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Subject : English

Level : SMP
Grade/Semester : VIII/1

Skill : Speaking

Theme : Time

Time : 1 x 15 minutes

I. Standard Competence
1.1. Speaking
Expressing meaning in the functional and monologue discourse in the
form of descriptive and procedure.

II. Basic Competence

2.1 Speaking
Expressing meaning of telling the time by using in the context of interactional
discourse by using spoken language.

III Indicators
3.1 Speaking
3.1.1 Students are able to identify the expression of telling
the time in the context of monologue discourse.
3.1.2 Students are able to tell the time correctly

IV. Material
V. Approach and Method
Contextual Teaching Learning
a. Tutorial
b. Question – Answer
c. Practice

VI. Teaching Learning Activity

No. Teacher Activity Students Activity
1 Reading
1.1 Introduction
Greeting the students Greeting the teacher Question - Answer

Answering the leading

1.1.2 Giving leading question question Question - Answer
1.1.3 Motivation
Showing the clock Paying attention Tutorial

1.2 Main activities

1.2.1 explaining the expression of telling
time Paying attention tutorial
1.2.2 Asking to the students to identify the
expression of telling the time Identifying the time Practice
1.3 Closing
1.3.1 giving summary of the lesson Paying attention Tutorial
1.3.2 Giving Homework Doing instruction Practice
1.3.3 Parting the students Parting the teacher Question - answer

Total of Time Duration

VII. Media and Sources

- Realia (Clock)
- White board
- Board marker

VIII. Evaluation
- Spoken Test

Jember, March 19, 2009

Supervisor, Practicant,

Dra. Musli Ariani, M.App.Ling. Febri Ambang Y.

NIP. 132 086 412 NIM. 060210491229

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