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In reply to the e-mail regarding the advice Ayatullah Sistani has given, some

of our brother and sisters have stated their personal opinion regarding the
advice. And in doing so they have caused dispute and conflicts amongs the
people. This is an act which the Mujtahids, Ahlul Bayt and Islam has
disproved of. It is important to note Politics is a part of religion and is not
seperated from religion. Ayatullah Sistani, himself, is actively involved in
politics but his opinion for the Iraq situation is as follows: He believes that
the religious scholars should not get involved in the governmental structures
and infact those posts should be left to those people who are mo’min,
elected by the people and who specialize in the field of politics and
The role of the Islamic Scholars is one of guardianship. They should
give advice and guide the governmet so it does not stray from Islam.

Sayyid M Baqir Kashmiri
Director of I.M.A.M

Meeting with Ayatullah Al Udhama Syed Ali al Hussaini Al Seestani

The Office Bearers of The World Federation had a second opportunity of

meeting Agha on Sunday 15 August 2004 at a London hospital. The President of The
World Federation, Dr. Ahmed Hassam conveyed to Agha salaams from the Khoja
community worldwide and informed him that our prayers are with him for his speedy
recovery. Agha thanked the Office Bearers for visiting him and expressed his
satisfaction at the work being done by The World Federation, in serving community
and humanity at large.

He asked Dr Hassam, to convey his salaams and duas to mu'mineen and to thank
them for their concern for his health. He also asked mu'mineen to continue
praying for him and advised us to always remain steadfast on the path of the
Ahlulbyat (AS).

The President asked him for his advice to the community on the recent
events in Najaf. Agha responded by asking that mu'mineen pray for a quick
peaceful resolution of the conflict and once peace returns to Iraq, to assist
in the rebuilding of the Hawza Ilmiya and the other infrastructure that have
been destroyed over the years. He also advised that mu'mineen not to be
involved in any political activities. After the brief meeting which lasted for 25
minutes, he requested us to continue remembering him in our prayers as he does us
in his prayers.

English translation of the Statement from Ayatullah Seestani’s Office in Najaf

concerning the unfolding events in Iraq.
The city of Najaf and a number of other Iraqi towns are going through tragic
circumstances where the sacrosanct is being violated, lives lost, blood shed and
property destroyed - without hindrance.

His Eminence Sayyid Seestani (long may he live), whose health condition has distant
him far from Najaf during these critical days, is following the plight of his people in
Iraq from his hospital bed with deep pain and grave concern. He shares the pain
and anguish of his people. His Office is continuing their speedy efforts with all
parties and Iraqi authorities and others to put a quick end to the current tragic

While His Eminence calls upon all parties concerned to work in earnest to put an
end to this crisis swiftly and establish the basis guaranteeing the non-reoccurrence
[of such events] in future, he prays God, the exalted to make Iraq safe and to
prevent it from all forms of harm and calamity. He [Allah] Is All Hearing and [He]
answers prayers.

Seal of the Office of Ayatullah Seestani in Najaf

12 August 2004

English translation + original Arabic copy of the letter from

the Office of H. E. Ayatullah Seestani in Najaf to H.E. Head of
United Nations Security Council, regarding the new UN
resolution on Iraq.

H. E. Head of the United Nations Security Council,


We have been informed of the attempts to include the so called

“administrative law for the transitional period” in the new UNSC
Resolution on Iraq, with a view to making it appear internationally

This “law” that has been drawn up by an un-elected council under

occupation, and through its direct influence, would restrict the national
assembly which is due to be elected early next year – to draw up the
permanent Iraqi constitution.

This is against the laws and rejected by most Iraqi people. Therefore, any
attempt to make this “law” appear legitimate by including it in the
international resolution is considered as contrary to the desire of the Iraqi
people and a forewarning to dangerous consequences.
Kindly convey the position of the Religious Marja’iyya in this regard to
their Excellencies the honorable members of the Security Council.

Thank you

Seal of the Office of Ayatullah Seestani in Najaf

6 June 2004

In The Name of Allah The Merciful The Most Compassionate

As part of the cycle of criminal acts witnessed in beloved Iraq,
targeting its unity, stability and independence, a number of
Christian churches in Baghdad and Mosul were viciously attacked -
leading to tens of innocent victims falling dead and wounded as
well as the destruction of many public and private properties.

While we disapprove and condemn such abhorrent crimes and see

the necessity to consolidate efforts and cooperation by everyone –
government and people – in order to stop attacks against Iraqis
and root out the attackers; we stress the need to respect the rights
of Christians and other religious minorities. Among these rights are
their right to live in their country, Iraq, in peace and security.

We ask Allah The Almighty, The Omnipotent, to protect all Iraqis

from harm and misfortune and to bless this beloved country with
security and stability, He is All Hearing and [He] Answers Prayers.

