Follow Up

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FLC Brantley Campus

Follow Up

Follow up is the process of ______________ people from first time guest to fully
________________ member.

1) 24-hour response via email.

Email for a email
2) 96 hour response via mail.

Follow up is biblical ________________.

Romans 12:13 (ESV)

13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Hebrews 13:2 (ESV)

2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels

1 Peter 4:9 (ESV)

9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.

My ___________________ precedes God’s blessings.

Step 1
We want to get them to _________________.

Step 2
Get them to become a _________________ attendee.
(Week 2 of follow-up)

Hi this is ______ with Family Life Church.
I just wanted to touch base with you and see if you received our card and free gift in the mail?
That is just our way to thank you for taking the time to join us.
I am going to be at church tomorrow and I would love to meet you personally, Can you see
yourself joining us tomorrow?
(If yes)
Great, I look forward to seeing, you, I will be (say the location of where you will be at the
service.) Make sure you introduce yourself to me, it’s going to be a great weekend!
(If No)
Ok well I would love to meet you personally the next time you come, please ask for me by name.
See you then.

Second step people

*Worship leader or band member
*Guest service member
*Campus coordinator
*Children’s team member
*Children’s Pastor
*Life Group Leader
*New families Specialist

Step 3
Plug them into a servant leader team, and/or a _____________ __________________.

As we follow up we must do it with confidence and __________________.

A study by Servant Magazine indicated that every week over 53,000 people ______________
the church and never return.

If I were a visitor why should I come to our church?

Write down 5 reasons.


What are 5 reasons a visitor might not want to come back to our church?

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