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Ú sted in Battery Chargers

Unlike many battery charger circuits, this circuit c ntinu usly charges at maximum current,
tapering  nly near ull battery v ltage. In this unit, the ull l ad current  the supply
trans rmer/rectiier secti n was 4.4A. It tapers  t 4A at 13.5V, 3A at 14.0V, 2A at 14.5V
and 0A at 15.0V.Charger's vircuit input v ltages are 20...
[ReadM re] - Rangkaian 12V Car Battery Chargers



Ú sted in Battery Chargers
M st battery chargers cann t be let c nnected t the battery  r l ng peri ds  time as ver-
charging and c nsequent battery damage will ccur. This add- n circuit is placed in series
with the battery being charged and is p wered by the battery itsel. In eect, the circuit uses a
high-current M set t c ntr l the charging current and...
[ReadM re] - Aut matic 12V Battery Chargers



Ú sted in Variable Regulat r

This is circuit  Adjustable supply Ú wer Supply , are very simple in the manuacture, the
inding  his materials , is very easy and c st, small. The utput v ltage is stabilised and is
regulated in the regi n r m 0V until 18V dc, with biggest pr vided current 1 A. The
regulati n  v ltage,  expense bec mes with p tenti meter R2....
[ReadM re] - Rangkaian 0- 18 V Adjustable Ú wer Supply


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Ú sted in Inverter Circuits
This inverter circuit sh uld s lve that pr blem. It takes12 VDC and steps it up t 220 VAC.
The-Wattage depends n which transist rs y u use  r T1 and T2, as well as h w "big" a
trans rmer y u use  r T1. The inverter can be c nstructed t supply anywhere r m1
t 1000 (1 KW)-Watts.Rangkaian Inverter 12V t 220VAs the duty act r  the...
[ReadM re] - Rangkaian Inverter 12V t 220V

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