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 National Geographic. "Deforestation Facts, Deforestation Information, Effects of

Deforestation - National Geographic." Environment Facts, Environment Science, Global
Warming, Natural Disasters, Ecosystems, Green Living - National Geographic. National
Geographic. Web. 09 Apr. 2011.

 "Rainforest Destruction." Save The Rainforest. Savetherainforest. Web. 09 Apr. 2011.


 NASA. "Tropical Deforestation: Feature Articles." NASA Earth Observatory: Home. NASA. Web.
19 Apr. 2011. <>.

 "Rainforest Facts." Wealth of the Rainforest - Pharmacy to the World from Raintree
Nutrition, Inc. Raintree Nutrition. Web. 11 Apr. 2011. <http://www.rain->.

 Butler, Rhett A. "Tropical Deforestation Tables." Rainforests. Web. 11 Apr. 2011.


 National Geographic. "National Geographic: Eye in the Sky--Deforestation." National

Geographic - Inspiring People to Care about the Planet since 1888. National Geographic.
Web. 09 Apr. 2011.

 Bennett, Peter. "Rainforest Concern - What Can We Do to Stop Deforestation?"

Rainforest Concern - Welcome to Rainforest Concern. Rainforest Concern. Web. 19 Apr.

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