Sharing The Planet: Exhibition Self-Assessment Checklist: Skills A CONTINUUM To Assess My Growth During The Exhibition

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Sharing the Planet: Exhibition Self-Assessment Checklist

SKILLS a CONTINUUM to assess my growth during the exhibition

  Modeled Shared Guided Independent

I use the time provided for the exhibition

effectively by developing an action plan (classroom
time, guide support, work done at home, etc).

I locate relevant information from a variety of

sources (interviews, surveys, books, emails,
internet, etc) and keep track of them.

I record and organise my information in a logical

way: (take notes in my own words and use
diagrams, graphs, charts, photos, etc).

I continuously use my key concept questions to

help me guide and focus my inquiry.

I listen and share what I have learnt with others.

I am respectful and work cooperatively with


I participate fully in decision making as well as

accept my share of the responsibility.

For two for the skill sections above, provide examples or evidence as to why you rated yourself at this

Skill: Evidence: I marked myself high for this skill because Mr. Glenn never had to tell us anything or to get
Respectful back to work because we were chitchatting. Also we had some fights but it was all solved except for 1.
and work

Skill: Key Evidence: I marked myself really low for this because I never ever referred to my key concept
concept questions unless there was a task including the key concept questions (which Mr. Glenn has set for us)

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