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Anal. Chem.

2000, 72, 5115-5124

Technical Notes

Determination of Condensed Tannin Monomers in

Environmental Samples by Capillary Gas
Chromatography of Acid Depolymerization
Peter J. Hernes*,† and John I. Hedges

School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-7940

A method for molecular-level quantification of condensed elsewhere.3-6

tannin is described that uses acid depolymerization and Tannin in the environment is of interest because it is quanti-
carbocation capture by phloroglucinol. Resulting mono- tatively important and participates in a number of important
mers and phloroglucinol adducts are trimethylsilyl de- transformations, including photochemical and redox reactions,
rivatized, separated by capillary gas chromatography, nitrogen immobilization, and cation complexation. Tannin is also
detected by flame ionization, and quantified relative to a potential precursor to humic substances via quinone formation
standards. Optimal depolymerization conditions were and subsequent condensation reactions with proteins and amino
determined for acid strength, phloroglucinol concentra- acids. Although a number of depolymerization methods for tannin
tion, time, and temperature. The method gives reproduc- can be found in the natural products literature, application to
ible results in leaf litter that are linear over 2 orders of environmental samples has been limited almost exclusively to bulk
magnitude with detection limits down to ∼100 ng con- techniques. Because of the potential wealth of information at the
densed tannin. In addition to tannin, triterpenoids were molecular level, the aim of this study was to develop a molecular
also identified and can be quantified with this method. technique suitable for environmental samples. Further objectives
Analyses of soils and sediments indicate that mineral were that the technique should utilize commonly available
interactions with condensed tannin are important both instrumentation, require minimal chemical manipulations or
analytically and environmentally. hazardous reagents, and should allow rapid throughput.
Existing methodologies for tannin analyses contain many
Tannin is the fourth most abundant biochemical in terrestrial drawbacks either inherent in the method7,8 or when applied to
biomass, following cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. In rapidly environmental samples.7-9 Briefly, these include lack of appropri-
cycling soft tissues such as leaves and needles, however, tannin ate standards, analyses of extracts instead of whole samples,
is often more abundant than lignin1,2 and, therefore, an important unpleasant or hazardous reagents, lack of reproducibility or
component of the carbon cycle. Tannin consists of two types, quantification, and complicated chromatography or less common
condensed and hydrolyzable tannin (Figure 1). The former exists instrumentation. Among the molecular techniques for condensed
as oligomers and polymers of three-ring flavanols (note the tannin, while nearly all utilize acid depolymerization with capture
terminology of extender units and terminal units in Figure 1), of the carbocation by a nucleophile to form an adduct (Figure 2),
while the latter is made up of gallic acid or its derivatives often there is a lack of standardization among depolymerization condi-
esterified to polyols such as glucose. The most common linkages tions. The various techniques utilize depolymerization times from
in condensed tannin are 4f8, while 4f6 linkages lead to
branching (Figure 1). This type of condensed tannin is also (3) Hemingway, R. W. In Chemistry and Significance of Condensed Tannins;
referred to as proanthocyanidin because of its tendency to form Hemingway, R. W., Karchesy, J. J., Eds.; Plenum Press: New York, 1988;
cyanidins or related compounds upon acid depolymerization. pp 83-107.
(4) McGraw, G. W. In Chemistry and Significance of Condensed Tannins;
Other linkages in condensed tannin include A- to A-ring and A- Hemingway, R. W., Karchesy, J. J., Eds.; Plenum Press: New York, 1988;
to B-ring, which, strictly speaking, are not proanthocyanidins. pp 227-248.
(5) Laks, P. E. In Chemistry and Significance of Condensed Tannins; Hemingway,
More complete reviews of structure and chemistry can be found
R. W., Karchesy, J. J., Eds.; Plenum Press: New York, 1988; pp 249-263.
(6) Hemingway, R. W. In Chemistry and Significance of Condensed Tannins;
† Present address: Baruch Institute, University of South Carolina, Columbia,
Hemingway, R. W., Karchesy, J. J., Eds.; Plenum Press: New York, 1988;
SC 29208. pp 265-283.
(1) Hedges, J. I.; Weliky, K. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1989, 53, 2659-2673. (7) Mole, S.; Waterman, P. G. Oecologia 1987, 72, 137-147.
(2) Benner, R.; Hatcher, P. G.; Hedges, J. I. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1990, (8) Hagerman, A. E.; Butler, L. G. J. Chem. Ecol. 1989, 15, 1795-1810.
54, 1991-2001. (9) Appel, H. M. J. Chem. Ecol. 1993, 19, 1521-1551.

10.1021/ac991301y CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000 5115
Published on Web 09/12/2000
Figure 1. Structures of typical condensed and hydrolyzable tannins.

