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lwlute! Pled'se!

J.H.S. COLOR GUARD-Rou l: Harriet Benedick, Sheila

2;;k;., M;h"el Fried, Jefirey Abend, Sloan Robinso.n,Ired
Vi"t... Martha Sherman, Edith Udem, David Weil, Terri
S;;;. Row 2:.lohn Wolff, Jav Friedman. Dean Leritan,
.iinis Bornst"in, Rusty Adelson, Mr. Goldman, Steven Moss,
b"ri"f l.Jt v, John'Draut, Ciifiord Gelb, Il-e,nry Treund,

nii st Arrtt"'Chntte., Leslie Cohen, David Knopl, Dian-e
Si"ohen Morris, Paula Brill, Nancy Bernkopf,
Melissa Wecker, David Flaster, Andrew Marcus,-Susanne
S"H""ia, Stephen Hix, Donna Stone, R-op GaiI Fix,
Su.u" W.i"rnun' Nobyhiro Onishi, Jade Schiffman, Steven

Theme song lor owr ushers,

"WaJk right in, set right down."

The Aud,io-V isual Squad'-

the qes and, ews ol the school.

Behinil the scenes in owr librarY'

Dewey haue the book?
"A town has s
nervous slrstem, a
heud and shoulders
and f eet." The Pearl

( so does a school)

A cleaner caleteria is up to them.

Row .l : B-onnie Rogel. \ndrea I'ann, Gail IJrexler.. Cvnthia

Vadala. Chervl Lazar.'fhoma. \lurphy. philip Hiilman,
Ellen .Stoltz,- Jay Schnapp {.t"rrairg j, Rr.'2,- Srr.un
Schalzlrerg. Diane Berke. Diane Fialkorr. \ i,,ki N{e7er.
Steven _Hollander, Sharon Hefler, ltargo kurimu.. ali""
lohen, Martha Sherman, Steven'-\Ioss, fiy",, ni"ir"l*, e.ry
R_udes,_/ioai : \{r. Weinste-, St"i u
Xlark Squires, Stuart Roth, Marc Shali ""rr,
M"..'U"f,". l""i"f
Lutzky. Barry Silko*itz, \lr. Rairmsdori.--

fr **
tt l. :,il&'
Thcir u,atchf,ul eyes are upon you.

.SQU-{.D-.\raled: peggy, Kamen. Mr. Scherer,
Jtandtng. IeJt to right: Jan-t.Kramer. (.arol Sl,illinger, Jon I
ll"tr; Iui,,r Rorh.-Ann_Gord. Edith;iii"r.".rri,
Jlark U_oldman. Bru,.e Tarrl,. Haroltl \ orrng. Ro.. Der.n irr.
Front 49w: Sandra Easton, Dion" fluitoli,.-fl.l, ltrr,
\{eri Weinheinr, pam Ho.i, S,,."n - g"..k",-ii.'-',U".i1"
Saka k i da.

Mr. Ignatouich giues a pep tolk to his exterior squad.

/. FerLer. -Vr...lgnaro\itch. Aoru 2: Keiko Onishi,

flr^fl *,Jr;
\\ Silkonitz- Faye"B;;;:"R,;;;.i
Green. l.erri SI,,
Harrier Benedick,.Ivy B.od"., L'injj
ner'. S,usarr.. Per..r.hetz. Sandi Barth, HoL,"ri' d"'ii, f_"",,
ttar'6ula1. rt,a. ;1. trt,,1."H Ilarcul Judith Berkonitz,.lani,
Bornstein, Colleen llcKee, Sydelle K;;;;; li"r,:r'ij"."t"pr.
'i:t;%r'::.,P' The experts ol our sound system.
Rout i: Steven Alembic, Douglas Aibert, Leslie Chuto::::
Ix Linda Rosenstock, Arthur Heller, Johnny Smith. D:' :
g Reiss, Roru 2: Andre Bernard, Mr. Nalter, Keith Sha;:::

Tlw newsp.per squad petitions Mrs. Rothmnn

Io r une m pI oy m ent insurance.
Lelt to right: Amy Hass, Jane Knoll, Arnold Martin, Peter A.A.A, cops oJ Riuerilal'e.
Leienti, John Herling, Mrs. Rothman. -Rookie
Lelt to rieht: David Hersh, Robert Sandler-Captain, Larrl'
C-idb"te,"Ba..y Sims'Lieut., David CuIlen, Ronald Inhaber,
Leslie Sipkin, Martin Hanft, Paul Kofskv, Mr. Ignato'

Thcy mntrol thn stairumy chattet.

INTERIOR SQUAD-ftoru l: Michael Auerbach, Steve
Kornstein, Mr.- Fein, Harvey Goldberg, Rusty Adelson,
Rick Agins, Row 2: Paul Andersen, Joseph
Roar 3: Ilan Ader, Robert Vogel, Mike Mason, Jefi-Llesett'
Alvin Cohen, Row 4: Larry Epstein. Sloan Robinson,
Seth Schechter, Robert Landau, Ronnie lacono, Arthur
Reynolds, Marc Hahn.

