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November 29, 2007 – 7 PM, Special Council Meeting Minutes - Budget

Council members present – Frederick Newhart, H. Thomas Eddy, Jeffrey Berger, Robert Carichner, Gordon Calhoun,
Cindy Shaner, Mayor, Dale Cahn, J. Howard Langdon, and Dolores Moyer.

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Fred
Newhart, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Frank Welsh

Business - Budget discussion.

A $650,000.00 Budget was submitted by the Finance Committee, proposing the adoption of LST or Local Services
Tax at a rate of $30.00 annually for all employed individuals earning more than $12,000.00 and working in the
Borough. Tom Eddy moved, seconded by Gordon Calhoun.
Roll Call: Eddy – Y; Shaner – Y; Newhart – Y; Calhoun – Y; Berger – Y; Carichner – Y. Motion passed.

Bob Carichner moved to approve the Budget with no other tax increases, seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed. A
final adoption will take place December 20, 2007 at 7:00 PM.

Tom Eddy moved to nominate Frank Welsh as mayor replacing William Edner, seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion
passed. Roll Call: Eddy – Y; Shaner – Y; Newhart – Y; Calhoun – Y; Berger – Y; Carichner – Y

A letter of resignation as a Councilman in Ward# 2 was submitted by Gordon Calhoun. He stated that as a civil service
state employee he is required to step down. He can not hold an elected position as long as he is actively employed.
Regrettably, Bob Carichner moved to except his resignation, seconded by Jeff Berger. Motion passed.

Council was informed by County Elections that Cindy Shaner won the draw over Randy Eddinger. Previously they
were tied.

Committee Reports:

WATER – Carichner/Berger FINANCE – Shaner/Calhoun STREETS – Eddy/Berger

PUBLIC SAFETY – Carichner/Eddy PROPERTIES – Shaner/Calhoun PERSONNEL – Eddy/Carichner

Adjournment – 8:50 PM
A motion to adjourn made by Bob Carichner, seconded by Cindy Shaner.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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