn't use to be any litter.

d. They used to be empty/It used to be easy to


e. There didn't use to be a lot of traffic.

f. It used to be quiet.

e;. He used to he so cheerful! h. He used to be so generous.

t. He used to dress so carefully.

Exercise 3

a. He never used to. He used to drive carefully.

b. She never used to. She used to be very careful with her money.

c. They never used to. They used to get on well.

d. She never used to. She used to tell the truth.

e. She never used to. She used to be the first one up in the morning.

f. It never used to. It used to work perfectly.

Exercise 4
a. 1 d. 2
b. 1 e.
c. 2 f. 2 Exercise 5

a. What happened at the end?

b. Who broke the vase?

c. Who comes to school by car?

d. What happened at the party?

e. Who wants an ice-cream. and who wants a


f. Which goes faster, a BMW or a Jaguar?

g. Who took my pen?

h. Who wants to watch a film, and who wants to work on the computer?

Exercise 6

a. How many people did Andrew save?

b. How many people died in the crash?

c. Who saw the helicopter crash?

d. Where did it crash?

e. How far did Andrew run to get to the scene of the accident?

f. What does Andrew's father do?

g. Who phoned for an ambulance and the fire brigade?

h. What did the Chief Fire Officer say?

Exercise 7 Sample answers

a. What are you listening to?

b. Who is she talking to?

What is she talking about?

c. What are you thinking about?

d. What are they looking for?

e. Who is she going on holiday with?

f. Who are you going out with?


g. What was it about?

h. What did you argue about? I. Who is he in love with?

j. Who is she getting married to?


It's chilly today, isn't it? - Yes, there was a frost last night.

You don't like this food, do you? - 'Well, I find it a bit too salty.

You know the Drowns, uun't yuu? - Yes.

They live next door to me.

. This exercise isn't hard, is it? - No. It's quite easy.

You've got a car, haven't you? - Yes. A Renault.

You haven't met Henry, have you? - No. How do you do.

Exercise 9

The following are the words which are different.

a. ear e. lower h. pies
b. word f. far i. food
c. home g. fool j. road
d. wrong Exercise 10

a. Where I live now there is

b. used

c. that it is always raining

d. Who told you

e. I'm looking

f. women

g. There are twenty students

h. used to go I. to look at?

j. finished doing

Exercise 11

3 1 e. 2 d. 3 c. 4 a ; 1;1.


Exercise 1 a was sold

b. wasmade

c. is known

d. was bought

c. has been played/was played

f. were demonstrated

g. has been kept

h. has been looked I. were made

j. are admired

Exercise 2

a. Where has it been kept?

b. When were Stradivari's best instruments made?

c. When were the Houses of Parliament built?


d. How many people were hurt in the crash?

e. Where is champagne produced?

f. How many times has it been washed?

g. How much was she fined?

h. How much are school teachers paid? I. How often is your post delivered?

j. Why were they given an award?

.--.--,---.----~. -"'_ -_. -;---.----

Exercise 3 Sample answers

a. President Kennedy wasn't killed in New York. He was killed in Dallas .

b. Coffee isn't grown in Scotland. It's grown in Brazil.

c. Sunflowers wasn't painted by Renoir. It was painted by van Gogh.

d. Walkman cassette players weren't developed by the Russians. They were developed by the Japanese.

e. The Berlin Wall wasn't knocked down in 1982. It was knocked down in 1989

f. The 1988 Olympic games weren't held in Paris. They were held in Seoul, Korea.

g. Rolls-Royce cars aren't made in Japan.

They're made in England.

h. Coca-Cola hasn't been produced for over two hundred years. It has been produced since 1895.

Exercise 4

a. No, it wasn't.

b. Yes, it is.

Sample answers

e. Yes, it is.

f. No, it hasn't.

c No, it hasn't.

d Yes, they were.

Exercise S

a. A part-time assistant is wanted.

They want a part-time assistant,

b. Jewellery is bought and sold.

They buy and sell jewellery.

c. Credit cards are accepted.

Tiley accept credit cards.

d. Afternoon tea is served.

They serve afternoon tea.

e. Dogs aren't allowed to go in that shop.

They don't allow dogs to go in.

Exercise 6


A Mozart manuscript which was lost for forty years was sold at an auction yesterday. The signed piano works were bought by an Austrian library for a record £HHO,OOO.


A 40-year-old businessman from Birmingham was arrested last nieht at Heathrow Airport. A substance believed to be cocaine was found in his suitcase. He was questioned by customs officials before being taken to Acton Police Station.


The London-Edinburgh express was derailca yesterday morning as it was passing through York station. Four people were taken to hospital, but no one was seriously hurt. Tram were delayed for the rest of the day.


