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Title: How Much does Culture and Lifestyle Affect Behavior?

Section A:
1. Name:_____________________ (Optional)
2. Gender:  Female  Male
3. Age:_________
4. Nationality:______________________  (Just tick if Malaysian)
5. Occupation:  Student  Part-time job  Full-time job  Not working at the moment
6. Do you follow any Religion?
 Christianity  Muslim  Hindu  Islam  Buddhism  Other_________ (Please State)
7. What is your income?
 Low (<rm1000)  Middle (rm1000-rm5000)  High (>rm5000)

Section B:
Strongly Disagree ….. Strongly Agree

8. Religion 1 2 3 4 5
Do you believe that one should pray every day?
One should follow their Religion and should portray it in their everyday life
From a young age, a person should be forced to go to Church and follow his
or her family’s religion
A person should be free to choose which religion they want to follow
A person who follows religion will be a much better human being

9.Wealth 1 2 3 4 5
Do you think people with lavish lifestyles act differently than other people?
People who with limited incomes know how to budget more better than
people who live lavishly
People who struggle to make ends meet generally work harder than people
with lavish lifestyles
People with a lot of money tend to get caught up in bad habit or hobbies than
other people
10.Culture 1 2 3 4 5
Culture has a strong effect on your morals
Our cultures define our characters
Culture teaches one how to live life
A child should be made to follow culture from a young age
Culture goes hand in hand with religion and morals

11. Behavior 1 2 3 4 5
Religion has a strong effect on the way a person acts (behaves)
Culture and Morals determine a person’s behavior
The way we acts defines who we are
How lavish our lives are determine how we live them and thus how we act
A person with good morals will make for a better human being

Section C:
Additional Comments:


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