Keyboard Shortcuts For KDE Applications

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Keyboard Shortcuts For KDE Applications

Key Binding Action

Ctrl+A Select all, or Move to begin of Line
Ctrl+B Add bookmark
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl-E Move to begin of Line
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl-H Backspace
Ctrl-K Delete till end of line
Ctrl+N Create new document
Ctrl+O Open a document
Ctrl+P Print current document
Ctrl+Q Quit the application
Ctrl+R Find and replace matches
Ctrl+S Save current document
Ctrl-U Delete from start of line
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+W Close current document
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Z Undo the last operation
Ctrl+Plus Zoom in on the document
Ctrl+Minus Zoom out on the document
F1 Help
F3 Find next match
Shift+F3 Find previous match
Space Page Down
Shift+Space Page Up
Shift+Ctrl+Z Redo

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