Former champion Larry Fellows lost his fight in Dallas last night when he was knocked 0111 in th e e ighth round by Joe Wheeler. After th« fight Joe was crowned heavyweight charnproi of the world. The fight was stopped in the second round when the crowd started to throv objects at the referee, who the CIUWU thougln was being unfair to the former champion.

Exercise 7

a. Entry 3, definition 2 (b)

b. Entry 3, definition I

c. Entry I, definition 2

d. Entry 2

e. Entry I, definition 2

f. Entry I, definition I

g. Entry 2, definition 2

h. Entry I. definition 4 I. Entry I, definition I

j. Entry 3

k. Entry 4 I. Entry 2

m. Entry 3, definition I

n. Entry 3, definition 3

Exercise 8

I-d 2-a 3-c 4-b 3 Present Simple

Exercise 9

a. got it?

b. have they been

c. man who came

d. ran to the end

e. wasn't painted

f. Germany
g. made
h. chosen
1. did they come
j. by Shakespeare UNIT 12

Exercise 1
a. to decide h. to rent
b. togo I. (to) choose
c. visiting j. to have
d. sightseeing k. talking/to talk
e. playing I. to enjoy
f. to go m. to think
g. to find
Exercise 2
a. to start d. pay
b. reading e. to be
c. to do Exercise 3

a. She wanted her children to tidy their room

b. She refused to lend me any money.

c. I advised Jerry to look for a better job.

d. She told her children to get out of bed.

e. He asked his daughter to post a letter.

f. The teacher let the class go home early.

g. My piano teacher makes me practise for two hours every day.

h. I managed to save £ 1000 in six months.

Exercise 4

a. What do you want me to do?

b. What did she tell you to do?

c. What did she help to do?

. d. What would you like to do tonight? c. What did they make you do?

f. What do you hope to do after university?

Exercise S

~s book is easy to read.

b. It 'was lovely to see you last night.

iI .. .![~.easy to llMI.ke mistakes when you're learning a language.

d. It's important to keep vocabulary records. ;~m pleased to see you've stopped smoking.

f. It's impossible to keep the house tidy with five children.

g. It's unusual to have long, hot summers in England.

Exercise 6

I went for a walk to get some fresh air.

I'm going to the library to change my books. I went to town to do some shopping.

I phoned the theatre to find out what time the play started.

I want to borrow some money to buy a new

car. ,

:'~~~~~l:::~::~~:r:i::l::e :e::e slm}

I wrote to John to explain how to get to my' ;"

house. '

Exercise 7 Corrections

a. teacher's book Maria's house

b. teachers'room

c. says it's

d. dogs

e. its

f. (no mistakes)

g. Six pounds a kilo That's expensive

its flavour

h. Whose they're yours aren't they?

1. They're

j. can't country's

Exercise 8 courage encouragement honesty

belief organization

vote operation notice argument decision

share blood

heat importance advertisement

Exercise 9

a. boring

b. excited

c. worried

d. surprised

e. interesting

f. frightened

g. worrying

h. interested

i. exciting

j. annoyed




Exercise 10

a. decided to leave
b. I'm sorry I'm late.
c. address
d. the bank to change i;"-;
e. Jane's
f. stories
g. ate his breakfast very quickly
h. John and I went
1. a friend of mine
j. seen Ann's new car Exercise 11 Sample answers

a. Unfortunately I can't .,

b. went downstairs

c. Then she went

d. Last Thursday evening, I was sitting

e. lying upstairs in bed

f. we have a son called Simon, too.

g. very interested

h. worked hard

Picture I

2 a, saw a mouse

b. screamed and jumped up on a chair c -, she was frightened

~clurl) 2

d.lIIIII"ip .'

e. ran

f. to get

Picture 3

g. couldn't find him

h. found him under

I. grabbed him (under her arm)

J. ran

Picture 4

k. put I. on

m. got up on the chair

n. was frightened/scared

o. jumped up/leapt onto her shoulder


Used to

She used to have a pet dog, but she doesn't/hasn't any more.

She didn't use to go horse-riding, but now sh. does.

She used to have long hair, but she doesn't an more.

She didn't use to like ballet, but now she doc, She used to love cooking, but she doesn't anmore.

She didn't use to wear make-up, but now she does.

They used to go out a lot, but they don't an) more.

They didn't use to watch TV, but now they d,.' They used to go sailing, but they don't any more.

They didn't usc to own a house, but now thc , do.


a. Who broke

b. Who invented

c. Whocams

d. What happened

e. Where did you go

f. Who did you talk to

g. What are you listening to?

h. What are you looking for?

Correct forms
I a. created e. made
b. Is called f. have been
c. was called translated
d. was given g. have been made
2 a. was designed d. was made
b. was asked e. have been produce
c. were taken f. are not made Verb patterns

1 a. He asked his children to play quietly

b. She asked them to be careful with the record player.

c. He told David to stop walking on the flowers.

d. She told Beth to pick up her litter.

e. He told all the children to go to bed.

