Constipation NCP

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Assessment Diagnosis Inference Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Constipati Constipation is a After 8 Independent: After 8 hours of

on related very common hours of • Determine stool • Assists in nursing
The client’s to condition that nursing color, identifying interventions,
grandmother dehydratio affects people of all intervention consistency, causative or the client was
stated “ hindi n and poor ages. When you are , the client frequency and contributing able to establish
pa nga siya eating constipated, you will amount. factors and or return to
dumudumi habits as feel that you are not establish or appropriate normal patterns
simula nung evidence passing stools return to interventions of bowel
nahospital siya by (feces) as often as normal • Auscultate functioning.
ngayon. Mga absence of your normally do, or patterns of bowel sounds • Bowels sounds
apat na araw stool. that you have to bowel are generally
na ata.” strain more than functioning. decreased in
usual, or that you • Encourage constipation.
Objective: are unable to increased fluid
completely empty intake of 2500 – • Sufficient fluid
o weak in your bowels. 3000 ml/day intake is
appearance Constipation can within cardiac necessary for
also cause your tolerance. the bowel to
o The client stools to be absorb sufficient
has a pale unusually hard, amounts of
conjunctiva , lumpy, large or liquid to
lips and small. The severity • Recommend promote proper
palms of constipation can Avoiding gas- stool
vary greatly. Many forming foods consistency.
o U: 2 O:0 people only such as nuts,
experience peas and spicy • Decrease gastric
constipation for a foods. distress and
o T: 36.9 short period of time abdominal
P: 125 with no lasting distension.
• Instruct client
R: 24 effects on their
on a high-fiber
BP: 100/70 health. For others,
diet, as
constipation can be
appropriate. • Fiber absorbs
a chronic (long-
water, which
term) condition
adds bulk and
which causes
softness to the
significant pain and
stool and speeds
discomfort. Chronic • Discuss use of up passage
constipation can stool softeners, through the
also lead to mild stimulants, intestines.
complications, such bulk forming
as fecal impaction laxatives or • Facilitates
(where dry, hard enemas as defecation when
stools collect in your indicated. constipation is
rectum) or fecal Monitor present.
incontinence (where effectiveness.

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