15 min10 to 50 h,11 temperatures from room temperature12,13 to above, but using acetone/water (70:30 v/v) as the solvent.
>100 °C,14 acid strengths from 0.02 10 to 2.5 M,15 and nucleophile Acetone/water is a commonly used extraction solvent for obtain-
concentrations from 0.04 12 to 2.4 M.16 Several different acids have ing purified condensed tannins prior to depolymerization in
been tried, including acetic, sulfurous, phosphoric, hydrochloric, most techniques7 and was a natural choice since we desired a
and several carboxylic acids. The nucleophile predominantly method appropriate for analyzing whole samples. Although benzyl
consists of benzyl mercaptan or phloroglucinol. Solvents include mercaptan often gives higher yields of adducts than phloroglu-
ethanol, methanol and water, and dioxane and water. cinol,14 it is also unpleasant to work with and so we opted for the
Various chromatographic techniques have been utilized for latter. For the acid, we chose hydrochloric because its volatility
separation of depolymerization mixtures, including paper chro- allows easy removal after depolymerization if so desired. Finally,
matography, column chromatography, liquid chromatography (see we chose TMS derivatization and capillary gas chromatography
ref 17 for review), and gas chromatography (GC).10,14 The products coupled with a flame ionization detector (FID) for detection. TMS
are often methylated prior to chromatography, which involves derivatization is easy, the derivatives are stable, and GCs offer
either explosive or toxic reagents. Less common for GC are the relatively high resolution and ready mass spectral analysis.
formation of trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives, which avoid the A primary reason for analyzing whole samples instead of tannin
safety hazards of methylation but increase molecular weight extracts is the potential for measuring non-tannin compounds
significantly. Nevertheless, with today’s high-temperature gas within our analytical window. Two compound classes that can be
chromatographic columns and electronic pressure controllers, measured by this technique include carboxylic acids and triter-
increased molecular weight is less of an issue. penoids. The former include short-chain carboxylic acids as well
The analytical procedure described here was developed by as some cutin acids. The latter are routinely quantified and include
utilizing many of the depolymerization conditions referred to unique terrestrial biomarkers.18 Together with tannin, they offer
a powerful tool for geochemical studies.
(10) Rigaud, J.; Peres-Ilzarbe, J.; Ricardo Da Silva, J. M.; Cheynier, V. J.
Chromatogr. 1991, 540, 401-405.
(11) Matsuo, T.; Tamaru, K.; Itoo, S. Agric. Biol. Chem. 1984, 48, 1199-1204. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
(12) Koupai-Abyazani, M. R.; McCallum, J.; Bohm, B. A. J. Chromatogr. 1992, Sample Preparation. Soils, sediments, and leaf samples are
594, 117-123.
(13) Foo, L. Y.; Karchesy, J. J. Phytochemistry 1989, 28, 3185-3190. freeze-dried and ground to pass through a 0.351-mm sieve. Green
(14) Matthews, S.; Mila, I.; Scalbert, A.; Pollet, B.; Lapierre, C.; Herve du Penhoat, leaves from Camellia sp. and dripline soil were collected in Seattle,
C. L. M.; Rolando, C.; Donnelly, D. M. X. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1997, 45, WA. Sediments were collected from Dabob Bay, WA. Whole
(15) Brown, B. R.; Shaw, M. R. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 1974, 2036- brown leaves were collected from the litter of pin oaks (Quercus
2049. palustris) on the University of Washington campus in Seattle, WA.
(16) Thompson, R. S.; Jacques, D.; Haslam, E.; Tanner, R. J. N. J. Chem. Soc., Condensed Tannin Depolymerization. Approximately 50 mg
Perkin Trans. 1 1972, 1387-1399.
(17) Karchesy, J. J.; Yougsoo, B.; Chalker-Scott, L.; Helm, R. F.; Foo, L. Y. In of sample and 100 mg of phloroglucinol is weighed into a 50-mL
Chemistry and Significance of Condensed Tannins; Hemingway, R. W.,
Karchesy, J. J., Eds.; Plenum Press: New York, 1988; pp 139-151. (18) Hernes, P. J.; Hedges, J. I.,submitted to Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.

5116 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000
Figure 2. Acid depolymerization of a condensed tannin dimer with and without phloroglucinol. Structures of all compounds quantified are
shown. Numbers in parentheses correspond to DB5ms elution order as shown in Figure 3a.

Pyrex centrifuge tube (12-24 samples at time depending on centrifuged briefly, and then the ethyl acetate fraction is drawn
heating bath capacity) with a Teflon-lined phenolic screw cap. After off the top with a Pasteur pipet and dripped through anhydrous
addition of a Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar, 0.9 mL of 0.333 M NaSO4 columns to remove water. The columns drain into 1-dr
HCl and 2.5 mL of acetone (both Ar-sparged for 10 min) are added vials under a stream of N2. After three extractions, a two-thirds
to each tube. Each tube is purged with Ar (thereby evaporating split is removed from each sample and placed in another 1-dr vial.
∼0.4 mL of acetone for a final total volume of ∼3 mL) and capped All samples are taken to near dryness and then placed in a
before being placed in a constant-temperature bath (30 °C) vaccuum desiccator overnight to remove any residual water, HCl,
equipped with a magnetic stirrer. Samples are depolymerized for or solvent.
24 h. Derivatization and Gas Chromatography. Samples (one-
Sample Extraction and Cleanup. Upon removal from the third splits-the remainder was archived for future analyses) are
constant-temperature bath, internal standard (predominantly ∼100 redissolved in 200 µL of pyridine, and an aliquot (20-30 µL) is
µg of hematoxylin in 20 µL of pyridine in this study) is added placed in an autosample vial containing a 200-µL insert. An equal
along with 10 mL of deionized water. Approximately 4 mL of ethyl volume of Regisil ((bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide) + 1%
acetate is added to each tube. Tubes are shaken for 30+ s and trimethylchlorosilane; Regis Chemical Co.) is added to each vial,
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000 5117
Figure 3. Gas chromatographic traces on (a) DB5ms and (b) DB35ms liquid phases of the trimethylsilyl derivatives of tannin and triterpenoid
compounds obtained by acid depolymerization of pin oak leaf litter using the standard depolymerization conditions. Gas chromatographic equipment
and conditions are described in the text. Identifications: 1, hematoxylin (internal standard); 2, epicatechin; 3, catechin; 4, epigallocatechin; 5,
stigmast-5-en-3β-ol; 6, β-amyrin; 7, epicatechin (4βf2) phloroglucinol; 8, R-amyrin; 9, catechin (4βf2) phloroglucinol; 10, oleanolic acid; 11,
catechin (4Rf2) phloroglucinol; 12, ursolic acid; 13, epigallocatechin (4βf2) phloroglucinol; 14, gallocatechin (4Rf2) phloroglucinol.