2 a. cry

b. making c .. to save

d. learning

e. go

f. to explain

g. to have




Exercise 1

a. he'd wear a suit.

b. he'd have coffee and croissants.

c. he'd work in an office.

d. he'd play squash.

e. he'd go to clubs.

f. he'd go to bed at midnight.

Exercise 2
a. shares i. doesn't like
b. were/was j. were/was
c. would live k. would ride
d. lived 1. would buy
e. would buy m. loves
f. would grow n. goes
g. travels o. would walk
h. goes Exercise 3

a. What would he wear?

b. What would he have for breakfast?

c. Where would he work?

d. Where would he go in the evening?

e. What time would he go to bed?

Exercise 4

a. No, she wouldn't.

b. Yes, she would.

c. No, she wouldn't.

d. Yes, she would.

e. Yes. she would.

Exercise 5

a. Ifhe didn't work in the evening, he'd have time to pl",y with his children

b. Ifshe didn't buy so many clothes, she'd have more money.

c. If! had a car, I'd give you a lift.

d. If! didn't go to bed lute, I wouldn't be tired in the morning.

e. Ifshe had a watch, she wouldn't always be "<. late.


Exercise 6

a. We might go to Spain.

b. I might get my cheque.

c. Joe and Ellie might pop in.

d. You might lose them.

e. He might not like it.

Exercise 7 Correct forms

a. I might go I might stay

b. I'm going to cook

c. he might not like

d. I'll phone

e. she might be

Exercise 8 Sample answers

a. She might fall off.

b. She might not pass them.

c. They might make a mess.

d. The car might break down.

e. He might need a filling.

f. She might miss the plane.

Exercise 9

Sample unswers I feel sleepy

2 yawn

3 brush my teeth 4 get undressed

5 set the alarm clock 6 tum out the light

7 fall asleep

8 snore

9 have a dream

10 have a nightmare

II the alarm clock goes off 12 wakeup

13 getup

14 have a wash

Exercise 10

a. If you knew

b. look after it

c. I'll give

d. live with my parents

e. I had an exam

f. accommodation

g. discussed the problem ~)

h. in a book shop

i. it might be for me

j. I was born

Exercise 11

(Other orders might be possible.) Letter to friends

I f. 4 h. 7 e.

2 d. 5 c. 8 i.

3 b. 6 a. 9 g.

Letter to a hotel

10. 4 q. 7 r.

2 m. 51. 8 n.

3k. 6j. 9p.

Exercise 1
a. haven't heard
b. have found
c. went
d. agreed
e. haven't tried
f. has been
g. has left
h. has gone
Exercise 2
a. been been
b. gone
c. Gone "

J. has fallen J. met

k. has ever seen 1. has won

m. had to

n. got

o. has had

d. been

e. been

f. gone

Exercise 3

a. Roger hasn't bought a doll for Harriet yc

b. But he has already ordered the turkey.

c. Helen has already made the Christmas


d. But she hasn't made the mince pies yet.

e. They haven't decorated the house yet.

f. But they have already sent O\lt their Christmas cards.

Exercise 4

a. lIas Roger bought a bike for Tom yet" No, he hasn't.

b. Has he ordered the turkey yet?

Yes, he has.

c. Has Helen bought Roger's present yet' No, she hasn't.

d. Has she sent a present to Ann in Austral yet?

Yes, she has.

e. Have they got a Christmas tree yet?

No, they haven't.

Exercise 5

Ann's been sunbathing. She's a bit burnt. She's been shopping. She hasn't got any

money left.

She's been working in the garden. Her ba,


She's been reading for hours. Her eyes hur She's been watching a sad film. She's crvi:

She's been waiting for hours. She's furiou. She's been doing the housework. Everythi


She's been decorating the bathroom. Shl"· paint in her hair.

She's been cooking. The house smells of onions and garlic.

She's been bathing the children. She's SU,h wet.

Exercise 6 Correct forms

a. I've cut

b. Have you heard

c. she's been shopping

d. I've broken

e. have you had

f. They've been living

Exercise 7

a. down

b. away (out is also possible)

c. Put

d. try

c. down f. tum

k, looking I. up

m. after

n. round u. Look

p. up

q. looking

r. back

s. fell>:

t. gave

g. up
h. on up
i. out
j. fill Exercise 8

a. have you been

b. She's been living

c. myleg

d. I gave the cheque to John on Saturday.

e. but I don't agree

f. frightened

g. a lovely weekend

h. She's very nice.

i. stars

j. I gave it to her

Exercise 9

a. Accepting an invitation

b. Paying a bill

c. Inviting

d. Could be several- giving news, inviting, but the formal thanks and request is probably the best

e. Thank-you letter after a weekend visit

f. Giving news

g. Formal invitation

h. Accepting an invitation

i. (Thanks and) request

j. Any informal letter, but giving news is

probably the best

k. Informal invitation

I. Thank-you letter after a weekend visit

m. Formal invitation

n. Thanks and request


Exercise 1

I couldn 't answer the questions because I hadn't revised for the exam.

