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List of Tables and Graphs

Table 1a. Correlation results of the variables significantly correlated to

FDI................................................................................................................ 24

Table 1b. Countries where the determinants were included in the

regression models........................................................................................ 24

Graph 1. General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)... 25

Graph 2. Political stability and absence of violence index 1998-2008........... 26

Table 2. Correlation tests of human capital with economic freedom R&D and
GDP growth in Poland............................................................................ 27

Table 3. Standard deviation and variance of FDI and variables significantly

correlated to FDI in Poland............................................................................ 28

Table 4. Standard deviation, variance of FDI and variables significantly

correlated to R&D in Slovak Rep................................................................... 28

Table 5. Results of correlation tests between variables significantly

correlated with R&D in Slovak Rep.............................................................. 28

Table 6. Standard deviation and variance of FDI and variables significantly

correlated to FDI in a. Albania b.Macedonia.............................................. 29

Table 7. Correlation results of the variables significantly correlated to FDI

(corrected)..................................................................................................... 30

Table 8. Correlation results between FDI and GDP growth in Bulgaria,

Romania and Poland..................................................................................... 31

Graph 3. FDI net inflows (in billion$) 1998-2008........................................... 31

Graph 4. GDP growth (annual %) 1998-2008............................................... 32

Graph 5. GDP per capita (current US$) 1998-2008...................................... 33

Graph 6. Unemployment (% of total labour force) 1998-2008....................... 34


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