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Power Quality and Line Considerations for Variable Speed AC Drives David D. Shipp, Senior Member, IEEE, and William $. Vilchec Abitract—Varlable speed ac drives are finding their w all types of industrial and commercial power system 9 ‘Their application to the load (motor) generally Is reasonably well selected—at least within heavy industry. However, there are many line (sure) design parameters learned Inthe 1950's fand 1960's which are now being frequently overlooked. This paper represents many years of experience doing power qual investigations. The authors combined this experience with recent technology and discuss some of the arcas of concern ‘which frequently rest in serious performance oF power qual problems. Finally, basi design guldelines are given to great ‘nimize system problems-—-especally as newer technologies a termined with old. L Inrropuction HIS paper will only address basic drive design theory necessary to relate to the interaction of the drive and the ac system supplying it power. Tt will not address drive applications to loads nor the output concesns to its loads “The major areas to be discussed are 1) basie adjustable frequency ac drives: 2) commutation notching: 3) electrical nose; 4) harmonics; 5) power factors 6) grounding; 7) power quality H, Drives Txtory Drives are modern day replacements for M-G sets (ac motor driving a de generator which in turn drives a de motor and its variable speed load) or eddy-current drives (fixed 60-Hz motor driving a variable speed load vis a clutch). They provide much better contro, efficiency and are more economical than those ‘mechanical drives they are replacing. Fig. 1 is block diagram showing their basic components (both ac & de drives shown). ‘The converte section, as it converts a 10 de, dominates the interaction of the drive with its source system. tie TERE tndney Applications Society for pecan whe 198 TELE Pip and Paper Indy Confrence: Neils TN, Jape 20-28 alte 1385 Inuaea an Gomera Power System Tecan! Conference San Amonin TX. May 7-10. Manat rete for pubcaion Soper 6 iis, “The autor sr with the Wesinghaose Ecc Corporation, Oakdale, P| Publish: lem donir $ 0093-9904(06)01563-, fenior Member, IEEE cent Rls Fig. 2. Typical heepase ple convener ‘The basic components generally used in the converter module are either diodes or thyristors; the inverter module typically uses thyristors, transistors or gate turn off thyristors (GTO's) [1], Transistors have found applications in smaller. sized drives with GTO"s more commonly applied in large specialized medium voltage (2.4 KV-6.9 KV) applications. This leaves conventional thyristors as the most commonly applied --- especially within the existing installed base Fig. 2 shows a basic three-phase six-pulse thyristor drive (most common). Note the current path for phase A current, The thyristors shown will conduct dusing the positive 1/2 cycle and after a gate pulse (steep de/dt voltage surge) has been received. As the current waveform crosses zero and the ccurent ries to reverse itself through phase A thyristor, the negative bias causes the thyristor to commutate (cur off), AC this same point in time, phase J thyristor is beginning to conduct causing a brief but severe phase-to-phase short circuit. This results in commutating notches in the voltage waveform, Fig. 3 shows a basic waveform of source line tosline voltage, input current and fundamental current over fone cycle 2). This would apply at the input thyristors of f drive, Note that the input current and voltage waveforms are no longer clean sinusoidal waveforms, The input current approximates a discontinuous square wave rich in harmonic ‘content. The steepness (d/d!), width and area ofthe voltage (093-990496505.00 © 1996 IEEE so |5SE-TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, WOE. 32, NO. 2. MARCIWAPRIL 196 ig.5. AC inp volage an cerent waveforms. fr fa conver. WaveroRwS ig 5. C81 iver. : eile ig 4. VSI iver commutating notches can result in much higher frequency harmonic content as well as voltage surges which can result in drive control or stability problems. The inductance of the primary system (commutating reactance) plays a signifieant role in the notching, commutation and harmonic generation of a driveldrive system. If the adjustable speed drive (ASD) is a current source inverter (no de link capacitor), the drive is also