Acs Skills Assessment Review

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Australian Computer Society (ACS) Skills Assessment Review

The following information is for General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa applicants who:

• lodged their application on the basis of a skills assessment by ACS in the Australian
Standards Classification of Occupations (ASCO) occupation of Computing
Professionals NEC prior to 1 July 2010
• subsequently sought a further skills assessment (this may be known as a review, a
revalidation or a new skills assessment) from the ACS to determine their skilled
occupation under Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations

ACS allows applications for further skills assessments following the announcement of the
Skilled Occupation List (SOL) in ANZSCO that came into effect on 1 July 2010. The review is
offered by ACS in light of this change to determine if the materials submitted for the original
skills assessment could receive a skills assessment for an occupation classified under

If ACS assess an applicant as suitable against an ANZSCO occupation, solely on the basis of
the materials provided for the original skills assessment, the department will prioritise the
GSM application based on that ANZSCO occupation.

If you have lodged an online application, to notify the department of this information please
attach your further skills assessment to your GSM visa online application, then email it with
the subject title ‘ACS review’ and your file reference number.
See: Attaching Documents to a General Skilled Migration Visa Application

If you have lodged a paper application, or you are unable to attach your documents to your
GSM visa online application, please scan and attach the information to an email with the
subject title ‘ACS review’ and your file reference number.

Note: This does not guarantee immediate allocation. Your application will be allocated in the
same order as applications based on that ANZSCO occupation. For updates on processing
times and dates, please send a blank email to the department. The case officer will then
determine whether your nominated occupation and supporting documentation maps to the
ANZSCO occupation.

If ACS assess an applicant as suitable against an ANZSCO occupation, but on the basis of
qualifications or experience obtained after the date of the original skills assessment, the
department will consider it as a new skills assessment. As it is not possible to change a
nominated occupation after lodgement, any skills assessment obtained based on new
materials cannot alter the priority of an existing application. If it is determined that new
information was provided, your application will be processed in line with priority group 4

Applicants who want to move to a higher priority category based on a new skills assessment
must lodge a new application. Applicants should ensure they meet all eligibility criteria before
lodging a new application.

Applicants who have concerns regarding their skills assessment should contact ACS at for
verification and any amendments if required.

January 2011

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