Mrs. Shuhtz demanstrates the correct telephnne tech'

nique to Mrs. Herman and the luninr Secretaries.
pearls of help
string a necklace
of hope
In Riverdale, we are fortunate not to know of
the sorroly and cruelty of war anil disaster. We do
19t know hunger or the feeling of being homeless.
Thankfully, rve did not suffer is many-Europeans
did during the past winter months.
\[hen we give to needy people throughout the
n'orld, le,are saying to them, "Here's just a small
tok-en. We hope it helps you no,w and helps you
to hope in the {uture'"
David Knopf 9 Mrs. Pappas, Stephen Kessler and Cary Baiz pack cloth,ing
lor the UNICEF ilriue.

Our Michelangelos paint hospital windows

to cheer up ueterans.

Front Row: Sandra Easton, Diane Fialkow, Back Row:.

Meri. Weinheim, Pam Hort, Susan Beckerman, Mariko
pursuit ol excellence
in our school
Miss Koonm,en prewres her Math team
f or outsiile cornPetition.

From little d'toms,

com.e big scicnce proiects.

Mrs. Brockner explnin's the 23 steps to the easy solutinn.

the performing arts
in our school

The Lead,ers CIub and, The Dance CIub present a

physical f.tness and modern dance program.

Visitors bring the opera and, the ballet to l4l.

Class 5-115 prcsents "Thc Craduntipn Balt' by

Iohann Strauss.


plun, plot and print.

They t'ollow th.e scientific method,.

C onclusion : SC I ENT I A magazine.

Hall Mo<>n snff plans next issue.

"Only hal a moon, but all the news."

Mrs. Kronouet and. her snff keep

our presses roLing.

To Print or not to Print?

Oaerture uri"ters wrestle with t'he problem,.

"flly will read and open the books...
he will know and through him we will know."
The Pearl


Scie nce tair

d the mus lc of
the p esrl rose like a
chorusof trunpefs a
his eurs." Ihe pearr

Dean beak the drums tor our musicd' pearls.

"l'm glad they rutd,e us utith uocal chord,s."
Characters trorn our Nouelty Shop.
The sound, ol the lewelers Saw is
music to our metal men.
"And the yellow sun threw their hlack shadows
ahead of then so that theV walked on their own
shadows." Ihe Pearl

We walk in our own shadow, It mimics us truly, and so we must be sure that
what it reflects will make us proud. Hard work helps it stand straighter, good moral
fiber makes it grow .larger, ind a warm personality makes it stronger. -Eagh $ay,
in school, at hoire, and in the community, we are shaping our shadow with the help
of our teachers, our parents, and our friends.
Johanna Faulk B

CLASS TSPE-3IS-Rorp .l: Safi Newman, Martha Gold,

Patricia Ritter, Maureen Rexon, Miss Steiner, Mabel Liem,
Nancy Blum, Kathie Niederhoffer, Karen Leicher, Rou 2'.
Steven Jacobson, Benjamin Yalow, Richard Storrn, Beth
Birnbach, Barbara Weinberger, Penny Konopko, Shelley
Levin, Gary Baiz, Martin Bender, Mitchei Baer, Rou 3:
Randy Nelson, Robert Marx, Avi Hettena, Andre Bernard,
Robert Schnapp, Richard Rund, Cory Cashman, David Stern,
Steven Wasserman, Steven Kessler.

CLASS 7SPE207-Roru i: Toby Fixel, Beatrice Block.

Elaine -\'lanasse, Karen Sattinger, Mrs. Pappas, Susan Mohr,
Risa Weinreb, Joanne Golden, Joy Wolfe, Row 2: Richard
Poser, Michael Illfelder, Ilene Weissman, Cathy Drake,
Susan Rinder, Vicki Silverman, Ronni Chaiet, Nlarilyn
Sevush, Iris Rothman, Leonard Shayer, Kenneth Rubenfeld,
Row 3: Jules Mencher, Robert Kaplan, Harry Stuurmans,
Roger Greene, John Draut, Robert Baron, Steven Allen,
Joel Blockner, Brian lliller, Robert Fox.

CLASS 7-3f7-Row l; Roy Appel, I)ennis Lappert, Allan

Dorfman, John Eboli, Rou 2: Jade Schifiman, Sheila Slaw,
Ncbuko Akiyama, Joanne Solymosy, 'Mrs. Goldman, Patty
Lane, Margaret Sedlis, Carol Jacuzzi, Fannie Kornstein,
Row 3: Grven Acker, Janet lMarlow, Ellen Dryer, Rena
Saland, Gigi Melkon, Lindy Rudick, Fabienne f'eicher.
Colette Kozelka, Teresa Kasner, Gail Fix, Helene Rubin.
Row 4: Anita Barowsky, Karen Gaskin, Mary Jahn, ,Mobu-
hiro Onishi, Robert Goodman, Ronald Gibbs, Harry Rauch,
Robert Gruber, Carol Quinn, Lynda Schulz, Suzy Mayer.