the vial is capped, the contents are mixed with a syringe, and the loading, the oven temperature is ramped up to 200 °C at 25 °C/
vials are placed in a 60 °C heating block for 15 min. min. The temperature ramp is then decreased to 4 °C/min until
A Hewlett-Packard 5890 gas chromatograph fitted with an FID 330 °C, at which point the temperature is held until the end of
or interfaced to a Hewlett-Packard 5970 mass-selective detector the run, usually 20-50 min. If the gas chromatograph is equipped
is used for all analyses. The injection port and detector are with an electronic pressure controller (EPC), the initial column
maintained at 310 °C. The injection port is set up for “splitless” head pressure used for the DB5ms is 20 psi. After 9.2 min (i.e.,
injection using a 2-mm gooseneck liner. Analyses are made by when the oven reaches 250 °C), the pressure is increased 0.5 psi/
using 30 m by 0.25 mm i.d. fused-silica capillary columns, coated min to 35 psi and held until the end of the run. For the DB35ms,
with either DB35ms or DB5ms liquid phase (J&W Scientific Inc.). initial pressure is held at 13 psi for 2 min, then ramped at 1 psi/
After initial injection with the oven temperature held at 70 °C, min to 30 psi, and maintained until the end of the run. A DB5ms
the purge valve is kept in the closed position to allow column chromatogram of TMS-treated hydrolysate from pin oak leaf litter
loading. After 2 min, the purge valve is opened to flush any can be found in Figure 3a, while the same sample injected on a
remaining organic vapors out of the injection port. For the DB5ms, DB35ms is shown in Figure 3b.
the oven temperature is ramped up to 250 °C at 25 °C/min. The Peak Identification and Quantification. Most peak identities
temperature ramp is then decreased to 3 °C/min until 295 °C. were determined by comparing mass spectra to those of available
Finally, the temperature ramp is decreased to 1.5 °C/min until authentic standards (epicatechin, catechin, epigallocatechin,
325 °C, at which point the temperature is held until the end of R-amyrin, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid) and to those in a library of
the run, usually 20-30 min. For the DB35ms, following column trimethylsilyl-derivatized natural compounds generated by W.
5118 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000
Table 1. Diagnostic Mass Spectral Fragments (m/z) of Trimethylsilyl Derivativesa

catechin/epicatechin (PC) 368 (B-ring), 355 (A-ring), M+ 650
afzelechin/epiafzelechin (PP) 280 (B-ring), 355 (A-ring), M+ 562
gallocatechin/epigallocatechin (PD) 456 (B-ring), 355 (A-ring), M+ 738
gallocatechin/epigallocatechin (PD)
acetone derivative 409/424 (B-ring), 355 (A-ring), M+ 706
epicatechin 4β adduct 368 (B-ring), 533 (A-ring + adduct), 648
catechin 4R and PC adduct 368 (B-ring), 533 (A-ring + adduct)
PP adduct 280 (B-ring), 533 (A-ring + adduct)
PD adduct 456 (B-ring), 533 (A-ring + adduct)
PD adduct acetone derivative 409/424 (B-ring), 533 (A-ring+adduct)
R-amyrin 218, 189, 203, M+ 498
β-amyrin 218, 203, 189, M+ 498
oleanolic acid 203, 320, 482, 189, 585, M+ 600
ursolic acid 203, 320, 482, 189, 585, M+ 600
a Abbreviations: PC, procyanidin; PP, propelargonidin; PD, prodelphinidin. See Figure 2 for structures.

