Izzy Persuasive Class Pet Letter

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Thursday, 21st January 2011

Dear Ms. Denise,

I have two points of view for this idea; but I am writing about why we shouldn’t get a class pet. It is really
actually your decision to make, so think very carefully about this. But read my letter first. (Don’t get a
class pet).

I would love to get a cute little guy as a class pet, but I do not think a class pet is necessary. It is
incredibly distracting to the class, and most of the time it requires full attention. If we just focus on the
animal, we’re likely to fail or be really slow in class. Another thing is that a class pet is just extra work. It
costs money and effort to feed the pet, go to the vet and contribute to the animal’s facilities. We’ll have
to then make space in our lessons to do stuff with the pet. Who will clean up the pet’s mess? And how
will we decide who gets to take it home for the holidays or for forever keeping?

We will also face a big problem. What happens if someone does something to the pet? What if people
don’t control their behavior? Anyway it’ll just be a waste of money, buying a pet. Little animals die
easily; they live such short lives. Then it will start all over again. The class will want a new pet, and then
your next class will want one, once they get word that your other class had one.

In conclusion, I seriously don’t think you should get a class pet. Like I said, a class pet is just extra work
on your shoulders, and it will be a waste of money because they die quickly. I would love to have a class
pet but it is really not necessary. Please, please do not, repeat DO NOT, get a class pet.

Thanks so much for listening, (don’t get a class pet)

Yours Sincerely,


An exceptionally well written letter, Izzy, with very convincing arguments. Well edited too. Way to go!

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