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Crockett, Davy

Davy Crockett

Davy Crockett (1786-1836) was one of the most famous frontiersmen in United States
history. He was a great hunter and a brave soldier. After his death, he became a popular
figure in American stories.

David Crockett was born in Greene County, Tennessee, on August 17, 1786. In 1813, he
became a U.S. Army scout. As a scout, Crockett developed a reputation as a hunter. He
fought in the Creek Indian War. He was also known for telling tall tales about himself. In one
such story, Crockett claimed to have killed 105 bears in seven months!

Crockett later worked in the Tennessee state government. He was elected to the U.S.
Congress in 1827.

After Crockett lost a reelection to Congress in 1835, he went to Texas. At that time, Texas
was fighting for its independence from Mexico. In February 1836, Crockett joined 188 men
who had established a fort at the Alamo, an old church in San Antonio. In March 1836,
Crockett died when Mexican troops conquered the fort.

Stories written after his death helped create the legend of Davy Crockett. One story said that

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he could “run faster, jump higher, squat lower, dive deeper, stay under longer, and come out
drier than any man in the whole country.” Over the years, Crockett has been the subject of
many songs, books, TV shows, and movies.
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