Greenaway and colleagues (stigmast-5-en-3β-ol, β-amyrin). These an extracted and purified condensed tannin from the same leaves.
compound structures are shown in Figure 2. Phloroglucinol The following routine depolymerization conditions were estab-
adducts were identified by mass spectral fragmentation patterns lished: 1.0 M HCl in acetone/water (70:30 v/v), 0.26 M phloro-
relative to unadducted parent monomers, relative peak areas, glucinol, 30 °C for 24 h. Other reported depolymerization
elution orders, and depolymerization of a catechin (4Rf8) conditions when phloroglucinol was used include 0.2 M HCl in
catechin dimer (also designated as B-3, acquired from Leuven dioxane/water (1:1 v/v), 0.13 M phloroglucinol, 80 °C for 20 min;14
Bioproducts) standard in the presence of phloroglucinol. Each 0.3 M HCl in ethanol, 0.04 M phloroglucinol, ambient temperature
extender unit when hydrolyzed to a carbocation can form two overnight;12 and 0.3 M HCl in ethanol, ∼0.7 M phloroglucinol,
adducts at C-4 (see extender unit ACB in Figure 2), which IUPAC ambient temperature for 30 min.13 The basis for how these
rules designate as R and β (β as shown in Figure 2 is “up” from conditions were chosen was not reported. In our preliminary
the plane of the molecule as typically drawn). Thus, the isomeric experiments, yield efficiencies from extracts were noticeably lower
pair catechin/epicatechin, or procyanidin (PC), gives rise to four than the whole samples (∼5% vs an estimated 20-50%), which
adducts, as does gallocatechin/epigallocatechin, or prodelphinidin raised concerns about chemical alteration during extraction and
(PD). Mass spectral fragmentation patterns for the four adducts the overall suitability of extracts as proxies for environmental
in each pair are nearly identical. Steric hindrance from the C-3 samples. Subsequently, the emphasis was shifted toward whole
hydroxyl group is the primary factor that determines the orienta- samples, since the ability to analyze the latter was a primary
tion of the adduct, although stereochemistry of the B-ring at C-2 objective of this study. Depolymerization series were conducted
(which is almost always R) will also be a factor. When the C-3
by holding three of the conditions constant and varying the fourth.
hydroxyl group and the C-2 B-ring are cis to each other (as in all
All analyses were done in duplicate, and the results presented
the epi forms), then the β position should be highly favored by
are averages with error bars indicating the range. The acid
the adduct. If the C-3 hydroxyl group and C-2 B-ring are trans to
strength series was carried out on both green camellia leaf
each other, then a mixture of R and β adducts is possible. In this
material (CLM) and pin oak leaf litter (POLL). Only POLL was
study, three PC adducts and two PD adducts were identified from
used for the remaining experiments for a variety of reasons,
mass spectral fragmentation patterns. Two PC adducts, catechin
including the presence of both PC and PD tannin, the presence
(4βf2) phloroglucinol and catechin (4Rf2) phloroglucinol, were
of triterpenoids that also fall in our analytical window, and the
identified from depolymerization products of the catechin (4Rf8)
fact that litter more closely resembles the degraded environmental
catechin dimer. The third PC, then, is epicatechin (4βf2)
samples that we ultimately wish to analyze.
phloroglucinol. The elution order as determined for the PC
Acid Strength. Acid concentrations were varied from 0 to 2
adducts is applicable to the PD adducts as well, which were
M HCl for both CLM and POLL. On the basis of the 0 M HCl
identified as gallocatechin (4Rf2) phloroglucinol and epigallo-
catechin (4βf2) phloroglucinol. Primary mass spectral fragments results, CLM contained nearly 2 wt % catechin + epicatechin as
for all routinely quantified compounds are given in Table 1. monomers (Figure 4a) while POLL contained no tannin in the
Identified compounds for which commercial standards are un- monomeric form (Figure 4b). Catechin and epicatechin were
available were quantified using the area response of the internal present as both terminal units and extender units in CLM, while
standard. POLL contained catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin, and epigal-
locatechin terminal and extender units. Maximum tannin yields
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION from CLM were achieved at 0.2-0.5 M HCl, while for POLL,
A primary issue in method development is the choice of maximum yields were achieved at 1.0 M HCl. Considering the
representative sample material. Preliminary experiments were degradation resistance needed for tannin to persist into the litter
conducted using whole green leaves from Camellia sp. as well as stage, the higher acid strength necessary for POLL is not
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000 5119
Figure 4. Depolymerization of (a) CLM and (b) POLL with varying acid strengths. Note that, in order to plot on the same scale, in (b) and all
following plots, degree of polymerization was divided by 2.5 and triterpenoids were divided by 5.

