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The free concept.

Since time immemorial, man has been striving to get that which he want or needs at no cost
whatsoever. As a consequence, don’t be surprised to see businesses striving to advertise by
offering free gifts as an incentive for the buyers. By nature, human will always be inclined to go
for the cheapest if not the free stuff. It is no wonder that practically every website over the
internet has at least one “free” item they are offering to the general public. However, it comes
as a surprise that in the present day society anything offered for free is deemed poor in quality
and thus not good enough. The reason as to why this free stuff is viewed with suspicion or
skepticism is not entirely unexplainable;

Conmen and fraudsters.

The presence of conmen and fraudsters in society has really hindered most from taking up free
opportunities that may be available. In the past, conmen have been known to take advantage
of the publics’ ignorance by pretend into be offering some sort of free service only to end up
defrauding them off their hard earned money or any other valuable material goods. Most of the
gambling games in place are usually based on these tactics applied by conmen. As a
consequence, the word “free” registers negatively for most individuals in the society.

Societal perceptions.

The modern day society tends to assocociate with beggars and the worst of the lot. Neediness
carries so much weight in the society and as such free comes with so much baggage that they
would rather stay without the free stuff on offer. Also, “free” may be seen as a way of tying
yourself down to something or someone and thus may be viewed as a form of enslavement. As
a consequence, when for example bonuses were first introduced in online casinos, most of the
old folk shunned then thinking that these websites were up to no good or otherwise they
wouldn’t give free entry into wagering for players. It only the U.S.A casino bonuses hitting a
record high in early 2006 that the public started to take them seriously.

Religious believes.

Most of the scriptures subscribe to hard work and dedication to getting your daily bread. Even
the poor are shunned for apparently being nothing but lazy for wanting free handouts.
Following various stories as told in the bible, one gets the sense that the writers were either
snobs or just plain arrogant. Such believes are generally passed on to the general congregation
of believers. Religious believers are usually staunch in their believes and thus cannot be
Overcoming these hurdles.

Most of the ideas on free stuff are instilled in the minds of the people and there may not be a
quick and sure way of undertaking the changing. Basically the individuals have to be given time
to adjust as was with the of U.S.A casino bonuses in the year 2006. The concept of time heals
all; both physical and mental is best applicable here. They will eventually come around so they

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