dependent on the Toad inductance for proper commutation [1} The inverter section of the drive can also impact the application. Figs. 4, S. and 6 show the three basic types of ASD's. They are [1] 1) voltage source inverter (VSI) --- Fig. 4: 2) current source invener (CSD) --- Fig. 5; 3) pulse width modulated (PWM) ---Fig. 6. ‘The VSI drive controls the de voltage using converter thyristors which in tum control the inverter ousput voltage. ‘The load draws whatever current it needs. The inverter does not use high frequency switching [I]. The CSI drive controls the current to the motor to maintain the requited voltage and frequency with a more complex inverter section [1]. The PWM. dive uses a simple diode bridge converter which minimizes the lower order harmonies generated [1], does not generste commutation notches [2] but has a complex inverter section ‘which must control both the output voltage and frequency. It uses higher frequency switching devices on the output than both VSI and CSI drives [1] Each of these type drives impacts the power quality, power factor and harmonic content as a function ofthe line (source) Fig. 6 PWM invents, inductances. Each will be discussed in the remainder of this paper HL Coumurarion NorcHING Commutation is the process by which one set of thyristors (oF diodes) turns off and the next set tum on. Commutation notching occurs wren thyristors are used. In a full six-pulse converter, the thyristors operate in pairs to convert ac to de by switching the load current among the six thyristor pairs six times per ac cycle. During this process, the current begins t0 transfer from one phase to the next creating a momentary phaseto-phase short circuit Source inductive reactance prevents instantaneous transfer (commutation) resulting in a commutating notch. The duration of this short circuit (notch width = 1) is @ function of the total system inductance and the de output current (2), [6]. Fig. 3 shows a typical uc input to a six-pulse full thyristor converter, Fig. 7 shows just the phase-to-phase input voltage with line notches identified. Fig. 7 defines notch width and depth (6]. The notch depth and area will differ depending where in the system it is ‘measured. For example, the notch depth at point in Fig. 8 will be 100%, At point B, i€ is calculated as follows (2) Lytle Noth Depth) = pA x 100 SWPP AND VILVHECK: POWER QUALITY AND LINE CONSIDERATIONS FOR VARIABLE SHEED AC DRIVES as -c 10 ol Fig. AC tne impedance dibaton ‘A practical example calculating notch area may be found in 21 Since a line notch is a sudden change in voltage (v/a), resistorcapacitor (snubber) networks will begin to discharge/charge during commutation notches. Where ‘multiple drives are applied on a common bus, the composite ‘commutation notching can overwork these snubber circuits and in severe cases, fail catastrophically. These networks are applied to absorb transient voltages, occurring across the thyristors due to high speed electronic switching (Ldi/dt). If these networks are out of tolerance or nonfunctional, & transient voltage overshoot may occur with a high incidence of thyristor fuse blowing and/or drive component failures. Also, ‘other sensitive equipment fed from the common system can exhibit power qualitylcontrol problems. References (2] and [3] state that “The repetitive peak deviations of the fundamental line voltage from the instantaneous value of the line voltage ‘may not exceed 25% of the erest working line voltage.” This gives a practical upper limit, These line notches ae also rich in high frequency harmonies and are propagated throughout the power system, Sensitive electronic equipment such as computers, PLC's and instru- mentation is especially sensitive to the high frequency content ‘duc to line notching. For this reason, itis always a good idea to keep these sensitive type loads electrically isolated fro these dives. Line notching can also cause thyristor misfiring. This can happen when notch width exceeds gate pulse width or with excessive notch depth. As a recommended practice, ASD’s should be selected/designed to operate with maximum voltage notch widths of 250 ms and depths of 70% of rated peak line current (2), {6}. Table I is excerpted from IEEE Standard 519 [6} that defines commutation notching limits for low voltage systems. Low.WotrAce Svsret CLASSCSTION AND DISTORTION LINES Special General Dedicated Applications’ System System! Notch’ 10% 20% 50% Depth THD 3% 5% 10% Woltage Notch Area 16,400 22,800 36,500 a NOTE: The value Ay for other than 480V systems should be multiplied by V/480 * Special applications include hospitals and airports. 