surprising. The fact that tannin yields decrease at higher acid extender units by acid depolymerization. At higher acid strengths,
strengths in both sample types (especially monomeric catechin it appears that catechin and epicatechin are more susceptible to
in CLM) indicates a competing degradation reaction. A further degradation during acid depolymerization than the adducted
problem with higher acid concentrations is the increased yield of extender units. This may be because they are, in fact, more readily
phloroglucinol reaction products that can potentially coelute with degraded. Kinetics also likely come into play, however, as nearly
peaks of interest. The primary interference occurs with the 80% of the catechin is present in CLM as a monomer and
DB35ms column between monomeric catechin and the peak immediately available for degradation, whereas the extender units
immediately preceding it in Figure 3b. Below 1.0 M HCl, catechin are released over time.
can be resolved cleanly on the DB35ms column. At 1.5 and 2 M Calculated degree of polymerization in POLL shows a trend
HCl, the phloroglucinol reaction product peak was larger than similar to CLM, initially increasing with acid strengths up to 1.0
catechin and made resolution difficult. These coelution problems M HCl before exhibiting a slight decrease at 1.5 M (Figure 4b).
did not occur on the DB5ms, which proved to be a better overall At 2.0 M HCl, no terminal units were detected; therefore, a degree
column choice for POLL. Given the complexity of the chromato- of polymerization could not be calculated. As with CLM, though,
grams resulting from this technique in general, dual-column the adducted extender units persist. Because both terminal and
analyses may be appropriate. extender units are released at the same time, this appears to
Only two other studies were found that tested acid concentra- indicate that adduction imparts increased stability.
tions for phloroglucinol depolymerization. Matsuo et al. in 198411 Finally, the sum of the triterpenoids β-amyrin, R-amyrin,
found that kaki-tannin yields increased with increasing acetic acid oleanolic acid, and ursolic acid show little trend (Figure 4b. Note
concentration, but stopped at 2.5 M before a plateau was reached. division by 5 to plot on the same scale). They do not appear to be
Matthews et al. in 199714 tested 0.05 and 0.1 M HCl at ambient covalently bound to the plant matrix, given that the yield at 0 M
temperatures and 80 °C and found that the higher acid concentra- HCl is similar to the yields when acid is present. Extra care must
tion resulted in a 20-25% yield increase. Given the increases seen be taken when quantifying the triterpenoids given the chromato-
in this study at up to 1.0 M HCl, it would be informative to see graphic conditions used in this method. In particular, response
the experiments of Matthews et al. repeated at higher HCl factors relative to the internal standard can vary considerably when
concentrations. column overloading occurs with the triterpenoids, and the amount
In addition to individual tannin compounds, a calculated degree of standards injected on the GC must be matched more carefully
of polymerization (extender plus terminal units as measured by to the amount present in the sample injected.
this technique divided by terminal unitssan indication of chain Because it gave the highest yields in POLL, 1.0 M HCl was
length) is shown for CLM in Figure 4a. Because shorter polymers used for the remainder of the experiments.
are generally more labile than longer polymers, degree of Depolymerization Time. POLL was depolymerized from 1
polymerization is a potential diagnostic parameter for diagenesis to 48 h. Nearly half the total yield was achieved within the first
in environmental samples. In CLM, the calculated degree of hour, and a plateau was reached by 24 h (Figure 5). This pattern
polymerization increased with increasing acid strength. At 0.2 and shows the reactivity of condensed tannin to relatively mild acid
0.5 M HCl, this is simply indicative of the higher release of depolymerization and indicates that the reaction products are
5120 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000
temperature conditions appear to decrease yields. Again, terminal
units are less stable than adducted extender units, as evidenced
by the large decrease in catechin and the large increase in the
calculated degree of polymerization (3.4-5.9) under harsher
conditions. Higher temperatures also lead to larger numbers and
quantities of phloroglucinol reaction products, which resulted in
coelution problems.
As mentioned previously, Matthews et al.14 conducted experi-
ments at ambient temperatures and at 80 °C. While depolymeri-
zation times were very different (>200 h vs 20 min.), total yields
were similar.
Although steric hindrance is the primary factor in determining
relative proportions of R and β adducts, temperature can also likely
play a role. A case in point appears to be the formation of PD
adducts. At 22 and 30 °C, only two PD adducts (epigallocatechin
(4βf2) phloroglucinol and gallocatechin (4Rf2) phloroglucinol)
give quantifiable peaks. A third PD adduct is detectable by mass
spectroscopy in trace amounts. However, at 40 °C, a distinct peak
is evident (likely gallocatechin (4βf2) phloroglucinol), and at 50
°C, it is of the same magnitude as gallocatechin (4Rf2) phloro-
In many studies, ambient temperature is used for depolymer-
ization when phloroglucinol is used as the nucleophile. However,
to reduce variability, a higher controllable temperature is desirable
if it does not sacrifice yields. And in fact, 30 °C gave higher yields
and so was chosen.
Figure 5. Depolymerization of POLL with varying depolymerization Nucleophile Concentration. Phloroglucinol concentrations
times. were varied from 0.066 to 0.53 M (as compared to the 0.04 to
∼0.7 M range in the studies cited above). For 50 mg of POLL,
this is stoichiometrically in excess of the condensed tannin
stable. Since adduction of the carbocation in theory is reversible, extender units by a factor of 250-2000. Tannin adduct yields
while decomposition of the carbocation to a cyanidin or delphinidin increased up to 0.26 M phloroglucinol (>20% higher than 0.066
is not, yields might have been expected to decrease with time. At M, but within 5% of 0.13 and 0.195sagain with a replicability of
ambient temperatures, Matthews et al.14 found that >200 h was ∼5%) before tailing slightly (∼10% decrease). The tailing may be
needed to achieve a plateau with their depolymerization condi- in part related to the noticeable viscosity increase observed in
tions. Again, our acid strength was a factor of 10 greater, which the samples with higher phloroglucinol concentrations throughout
likely explains the difference. sample workup. For instance, catechin yields should be unaffected
The calculated degree of polymerization also reaches a plateau by nucleophile concentrations and yet also exhibited a ∼10%
at 24 h (Figure 5). The initial value is 2.4 increasing to 3.5. If all decrease. Redissolving the one-third split from a 0.26 M phloro-
interflavan bonds were equally accessible or hydrolyzable, then glucinol depolymerization sample in less than 200 µL of pyridine
this ratio should not change. The observed increase suggests often leads to derivatization problems. Thus, the 0.39 and 0.53 M
that, in this sample, terminal units on average are more easily samples required a larger volume of pyridine and introduced
cleaved than the extender unit. It is possible that the ends of variability into the procedure.
the polymer are equally cleaved (one terminal and one extender The calculated degree of polymerization increased with in-
unit) and that depolymerization of internal extender units is creasing phloroglucinol. This is as expected, given that an
inhibited until the ends are released. Since the actual conforma- increased nucleophile concentration should lead to more efficient
tion of condensed tannin polymers is not known, it is not clear capture of the extender carbocations. Because adduct yields
whether the difference in rate of depolymerization is due to decrease at the highest phloroglucinol concentrations, obviously
hindrance by the tannin itself or by compounds associated with capture efficiency is not the only factor.
tannin. Choosing the best nucleophile concentration is perhaps the
On the basis of the plateaus in yields and calculated degree of least obvious of the four depolymerization conditions varied; 0.13,
polymerization, 24 h is an appropriate choice for depolymerization 0.195, and 0.26 M all appear to be reasonable choices. The
times and was used in the remainder of the experiments. concentration 0.26 M was adopted because it gave the highest
Depolymerization Temperature. Temperatures for depo- yield of epicatechin (4βf2) phlorolglucinol. Epicatechin extender
lymerization were varied in ∼10 °C steps from room temperature units from which it is derived are the most abundant condensed
(22 °C) to 50 °C. The highest adduct yields were achieved at 30 tannin.19,20
°C: 20-30% higher than at 22 and 50 °C for the major adducts
and ∼10% higher than at 40 °C, as compared with the average (19) Czochanska, Z.; Foo, L. Y.; Newman, R. H.; Porter, L. J. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin
reproducibility of ∼5%. As with increased acid strength, harsher Trans. 1 1980, 2278-2286.

