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Pertemuan 4
Trends in marriage and family
• Fewer mariages
• Later age of marriages
• Fewer children
• More divorce
• More single parent
• Step families
• Working mother
• Child-spouse abuse
• Less connection to kin-network
• Long distance family
Divorce and Unhappy Marriages
• Enter marriage with unrealistic expectations
• Marrying wrong person for the wrong reason
• Marriage is challenging relationship
• Having little effort to develop relationship
Family system theory
• Everything that happens to any family member has an
impact on eveyone else in the family
• Family member are interconnected and operate as a
• Cohession : balance separateness and connectedness:
– Centrifugal interaction
– Centripetal interactions
• Flexibility balancing stability and change
– Morphogenic
– Morphostatic


Family Strength Framework
• Focused on how couples and families success,
strength rather than weakness
• Qualities:
– Commitment
– Positive communication
– Spiritual wellbeing
– Appreciation and affection
– Enjoyable time together
– Ability to cope with stress
The Family Development Framework

• Describing and explaining the process of

change in couples and families
• How families deal with various taks and roles
Stage of Family Life Cycle Position in the Family Family Development
Married couple Wife Establishing a mutually
satisfying marriage
Husband Adjusting to pregnancy,
fitting into kin network
Childbearing Wife / Mother Having and adjusting to an
Establishing a satisfying
home for parents and
Preschool Wife Adapting to the needs of
Husband preschool children
Daughter Coping with energy
Son depletion and lack of
privacy as parents
School Wife Fitting into the community
Husband Encouraging children’s
Daughter educational achievemnts
Stage of Family Life Cycle Position in the Family Family Development
Teenage Wife Balancing freedom with
Husband responsibility
Daughter Establishing postparental
Son interest
Launching Wife Launching youth into
Husband adlthood
Daughter Maintaining a supportive
Son homebase
Middle-aged parents Wife/mother/grandma Refocusing on marriage
Husband/father/granpa relationship
Maintaining kin ties with
older and younger
The Symbolic Interaction
• Focused on symbols which are based on
shared meaning and interaction, verbal and
non verbal communication
• Shared meaning helps family member to
understand each other
• Looking glass of self :
– you learn about yourself based on the feedback
you receive from others who are reacting to your
Family Dynamic

Extreme togetherness Poem
• We do everything together
• I am here to meet your needs and
• And you are here to meet mine
• We had to meet and it was beautiful
• I can’t imagine it turning out any other way

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