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The Common Image- Questions

Chris Waldron

What are the four things necessary to change in order to move the world
forward and why?
-Sustainable energy, land and resource that doesn’t change the trends of climate or
habitats of other species.
-Stabilization of the world populations to 8 billion or below by 2050
-The end of extreme poverty by 2025
-A new approach to global solving based on international cooperation.

What is a humanitarian in relation to the article?

A humanitarian is a person who is seeks to improve human welfare. Any person
who tries to alert the world of the problems that need to be face up to those who
actually fix the problems can be considered a humanitarian. In order to effectively
be a humanitarian, I believe that a person would have to spread word o fthe
problems AND fix the problems. These problems would have to be fixed on a global
scale and have participation from many to all countries.

Why is I important that all of the words government collaborate in moving

It is important that we all work together so that we can move forward without

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