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SE 6
By: John Scott
Name and surnames: Clara Ibarrola
Teacher’s name: Rose
Deadline: 1/4/2011
2010 - 2011
Slide 1: Introduction
Slide 2: Activities Before Reading (act.1)
Slides 3, 4, 5 and 6: Activities Before Reading (act.2)
Slide 7: Activities While Reading (chapter1)
Slide 8: Act. Chapter 2
Slide 9: Act. Chapter 3
Slides 10 and 11: Act. Chapter 4 and 5
Slide 12 : Act. Chapter 6 and 7
Slide 13 and 14: Act. Chapter 8, 9 and 10
Slide 15, 16,17,18 ,19 and 20: Activities After reading.
1. Here are six famous places. Can you match the
names with the photos?

Eiffel Tower The The Houses of

-A Parthenon - Parliament - C

Buckingham The White The kremlin - F

Act. 2
How many of these places are you going to find in a book
London? Wich places are they? What do you know about
them? What
other places can you name in London, and what do you
know about
We can find the photo d - Buckingham Palace and photo
c - the Houses
of the Parliament.
Act.2 (below)
Buckingham Palace: It is the British monarch's official residence in London.
palace is used for ceremonies and state visits.

The Houses of the Parliament: Is the London parliament and consists of two
chambers: the House of Lords and the Commons. And the venue is the Palace
Act.2 (below)
Tower Bridge: It is a drawbridge located in London over the River Thames. It is located
near the Tower of London, which gives it its name.
Piccadilly Circus: Is a famous square and street intersection located in the West End of
London in the district of Westminster.
Trafalgar Square: Is a square in central London , built to commemorate
The Battle of Trafalgar. The square is formed by a large central area surrounded by streets
on three of the four sides, and stairs leading to the National Gallery on the other.
Hyde Park: It is one of the largest parks in central London, England and one of the Royal
Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner.
Act.2 (below) We can also
Big Ben: Is the name known to the Great Bell of Westminster.
The tower is located at the northwest corner of the building that
houses the headquarters
of the two Houses of the British Parliament. The Big Ben was
built in 1858.
Madame Tussaund's Museum: The Madame Tussaund is the
wax museum better
known in the world. It has the largest collection of celebrity
St. Paul's Cathedral: St Paul's Cathedral is one of most beautiful
buildings in London.
Activities While
Read chapter 1, then put these sentences in the right order.

1: The Romans came to London.

2: Danish ships came and destroyed many buildings.
3: William the Conqueror built a castle in London.
4: Elizabeth the First was queen.
5: Thousands of people died it the Great Plague.
6: The Great Fire of London destroyed a lot of buildings.
7: New Saint Paul’s Cathedral was built.
8: People came to see the Great Exhibition.
9: The world’s first underground trains began to run.
10: Bombs destroyed many of London’s buildings during the Second
Word War.
Acts. While reading… Chapter 2
Read Chapter 2. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) ? Change the
false sentences into true ones.
1. About 300 people work in Buckingham Palace. TRUE
2. When you visit the Royal Mews you can see the Queen’s paintings. FALSE
Correct sentence: The paintings are in the Queen’s Gallery in the Buckingham Palace Road.
In the Royal Mews there aren’t the paintings.
3: You can visit Windsor Castle all year around. TURE
4. Hampton Court is on the River Thames. FALSE
Correct sentence: Hampton Court is in a big park next to the river Thames.
5: The big parade called the Trooping of the Colour is on the Queen’s birthday in April.
Correct sentence: On the second Saturday in June., London celebrates the Queen’s birthday
with a
big parade – The Trooping of the Colour, but is not her real birthday – that is in April-.
6: When the Queen goes to open Parliament, she rides a beautiful white horse. FALSE
Correct sentence: When the Queen goes to open Parliament she goes in a horse-driven
Acts. While reading…
Chapter 3
Read chapter 3, then circle the correct words in
each sentence.
1- The City is busy / quiet during the week.
2- The Tower of London is the oldest / tallest building in the
3- Queen Elizabeth the First was once a prisoner / warder in
the Tower of London
4 – The dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest in
Britain / The world.
5- Great Paul / Tom rings when a king dies.
6- At the Monument people remember the year of the Great
Plague / Fire
Acts. While reading… Chapters 4 and 5
Read Capters 4 and 5. Choose the best question word of
sentences, and then answer them.
Who lives at 10 Downing Street?
A: The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.
What can you see in Parliament Square?
A: You can see tall trees and the statue of Sir Winston Churchill.
What was different about the coronation in 1953?
A: The coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second in 1953 was the first
coronation on TV.
What is Big Ben?
A: Is the clock on the Houses of the Parliament, and ring every hour.
Why do people do every year to remember Guy Fawkes?
A: Because in 1605 Guy Fawkes and his friends didn’t like King James or his
government, and they put a bomb under
the Houses of the Parliament, but nothing happened because the soilders found Guy
Fawkes and took him away.
Who wrote plays for first Globe Theatre?
A: William Shakespeare.
What can you see in Tate Modern?
A: You can see an art gallery with 88 rooms, and the exhibitions change, so
there’s always something new.
Why do people like to go on the Millennium Bridge?
A: Because there are good views of London and the river, and because
there aren’t cars too.
What can you do at the London eye?
A: You can see 40Kms across London, Buckingham Palace, The Houses of the
Parliament, and other buildings and
Acts. While reading Chapter 6 and 7
Read Chapters 6 and 7. Then complete these sentences with the names of

