Reading Log 3

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Lauren Paz

ELD 307
Reading Log #3
Chen Chapter 4
• Chen: Balanced Literacy for English Language Learners, K-2
Chapter 4
• Read-aloud are a great way to introduce children to literature, teacher’s can build
children’s background knowledge by different genres of literature.
• Read-alouds are also important for English language learners, it exposes them to
hearing the english language and provides them with the opportunity to practice
speaking english.
• It is important to stop and ask questions during read-alouds because it breaks up the
language and content of the text making it easier for EL’s to understand.
• When the text is read fluently EL’s can her the difference in how the teacher reads
different sentences.
• Having children talk about the text is important, it gives them the opportunity to share
their own thoughts. Pair share provides a low risk opportunity for students to share their
ideas with others. Be sure to pair students who are around the same level.
• Ask questions during the reading to clarify areas where students may not understand
the text.
• Should the read-aloud book chosen be significantly advanced for the students to read
on their own, or at about the same level?
• Can and english language learner be paired up with someone who speaks the
language fluently so they have the opportunity to listen to how that person speaks and
learn from them?
• During my sophomore professional experience I notices that the students who were
normally quiet opened up a bit more during read-alouds because it was a low risk
environment for them to share their ideas is.
• After reading the text I realized that my teacher did exactly what the book said, pre-
reading, during-reading, after-reading. She also allowed time for students to discuss
what the story was about and made connections to them personally.

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