History and Definition of Statistics

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abranch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and
the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters

Statistics arose, no later than the 18th century, from the need of states to collect data on their people and
economies, in order to administer them. Its meaning broadened in the early 19th century to include the collection
and analysis of data in general. Today statistics is widely employed in government, business, and the natural and
social sciences.

Because of its origins in government and its data-centric world view, statistics is considered to be not a subfield of
mathematics but rather a distinct field that uses mathematics; some class it as a sister formal science. Its
mathematical foundations were laid in the 17th and 18th centuries with the development ofprobability theory.
The method of least squares was invented around the turn of the 19th century by several authors. Since then new
techniques of probability and statistics have been in continual development. Moderncomputers have expedited
large-scale statistical computation, and have also made possible new methods that would be impractical to
perform manually.


The term statistics is ultimately derived from the New Latin statisticum collegium ("council of state") and
the Italian word statista ("statesman" or "politician"). The German Statistik, first introduced by Gottfried
Achenwall(1749), originally designated the analysis of data about the state, signifying the "science of state" (then
called political arithmetic in English). It acquired the meaning of the collection and classification of data generally
in the early 19th century. It was introduced into English by Sir John Sinclair.

Thus, the original principal purpose of Statistik was data to be used by governmental and (often centralized)
administrative bodies. The collection of data about states and localities continues, largely through national and
international statistical services. In particular, censuses provide regular information about the population.

See also: Timeline of probability and statistics

The mathematical methods of statistics emerged from probability theory, which can be dated to the
correspondence of Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal (1654). Christiaan Huygens (1657) gave the earliest known
scientific treatment of the subject. Jakob Bernoulli's ursCo ecta i (posthumous, 1713) and Abraham de
Moivre's The Doctri e of Cha ces (1718) treated the subject as a branch of mathematics.[1] In the modern era, the
work of Kolmogorov has been instrumental in formulating the fundamental model of Probability Theory, which is
used throughout statistics.

The theory of errors may be traced back to Roger Cotes' Opera Miscella ea (posthumous, 1722), but a memoir
prepared by Thomas Simpson in 1755 (printed 1756) first applied the theory to the discussion of errors of
observation. The reprint (1757) of this memoir lays down the axioms that positive and negative errors are equally
probable, and that there are certain assignable limits within which all errors may be supposed to fall; continuous
errors are discussed and a probability curve is given.

Pierre-Simon Laplace (1774) made the first attempt to deduce a rule for the combination of observations from the
principles of the theory of probabilities. He represented the law of probability of errors by a curve. He deduced a
formula for the mean of three observations. He also gave (1781) a formula for the law of facility of error (a term
due to Joseph Louis Lagrange, 1774), but one which led to unmanageable equations. Daniel Bernoulli (1778)
introduced the principle of the maximum product of the probabilities of a system of concurrent errors.

The method of least squares, which was used to minimize errors in data measurement, was published
independently by Adrien-Marie Legendre (1805), Robert Adrain (1808), and Carl Friedrich Gauss (1809). Gauss had
used the method in his famous 1801 prediction of the location of the dwarf planet Ceres. Further proofs were
given by Laplace (1810, 1812), Gauss (1823), Ivory (1825, 1826), Hagen (1837), Bessel(1838), Donkin (1844,
1856), Herschel (1850), Crofton (1870), and Thiele (1880, 1889).

Other contributors were Ellis (1844), De Morgan (1864), Glaisher (1872), and Giovanni Schiaparelli (1875). Peters's
(1856) formula for , the "probable error" of a single observation was widely used and inspired early robust
statistics (resistant to outliers).

In the nineteenth century authors on statistical theory included Laplace, S. Lacroix (1816), Littrow
(1833), Dedekind (1860), Helmert (1872), Laurant (1873), Liagre, Didion, De Morgan, Boole, Edgeworth, and K.

AdolpheQuetelet (1796-1874), another important founder of statistics, introduced the notion of the "average man"
(l'hommemoye ) as a means of understanding complex social phenomena such as crime rates, marriage rates,
or suicide rates.

Charles S. Peirce (1839--1914) formulated frequentist theories of estimation and hypothesis-testing in (1877--1878)
and (1883), in which he introduced "confidence". Peirce also introduced blinded,controlled randomized
experiments with a repeated measures design. Peirce invented an optimal design for experiments on gravity.

During the 20th century, the creation of precise instruments for agricultural research, public healthconcerns

(epidemiology, biostatistics, etc.), industrial quality control, and economic and social purposes
(unemployment rate, econometry, etc.) necessitated substantial advances in statistical practices.

Today the use of statistics has broadened far beyond its origins. Individuals and organizations use statistics to
understand data and make informed decisions throughout the natural and social sciences, medicine, business, and
other areas.
Statistics is generally regarded not as a subfield of mathematics but rather as a distinct, albeit allied, field.
Many universities maintain separate mathematics and statistics departments. Statistics is also taught in
departments as diverse as psychology, education, and public health.

The American Statistical Association has ranked Deming, Fisher, and CR Rao as the greatest statisticians of all
time. [2].

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