Concrete Structures CPC Questionnaire

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Concrete Structures CPC Questionnaire

1. While designing why do we take 0.36fck instead of fck and 0.87fy instead of
fy ?
2. How to open formwork of a cantilever beam and what is the basic principle
used in the opening of formwork?
3. Explain redistribution of moment?
4. Which is better :-
i. Construction of brick wall
a. Horizontally or
b. Vertically.

ii. A circular beam of diameter D or a square beam of D depth?

Explain with proper reasoning.

5. Explain the relationship between position of neutral axis and applied load.
6. Why railway bridges are generally steel structure not concrete?(apart from
mass constraint)
7. Why factor of safety of 1.5 not considered in design of foundation of a
8. Why working stress design method is still prevalent?
9. Give the IS codes for
a. Load calculation
b. Earthquake resistant design
c. Reinforcement detailing
10. How to estimate the design loads in (i) limit state method, and (ii) working
stress method?

Bonus Question

 What is IS specification for SP 16?

Prepared by

Zero & Infinite

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