1 A dedicated system is exclusively dedicated 10 the converter load. + In volt-microseconds at rated voltage and current. For those systems which may have notching out of limits, adding commutating reactance (Ly + La + Ls in Fig. 8) is the ‘most practicable solution. Generally this is best accomplished by making L2-+ Ls > Ly [2]. The addition of a series commutating reactor in the drive itself or a drive isolation transformer easily serves this purpose. Another benefit of adding commutating reactance is that the current harmonies {generated can be significantly redueed (discussed later). How- ever, a dilemma can occur when the addition of inductance to decrease notch depth results in too large of a notch area Reducing L (lager stepdown transformer) or the addition of| power factor capacitors at point Cin Fig. 8 may be alternatives but effect other system design parameters (short cicuit levels and harmonics. IV, ELacrnicat, Noise Higher frequency harmonics caused by commutation notch- ing, thyristor induced transients (Ldi/at), high frequency (radiated or conducted) components caused by high frequency switching in the inverter section (primarily CSI drives), inad- equate of improper signal grounding, electo-static discharge from insulation to ground (common mode noise) as well as use of walkie-alkies in close proximity to drives, have all been known to cause drive malfunctions, The higher frequency sources and thyristor induced transients are sometimes called ‘erosstalk” or electrical noise If this electrical noise is coupled into the controls or signal paths (such as thyristor gate leads), thyristor misfiring, unstable speed control, erratic behavior, and/or control board failures can and do occur. This is especially a concer where ‘multiple drives are fed from a common bus without individual #6 WE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 12, NO. 2, MARCHAPRIL 1995 ‘commutating reactors or isolation transformers applied. The application of newer digital ASD's to existing analog drive systems may result in similar problems, Solutions could con- sist of adding commutating reactance, isolation transformers, and carefully solving grounding installation problems. Where digital and analog drives are intermixed, adding MOV" and/or changing out thyristors to be more compatible with each other, sre additional consideration. V. Harmonies In converting ac power to de power, for a de drive ap- plication, the converter effectively breaks or chops the ac curent waveform by only allowing the current to flow during portion of the cycle. The example given previously in Fig. 2 fora three-phase six-pulse converter shows a square ac curtent waveform. The distorted waveform can be separated {nto components using Fourier analysis techniques. Thus, for de drive (not phased back), the corresponding ac line current is represented analytically as Ine = (2V8/2la x [eos ~ 1/5.c0858 + 1/ 700876 ~1/11.c08118 + 1/18006 198}, [1,4,5] (1) where the higher order terms are the harmonic components However, de drives are typically operated with the thytistors phased back, and the Sth harmonic current may be as high as 306, This is consistent with field measurements performed by the authors Harmonics produced by line-commutated converters are related to the pulse-number of the device, by the equation h np+/—1 where the harmonic order, = any integer, and = pulse-number of converter, Fig. 9 lists typical characteristic harmonie magnitudes for the most common palse-number static power converters. How= ever, inaecuracies in thyristor fring, differences in thyristor characteristics, and system unbalances would eause the pro duction of other “noncharacteristic" harmonic orders such as 3rd, Ath, and 6th. Six and twelve-pulse converters are the most widely used Three-pulse devices are used in small power applications such as extruders, and eighteen-pulse and above are used in much larger applications. The choice of pulse number is a matter of economics versus harmonic contol Larger ac drives, 100 hp and grester, typically use thyristor converters to control bus voltage or line current to maintain desired speed. Unlike the diodes used in de drive convert- crs which provide