Facebook Evaluation 1 (1) .

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The world is changing quite dramatically and so as the ways of expressing and sending messages. Media
and IT are the two major sources which have put this world together, so the ways of marketing and
selling products have also changed. Companies target those channels for marketing which are easily
accessible and used frequently. Our article also focuses on one of the most important channel that is
almost accessible to everyone throughout the world and that is Facebook.

Social media sites are changing dramatically and are transforming as lively arenas where salespeople can
jockey against their competitors in a bona fide way. Facebook has recently thought of launching a smart
messaging service. This service is applicable to every product including B2B sales. This service
messenger will provide you an advantage over your competitors who are just relying on the social media
for marketing of their product.

People search for different products on the internet before making a purchase. They look for the specs
and benefits so that the cost is minimized. Now what Facebook messenger will do is that, it will keep a
record of all your searching and interests and will send u a message regarding your interest and needs.
As your inbox becomes overloaded with time and creates a messy situation so facebook messenger will
also organize the messages according to your expressed interests and uninterested or poorly rated mails
will be buried or perhaps not read.

For example

If anyone of us wants a particular product so we will look for it and look for the information available or
will email some of our friends regarding that particular product. Now what this messenger will do is that
it will track all our URL’s that we have visited and it will also find the keywords from our emails. This
messenger will then arrange our inbox in such a way that messages that will appear first will be those
that are related to our recent activity we will do.

This is also helpful for the companies as it allows the manufactures or sellers to track their customers
who have visited their website or have posted something regarding their products, to know about that
particular customer’s interest. After figuring out the address seller will customize a message so that it is
shown at the top of his potential customer.

This procedure is also used by search engines to get maximum output from this service. A seller should
use good communication skills and should carefully recognize the interest. This technique is still new but
it will mature with the passage of time.

The idea is applicable to great extent but the sender should take care of one thing that the message is
the key factor which is going to sell its product, so it should be impressive. Majority of us use facebook
may be all of us, so it is a tool that can target a great number of people efficiently and effectively.

Although facebook and other community sites have made communication easy among people and have
facilitated them in a way that they can access almost all the things easily and efficiently, but still people
might not be in favor of it/ or might object to that.

For example

 If a person is pretty much sensitive to his/her interest and does not want to share things with
others, he/she will not want his/her privacy to be invaded. They will not be pleased that smart
messaging gets all their information without their consent through URLs and then approach
them through mails afterwards.
o Similarly Facebook keeps the upload, such as pictures and other things of every person’s
account even after a person has deactivated his/her account, which can never
appreciated by any person in the society.

 Another undesirable factor can be/ another negative aspect is that some people might get
irritated by the advertisements and get offended by continuous and repeated reminders of
certain things through mails. So this is the thing which has to be dealt with great care because
this might result in bad reputation for the company as this thing will surely spread among his
friends or other people as a bad advertisement through word of mouth process and other

On the other hand, this thing has provided lots of benefits to certain people. It has lowered the cost of
advertisement and almost all of the companies are using this mode of advertising now-a-days. It has
removed the cost of door to door selling to almost nil as compared to previous advertising policies. Also
this can be beneficial as it will target only the interested customers.

Also these social sites are accessible to more or less every person, so, more people will be aware of the
product or service being advertised.

One more thing which is beneficial to companies is that a company can customize its products based on
the needs and wants of its customer by getting knowledge about their interests through the URLs

On the whole smart messaging idea is getting success day by day because majority of the people like this
fact and the information to be easily accessible no matter their privacy is being invaded or not.

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