TASK 2aziz

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TASK 2 (10% of course marks)

Name of student(s): __________________ (Matric. No. _______)
___________________ (Matric. No. _______)

Read the passage titled “The Processes of Culture Change” (pp. 101 – 105) and
complete exercises in Sections A, B, C, and D (pp. 105 – 107).

(Format of Task Response:)

A. Processes and Examples:

1. discovery: the nature of fire; discovery that the earth is not the centre of
the universe
2. invention: wheeled vehicles; … etc.
3. diffusion: practicing Catholicism and having Spanish surnames by many
Indians in the American Southwest.
4. acculturation: the phenomenon of cargo cults;
5. revolution:
B. Referents:
1. In the second sentence, one refers to a process of culture change.
2. In the third sentence, this refers to acculturation.
3. In the fourth sentence, the latter refers to diffusion by force.
C. Multiple-choice questions:
1. ( c)
2. (a, b or c)
D. Answers to comprehension questions in complete sentences:
1. Discovery refers to realization and understanding of some set of
relationships; invention refers to the creation of artifacts. Discovery is
knowledge; invention is application.
2. It might not be accepted by a particular culture because it appears
inconsistent with some aspects of a cultural system.
3. These factors are … or …
4. Acculturation takes place voluntarily or by force and with violence.
5. a. Galileo’s telescope was used to gather supporting data for Copernicus’s
b. Only the … use was acceptable because …
OR Galileo’s telescope was only used for … because …
6. Sequoyah took an artifact and …

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