constant de bus voltage, controlling the switching of a thyristor with respect to the incoming voltage ‘waveform determines the bus voltage output. The disadvantage of the thyristor converter is a greater ac current distortion {ring slower motor speeds. Fifth harmonic current distortions Converter Harmonic Order $7 a ae 6 0.175 0.111 0.048 0.028 G.0T8 0,010 0.009 0.008 12 0.026 0.016 0.045 0.028 0.002 0.001 0.009 0.008 38 0.026 0.016 0.007 0.008 0.016 0.010 0.001 0.001 24 0,076 0.016 0.007 0.004 0.902 0.001 9.009 0.008 6-Pulse Theoretical Bef e 19th 23rd 25th Fig 9. Harmonic curens preset pat curent o typi ste power Enver im porn ofthe nse caret 1 A“ PULSE heh ae 6 PULSE SFULSE 6 PULSE 6 PULSE Fig. 10, Phase mutipetion, greater than 50% have been recorded at ac drive installations. ‘The increase of harmonic current distortion is a function of the type of ac drive and its speed, ‘Whether drives are ac oF de, a common means of reducing harmonic generation while in the design process is by phase- ‘multiplication or harmonic cancellation. For example, consider (1). If another converter were supplied by 2 voltage 30° out of phase, the Sth, 7th, 17th, 19, etc, harmonic components would be 180° out of phase with those of (1). Thus, if two equally loaded and identical drives were supplied by identical delta-delta and delta-wye transformers, respectively, the overall harmonic production would resemble a twelve pulse device (greatly reduced Sth & 7th harmonics), Ofcourse, the less identical the drives which are supplied: by phase- shifted voltages, the less cancellation which would occur. However, significant harmonic cancellation can occur within a specific process, or ubroughout a plant, by the judicious choice of transformer winding connections. Fig. 10 shows a 24-pulse application. “SHIPP AND VIEVHECK: POWER QUALITY AND LINE CONSIDERATIONS FOR VARIABLE SPEED AC DRIVES an [coo | oo-rerev | >ren0v = O#R ROLLING MILL Fores Loans Fiuter Fig 11. Harmonie ter application IEEE Standard 519-1992 lists the recommended! harmonic voltage distortion levels for various voltage ranges, as shown in Table Il, Even though the limits originally were for the utility point of common coupling, these values are used as a design guide in controlling harmonics within an industrial fa- cility. If economies preclude phase multiplication techniques, larger sized harmonic filters or multiple single-tuned filters ‘can be installed to reduce harmonic magnitudes to acceptable levels. VI. Power Factor (Operating variable frequency ac drives with thytistor con: verters at slow speeds generally results in poor power factor. If the numberof ue drives is small compared to overall plant load, then the total power factor atthe utility metering point may not be cause for concer. Hoviever, lage systems of ac variable frequency drives would require reactive compensation. One characteristic of PWM ASD’s is a good power factor (due 10 ‘diode froat end), Where many smaller drives are applied with expected low speed operation, PWM drives will significantly improve power factor and could reduce the cost of harmonic filtered capacitor banks. ‘The pructice of installing and switching capacitors with the motors is not recommended with ac drives. I the supply transformer and capacitor ereate a resonance frequency which is the same as a harmonic produced by the drive, high hharmonie voltage and current magnitudes can occur at the capacitor which may cause fuse melting or component failure {A safer application, from a harmonic viewpoint, i to install ‘the propel rated shunt capacitor with a series tuning reactor at the high voltage circuit as shown in Fig, 11 . . Fig. 12. Tans overvokages from resting ground fats Vil ‘There are two areas of grounding concerns for drives or drives systems. They are power system grounding and signaVequipment grounding. “The majority ofthe smaller HP drives are applied at 480 V. Most 480 V systems on which they are applied have & solidly grounded wye-connected source transformer. In many cases, the solid grounding is a National Electric Code (NEC) requirement whether of not ASD's are applied. Consider that if ground fault occurs internal to the drive itself, the very high magnitude ground fault current available on a solidly grounded system could cause catastrophic failure. If this is 4 concem, a drive isolation transformer will derive a new ‘ground system forthe drive, These