1. In Hyde Park you can take a bout out on the Serpentine.

2. People remember Diana, Princess of Wales, at the playground in
Kensington Gardens.
3. You can see animals from all over the world at the zoo in Regent’s Park.
4. The bones of the world’s biggest animal are in the Natural History
Museum in Cromwell Road.
5. In the Sherlock Holmes stories the famous detective lives at 221b Baker
6. The National Gallery is full of pictures of famous people.
7. Tate Britain has paintings by Constable and Turner.
8. Half a million people visit the London Dungeon every year.
Acts. While reading… Chapters 8,9 and 10

Read Chapters 8,9 and 10, and answer these questions.

1. How log ago did The Mousetrap begin in London?
A: It’s still going more than fifty years later.
2. Why do people go to Fabric and Ministry of Sound?
A: Because there are all famous clubs.
3. What can you see at the Oval?
A: You can see Vauxhall in South London.
4. Where does the London Marathon end?
A: Start at Greenwich and it finish to Westminster.
5. What is the most famous shop in London?
A: The most famous shop in London is Harrod’s.
Act. While reading… Chapter 8,9 and 10 (below)

6. Where is a good place to look for books?

A: Charing Cross Road is a good place to look bookshops.
7. Witch markets have cheap clothes?
A: In Petticoat Lane market, in Middlesex Street.
8.What do people enjoy at the Ritz in the afternoon?
A: Because you can listen to music, drink tea, and eat wonderful
9.What color are London’s famous buses?
A: The famous buses are red.
10. How many streets do taxi drivers need to know?
A: Drivers must know all the 25,000 streets in the centre of
London before they can
drive the taxi there.
Activities - After
Here is an e-mail about a visit to London. Circle the correct words.
Hello from London!
I arrived here on Thursday. What a wonderful city! On Saturday we saw the Trooping
Of the Colour. It’s a big parade for the Queen’s birthday. We saw her go past in a
beautiful coach.
On Monday we went to the River Thames. We walked across the Millennium Bridge
to the Tate Modern and went to look at the paintings. Then we had a ride in the
London Eye. The weather was good so we could see Central Park, and a lot of other
Now it’s time for some shopping. Tomorrow I’m going to the Knightsbridge, because I
to visit Harrods. After that I’m going to the Ritz to have afternoon tea- It’s very English
Thing to do!
See you soon!
Acts. After reading… (below)
Find there words in the word search below, and draw lines
trough them. The words
go from left to right, and from top bottom.

Art, bar, capital, century,

curch, club, concert,
coronation, destroy,
docks, dlood, food,
gallery, governement,
king, muesum, music,
painting, prison, royal,
Acts. After reading… (below)
Here is a new photo for he book. Find the best place in the
book to put the
picture, and answer these questions.
The picture goes on page 19.
Where was the photographer? He/she was in the London Eye .
Would you like to go here? Yes! Of course, it’s so beautiful and
the views of London are
What can you see in the photo?
Well, I can see the Houses of the Parliament and the Big Ben.
I can see the river Thames too, and some bouts in the water.
The weather is quite bad, its cloudy .
Acts. After reading…
It is the year 2100. What is London like? Tick the
you agree with.
Everybody speaks English. YES
Nobody lives near the River because the floods. NO
There are no cars in the centre of London NO
Buckingham Palace is now a hotel NO
Fish is very expensive, so only rich people
eat fish and ships. NO
Acts. After reading…
Would you like to visit London? Why? What five things wold you like to
see and do in London? What would you like to see first? What is the
most interesting thing about the city for you?
Yes! I’m very exiting to my visit in London, because it’s a great city and it’s very
interesting. The city have a lot of beautiful places, the parks, the buildings, the
museums… and more! I would to see first the Houses of the Parliament and the
Ben because well… I don’t know… When I think in London the first I imagin is
Big Ben!
Well, in London everything is interesting. But I think the one of the most
thinks of London is the history of the city in the past and the different live that
have there.
Acts. After reading…
Compare London and your city or town. You can use the inf. In this
book. These websites can help you too: ,,

London is more big than my town, Cardedeu. In London there is a big river, The
Thames, but in my town there’s a very little river, so there aren't any bridges like
London. In London there are big buildings, but in Cardedeu there are more little
In London the people speak English, but here the people talk Catalan or Spanish.
In Cardedeu there aren’t any sites like the London Eye, in Cardedeu there isn’t
“Cardedeu Eye”.
Well, I think London and Cardedeu are very different places!
The End!
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