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The video Worksheet – A brief history of Video

1) What does the word ‘video’ mean in Latin? To see


Analogue Video

2a) Name the two most popular tape based video formats for home use in the
1980’s. Paste a picture of both recorders below and paste a picture of both
the tapes which were used.



2b) From your answer above; state which system was the best in terms in of
quality and give a reason why.
I believe that HDV was a superior format to VCR as it recorded in early HD
giving a much superior video quality

2c) In a paragraph, describe how the tape system worked in order to record
HDV works on an GOP format which means it is made up of many pictures in
a continuous line of still images played quickly so that the viewers eyes see a
moving picture. HDV uses a special system where each image has a
reference image to distinguish which picture goes where the Order of the
images is IBBPBBPBBPBBP the I meaning the reference image and a the
P referencing to a secondary reference.

2d) Find a picture of someone using a tape based video recorder. Comment

on the size of the video recorder. The camera is quite large

compared to a modern camera capable of the same quality.
2e) Describe what the term aspect ratio means.

2f) What is the most common aspect ratio of TV’s sold today?

Digital Video Formats

Today we tend to use digital formats to watch and record video.

3a) A digital video format was available in the 1980’s. Name the system and
find a picture which compares the size of the disc to a modern DVD.

3b) State what these acronyms stand for:



3c) Describe the battle between the formats HD DVD and Blu-Ray. Comment
on which format won the battle and if it was the superior system.

Video on computers and the internet

4a) List five popular video formats which are used on computers and the
internet today.
4b) Why are there so many different video formats?

4c) Describe the problems associated with having so many different video

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