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To be the top in your field you have to be professional in usage its tools and
in our field [Drive test] which is the first step in Network optimization and
make fine tuning for it to enhance its performance, our used tools are
MapInfo, TEMS, Excel, Word, Power point, Access.

So in this paper we will introduce how to start working with TEMS program
and how to configure its windows to suite your work.

(1) Making your workspace:

Empty Work Space

GSM Page:
Basic windows used during Drive Test

• Serving + Neighbors “Display Serving BCCHS & Neighbors

BCCH” which from we can detect if there are missing neighbors
whether internal or external also we can monitor received signal
strength (Received signal level power in dbm).
• Serving + Neighbors By band “Display Serving RTF whether it’s a
BCCH or TCH” which displays the same parameters as the previous
window but this window is more accurate window to test Cross
feeders problems from.
• Radio parameter “received signal level, quality level, distance
between your location & site and counter which is counting in case of
very bad quality or level indicating that HO is necessary now ”
• Current channel “This window is very important where it indicates
many information that is specified with my call connection such as
time slot reserved for my call, FR,HR,EFR , Cell name, Band is it
GSM, EGSM, DCS & BSIC .etc.”.
• Line chart “this chart contains plot diagram for both Level & Quality
where the first chart contains Level plot with the following
characteristics :
We use only 2 charts for integration and for Roaming we use 4 charts, so in
our case will use 2 charts by right-click on the chart and remove undesired
charts. After this we will edit the appearance of each: the purpose each used
(a) Level Chart
¾ Right Click on your charts & select the first chart
¾ Click on edit chart then select the first part which indicates the IEs
information elements used; where this part display the wanted
information elements to be monitored.
¾ Add those IEs:
Your current measured RX level: RX LEVEL SUB (DBM)
Tow Best Neighbors Levels: Neighbor RX LEVEL (DBM)
Neighbor RX LEVEL (DBM)
¾ Adjust the appearance of each information element such that its color
can be seen and you can differentiate it with the other neighbors color as
¾ Adjust your limits between (-10 & -120)

There is a difference between Information Element & Event where the
first indicate a Network parameter such as RX level and quality, carrier
to interference ration, bit error rate, adaptive multi rate, signal quality
index and more.
But the Event is an event occurs during the call establishment such as
HO or HO failure, location area update, call setup, call blocked and
¾ Adjust your Events you want to see during call.
Actually we select all events then removed undesired events such that
the used events are:
¾ Check your Events pictures and each event represented in its
corresponding picture.
¾ There is no additional information are added.

(b) Quality chart

¾ Right click on the Line chart and select chart 2 then press on edit
¾ From the first window which contains information elements add
those IEs:
Where the first one refer to the received signal quality which is
proportional to the BER & FER of the received signal, the second
item indicate the signal quality index which give an identifier (index)
represents the quality of the signal “very good, good, bad, very bad”
which will be discussed after that.
¾ Adjust the appearance of each information element such that its color
can be seen and you can differentiate it with another color as follows:
¾ Adjust your limits as follows:
For the RX QUAL SUB: upper limit is 7 and lower limit is 0.
For SQI: the upper limit is 30 and lower limit is -20.

¾ There are no events or additional information is added to this chart.

The previous windows are selected from the main menu as

Presentation>> GSM >> Serving+ Neighbors.

Presentation>> GSM >> Serving+ Neighbors by Band.
Presentation>> GSM >> Radio parameters.
Presentation>> GSM >> Current channel.
Presentation>> GSM >> Line chart.
This window is very important for many reasons:
- Indicate if the GPS position is valid or not where if the
position is valid you will see numbers indicate your latitude
and longitude of your current location, and if your position is
invalid you will see nothing.
- During your movement a compass will appear which from
you can know the North direction so can determine your
sector numbering sequence also each antenna azimuth.
- You can know the number of satellites that your GPS device

¾ This window can appear into your workspace from this path:
Presentation>> Positioning >> GPS.

