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Our Goal

The goal of this site is not to sell but to advertise our brand and to get more consumers to
prefer and use our brand as compared to other competing brands.

People defining the goal:

This will be basically people with the access to change the contact of the site, the administrator:
The Coe,
Marketing director( all people in the marketing field)
board members

What is the mission or purpose of the organization?

To be the first choice cellular network in South Africa

Why will people come to your site?

To get information about our new deals or contracts

To participate in our fun events
To check our special services that will be updated in every month or two

What are the short- and long-term goals of the site?

Long term goal- to see more users checking out our contracts and deals ( this shows us that
the consumers is interested)

Short term goal _ To see more consumers taking part in our events such as competitions.

Define the Audience

Who are the intended audiences?

People checking our deals and contracts

People who are interested in our services
People who would like to know about our fun events
People who are interested in having fun on the website, like
PEOPLE who will want to talk or communicate with us
People who would like to get or download information on our site, or our

Create Scenarios

try to come up with a set of users who represent the majority of visitors.
Create a character for that user, and give him a name, a background,
and a task to accomplish on the site

Competitive Analysis

You are now ready to evaluate each site. This is fairly easy to do, but

Identify Content and Functional Requirements


charges: voice calls, messaging, international calls, data bundles, special support

free intenetr, free charting, free minutes, free sms, please calls...
our new modern... 10 times the speed
can get airtym online

hot stuff

stat pack features: tweeter, facebook, mxit, go to, my space
downloads: wall papers


stores available in south Africa


wall papers
customers help document,
Charting applications: face book ,mxit ,my space, twitter, competitions, events

Who we are( what we are, were we at , what we do, for who)
How we do
Why us


Email eddress
Contact numbers
Physical address

Build in write to us option

Home page
Good contract
start pack

Contact page write to us

Group and Label Content


charges: voice calls, messaging, international calls, data bundles, special support

free intenetr, free charting, free minutes, free sms, please calls...
our new modern... 10 times the speed
can get airtym online

hot stuff

stat pack features: tweeter, facebook, mxit, go to, my space
downloads: wall papers


stores available in south Africa


wall papers
customers help document,
Charting applications: face book ,mxit ,my space, twitter, competitions, events

Who we are( what we are, were we at , what we do, for who)
How we do
Why us


Email eddress
Contact numbers
Physical address

Build in write to us option

Home page

Good contract
start pack

Organizational metaphors

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