isolation transformers also ‘add commutating reactance (reduces harmonics, commutating notching, ec.) as well as a special ground shield between the primary and secondary windings. This shield also gives extra isolation for noise. Larger dedicated drives or drive systems traditionally have ‘been supplied by an ungrounded power system (includes ‘golaion transformers to individual drives). These are actually ccapacitively grounded through the ground insulation (cables, transformers, drives). This tradition has been the industry practice based on the perception that an ungrounded system provides maximum service continuity (there may also be some intemal drives reasons). This is based upon a phase- ‘ground fault causing very little ground fault current flow and ‘accepting the 173% voltage on the unfaulted phases. This is a true perception providing only solid ground faults occur But, most ground faults begin as arcing ground faults which ‘can resull in 600 to 700% (or greater) voltage buildup with respect to ground, If allowed to persist, insulation failure system wide ean occur (multiple failures on a common bus). The snubber circuits, MOV's to ground, ete, all can be seriously overstressed. Also, significantly increased insulation Ueterioration over time can result, Fig. 12 pitorially illustrates this mechanism, A further explanation of this phenomenon on ‘ungrounded systems is explained in] and [10). The solution is to apply high resistance grounding (almost ungrounded) ‘The high resistance grounding eliminates the transient over voltages from occurring while providing the service continuity petoeived to be provided by an ungrounded system. However, GROUNDING oy |BE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY AFPLICATIONS, VOL. 32, NO. 2, MARCHIAPRDL 1996 it must be engineered specific 10 a given installation, This is ‘especially true for isolstion wansformers with single drives. High resistance grounding has been successfully applied for these purposes over the lst 20 years in many other industries ‘The most notable are drive systems within the paper industry. It's just now gaining acceptance by some drive manufactures. it should be noted that it is not practical for most systems over 5 KY, Signal and equipment grounding are probably the most ‘misunderstood aspects of grounding. The equipment grounding function is a mandated (NEC “Green Wire”) requirement. This is for equipment and personnel safety. The signal ground is necessary to prevent unwanted avenues of electrical noise from being fed into the drive control system as previously noted, Problems can exist when installing the power system ground, ‘the equipment grounding conductor ("Green Wire") and the signal ground. Historically, drive systems, distibuted control systems and large computer facilities have specified “isolated grounds” ‘This is not only unsafe, it violates the NEC on at least two counts (Art. 250-26 and 250-81) and in many instances, does not solve signal grounding requirements as expected. “The long insulated ground conductor to the isolated ground ‘mat frequently acts as an “antenna” feeding noise directly into the signal boards. The correct method is to use a “sin- ale point ground.” References [11}-{13] give detailed ex- amplesimethods on how to install the equipment grounding conductor, the single-point ground and the signal ground into ‘one common, safe, and clean signal system. VII Power Quatiry Power quality is a relatively new term used to combine all the system disturbances that effect the performance of drives, ‘computers and other sensitive electronic equipment. The three rnajor divisions of power quality are 1) harmonies: 2) grounding: 43) sags/swellstransients ‘The previous sections collectively address most of these issues with the exception of the sags/swellstransients area, ‘There are certain normal conditions that occur periodi- cally—usually in the utiity system external to the facilities, that can have adverse effects on ASD's. Reference [14] explains one common adverse condition and is quoted for the reader's benefit ince the internal de link capacitor is essentially con- nected alternately across each of the three phases, drives of this type can be extremely sensitive to overvoltages fn the ae power side. One event of particular concern is capacitor switehing on the utility system. As an are is drawn switching the capacitor bank, it excites an