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000 5121
Table 2. Depolymerization-Yield Linearity Testsa if the recovery of tetrahydroxybenzophenone is assigned 1.00,
recovery of trihydroxybenzophenone was 1.14 (i.e., 14% more was
1-50-mg samples 1-100-mg samples
recovered in the ethyl acetate phase than tetrahydroxybenzophe-
r2 wt % r2 wt % none), and hematoxylin with five hydroxyl groups was 0.93 (i.e.,
Tannin 7% less), showing the predicted trend. On this scale, most
catechin 0.997 0.087 0.997 0.080 hydroxylated flavones, flavanones, and flavanols also range from
epicatechin 0.663 0.014 0.895 0.014
epigallocatechin 0.980 0.020 0.989 0.021 0.9 to 1.1. Triterpenoids and unhydroxylated flavone and flavanone
epicatechin 4β adduct 0.998 0.171 0.988 0.143 ranged from 1.2 to 1.4. If the amount of water added after
catechin 4β adduct 0.994 0.013 0.994 0.012 depolymerization was reduced, all recoveries would converge
catechin 4R adduct 0.994 0.032 0.993 0.030
epigallocat 4β adduct 0.989 0.177 0.997 0.170 toward 1.0. The tradeoff in this case would be more complex
gallocat 4R adduct 0.963 0.053 0.990 0.056 chromatography. In terms of partitioning, all three internal
Triterpenoid standards appear to be reasonable choices. A second factor in
R-amyrin 0.999 0.182 0.991 0.156 recovery, however, is reactivity with the sample, and as will be
β-amyrin 0.998 0.130 0.996 0.118
oleanolic acid 0.992 0.461 0.991 0.400
shown below, hematoxylin is problematic when mineral matrixes
ursolic acid 0.988 0.147 0.994 0.135 are involved.
Chromatographically, all three internal standards elute before
a Depolymerization-yield linearity for pin oak leaf litter (duplicates
of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg samples, 45.1% OC). Correlation any of the compounds of interest. Ideally, a late-eluting internal
coefficients (r2) calculated by linear regression. standard could also be found. Because of a partial coelution
problem with trihydroxybenzophenone on the DB35ms column,
hematoxylin was used exclusively in the depolymerization series
Linearity. Depolymerization-yield linearity tests were carried of this study. With the incorporation of the DB5ms, however,
out on POLL, the results of which are presented as correlation coelution does not appear to be a problem with the benzophe-
coefficients (r2) in Table 2. Sample sizes ranged over 2 orders of nones, and therefore, either is an appropriate choice.
magnitude: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg. When the entire range As stated earlier, acetone/water (70:30 v/v) was chosen as the
is included, all correlation coefficients exceeded 0.98, with the depolymerization solvent because of its common use in extracting
exception of epicatechin at 0.90. When plotted, however, com- tannin. An unexpected result of this is the quantitative conversion
pounds from the 100-mg samples all fall below the linear regres- of PD tannins in a reaction involving acetone, the B-ring, and one
sion line. If linear regressions are calculated for only the 1-50- of the hydroxyl groups. One other study observed this reaction
mg samples, correlation coefficients are similar to those obtained when irradiating catechin and CBr4 (1:1 molar ratio) in moist
for 1-100 mg, but sample weight percents increase by as much acetone.21 Those investigators determined that the acetone bonds
as 15%. Based on the weight percent of the lowest two compounds, with C-2 on the B-ring and the C-3 hydroxyl group to form a fourth
epicatechin and catechin (4βf2) phloroglucinol, and the 1-mg ring (Figure 2). The effect of this on mass spectra is the addition
sample size, GC detection limits for this technique are at least as of 56 mass units with a readily lost methyl group. Thus, instead
low as 130 ng of tannin. of a 456 fragment analogous to the 368 fragment of PC tannin
Internal Standards and Standard Recoveries. Acquisition and the 280 fragment for propelargonidin (PP) tannin, what is
of appropriate standards is challenging. Catechin, epicatechin, and actually seen is a 409/424 doublet (Table 1). Based on experi-
epigallocatechin have been the only commercially available ments with epigallocatechin standard, the rate of reaction is on
condensed tannin standards until very recently. Numerous flavone the order of minutes, the conversion quantitative, and the product
and triterpenoid standards are commercially available, as are a stable at least through a 24-h depolymerization.
few flavanones. Acquiring compounds analogous to the condensed Matrix Effects. Matrix effects were evaluated by the addition
tannins for use as internal standards is also difficult. Historically, of 100-1000 mg of sediment from Dabob Bay, WA, to ∼50 mg of
quercetin has been used as an internal standard when GC or liquid POLL, or ∼0.3 mg of tannin. A single addition of 1000 mg of soil
chromatography has been used with purified condensed tannins. to 50 mg of POLL was also done for comparison. The effective
However, because quercetin is present in many of the tissue types tannin concentration relative to the sediment, then, was 0.3-0.03
that we have analyzed, it is inappropriate for whole samples. To wt % tannin and 0.03 wt % relative to the soil. Because hematoxylin
date, we have used three polyphenolic compounds as internal proved to be very reactive toward the sediment and soil, quanti-
standards: 2,4,4′-trihydroxybenzophenone, 2,4,2′4′-tetrahydroxy- tation was carried out by normalizing to the sum of the two
benzophenone, and hematoxylin (Figure 2). The primary qualities amyrins, oleanolic and ursolic acid, since the latter were shown
desirable in an internal standard are similar recoveries relative to to be relatively unchanged in various conditions. Not surprisingly,
the compounds of interest, clean chromatographic elutions, and the PD tannins showed the highest reactivity with the mineral
similar elution times to the compounds of interest. In this method, matrixes, decreasing by more than a factor of 2 with the addition
the former is largely dependent on solubility in water as com- of 100 mg of sediment. All PC tannins remained unchanged. At
pounds are partitioned from the aqueous phase into ethyl acetate. 250 mg of sediment, all tannin showed considerable decreases,
In general, compounds with a higher number of hydroxyl groups again by a factor of 2 as compared to the 100-mg addition. In
will have lower recoveries into ethyl acetate and vice versa. In contrast to harsher depolymerization conditions in the earlier
triplicate partition experiments involving the internal standards, experiments, the calculated degree of polymerization decreased