Office of Ayatullah Seestani – Najaf

15 Jumada al-Thani 1425
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Dear sir,

Office of the Grand Scholar Seyyid Seestani.

Peace and blessings be upon you

Many are inquiring about the Ayatu-Allah’s stand concerning the

new Iraqi government. The government that was formed yesterday
with the effort of Mr. Al-Akhthar Al-Ibrahimi - emissary of the
secretary general to the United Nations

Signed: a group of the believers

Date: 2 June, 2004
In the name of the Almighty
The grand scholar had assured repeatedly the necessity of the formation
of the Iraqi government. The government with self sovereignty,
established under free impartial election, where generally all the nation
will be participating in it.
But for many particular yet known reasons, several of the elite nominees
were removed. Among the reasons were delays, denials, and threats;
which lead to surpass the due date, then the 30th of June arrived, the day
that the Iraqis should have sovereignty in their government, and freedom
from bondage.
As such without a legitimate election, this new government was formed,
in addition, it does not represent all the Iraqi groups or their political
powers as required.
However, concerning all the above, it is hoped that the new government
should be fit, sincere, and capable in carrying the heavy burden throne on
its shoulders with perseverance. Among the points required from this
1- 1- A clear decree from the international security
council, to let the Iraqis regain the sovereignty of their country, without
any deficiency in all dimensions, whether political, economical, military,
security, and to exert the utmost power to free the country from the
occupation, also to remove the effects of the occupation from all the sides.
2- 2- Provide peace and security to all corners of the
country, and put an end to all criminal operations whether organized
crimes or otherwise.
3- 3- Provide all the public services to the citizens, reduce
their sufferings, and make available the necessities for their daily needs.
4- 4- Make a good preparation for the new coming public
election, make a commitment to observe the date which is set for the next
new year, so that a national council will be formed, this council should not
be obligated to fulfill any decrees issued during the occupation, and
among them is the so called laws set by the interim government.
The new government will not be approved by the public, cannot win
popular support, unless it proves – with clear practical steps – that it is
trying seriously and with sincerity to fulfill the above missions and
achieve the goals. May Allah give success to all. Peace, blessings, and
mercy of Allah be upon you.

14 Rabi II 1425 Hj
Office of Seyyid As-Seestani
Holy city of Najaf
English translation of the Press Release from the Press Office Of
Grand Ayatullah Seestani in the holy city of Najaf
on the evil crimes that were perpetrated in the holy cities of Karbala and

In the Name of Allah The Merciful, Most Compassionate

”And be not infirm, and be not grieving And you shall have the upper
hand if you are believers”
(Holy Quran 3:139)
Peace be upon you, O father of Abdullah, and upon the souls that were
martyred with you.

On this mournful day, the 10th of Muharram (a holy month)

commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and members of his
household and companions (peace be upon them), evil hands have
stretched out to target mourners and pilgrims in the holy cities of Karbala
and Kadhmiyyah - perpetrating such repugnant and heinous massacres
that led to hundreds of victims being martyred and wounded. Among
them were large numbers of Iraqi women and children and others.

Allah Almighty destined Karbala to be a place for tribulations, an icon of

sacrifice and an ongoing school throughout the centuries and generations
where Muslims acquired the most graceful lessons in patience and most
sincere verses of piety and the greatest example of sacrifice in the cause
of faith without greed whatsoever for one’s own life and continuity.

Karbala was just that today, together with the holy city of Kadhmiyyah,
where the severed limbs of hundreds of lovers of the Prophet’s household
(peace and blessings be upon them) and devotees of their path - in
challenging despots and rejecting oppressors and deviants - lay scattered
on their untainted grounds.

Words fall short of condemning these heinous crimes and evil that stem
from those who are completely detached from any values and faith
whatsoever. They caused needless bloodshed during a holy month and in
the most noble and sacrosanct of all places, the mausoleum of the pure
and virtuous Imams (peace and blessings be upon them).

While we place the responsibility of the noticeable delay and

procrastination in controlling Iraqi boarders to stop infiltrators on the
occupying forces as well as the responsibility of the none reinforcement
of civil forces in charge of providing security - with the appropriate
elements and ensuring their needs such as equipment and staff required to
do their work - we call upon all the beloved Iraqi people to increase their
alertness and guard against the conspiracies of the enemies and the greedy
ones and we urge them to work diligently to consolidate their ranks and
unify their word in order to quickly regain the sovereignty, independence
and stability of the wounded homeland.

We ask Allah, The Most High, The Omnipotent, to accept the noble
victims as martyrs and gather them with Imam Hussain (peace and
blessing be upon him) and to grant their loved ones patience and ample
reward and for the wounded and victims a speedy recovery. He is All
Hearing and [He] Answers Prayers.

The Office of Ayatullah Seestani

Holy city of Najaf
10th Muharram 1425 A.H. (2 March 2004 A.D.)

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