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Zend Framework with Netbeans in Windows

Step 1: Check the minimum requirement of your PHP version. Its PHP 5.2.4. Check the location of your
include_path. You can get them from phpinfo.

Step 2: download the latest version of ZendFramework from

my version is: ZendFramework-1.11.2 and extract in your directory.

Step 3: copy the files in your ZendFramework\library [that

is the Zend directory] in your PHP include path. In my
case its C:\xampp\php\PEAR.

Step 4: copy the files in the bin directory to your PHP

directory [C:\xampp\php was mine]

Step 5: edit system variable, add your PHP path.

Prepared By: Masharul Tasbeeh Pamir []

Step 6: Start Netbeans. Make sure that you have PHP plugins active.

Create New Project. Follow the easy steps from 1-3. On the 4th click Options before you click finish.

Since the latest versions are newer than 1.10, click on the Register Provider.

Step 7: Now you can click on the Finish button and you are done with the installation. Enjoy Coding 

Prepared By: Masharul Tasbeeh Pamir []

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