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Progressive Proof

Nation experiences reforms in order to solve the problems from the Gilded
age (politics), during industrialization (economics), and during
immigration (social).

~SQUARE DEAL~ Everyone has the chance to succeed; enforce laws and
use judicial review; free enterprise; TR against unfair power of wealthy,
believed businesses have a resposibility to their workers. ~TR TESTS~
Coal miner's strike (1902): Arbitration used and sends Mitchell to create a
deal. Northern Securities case: Large Trusts in RR; broken up with use of
Sherman Antitrust Act. Sets up Dept. of Commerce and Labor. --2ND
TERM-- ~BUSINESS~ Meatpacking: Sinclair's The Jungle(muckraking).
Rooselvelt: 2
Meat Inspection Act: Officials inspect all meat shipped, companies use
anthrax-ridden animals, factories have sanitary conditions. Pure Food and
Drug Act: Inspection of food, drug, and liquor packing. Safety on the job:
Employer's Liability Act (Employers provide insurance for workers injured
on the job). Conservation: Concerned about water shortages, Newlands
Reclamation Act, irrigation systems built; U.S. Forest Service,
reforestation, national parks. ~FOREIGN POLICY~ Mediated with Russo-
Japanese War. Open-door policy pushed. Roosevelt Corrolary estblished.

Was secretary of War under TR, was 1st governor of Philipes under U.S.
~ELECTION AND CITY REFORM~ Taft aims to control Bosses and create
referendums, primaries, initiatives, and recalls. Child Labor Laws: Limit on
age and hours. Workman Compensation Laws: Employer must
compensate for injuries (liability). Minimum wage and framework for pay
set for women (1912).

Democrats rise as TR splits Republican Party. ~FOREIGN~ U.S. must keep

an eye on Europe as tentions rise and alliances are made. ~REFORM~
17th Amendment: Direct election of Senators. 18th Amendment:
Temperance movement. 19th Amendment: Women can vote. Federal
Trade Commission: investigation of unfair competition in businesses.
Federal Reserve Act: Set up federal banks. Hepburn Act: created ICC and
regulated interstate trade (highly enforced). Austrailian (private) voting to
control bosses. Justified world expansion with Social Darwinism.

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