CLASS 7-226-Roa, .l: Kenneth Stern, William Yee, Nathan
Davis, James Wald, Harold Orshansky, Row 2: l,\{axine
Kastenbaum, Dorothy Bacopulos, Shelley Gibby, Vesna Ilic,
tMrs. Kronovet, Mariko Kannauchi, Roxanne Egeth, Rae
Weil, Ronnie Goldman, Row 3: Stephen Monis, Ted Taub,
Misako Ujiiye, Carol Moscatello, Sandra Skordares, Susan
Haykin, Diane Gonzales, 'Carolyn Strahl, Donna Katz, Susan
Vassall, Row 4: ParlJ Dimeo, Robert Hsu, Howard Brummer,
Martin Schmalenberg, Robert Natovitz, Barry Gross, Claude
Goldman, George Antonopoutros, Alan Goodfried, Mark
Lilling, Jerold Fisch, Michael Mason.

CLASS 7-3f3-Roru l: Steven Hollander, Philip Hillman,

Richard Yazqrez, Jeffrey Lee, Rout 2: Dianne Calderon,
Madeline Goldberg, Helen Lieber, Denah Glouberman,
Mr. Halvey, Wanda Maislis, Nancy Gross, Candice Vadala,
Susan Babu, Row 3: Elizabeth Keller, Peggy Filbert, Gail
Weinberg, Jane Silverstein, Jo-Ann Pressler, Ann Goldberg,
Leslie Phillips, Trudi Kadish, Barbara Aenus, LMarcia Gur-
field, Paula Mace, Row 4: Byrne Nick, 'Matthew Erzen,
Douglas Levene, Leslie Schneider, Janet Brietbart, Regina
Ruchocki, Carol Danikas, Karen Hinderstein, David Kiung,
Paul Levine, Philip Lewis.

CLASS ?-307-ftorp .l: Robert Hollander Jeffrey Berger,

Wesley Yee, Matthew Daub, Peter Salinger, Rora 2: Susan
Weinman, Jill Buyon, Irene Levanos, Miwako Yamada,
Mrs, Rothman, Caren Elin, Ethel Katter, Julie Benjamin,
Cindy Latterman, Carole Gottlieb, Linda Deutsch, Linda
Domenitz, Akiko Usami, Fern Juris, Linda Montreuil,
rRoa.r 3: Anne Johnson Patricia Strahl, Esther Chernikowski,
Ilissa Walley, Gail Wolf, Anne Chustek, Margaret Berg-
mann, Ror, 4: Peter Grodin, Brent Solomon, Alan Kaplan,
David Dann, Carlos Gavila, Marc Fleishman, San{ord
Stadler, Larry Weiss, Phillip Beinhorn, Kenny Lehrer,
Gary Corbett.

i:; I
I4a .{C'

Around, the worl.d with Mr. Hd.uey. No hunt a,nd peck tor us!

Seuenth year Glee Club

CLASS 7-210-Rou l: Leah Zelkowitz, Nancy Udkow,

',\{arleen Cavaretta, Susan Wiesenberger, Kimiko Suma, Amy
Hass, Suzy Weiss, Susan Stern, Jeri Feig, 1?ora 2: Jefirey
Fishbein, Steven Brettholtz, Larry Orkin, Hou'ard Roden,
Brenda Siegel, Helene Zucker, Lois Petersen, Helen Margel,
Mark Rosenberg, Steven Spitzer, Nlarkham Blum. I{arvey
Heilbrun. Roro 3: Steven Hollander, Robert Coldstein,
Robert Friedman, John Wolff, Chris Schneider, Alan Neu-
Ield, Fred Winter, Daniei Comarovschi, Arnold Brorvn-
stein, Juda Adler, Lor. Greenberg, Donald Nou've.

CLASS 7-201-Row l: Liza McKee, Anneite Kutteles,

I'atricia Donovan, Demetra Chappas, Carol Roth, Evelyn
Rosenberg, \laureen Cavaretta, Rou 2: Abdel Al-Helman,
George Schnrierer, Stephen Hix, Emmet Ehiberg, Eugene
Cassano, John Salaun, Bruce Corglione, Ronnie Hont'itz
Tom Dougias, flr. N{orris.

CLASS 7SP-205-Row l: Linda Rosenstock, Debbie Cot-

tesman, Leslie Greher, Ann Brenner, Mrs. McKeon, Nancy
Senzon, Bonnie Rosen, Barbara Stoll, Gabrielle Rhodes,
Row 2: Jack Bernstein, Jack Scher, Edrvard Berlin, Lisa
Rothenberg, Sophi'e Ullman, Lucy Balter, George Good-
man, Michael Guthrvin, Paul Goldberg, Rora J: Robert
Lieberman. Bruce Freundlica. Jason Sommer.

CLASS 7SP-305-Row l: Shelley Rosner, Madeleine Ron-

ner, Michelle Adler, Jane Knoll, Mr. DiFiore, Janis Brahms.
Mindy Finkel, Agness Fisher, Roberta Robson, Ron 2:
Sigmund Koiatzki, Erirvard Kahn, Lewis Garrow, Irene
Stirn, Bette Tallen, Steven Rifkin, Je$rey Heilweil, Michael
Simon, /totu 3: Alan Dall, Edward Deutscher, Eric Weiner,
]Iark Menachen.

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