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Economic Map Project: Malta

Economic Data for Malta

GDP: $10.21 Billion
Growth Rate: 2%
GDP Per Capita: $25,100
Unemployment Rate: 7%
Population Below Poverty Line: NA%
Exports: $2.954 Billion
Imports: $4.074 Billion
National Debt: $41.02 Billion

Malta is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the
Mediterranean, 93 km south of Sicily and 288 km east of Tunisia, with the Strait of Gibraltar
1,826 km to the west and Alexandria 1,510 km to the east. Malta is classified as an advanced
economy together according to the International Monetary Fund. Until 1800 Malta depended on
cotton, tobacco and its shipyards for exports. Currently, the economic is dependent on foreign
trade (serving as a freight trans-shipment point), manufacturing(especially electronics and
textiles) and tourism. Malta is a popular tourist destination, with 1.2 million tourists every year.

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