(20) Porter, L. J. In Natural Products of Woody Plants; Rowe, J. W., Ed.; (21) van der Westhuizen, J. H.; Steenkamp, J. A.; Ferreira, D. Tetrahedron 1990,
Springer: Berlin, 1989; pp 651-698. 46, 7849-7854.

5122 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000
with the addition of sediment by a factor of 2. While many ular tannin via this method was measured at 6% in both leaf
mechanisms are possible, larger molecules have generally been types, 7 and 10% with the Folin-Denis reagent, and ∼20% by 13C
shown to be more reactive than smaller molecules toward mineral NMR.
surfaces in sorption experiments,22 and the trend in calculated Quantitative comparisons can also be made for bark tannins
degree of polymerization is consistent. Tannin reactivity toward of the same species analyzed by our method on whole samples18
the soil appears to be less than reactivity toward the sediment. and thioacidolysis (depolymerization in the presence of toluene-
The addition of 1000 mg of soil gave yields corresponding to ∼400- R-thiol) on extracts.16 Barks from Pinus contorta and Pseudotsuga
mg addition of sediment. The overall implication of this experiment menziesii were measured at the molecular level in both studies,
is that unreacted tannin may be detectable by GC in soils and the latter method yielding 3.2 and 3.3% total tannin, respectively,
sediments at least as low as 0.03 wt %. Analysis of a soil sample while our method gave 3.3 and 3.1%. The analysis by our method,
taken from within the dripline of the CLM camellia tree showed however, also included flavanones, which have been shown to be
the presence of tannin at 0.002 wt % as estimated by GC/MS, present in gymnosperm bark tannin as terminal units27 and
which shows greater sensitivity than GC. constituted about half the tannin measured in these two samples.
To evaluate mechanisms for the matrix effects shown above, While part of the difference is likely directly attributable to the
POLL was hydrolyzed in the presence of combusted sediment higher efficiency reported for thioacidolysis,14 preservation is also
(to remove organic carbon), desalted combusted sediment, and likely a factor. Tannin in samples has been shown to become more
sodium chloride in amounts equivalent to that present in 1000 depolymerization resistant with age.14 The barks analyzed by
mg of sediment. Sodium chloride did not affect yields, while both thioacidolysis were freshly collected26 whereas those by this
the combusted sediment additions resulted in no tannin. This technique were >10 years old.
suggests that tannin is very mineral reactive and that organic Compositional comparisons between the barks can also be
coatings might aid preservation. In addition to these matrix effects, made. In the P. contorta and P. menziesii barks, the degree of
protein/tannin interactions were also tested by the addition of 50 polymerization was measured at 4.7 and 3.7, respectively, by
mg of bovine serum albumin to POLL prior to depolymerization. thioacidolysis26 vs 4.4 and 2.5 for our technique.18 A commonly
Yields were not affected. measured parameter is the ratio of 2,3-cis (i.e., epicatechin and
Our experience with mineral matrix effects was similar to that epigallocatechin) monomers to 2,3-trans (i.e., catechin and gallo-
of Schofield et al. in 1998.23 They were unable to detect tannin in catechin) monomers. This ratio was determined to be 60:40 and
soils underlying willow leaf litter, despite evidence that tannin was 81:19, respectively, by thioacidolysis26 vs 60:40 and 64:36 by our
being leached from the leaves. Even when purified Sorghum tannin technique.18 Discrepancies in P. menziesii can be attributed to the
was added to the soil at up to 0.2 wt %, they were unable to extract considerable variability found in inner and outer barks.26 Finally,
any measurable tannin by several different techniques, including <20% of the condensed tannin in P. contorta bark as measured
sorptive techniques and direct depolymerization in the presence by thioacidolysis was PD tannin, as compared to a previous
of phloroglucinol. literature value of 69%.20 The measurement of 34% PD tannin by
Clearly, mineral matrix effects and the ability to quantify tannin our technique is intermediate.18
in soils and sediments are areas that need further study. There Compositional characteristics of tannin are commonly mea-
are a number of factors to consider, the primary one being sured by 13C NMR on extracted and purified tannin. Results from
whether tannin is sorbed by the minerals (and associated seed cones analyzed by our method18 can be compared to those
organics) but remains intact or whether it is chemically altered. obtained by 13C NMR.28 13C NMR results from five Pinus sp. seed
If it is the former, then it may be possible in the future to find a cones indicated that 2,3-cis conformations made up 65-81% of
method for desorption. If it is the latter, the challenge will be to condensed tannin. Six seed cones were analyzed by our method,