LC ring ‘wave at the natural frequency of the inductance of the system and the bank cepecitance. These utility generated voltage switching transients result in a surge of current into the de link capacitor at a relatively low frequency (300-800 Hz). This current surge charges the de link ccepacitor and causes an overvoltage to occur (through (Ohm's law). The overvoltage (not necessarily magnified) exceeds the voltage tolerance thresholds associated with the overvoltage protection, properly tipping the ASD cut of service. ‘This is called nuisance tripping becanse the situation can occur day after day, often at the same time of the day. Several methods are available to resolve such tipping, some of which age simple and some costly.” Fig. 13 (@e) illustrates waveforms at a drive during a capacitor switching event Use of a harmonic filter to reduce overvoltages, a relatively expensive allemative, is very effective in protecting drives from component failure but may not completely eliminate nuisance tripping of small dives, Tn at least two other instances known by the authors, simply switching utility company 69 KV OCB's several miles away resulted in a relatively high frequency ring wave which ‘caused internal drive undes/over voltage tipping. The built- in protective funetions from the drive manufacturer were not rms sensing but peak sensing. The protection sensed an instantaneous under/over voltage condition, assumed it was an rms condition and erroneously tripped the ASD off-line. ‘The most effective (and relatively inexpensive) way to climinate nuisance tripping of small drives isto isolate them from the power system by adding commutating reactance in the primary of the drive. Sometimes, the addition of an appropriate transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS—UL 1449), is also warranted. Another common means of causing drives to tip off-line or fail the converter thyristors is to apply them ina system prone to high do/dt switching transients. A thyristor is normally tumed on if itis forward biased and it receives a steep du/dt surge (in the form of a gate pulse) impinging upon its substrata between its cathode and anode. However, the dv/dé surge ‘does not have to enter via the gate lead. A’steep do /dé surze impinging upon the substrata via the power line can also turn iton. I it tums on at the wrong time, a serious phase-to-phase fault internal to the drive can occur. IX, Suameany ‘This paper covers most of the issues of power quality and line considerations in he application of ASD's, The following. could serve as a reasonable guideline toward asst fiee reliability 1) Select the ASD primarily based on applica ‘mon error is to buy stricly on price—without proper application considerations 2) Address the issue of applying the comect commutating reactance, Note that commutating notch depth, area, electrical noise, harmonic generation and response 10 switching transient ring waves are all influenced. 3) Review/evaluate vendors? drives for: 4) Surge protection (snubbers—transient overshoot) ) Harmonic signature. OF particular concern are the higher order voltage harmonies (20th —> 50th). This, is especially a concem for CSI drives. SHIFP AND VILVHECK: POWER QUALITY AND LINE CONSIDERANIONS FOR VARIABLE SPEED AC DRIVIS. ” a a | pm on eal TT APY = ee calicn foal oat owas ‘Time (Seconds) — . 3. Eo 5 | é. : ero co ‘Time (Seconds) oy ee 3 s On GelGn ie ie cas oe Time (Seconds) eng oo he uity syst [14 (6) AC dave ne creat waveform at he Tipucio he ASD, isting le cctent sarge cane hy capctoreerang TTR]. e) BC bas voage wavetorm sce byte de overvotlag cot ofan [ASD ring espeoreneieng (1 ©) Peak deviations <125% of crest working voltage inverter output also). 4) Internal “power system protection”, Peak sensing or ims? If peak sensing (or de link), any time delay”? 4) Address electrical noise—especialy for numerous drives ‘on a common bus. 8) IF noisy electrical environment, use isolation trans: formers in liew of just commutating reactors. b) Keep other sensitive electronic equipment electri- cally isolated if possible. ©) Exercise care when intermixing new digital drives with analog drives. 5) Where a significant portion of the load is comprised of ASD's, perform a power factor and harmonic study. 