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Hughesville Borough

Council Minutes

March 14, 2011 - 7:00, PM

Council members and staff present – Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Jillian Perry, James Savage,
Richard Smith, Mayor Walter Reed, Ryan Tira, Dale Cahn, Dolores Moyer and Chief Gill

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Mike Caschera introduced County Commissioner Candidate Tony Mussare

Approve Agenda: March 14, 2011 Michael moved, seconded by Perry. Motion passed.

Approve Minutes: February 28, 2011 Mook moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.
The following corrections were made Ryan Tira did not attend meeting. The sale of old drainage pipe is as follows:
15” (28) - $25.00; 42” (55) - $35.00; 48” (4) - $45.00

Solicitor’s Report: Tira reviewed the Stormwater Management Ordinance, said it’s in agreement with the county and
can be modified as the Borough sees necessary.

Police Report: Gill said he wants to padlock the dog kennels because people are dropping off dogs and we aren’t
always aware that they are there; if their in our kennels we are responsible foe their welfare. He hoped to have an
announcement and results from the civil service testing.

Mayor’s Report: Reed spoke about a $10,000 grant (Lowe’s) received by the LTC students to build a gazebo in the
Memorial Park/Frank Poust (Grange) April 8, 2011 meet with legislators/street crew did a nice job with the snow

Emergency Management Report: David Bressler NIMS 300 class is cancelled; will try to get another one started.

Public Works Report: Cahn said Street Committee is working on our summer project; it will be ready for Tuesday’s
COG meeting; said he feels we should stick with basic micro surfacing this year. Kriger Fencing contract (Bodine Park
storm damage) wasn’t signed from last year, he isn’t sure he can get it done by April 1 st. Spring Clean Up will be the
week of April 25, 2011; residents can put branches up to 6” in diameter between the curb & sidewalk; no alley pickups.

Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc. Mook would like better updates as to the status of some of the properties that
applied for permits and still have work at a standstill.

East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes

Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes

Treasurer’s Report: General Fund - Check# 6988-7016 $ 13,125.07

Payroll - Direct Deposit $ 24,126.24
ACH Debits $ 18,668.65
Perry moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed.

Borough Secretary: Moyer will speak with Young’s Lawn Care for pricing for this season; hope to have an update on
the phone system for the next meeting. Correction to account# 409.23 Heating oil; the number assigned to 2011 Budget
is 409.36 Utilities

 Approve Stormwater Management Ordinance 01-2011 Smith moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.
 Request copy of Principal Financial Investment Advisory Report for Police and Non-uniform Pensions
 Request copy of Financial statement from Municipal & School Income Tax Office 6/30/2010
 PSAB insurance offering for elected officials
 Meeting for March 28, 2011 is cancelled.
Committee Reports:

WATER – Smith/Mook FINANCE – Michael/Perry STREETS –Mook/Smith

PUBLIC SAFETY – Michael/Savage PROPERTIES – Savage/Smith PERSONNEL – Perry/Mook

* First name on each Committee serves as Chairman

At 8:40 PM Closed Session is called for Personnel and legal matters, Smith moved, seconded by Perry. Motion passed.


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