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Configuration of SecureW2 software for Network connection on Windows 7 and Windows Vista

STEP – 1 Configuring Your Desktop/Laptop for Network Connection

Right Click on Network, then click on Properties.

Or, click on the Network Icon at the bottom and click on Open Network and Sharing

Once the Network and Sharing Center opens click on Manage network connections
(In VISTA) or Change adapter settings (In Windows7).

Right click on wireless network connection, then click on Properties.

Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), Then click on Properties

Check the components Obtain an IP address automatically & Obtain DNS
server address automatically, Then click Ok.

Again open the Network and Sharing Center and click on Manage wireless

Right Click on the available wireless networks and click on Properties.

Note: - If wireless network not showing in the list then continue otherwise
goto page 7.
1. Click on the Add button at the top and click ‘Manually create a network profile’.

Type the Network name exactly as it appears in the list of available Connections in your laptop/desktop.
[Refer the two pictures below. Spaces, upper and lower cases should be taken care of.]

Select Security type: WPA2-Enterprise, Encryption type: TKIP, and uncheck

Start this connection automatically and press Next.
Wireless network will be added successfully. Click on Change connection
settings to customize further.

Click on ‘Connect even if the network is not broadcasting its name (SSID)’
and then click on the Security tab.

On the Security tab, select SecureW2 EAP-TTLS from the ‘Choose a network
authentication method:’ drop down box then click on Settings button.

Click on configure button of SecureW2 Configuration window.

Click on Connection Tab—uncheck the Use alternate outer identity:

Click on Certificates Tab – Uncheck the Verify server certificates

Click on Authentication Tab, Then from Select Authentication Method: drop

down menu, select PAP.

Click on User account Tab, then check the components Prompt user for
credentials. Click on Advanced button.

Check the components Allow users to setup new connections.

Click on OK.

Click on OK.

Click on OK.

Click on OK and close all other windows.
Again click on the Network Icon at the bottom and click on Connect to a

Click the available network and click the Connect button.

When you click on Connect button a window appears [In Windows7] for you where
you are needed to put your cyberoam/NITRKL mail user name & password-> then
click ok. For Vista proceed to next page.
NOTE- Domain not required

Note: - In Vista after you click the connect button, a ‘Connect to a network’ window
appears. Here, you click on “Enter/select additional logon information” to get the
SecureW2 Credentials [refer the picture above] window where you will put your
cyberoam/NITRKL mail user name & password -> then click ok.

You are now successfully connected to your access point. Click the close button.

Choose location for your Access point as Work network.

The network location is now set.



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