Queer Ontario Special Resolution

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Given the difficulty a number of our new members have been having in understanding our
work via our current vision and mission statement, we have concluded that it would be
worthwhile to clarify the language in these two items to make them easier to understand. As
such, we propose the following changes:

To change the Queer Ontario MISSION STATEMENT from…

Queer Ontario is a provincially based network of individuals who are members of the
gender and sexually diverse populations and their allies committed to liberationist
and sex positive principles that focus on questioning, challenging and seeking reform
to social norms and laws that regulate queer people. Queer Ontario engages in
public education, political action, promoting access and diversity and coalition


Queer Ontario is a provincially-based network of gender and sexually diverse

individuals – and their allies – who are committed to questioning, challenging, and
reforming the laws, institutional practices, and social norms that regulate queer
people. Operating under liberationist and sex-positive principles, it fights for
accessibility, recognition, and pluralism, using social media and other tactics to
engage in political action, public education, and coalition-building.

To change the Queer Ontario VISION from…

A society in which individuals have the freedom and autonomy to live their lives as
queer people celebrating and ensuring diversity of choices through challenging and
rethinking of legal regulation, institutional practices and social norms.


To foster a society free of social and systemic oppression where queer people have
the freedom and autonomy to live their lives as they see fit. A society that celebrates
and protects diversity of expression and choice.

A Special Resolution / Vision and Mission Statement – Draft I (April 19, 2011)

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