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Kaillera v0.

9 (c) 2001 Christophe Thibault

how to use it:
run mame32k.exe and select File->Play network game...
also, it'd be somewhat convenient to have some roms in the "roms/" folder :)
modem users will get some lag, although games are playable.
otherwise, if you have a kaillera server nearby (i.e. <100ms ping), this should
work like a charm.
- analog input is NOT supported yet. so supersprint, etc... WON'T work.
- exit the game by pressing the ESC key, not by closing the window. I don't know
why, but
it seems to have a better behaviour for keeping your connection active or some
- some people reported that upgrading to the latest Internet Explorer version fi
xed some of
their problems (creating new game, joining games, ...)
- use the 'T' key while in game for text chat. use 'ESC' to cancel.
thanks to:
keops_eqx, ana|ogue, leviathan, smame and all others for their support...
soulcatcher, toqer and fugu for their monetary and beer support :)
what's new:
0.9: - added support for server motd's
- fixed sorting in waiting games list
- fixed pings on waiting games list
- mame32k is now maintained by The Fucking Rabbit. read readme.txt to see
0.9a5: - added waiting games list!
- support for being kicked when connecting to a server
0.9a4: - (maybe) fixed the chat scroll bug
0.9a3: - added colors in chat
- active links in chat
0.9a2: - added better status message when pinging servers
- added "display join/quit messages" option
- added customizable quit message
0.9a1: - the server list is now a tabbed dialog!
- added recent servers
- added options tab
- added flood control!
0.84d: - when waiting for lag, now processes messages loop every 10ms instead of
0.84c: - netsync should be more accurate now
- better fix for the bug below
0.84b: - connecting to a LAN or local server should display a faster ping
0.84a: - integrated new smame changes:
- All new stuff/bugfixes from stretchmame v0.37b15a
- Re-enabled DIP switches.
- Added reset machine/state saving with network game.
- Added input recording with network game.
(press Shift and Ctrl when you start a game)
0.84: - 0.83 required windows98/2000. this one doesn't.
- non working MAME games are no more selectable in "create game" popup
- game list is now internally copied in kaillera DLL in kailleraSetInfos
- you can now request game infos by right clicking into the games list!
thanks to mame.dk :)
- fixed some little crash bugs.
0.83: - plays "join.wav" when someone enters game.
- also, window explorer caption will "flash" when someone enters game.
- added message in chat window to notify when player drop out of a game.
- smame added a LOT of stuff into the mame version:
- Disabled DIP switches.
- Disabled state saving.
- Disabled Keyboard while chatting.
- Removed '3/4 Players for Kaillera' version.
Instead of them, regular version setting is changed to 3/4 players wit
h network game.
- Added new Kaillera chat feature with IME support.
- Customizable chat button. Default key is 'T'.
- 'Y' moves chat message from the bottom to the top of the screen, or vi
ce versa.
This feature is fullscreen GDI chat mode only.
- Added NEOGEO Test Switch support.
- Fixed the NEOGEO desync problem
- yay!
0.81: - fixed buggy keystroke handling. now every keys are sent to the server.
- magically reduced ping time :)
0.8: - added connection type setting.
- keys are no more sent 60 times a second if you're not on LAN, this shoul
improve game smoothness a LOT.
- fixed some server list bugs
- "Refresh list" button now switches between "Refresh" and "Stop"
- added a "*Chat" game so you can have private chats (thanks to smame)
- in-game chat (use the 'T' key)! (thanks to japmame)
- added support for IP_ACTIVE_LOW(e.g.Salamander)
and Dual-Sticks(e.g. Karate Champ) Games (thanks to mame32jk)
0.72: - current games list now sorted by status
- improved the API for more flexability
- now compiled against mame v0.37b14
- smame added some neat improvements in mame32 such as:
- Disabled startup information, warnings, and copyright with network gam
- Disabled auto pause with network game.
- superpimped install!
0.71: - fixed input bug in some games
0.7: - server list is now resizable!
- modified API for more flexability.
- better and faster network code!
- every player now uses player 1 controls!
- you can now play along with players using a different emulator version.
- added version number on server list.
- added little dialog icon.
- NOT updated to MAME32 "retail" source code as it seems to be fucked up o
some games. So, kof99p is still crashing in this release :(
0.61: - fixed MAME32 crash bug on some games (especially CPS2 games).
- changed text in netsync dialog to be more meaningful.
- fixed bug in server list get process.
0.6: - fixed desynch bug. yes. really. (be sure to use a mame32 compiled with k
aillera 0.6,
do not just copy the DLL otherwise it won't work properly)
- netsync timeout upped to 2 minutes
- netsync dialog box now shows up in fullscreen mode!
- last mame32 build was very bugged. this one is much better.
- MAME32 now compiled with Stretch support (from StretchMame project)
- MAME32 name set to "mame32k" so mame32k.exe will use different registry
entries than
your original MAME32.exe
- MAME32k.exe now packed -> smaller distribution size
0.5: - desynch problem fixed! yay!
- game list when creating a new game is now always correctly sorted
- active games list now properly updated
- "manual server ip enter bug" fixed
0.41: - fixed stupid maximum network message length
0.4: - fixed buggy # of users in chat window
- netsync doesn't screw up kaillera windows anymore
- players/games lists are now sorted and sortable
- better network code, games should be noticably smoother
- server list window remains open when connected to a server. much better
for server hoping
- added nifty netsync dialog box (that you can only see in windowed mode t
0.3: updated to mame32b12
added game chat
player kick works
added net sync code at game start. games should start in a better way.
lots of GUI fixes/improvements
0.23: pings added in server list
double click in server list launch connect dialog
added sorting in server list
0.2: blank username fixed
added "Location" info in server list
"create game" -> games are now ordered by first letter
some improvements
LOT of bugfixes
0.1: initial release

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