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Man-See Chan

9816 La Rosa Dr. Temple City, CA, US 91790

- Ceff: (626) 329-673L- Home: (626) 2g5-2669
- Email:


To Whom It Is Concerned.

It is my utmostpleasureandhonorto recommendKaylinneAllison to your facility. I haveknown

Kaylinnefor four years,havingbeenherpastclassmateandcoworker.Sheis a charismatic,
intelligent,anddiligentnurse,who showshonestconcernfor herpatient'swellbeing.

In *y pastexperiences with her at EastLos AngelesCollege,shehasdemonstrated to be a great

leaderandcommunicator.After beingvotedinto the role of classpresident,sheorganizedmultiple
successful fundraiserevents.Shehasalsobeenhighly involvedinthe studentcorrniil, student

Duringpastclinical hoursandwork shifts,Kaylinnehasshowna highly effectiveability to

multitaskandto work well understress.Sheis not only efficientin her work, but notablydetail-
oriented.As a highly competentnurse,sheis ableto adaptwell to anywork environment.Oneof
her remarkablecharacteristics
is to try her bestin reachingher goal. Sh. hur seta positiveexample
for otherclassmatesduringclinicalwith the goal of havingenoughknowledgein orderto teach
others.As a studentnurseworkerat Countyof Los AngelesMedicalCenter,shehaskept her
patientscomfortableandsafedespiteher largeload of patientassignments. During her time with
Family HomeHealthAgencyasa nursingcasemanager,shehasregularlyfocusedon providing
thoroughpatienteducation.No matterthe role, shehasalwaysexceeded the expectationsof

I believethat Kaylinneis a very qualifiedapplicantwith a setof skills that embodieseffective
communication, critical thinking,andcompetentnursingcare. I am confidentthat shewill be able
to adaptwell to the needsof your facility. Pleasedo not hesitateto contactme for any questions.

Man-See Chan, RN

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