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National Institute of Technology – Warangal.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

II/IV B.Tech (EEE) A & B – Semester Practical Examination-April.2011

Subject: ICA LAB (Quiz Test)

Date: 21-04-11.
Time: 20 Minutes. Max Marks: 15

1. Draw the internal power supply diagram of IC741 opamp.

2.In a bread board the top and bottom five segments are ________ shorted.

3.Write the name of the logic trainer / logic constructor IC number_________.

4.Expand SN74ALS32N

5.In IC 555timer ‘555’ indicates ________.

6. In TTL logic what are the values of voltage levels VoH,VoL,Vil,ViH

7. In IC 7492 each flip flop has delay of 2ns find the max frequency operation of counter?

8.If output Qa of a divide by 12 ripple counter 7492 s connected to B input and the pulses
are applied to A input find the count sequence.

9.Why astable multivibrator is called as free running oscillator?


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