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Rouleau High SChOOl Chapter 4 Test

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5 9 1 Ib;:; 16 oz 1 US qallon= 3,7854 litres
c = - (F - 32) F=SC+32
11b ::: 0.4536 Kg 1 ton= 2000 lbs 1 Kg ;:; 1000g 1 Imperial gallon::: 4,5461
1 n= 1000 mg 1 tonne= 1000 Kg 1 Kg = 2,21bs 1 tonne= 2204 Ibs Pari A Short Answers Show your work

1, Given that the temperature Fahrenheit is 102°, the temperature Celsius is approximately?

Show the formula and show your work (3 marks)

C= S/q (r -3'21 C :: S /(1 (\()2. - ~'2) C:: 5/.9.(-'0>

C ::@<O.9°

2, A mass of 5~ tonnes, when stated in pounds, is approximately Show your work (2 marks)

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5 1/<1k'f:)\'~:' tquo.\ ~c' \\ S:1(" ~,~r\(~\s I


4. A baby is born weighing 8,25 Ibs. Explain why you wouldn't say this when asked the birth weight of the baby?

Show your work (3 marks)

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5. You are planning on hauling 14 bales of sheep wool each bale weighs on average 250 Ib (According to Australian standards the minimum weight per bale is 198Ibs).

Side note: One sheep produces anywhere from 2 to 30 pounds of wool annually. The wool from one sheep is called a fleece, from many sheep, a clip.

a) How many tons is this on an appropriate trailer?

b) How many Kilograms is each bale?

c) Estimate how many sheep this might be? , /

Show your work (6 marks) ~.-.-~=--- //

0.'\ I i\ Y. '2S0 " 3S00 Ibs ~ '2 ceo «: ~ .. I -'51'1 +~

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bj d.'d\hs:: I kg ClSO'7'L,2 ::~~ .

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6. Some of the 10/11 & 12 decide to drive to Florida in Andrew's Trail Blazer to Experience a world of magic and excitement and explore the world of Harry Potter. They estimate they will need 192.2US gallons

",.~-~ - .-' --.- -~--

Convert 192.2\..US gallons tQ litres. If the Blazer holds 22 gal (imperial) how many fill ups

Show yourwork (4 marks)

\ US SC\\ ltr"\ ~ "3 ,l CC,5L\ \ ',-\fe:'}

l q g I(~} X 3.1'3 '::'4 : iQl. b \ '\ ~~tJ:;~

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7. The mega-grocery store where you work sells items by the box. You are required to stack a shelf with boxes of pickles. Each pox of pickles contains 15 jars weighing 1 Ib 9 oz each.

a) What is the weight in pounds and ounces of a box of pickles?

Show your work (4 marks)

b) If the shelf on which you are stacking the boxes can hold 350 pounds, how many boxes of pickles can you safely stack on the shelf? Show your work (4 marks)

c) How many cans would you have to remove to allow that last case?

Show your work (2 marks)


14 yl~U I ':i ,1-1 ho';(_' . \0 \1(0\\) ~h""e \Cl::'"~' C(\~,( t

10. When Dale was building his fish pond, he needed a truck to carry away the soil and rocks that he dug from the hole. The hole was 3.4 m by 1.8 m by 2.1 m. The weight of the soil and rocks averages 115 pounds per cubic foot. (Use: 1 rn= 3.3 ft)

a) What will be the weight, in pounds, of the soli and rocks dug out for the fish pond?

Show your work (3 marks)

53 \ \8 LbSJ do') ()\~ Ir

j '. I

~ ", .. _.....n .. ~ ... ~ ,,-=""


b) If the truck can carry 1.8 tonnes, how many trips must Dale make?

Show your work (2 marks)

50 \ \ 8\ :~;.~ , L 2 co ~., ~ 4 ,\ ~e\,\fl P "j




Part B.~ Multiple Choice

Which weighs approximately 350 gram? (1 mark) 1.

b) this te§t paper c) pair hockey skates

d) a bus


d) soccer ball

3. What unit of measurement would you use to express the: (3 marks)

a) Weight of a turkey: ~Uf\aS /


b) Temperature in Miami, Florida: ~rtet .. ,\,\J.~ \ ~z


~ .... . ._ .. _ .. _ .. _~ •... _ .. _._._ ... _.;

c) Weight of a Semi Tractor: ~O f\ \")~.;c....~

/ (;) r'~61' QTQ'f4

Part C : Fill in the Blanks (5 marks)

Perform the following conversi0';9(writing the answer in the space provided.

a) 7000 g;::' kg f) 7 Ib 12 oz;:: i :,~. ~


b) 500 mq > () 15


g) 1.6 ton= 3~\.~ Ib



h) 62 oz= __ ·_::3=-- __ lb t~~ oz

D\ r" t:

d) 8125 kg;:: 0 Ig;:) tonnes





j) 8.2 kq= \ 8 10'\ lb



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