I was hungry because I hadn't eaten all day. My mother was worried because I hadn't been in touch for a long time.

I was late because I had got stuck in a traffic jam.

I was pleased because I had passed my driving test.

I was nervous during the flight because I hadn't flown in a plane before.

My father was furious because I had crashed his car.

I was tired because I had slept badly.

Exercise 2

a. 3 12

b. 12

c. 2 I

d. 3 I 2 (or 32 I)

e. 2341 -~--


Exercise 3

a. thanked had done

b. realized had forgotten

c. had finished went

d. called had just gone

e. had been knew

f. had listened went

Exercise 4

a. When I had read the letter, I threw it away.

b. As soon as he had passed his driving test, he bought a car.

c. I took the book back to the library when I had hrushed reading it.

d. I didn't go to bed until I had done my homework.

e. When I had spent all my money I went home.

f. I'd read the book before I saw the film.

g. After her children had left home, she started writing.

Exercise 5

a. Mrs Mawby said it was a quiet fiat, and the neighbours were nice.

b. She told me that the rent included gas and electricity .

c. Then she S1Iid she needed £ I 00 deposit.

d. She told me that she had decorated the living room recently.

e. She said that other people had been to see the fiat.

f. She told me I would have to make up my mind soon.

g. She said that the previous occupants had looked after it very well.

h. She told me that she had replaced all the carpets.

I. She told me that I could move in immediately.

J. I told Mrs Mawby that I would give her a ring soon.

Exercise 6

a. I asked her how many bedrooms there


b. She asked me when I wanted to move in.

c. I asked her what sort of heating there was.

d. I asked her how often she wanted the rent.

e. I asked her how far it was to the shops.

f. She asked me what I thought of the fiat.

Exercise 7

a. She asked me if! smoked.

b. I asked her if there was a phone.

c. She asked me if! had a car.

d. I asked her if! could move the furniture around.

e. I asked her if there was a fridge In the kitchen.

f. I asked her if the fiat had central heating

Exercise 8

I What sort of music do you like, Gary?

G I have always liked jazz. In fact, I play in" small jazz band called Sax Appeal.

I Where does the band play?

G We play mainly in small clubs.

Have you ever played a Shakespearean role?

G Yes, I have. I played Othello in Stratford II 1989, and I enjoyed it very much.

I Do you ever want to direct a play?

G I hope to one day, but I don't know when II can happen because I'm so busy acting.

Exercise 9
a. told m. last
b. said n. latest
c. felt o. quite
d. fell p. quiet
e. lend q. Whose
f. borrow r. Who's
g. journey s. foreigner
h. travel t. stranger
I. buy u. game
j. paid v. play
k. Listen w. stolen
I. hear x. robbed Exercise 10

a. She told me that

b. teacher said we
c. where I was going
d. asked me if! (no comma)
c. Weare all goi6g
f. Everything is ready
g. We'll meet outside
h. and afterwards we
i. a lot of money
J. people are STOP AND CHECK 13-15

Second Conditional

I a. lived would have h. had wouldn't work

c. would go wasn't/weren't

d. would you do gave

e. were would look

2 a. He wouldn't be fat ifhe didn't eat a lUI of sweets.

b. She wouldn't cough if she didn't smoke.

c. Ifhe understood Portuguese, he'd work in Brazil.

d. If they had a garden, they'd grow vegetables.

e. If! had a boat, I'd sail around the world.


a. She might have a holiday 'or she might look for ajob.

b. They might go to Spain or they might stay

at home.

c. You might forget it.

d. I might be late.

e. I might stay the night or I might come back

the same day.

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

a. I haven't finished yet.

b. Have they booked the restaurant yet?

c. We've already ordered the champagne.

d. Anna's been studying hard for five hours.

e. How long has Jim been cleaning his bike? f I've just seen Jim.

g. We've been helping Mary since five o'clock.

h. They haven't spoken to each other for four years.

1. Nobody has sent me a letter for a long time. j. It hasn't rained here since June.

a. come -i. pass
b. came / j. will move
c. haven't met - k. are coming
d. started --I. haven't seen
e. have been learning m. have never been
f. didn't understand n. don't speak g. has improved

h. havejusttaken

Reported speech

a. hadn't met

b. had just taken

c. were coming

d. hadn't seen

e. didn't speak


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