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Excerpt from:

The Key to Self-Liberation

1000 Diseases and their Psychological Origins

Christiane Beerlandt
ISBN 9789075849356

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© Christiane Beerlandt and Beerlandt Publications bvba

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outwardly seem to lead a perfect life, which avoid the responsibility of daring to experi-
inwardly is sterile. Experience yourself as ence your personal life unto its essence.
being “complete,” and then you no longer Being allergic means an inner revolt against
have to “fill” yourself. Acknowledge your- your own superficiality or negation of your
self as worthy and don’t let any regulation “natural, sensitive BEING,” a call to come to
hinder you being yourself: there is but one TOTAL INTEGRATION, to come to an in-
law of life, and it is called Love. When you timate reunion with your Feelings, your
finally love yourself, you will also be able to Heart, your earthly body, your true Nature.
experience true joy together with others.
Total self-acknowledgment and realization of
all your possibilities! Dare to fully experi-
ence yourself. Nothing is bad or ugly in you:
ALLERGY it is simply about your own convictions. Let
your energies flow freely, so that no exhaust
valve is needed. Go to the Essence of your
being, go and seek your depth. Don’t play
Allergies, in general hide and seek with yourself! Develop intui-
tion and higher energies. Enjoy your sensual
Allergic to yourself or to an aspect of your- perceptions. Stop this self-blocking. Seek no
self. Allergic to your spontaneous intuitive longer outside yourself: discover now your
energies: afraid of letting yourself go, of sur- inner richness, the beauty of your Nature,
rendering yourself to Life, to your Nature! your wealth of feelings, your “body-heart.”
Afraid to be totally yourself; afraid to totally
experience your nature as you really are. * * *
Why do you not find yourself good enough?
What do you dislike in yourself? Your na- Allergy breaks through: for too long you
ture? Sexual desires? Or do you not like have grasped, held on to, things (or people)
your body? These, in fact, are consequences outside yourself; now you are forced to let
of an original dislike of an essential, natural go, to come “close” to yourself. You no
part of yourself. In this way, you ultimately longer can escape from yourself. You tense
hinder yourself from fully enjoying all the up: “Help, I can’t come close to myself, let
sensory pleasures of Life. Your senses rebel me hold and grasp onto things or people out-
and demand a complete appreciation of your side of me!” However: the sooner you let go
own Nature! Possibly, you focus too much of that which is outside of you, the better.
on certain things; you concentrate on a few COME INTENSELY CLOSE TO YOUR-
points in your life and neglect the rest of SELF, INSIDE YOURSELF, and don’t cry
your possibilities. Unconsciously, you blame for what’s not there. After all, sadness indi-
yourself for this. It makes you want to cry! cates that you now may come to full ac-
Because of the fact that you don’t totally ac- knowledgment of yourself, that you may
knowledge your Self, you give more impor- cherish yourself in love, that it’s about time
tance to the being of another — a partner, a that you find yourself, that you fulfill yourself
child — than to yourself; which again can with warmth.
lead to irritation or to allergic reactions to the Do you sometimes feel like you’re only a
other (and vice versa). Or: you are in search cold insect (with many legs so it can grasp
of Shiva, or a guru, or a spiritual system or things outside itself), like a wooden horse
idol — looking for something outside of that has to carry burdens but can’t enjoy its
yourself. You live too superficially (above/ own “existence” on earth? Do you see your
outside of yourself, as it were), and you life as just being something boring, senseless,

