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Political scenario:

1. Based on 1979 Constitution that is to provide all the citizens of the country with equal and
appropriate opportunities.
2. The Supreme Leader of Iran is responsible for delineation and supervision of the general policies
of the Islamic Republic of Iran also he is the commander in chief of the armed forces and
controls military intelligence and security operations.
3. The heads of the judiciary, state radio and television networks, the commanders of the police
and military forces and six of the twelve members of the Council of Guardians are appointed by
the Supreme Leader.
4. The Assembly of Experts elects and dismisses the Supreme Leader on the basis of qualifications
and popular esteem. The Assembly of Experts is responsible for supervising the Supreme Leader
in the performance of legal duties.
5. After the Supreme Leader, the Constitution defines the President of Iran as the highest state
6. The Legislature of Iran is a unicameral body.
7. The Council of Guardians comprises twelve jurists including six appointed by the Supreme
Leader. The others are elected by the Parliament from among the jurists nominated by the Head
of the Judiciary. The Council interprets the constitution and may veto Parliament .
Economic Scenario:

1. The economy of Iran is the sixteenth largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity
(PPP). Iran's economy is a mixture of central planning, state ownership of oil and other large
enterprises, village agriculture, and small-scale private trading and service ventures.

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