Questionnaire: Department: - Year: - Gender: Male Female

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This questionnaire is part of a course assignment in research by Amrita

School of Communication. All questionnaires will be kept confidential,
and will be used only for the purpose of this course assignment.
Please let us know if any of the following questions are unclear, or if you
would like more information on this project. Your participation is
greatly appreciated.

Department: ______________________________
Year: __________________
Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female

1. Do you recognize the following ‘Save Water’ poster?

(A photo of the poster)

Yes __ No __

2. Do you find faults with any aspects of the poster? (for

instance size, colour, font, imagery etc)

Yes __ No __
Please explain:


3. Do you think water conservation is important for Amrita and


Yes __ No __ Unsure __

Why do you feel so?


4. Are you aware of other initiatives undertaken by Amrita

Vishwa Vidhyapeetam with regard to water conservation?

Yes __ No __

5. Do you have any specific cultural views, values or beliefs

about water?

Yes __ No __.

If yes, please explain:


6. Has the above mentioned poster brought upon any changes

in your water usage methods?
Yes __ No __ Unsure __



7. Do you report faulty taps or pipe leakage?( tick the most


Never have__




If yes, did you contact the number in the poster or adhere to

other alternatives?

Yes __ No __

Explain what you did.


8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement.

(tick below the most appropriate)

Since I have never experienced the shortage of water in my college,

I do not feel the need to conserve water.

Strongly Dis-agree Agree Strongly Agree

9. Can you suggest a few methods to conserve water?


10. Do you follow any of these methods?

Yes __ No __.

If yes, which one?


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