The Key to Self-Liberation, Christiane Beerlandt © Beerlandt Publications 95

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monotonous? Then this is precisely because grasping and holding on, no longer filling
you are “cut off” from your heart, from your yourself with things from outside yourself.
“feelings,” because you don’t experience, or Open up that grip and offer yourself freedom.
don’t experience enough, joy for your human Let go of everything.
body of flesh and blood. Present inside your- Don’t think you know it all, but open
self in a too cold and stiff way. Why experi- yourself up to information and take from it
ence yourself as a wooden board? You are what’s good for you. Lead your life in a
not an animal, but a human being who is ca- simple, natural — although masterful — way,
pable of experiencing true joy; but then you without arrogance, without pedantry, without
need to connect yourself with the vibration of wanting to tell someone else what he should
thankfulness: thankful for your being, for do; don’t live from an elevated place . . .
being in your body on earth, for being able to distanced from yourself. Let go: come very
live, without attaching any condition to this. close to yourself now, and the poison will
Just “BEING” in happiness about Life, about leave you by itself.
yourself. A total experience from your heart, A confrontation with yourself, which is
from your feeling in your nature, in your meant to completely release your grip — and
body: there lies the solution! An exciting begin to discover, to acknowledge, yourself
happening: that’s you. And you connect in the totality of your being, in fullness.
yourself with the inner dynamics, with that
warmth of life, with that happiness and re-
spect for yourself, for your life! Don’t Allergy to bee or
maintain an Ivory Tower.
Originally, a “refusal,” a stagnation by
wasp stings
(See also Allergies, in general)
holding on, not really going on; “No, I will
stay here!” you think, like a duck that is
Instead of “radiating” your true Self out-
brooding over its eggs. It pushes others
wardly, you withdraw within yourself; you’d
away with sharp needles (aggressive and re-
like to slip away through the back door.
jecting). It wants to go on brooding and keep
With feelings of inferiority because you
what it “has,” while it would do well to re- don’t find yourself worthy to manifest out-
alize that it has to come into its BEING in- wardly, you’d like to escape — if need be,
stead of existing only by holding on and pos- through death. You put others on the throne
sessing things outside itself. and push yourself away. Do you not fulfill
Until it is forced to get up and begin to the expectations which you, yourself, or your
live itself, to let go and go onward. parents have required of you? Do you not
A self-penetration, a self-destruction: if measure up to the norms which society eve-
you don’t go onward; if there is this stubborn rywhere honors? Do you find yourself to be
refusal to let go of that which you are hold- stupid or ugly? Negative thoughts about
ing on to, and there is refusal to acknowledge yourself poison you: spit them out. They are
yourself and experience yourself, in totality, lies!
from out of your heart and pleasure.
You won’t get any further as long as you Values and possibilities are different for eve-
keep things and people in your “grip,” pos- ryone. Realize your special nature, and ra-
sibly with power — doing so because you diate your worthiness, in openness, out-
can’t get enough of a grip on your own life, wardly. You are blind because you don’t live
because you are not present enough in your- from out of yourself, but under the authority
self (your body, your heart, your feelings). of others. Take off the blinders and discover
Now surrender — to yourself, to life. Not your unique being.

96 The Key to Self-Liberation, Christiane Beerlandt © Beerlandt Publications

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Allergy to certain foods An aching for further, for more (outside

yourself) . . . for a way out. . . .
(See also Allergies, in general)
Unconsciously, you feel locked up; you
want to escape from a system wherein you
You anxiously keep yourself pinched closed. experience yourself as a prisoner, escape first
You block normal energy-circulation. Nev- of all from yourself. But life forces you to
ertheless, you surge with accumulated ener- stay on earth here and now, and prevents you
gies. You are a barrel full of creative pres- from fleeing toward the clouds high above.
sure and natural, aggressive deed-power! You don’t very well know what to do: de-
But you feel so tied down; “you cannot”; you scend or rise upward? A feeling of being
feel restricted; you dangle there like a vic- “stuck”; rescue is being sought, a yes, a no.
tim. . . . Allergic to a “complete life” for “What shall I do?” A doubt, wanting to es-
yourself, to “fully living”! Allergic to your- cape but not knowing how. You still look at
self, your full-blooded, earthly incarnation as the world, at things too much from “the out-
an “I.” side,” not understanding, not being able to
As a result, babies with this feeling of immerse yourself in things, to comprehend
frustration possibly become allergic to the other people; as a result you can’t grasp
hand that holds them (sometimes too tightly). things at all with your rational way of ob-
Often, too, the mother doesn’t dare to com- serving everything from the outside.
pletely be herself: babies then reflect this A very strong pistil, as a center pillar, is
frustration. In this case, the above- ready to shoot up as a flower . . . but is still
mentioned causes — as well as the causes inhibited, held back, is forced to turn IN-
mentioned under the heading Allergies — WARD, to come close to its feelings, first
also need to be solved in the mother, even if going to its own roots. A feeling of suffoca-
she doesn’t have a problem with allergies. tion is the result. You will have to come to
the realization that you first need to
Don’t suppress your energies, dare to fully “descend” into yourself, come very close to
experience your nature and accept every part yourself, to your earthly body of flesh and
of yourself. Go on in self-certainty! Trust blood, that you may/must stay within this
your Nature! Don’t hold yourself back. Let established triangle on earth. Then you will
it all flow through, these energies! Open feel free. And that is the purpose of this sig-
space for the baby, and also liberation of the nal: that you come to the realization that you
parents. can make yourself “free” at all times, as long
as this freeing doesn’t mean running away
Read more about food allergies in “The Horn of from yourself — on the contrary, a total inte-
Plenty”: are you allergic to a certain food product? gration into your Nature, into your body of
For instance strawberries, chocolate, etc.? Then, the flesh and blood, brings true freedom.
food product is “symbolic” of that to which you are
So, no longer feel “imprisoned” in your own
body on earth, don’t force anything, stay very
Allergy to cow’s milk close in and near yourself. No longer
AVOID yourself. Look at yourself, give
The cause of an ailment such as a baby being yourself all the attention; love your body and
allergic to cow’s milk lies in the psychologi- enter it completely and lovingly. Come
cal nature of the baby concerned. But often home to yourself, so that there no longer ex-
this ailment serves as a “mirror” to the par- ists any distance between your spirit and your
ents. (read about this in Part I) body.
The text below is therefore directed to all Possibly you hide behind an attitude —
concerned. even instinctive and animalistic in extreme

The Key to Self-Liberation, Christiane Beerlandt © Beerlandt Publications 97

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