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Mariely Acevedo

HPE 111 J. Franz

Chapter 11: Changing Health Habits

Do you want to be more Physically Active?

1. Goal: To find time for activities that will keep me physically active.
2. Choices:

Points Reason to behaviors (pros) Points Reasons not to change behaviors


5 Staying physically active will help 3 I will still continue to eat

control my weight. unhealthy because I feel it is okay
to do so since I am working out.

3 My upper arms will lose its flabbiness. 3 I don’t want to make masculine

5 Maintaining physically active will 4 I don’t have the time.

increase my chances of living.

3 When the weather is nice, I can enjoy a 5 I will get to lazy to walk and want
walk around the block. to drive instead.

16 Total 15 Total

3. Conclusion: In this outcome the positive reasons are greater than the negative ones. Although the
totals were very close, I believe that unfortunately I am not motivated enough to make any changes
in this behavior.

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