8) Try aot to switch power factor capacitors with indi- vidual drives. b) Must meet IEEE Standard $19, ‘©) Consider 12-pulse or 18-pulse for large drives 44) Use phase cancellation where practical by inter mixing delta-delta and delts-wye transformers (step- down oF isolation). Selecting all PWM drives will improve the power factor but may aggravate harmonic condition Adldress the following grounding issues. ‘Always apply the NEC “equipment grounding con- ductor” (green wire). Use of conduit for this function will tend to be “noisy”. bb) Use high-resistance grounding where practical ©) Use single-point signal ground design. 7) AF the existing facility has a history of unexplained nuisance tripping or drive failures, an in-depth power quality investigation should be performed. 44) The new drive system should be applied/designed to Function reliably in its environment, Note that some ‘of the solutions may be independent of the drive itselt. Evaluate the manufacturer's system for internal pro- tection, Cheaper designs can be purchased without commotating reactors, minimal snubber circuits, no input MOV's and extremely sensitive peak sensing ‘under and overvoltage protection, ©) Ifexternal switching transients (ring waves, ete) are present and adding commutating reactance is not practical, consider active power line conditioners, Sine-wave trackers (new type of TYSS), MOV's and/or having the utility identify and resolve the source of the switching transients in their system as applicable ‘The above approach should assure a greatly improved (if not trouble-free) installation and help determine and solve existing dive system power quality problems, 6 ») REFERENCES u 1H, Hatin, “Inuofacton 0 oiéstte aastuble speed dives, IEEE Trane tnd. Apc, uy Aug 190 [2] DLA, Jats and. Scena, “Power ine considerations for variable FRequsey dives” IEEE Tran nd. pict, Sep 1988 [3] IEEE Sundind Practice and Reqommem fo Geral Purpose Thytsor DDC Dries IEEE Sandi 97. 1083, [41 Deb, Ship, Harmon esis a suppression for elect ystems ‘Replying sae power comers a atheroma Sous” HEEE Trae Ind Applicat SepLsOe. 197 1s) IEEE Recommended Paice fr Power Sytem Analysis, IEEE Stn dant 99,1000 [oy TEEE Recommends Practices and Requremsas fr Harmonic Conta in Festal Power Sytem, IEEE Sand S18. 192 [71 IEEE Guide tor Harmonie Cont apd Rescve Compensation of Static Power Convene IEEE Shanda 39, 198, 1s) 1S Sita Se and J. 8" MeQuiin, "Hanmones-caes, effets, easements ad analysis” in IEEE nd Commercial Power St Teh: Conf Rec May 1989. 40 {SRE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 32, NO, 2. MARCHAPRIL 1996 »1 D.D Shipp and F. Angst eal pounding Yeni ec, Ost 18 [10] DB 'seemas, ndash Power Syitoms Handbook, New York Mocs Hil for General lett Company, 1958, [11] TEBE Recommended Pree for Croanging of Inara nd Cori fu Power System, (EEE Sundard 142, 194, (u2] TREE Recommended Pracce for Power and Grounding Sensive Elec tronic Equlpmen:, IEEE Sunda 1100, 1992 [03] Fete Tnfrmation Processing Sundari Publication 84: Guieine on crea! power for ADP Insllons, "FIPS 9,” Nation! Techie Taformaion Serie, 19 (14) EPRI Tecnica! Bret, "Power quality consideration for adjustable sod dives,” BR-O2NDTRCU 30568 992, “Characteristic of teen power ste IWIBEE Ind Applet Sor. Tech Con David D. Shipp (8'2-M'72-S¥'92 graduate in 1W72 Hom Orepos Sue Univery wit a BSIEE, power option Hp jloed Westinghouse Elewie Coposion in 1972, He spat fo months in tes Gracure Sw ent ‘triing Program with exponze to a con Gticning design and eld sere engineering. I Novem, 1972, be ji the Indl Power Sysems Engineering Group the Inst Services Division of Westaghoue ab 4 peje caper From ht ine to Api, 197, be peered vaio ower system analyses and design studies fr lads, comercial, wy ‘Ed snc power sre, Thse stale includ het ce, pete vice comtinafon,eunsint sabi, rotor saring, fad fom, power Sacior conection surge voluge inves gallons. pouting. Mammeale asl ‘Spplicaton of power system protective appr, eoretonacs, nd og Unbulunce, a wll ue spied Investigative analy He worked for fen years athe Westinghouse Insty Services Division Tani Center in {eee ining ona word wide bass. Subjects ght covered power sym ‘eed lpts at the applcton, esto and aalstesance of power systems ‘augment For the next four yar he ated 8 Making Management ‘ole sporting the’ Power Sytem Servoss and tumkey subaations. Fom ‘Api 1989, pres be has werked s 4 Sentor Cooeling Enginer for ‘Westingbouie. Acsvites include teaching. consuling and tam meter

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