Human Body Destiny and Aj

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The Human Body

By Destiny and AJ.

The skeleton Fact:
• A baby is born with more then 300 bones.
The Femur:
• The longest and strongest bone is the leg bone
The Kneecap
• Your kneecap is called Patella.
The skull
• The skull have a lot of bones.
The Muscles:
• Muscle are attached to bones.
The Ball and socket joint:
• Bones meet at joint.
The Hinge joint:
• Hinge joint is like doorhinges.
The backbone
• Bones meet at joint.
The Ribcage:
• You have 12 pairs of ribs.
The arm bone
Your upper arm bone is called your humerus.
Bones in hands and feet
• Your hands and feet has 27 bones.
How to take care of your bones
• Bones give us shape.
Jobs of your skeleton:
• 1Shape.
• 2Help u move.
• 3Protect your body.

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