• Handset Control

This window is very important for many reasons:

- The Handset control window is changed into a mobile form
which you can call any number you want (actually the drive
test number which we call: 0122054321).
- Also of press right click on this window and by selecting
Properties then Band Control we can select which band we
want to make our call within (GSM,EGSM 900, DCS 1800,
PCS 1900)
• Carrier to Interference ratio (C/I):

This window is used to indicate the interference level on the RTF

you initiate the call on, also if there is a frequency hopping feature
it’ll be displayed in this window.

¾ This window can appear into your workspace from this path:
Presentation>> Interference >> C/I.
¾ TEMS is divided into 8 main pages each is responsible for
certain function as we will mention later.

¾ Each of those pages is appeared by clicking on it, for example

now the active window is Configuration.
¾ Each page has a specified number of windows which can be
seen & appeared from the main menus where some pages has
a main menu with the same name.

¾ Actually in DT “Drive test” we are interested only in some

windows within some pages as follows:
GSM page, MAP page, Configuration Page where
Each can be reached from those menus: Presentation &
Configuration menus.
Map Page:

The main objective from this page is to open your site map
which from you can see:
- Your site location & your current location using GPS
- Site structure (Number of Antennas, Azimuth).
- Neighbor sites.
- Roads & streets you have to move within to test your site
coverage and checking HO occurrence.

• Open a Map
¾ When we move to the Map page we will see it empty as

¾ you
¾ Open Presentation >> Positioning >> Map

¾ By clicking on the icon which located on the tool bar like the
pyramids you can add your desired maps (sites map, roads,

• Add a Map
¾ After adding the worldwide map you can add your
desired maps on by clicking on the icon like pyramids which
located on the tool bar.

¾By zooming in into your map, you can see the map details.

¾By adding labels to your map by clicking on the layer

control icon “icon contains 3 parallel rectangles” you can
now knows each site name & each road name also you will
see your current position with the help of GPS connection as
a green spot on your map so you can navigate to reach to
your site.
Configuration Page:

This page is very important where it’s used for:

- Selecting your test mobile type & select the port number
which will connect at.
- Selecting your GPS type & select the port number which will
connect at.
- Loading the cell definition file which is used to track the
serving cell and its neighbor.
- To control your audio indication.
• Port configuration
One of the most important windows which is used during
initiating TEMS program such that can work correctly
during your air interface test is the PORT
CONFIGURATION window where it used to identify both
test mobile & GPS device to your laptop ports as follows:

¾ Click add equipment icon (+) then select your device type
and the port you connect it on.
¾ For the test mobile used in test kit is T610 and the GPS is
NMEA 0183 & for the port selection you have to have a
PCMCIA card that contains 2 serial ports for the connection
of mobile and GPS and after define it to the windows you
will see that there are additional 2 ports where you can
select one for mobile and the other for GPS.

¾ After selecting each device you will se its icon and the port
it defined for, if there is conflicting in the port number in the
PCMCIA card and your definition you can auto search for
the connected device by clicking on the icon named by (
Identify equipment).
¾ also you have to select the ports you will use by the TEMS
software by clicking on the icon named by (i) port properties
and select 3 ports where one will use for dongle second for
test mobile and third for GPS.
• Cell definition file and General windows
¾ for the Cell definition file it’s used to make DT is more
easier where we use a cell definition file (file.cel) by
uploading it we can know the current serving cell and its

¾ after activating the cell definition file widow by selecting

it from the configuration menu press on the open file
window and open your cell definition file.
¾ for General window also you can activate it from the
configuration menu, after that double click on cell define load
and select your cell definition file to be uploaded as previous.
• Audio indications
¾ This window is responsible for activating / deactivating
the audio file which automatically plays if certain event


¾ All of those windows of the configuration page can be

appear by selecting it from the configuration menu.

(1) there is what called a status bar this bar is indication to

the current status of the connection of GPS an the test
mobile also we can know from it the size of current log
file that we are recording it.
(2) We can auto swap the log file we are recording at as
follows: open log file >>recording properties.

Where this will make automatic swapping for the files after
each is reach 30000 SACH massage “approximately 5 MB
byte in size”.

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