determine how it is altered and how to quantify it. In either case, with four species showing 62-90% 2,3-cis, and 37 and 38% in
if a means of extraction ultimately is not possible, then solid-phase Sequoia sempervirens and Tsuga heterophylla, respectively. The
13C NMR or pursuing variations of stronger degradative tech- only common species between the two sample sets was Pinus
niques such as pyrolysis or CuO oxidation may be necessary for ponderosa. In this species, 13C NMR indicated 74% 2,3-cis vs 62%
direct quantification. Mechanistically, sorption studies involving by our method. Degree of polymerization in the seed cones ranged
purified tannin, soils, and sediments are in order. from 5.3 to 8.5 by 13C NMR vs 1.8-7.4 by our method (5.4 vs 2.4
Comparisons to Other Methods. Analysis of a variety of for P. ponderosa). This latter difference is expected given that
sources allows for direct comparisons to be made between this monomers and smaller oligomers are eliminated in extraction and
and other tannin methods. Complete discussions can be found in purification procedures.
refs 18 and 24. In a mangrove leaf study, total tannin estimates On the whole, then, our method gives results that are
and measurements were made with 13C NMR and the Folin-Denis consistent with other established techniques for tannin, but
reagent25 as well as with the method reported here.24 In green without extraction procedures and with much greater throughput.
and senescent yellow mangrove leaves, for instance, total molec- Further Considerations. From the beginning of this project,
commercial availability of condensed tannin standards has been
(22) Thimsen, C. A.; Keil, R. G. Mar. Chem. 1998, 62, 65-76.
(23) Schofield, J. A.; Hagerman, A. E.; Harold, A. J. Chem. Ecol. 1998, 24, 1409- (26) Matthews, S.; Mila, I.; Scalbert, A.; Donnelly, D. M. X. Phytochemistry 1997,
1421. 45, 405-410.
(24) Hernes, P. J.; Benner, R.; Cowie, G. L.; Goñi, M. A.; Bergamaschi, B. A.; (27) Hergert, H. L. In Chemistry and Significance of Condensed Tannins;
Hedges, J. I. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, in press. Hemingway, R. W., Karchesy, J. J., Eds.; Plenum Press: New York, 1989;
(25) Benner, R.; Hatcher, P. G.; Hedges, J. I. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1990, pp 3-20.
54, 2003-2013. (28) Eberhardt, T. L.; Young, R. A. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1994, 42, 1704-1708.

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72, No. 20, October 15, 2000 5123
a limiting factor in the overall method development. The catechin- Tetracosanoic acid as quantified by this method has already been
catechin dimer used to identify catechin-phloroglucinol adducts, shown to be a potential indicator for barks.18 Possible modifications
for instance, has only recently become available. Propelargonidin to the method to increase sensitivity include on-column injection,
standards do not exist. Authentic standards of phloroglucinol drying down the hydrolysate followed by direct extraction, or the
adducts are still needed in order to improve quantification. In use of photoionization detectors tuned specifically to detect
addition, authentic standards of condensed tannin oligomers or phenolics.
polymers are needed in order to evaluate depolymerization Tannin in soils and sediments and the overall issue of mineral
efficiency. The catechin-catechin and catechin-epicatechin dimers matrix effects remain to be evaluated. However, this method has
can certainly be useful in addressing this question. However, the already shown utility in the study of early diagenesis of mangrove
effect of chain length on depolymerization efficiency remains to leaves24 and in characterizing nearly 120 source tissues at the
be seen, and epicatechin and catechin extender units are known molecular level for tannin.18 As such, it may prove useful in many
to have different kinetic rates of depolymerization.29 geochemical studies involving terrestrial plant material as well as
One measure of the effectiveness of a technique is how well it in natural products.
performs under a given set of conditions, and the purpose of this
study has been to conduct such an evaluation. This technique ACKNOWLEDGMENT
allows rapid, reproducible analyses of tannin and triterpenoids on The authors thank Caroline Preston for a valuable review and
whole samples. An equally important measure, however, is the perspective of this work, along with an anonymous reviewer.
potential of the method for improvement and adaptation. For
instance, identification and quantification of the carboxylic acids
will certainly increase the overall usefulness of the method. Received for review November 11, 1999. Accepted July
19, 2000.
(29) Hemingway, R. W.; McGraw, G. W. J. Wood Chem. Technol. 1983, 3, 421-
435. AC991301Y

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