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Social Psychology

1. Explicit or conscious thoughts

2. Implicit or unconscious thoughts
a. More likely to be expressed in non verbal communication
i. Harder to control and mediate
b. Happens when cognitively taxed or overloaded
c. Implicit prejudice isn’t the same as explicit
3. IAT
a. Errors
b. Latency
c. Comparative score
4. Why Biases Happen so Readily
a. Realistic Conflict Theory
i. Competition between ingroups and outgroups
ii. Some basis in reality
1. Example: The current level of discrimination against Latinos in the
current job market
b. Outgroup sensitivity and suspicion
i. We tend to pay more attention to the people/things that are different
c. Helps to create a social identity
d. Increased Self-esteem
5. How can you change your attitudes (implicit)
a. View Chart
6. Aggression

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